[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake 9-17-2007 by Ord. No. 07-15. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction — See Ch. 114.
Uniform construction codes — See Ch. 140.
Zoning — See Ch. 380.
For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A structure that is designed and constructed by the manufacturer thereof for the primary purpose of storing items or goods within the structure outside of a building. No containers shall be located outside of a building on any property located in any zoning district of the Borough, except as set forth herein.
Temporary storage containers may be located outside of a building in any zoning district, provided that all of the following criteria are met:
The total square footage of each container shall not exceed 300 square feet.
Containers are only to be utilized during periods where a valid building permit has been issued or be placed for a period of no more than 20 days.
Containers must be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the property line.
No container shall remain on any such site in excess of 20 days after completion of improvements for which the building permit was taken. No container shall remain at any one location in excess of 180 cumulative days. In the event of a hardship, emergency conditions, or other extenuating circumstances, the time limitations stated herein may be extended at the discretion of and upon approval by the Construction Code Official.
Prior to placing a container on any site, the operator or other person in charge of the site must secure a permit from the Construction Code Official. It shall be unlawful for any person to place or permit the placement of a container on property which he or she owns, rents, occupies, or controls without first securing approval from the Construction Code Official.
The operator or other person in charge of any site on which a container is placed shall be responsible to ensure that the container is in good condition and is free from evidence of deterioration, weathering, discoloration, rust, ripping, tearing, or other holes or breaks. Said person shall also be responsible to ensure that no hazardous or illegal substances are stored or kept within the container. When not in use, the container must be kept locked.
The use of containers shall be an accessory use requiring that a principle structure be located on the same parcel of real property. The use of the container must be for the sole benefit of the use located in the principle structure located on the same parcel of real property.
A container shall be used for storage purposes only. No occupancy or use of the storage container shall be allowed.
A container may be temporarily used in any zoning district for up to seven consecutive calendar days for the purpose of storing items being moved from and to the premise. The container may not be placed on any public street for that purpose
Stacking of portable storage containers is prohibited in all zones.
Any person(s) who is found to be in violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $250 per day.