[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Sterling 5-1-2017 ATM by Art. 32, approved 8-28-2017; amended in its entirety 5-7-2018 ATM by Art. 34, approved 8-13-2018. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
There are hereby established in the Town of Sterling pursuant to the provisions of MGL c. 44, § 53E1/2, the following revolving funds:
Program or Purpose
Representative or Board Authorized to Spend
Department Receipts
Programs/Activities for Which Funds May be Expended
Fees and charges received from recycling
Expenses, supplies and contracted services to run the recycling center
Fees and charges from Town departments
Fuel charges for the Light Department and Water Enterprise Fund
Deputy Collector
Fees and charges received from Town Deputy Collector
Contract services to collect late tax bills
Planning Board Expenses
Planning Board
Fees and charges received from applicants
Expenses, supplies and contracted services for the Planning Board
Council on Aging Expenses
Council on Aging
Fees and charges received from programs
Expenses, supplies and contracted services for the Senior Center
Sterling Fair
Fair Committee
Fees and charges received from fair activity
Expenses, supplies and contracted services to run the Sterling Fair
Hazardous Materials
Fire Chief
Fees and charges received from hazardous material disposal
Costs associated with hazardous material incidents
Radio Master Box Fees
Fire Chief
Fees and charges received from monitoring and usage
Expenses, supplies and maintenance of Radio Master Box system
Agricultural Commission Expenses
Agricultural Commission
Fees and charges received from projects and programs
Expenses and supplies for the Commission
Recreation Committee Programs
Recreation Committee
Fees and charges received from programs
Salaries, expenses, supplies and contracted services to run the recreation programs
Wiring Inspector
Inspectional Services
Fees and charges received from inspections
Wiring Inspector compensation, including fringe benefits if any
Expenditures from each revolving fund set forth herein shall be subject to the limitation established annually by Town Meeting or any increase therein as may be authorized in accordance with MGL c. 44, § 53E1/2.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B, regarding revolving fund spending limits, which immediately followed this subsection, was removed at the request of the Town. Current spending limits are on file in the Town offices.