[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake 6-3-2019 by Ord. No. 19-06. Amendments noted where applicable.]
All food service establishments shall be required to install a grease trap or interceptor. All other commercial and/or industrial establishments shall be required to install a grease trap or interceptor when, in the reasonable opinion of the Plumbing Subcode Official, grease, flammable waste, oil and sand interceptors or oil reclaimers are necessary due to the type of activity/use of the property. The following regulations and requirements shall apply to all grease traps and interceptors where such grease traps or interceptors are installed or required to be installed.
No grease trap or interceptor required by this chapter shall be installed, modified, or removed from a building or premises without a permit approved by the Plumbing Subcode Official.
All interceptors and traps shall be installed, and shall be of a type and capacity, in accordance with the Plumbing Subcode adopted by the Commissioner of Community Affairs as set forth in the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23, § 5:23-3.15, Plumbing Subcode, and Ordinance 19-01, which revised land use fees and included grease traps at $75.
Failure to properly maintain an installed grease trap or interceptor shall be a violation of this chapter and shall be subject to the penalty provisions set forth herein. In addition to any penalties imposed for a violation of this chapter, the following costs shall also be imposed for any violation:
The costs for clearing and cleaning any blockages in the sanitary sewer mains that are attributable to the establishment/property. Such charges shall include, but are not limited to, the full cost for labor, including fringe benefits, equipment costs, and surcharges, if any, whether those costs were incurred by Borough employees or by a contractor hired by the Borough, or both.
All property damage arising out of a sewer blockage caused by the establishment shall also be borne by the owner of the establishment/property causing the blockage.
All grease traps and interceptors shall be maintained by the owner, at the owner's expense, in continuous, efficient operation at all times.
All grease traps and interceptors shall be inspected and cleaned at the owner's expense no less often than once every six months. All grease and other waste shall be properly stored and disposed of so as not to create a nuisance or threaten the public health and welfare. The Board of Health and the Superintendent of the Department of Public Works, or their respective designees, shall have the authority to require inspections more frequently if in their discretion such inspections are necessary to protect the public health and welfare. The owner shall be notified in writing of any change in inspection schedule.
Proof of all mandatory periodic inspections and cleaning from a licensed county-registered grease and waste disposal company or qualified recycling company shall be provided to the Board of Health on a form provided by the Borough within 10 days of each inspection.
All establishments shall maintain copies of all forms evidencing proof of inspection. Copies of all proof of inspection forms shall be posted as close as possible to the grease trap or interceptor to which it applies. The forms shall be protected from soiling.
The Board of Health shall require all grease traps and interceptors to be efficient in operation and may, at the expense of the owner, require independent laboratory tests to ascertain the concentration of grease being emitted from the effluent line of the unit.
The Borough of Woodcliff Lake, the Board of Health, the Department of Public Works and their respective officers, officials and employees shall be held harmless from any and all damage or injuries of any kind that may occur during or as the result of any inspection conducted pursuant to this chapter.
Any person, company or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall, on a first offense, be subject to a thirty-day notice to comply with this chapter.
A second or subsequent offense of any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to fines and penalties in accordance with the Borough Code.
A separate offense may be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.