[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake 4-14-1958 by Ord. No. 155 (Ch. 84 of the 1985 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Uniform construction codes — See Ch. 140.
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 326.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 332.
A system is hereby established with respect to the assignment and allotment of official street numbers to land fronting upon streets within the Borough of Woodcliff Lake.
Said street numbers shall be assigned and allotted to the owners of said lands by the Planning Board of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake or such other person as may be designated from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council. Said street numbers shall be assigned and allotted as nearly as possible at twenty-five-foot intervals in designated business zones; and as nearly as possible at fifty-foot intervals in designated residential zones; and as and when said allotment takes place, said number shall be placed upon the Official Tax Map of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake and, thereafter, all persons shall take due notice thereof. Said Planning Board, or such other person as may be designated, shall also have the power and duty of correcting any errors with respect to assignment and allotment of said numbers, as and when they are discovered.
The owner and owners or, if the owner or owners are not the occupants, then the occupant or occupants of the said parcels of real estate described above shall, within 30 days after adoption of this chapter, place or cause to be placed the proper number of the dwelling, house, store or other improvement on the parcel.
Said number shall be of such size and material and placed in such a substantial manner on the dwelling, store or other improvement as to be conspicuous and visible from street, road, avenue, lane or way on which it fronts or from which access to it is had.
If the said dwelling, store or other improvement has such a setback location that the provision of Subsection A cannot be complied with, then the owner or occupant shall provide a post, rod or other type of fixture of a substantial nature, with the number affixed thereon and located on the premises, so that the number shall be conspicuous and visible from the street, road, avenue, lane or way on which the premises front or from which access to it is had.
[Amended 4-15-1985 by Ord. No. 85-4]
Said number so used in compliance with this chapter shall be of a height of not less than three inches.
The owner of any dwelling, house, store or other building incorrectly or improperly or insufficiently numbered shall be notified, in writing, by the Police Department, or such other person so designated by Mayor and Council, to change or replace such incorrect or improper number or to affix a number where one is lacking within 10 days after date of such notice. If, after receipt of said notice, the parties to whom the notice has been sent have failed to comply with terms of the chapter, the Mayor and Council reserve the right to designate the person or persons to install street number signs according to the provisions of this chapter, and the charge for said installation shall be added to the tax bill and said charge be considered a lien on property on which street numbering was installed.
[Amended 4-15-1985 by Ord. No. 85-4]
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a penalty of a fine not exceeding $1,000 or 90 days' imprisonment, or both, in the discretion of the court.