[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Sterling as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 2-3-1930, approved 3-26-1930; amended 5-16-2011 ATM by Arts. 11 and 46, approved 9-19-2011; readopted 5-14-2012 ATM by Art. 19, approved 10-11-2012]
All town contracts for the procurement of supplies and services, disposition of surplus supplies, and the acquisition and disposition of real property shall comply with the provisions of MGL c. 30B. Whenever possible, preference shall be given to Sterling-based vendors.
The Select Board, before entering into any intermunicipal agreement providing for regional emergency or 911 dispatch services to the Town, shall obtain the approval of said intermunicipal agreement by a majority vote of the Town at an Annual or Special Town Meeting.
[Adopted 2-12-1951 by Art. 15, approved 11-23-1951; amended 11-1-1971 STM by Art. 2, approved 12-16-1971; 5-3-1975 by Art. 31, approved 6-16-1975; 4-27-1981 by Art. 37, approved 8-24-1981; 5-14-1990 by Art. 34, approved 8-13-1990; 5-18-1996 by Art. 15, approved 7-15-1996; readopted 5-14-2012 ATM by Art. 19, approved 10-11-2012]
No contract for construction work, whether for repairs or original construction, or for the purchase of apparatus, supplies or materials, the estimated cost of which amounts to $10,000 or more, or the amount allowed by MGL c. 30B, whichever is larger, except in the case of a special emergency involving the health and safety of the people or their property, shall be awarded unless proposals for the same have been solicited by the officer, board or committee authorized by the Town to make the contract, by advertisement in the Worcester Telegram and Gazette, the last advertisement shall be a least one week before the bid opening. The Town reserves the right to reject any or all proposals sought under this bylaw. All proposals that must be opened in public shall be opened in public.
Any area of procurement not covered by the bylaw shall be governed by the appropriate state statute.
Unless otherwise provided by a vote of the Town Meeting, the Select Board or procurement officer designated pursuant to MGL c. 30B, is authorized to enter into any contract for the exercise of the Town's corporate powers, on such terms and conditions as are deemed appropriate. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Select Board or procurement officer shall not contract for any purpose, on any terms, or under any conditions inconsistent with any applicable provision of any general or specific law.