[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Sterling 3-4-1961 by Art. 29, approved 3-30-1961; amended 5-4-1974 by Art. 28, approved 6-3-1974; 9-13-1982 by Art. 9, approved 1-3-1983; readopted 5-14-2012 ATM by Art. 19, approved 10-11-2012. Amendments noted where applicable.]
There is hereby established a Council on Aging consisting of nine registered voters who are residents of the Town of Sterling, six at least of whom shall be 62 years of age or older.
The initial membership of the Council shall be appointed by the Select Board during the month of June after the Annual Town Meeting and shall be appointed in groups of three: one group to serve for one year, one group to serve for two years and one group to serve for three years. Each group shall have at least two members 62 years of age or older. The new members shall take office when this bylaw becomes effective.
Succeeding groups of three, of like structure, shall be appointed by the Select Board for three-year periods as the terms of prior appointees expire. In the event a vacancy occurs on the Council, the Select Board shall appoint a new member of like qualification to serve out the vacated term.
After the initial Council has been appointed, it shall meet to organize and formulate its procedures, elect a Chair and such other officers as it deems advisable. Organizational meetings shall be held annually thereafter.
It shall be the duty of the Council to initiate and carry out programs, solve problems, promote projects, make purchases and in general meet the problems of the aging, keeping in mind at all times, the needs, wants and wishes of the elderly, all actions of the Council to be in accordance with the provisions of the General Laws.
The spending of such money as is appropriated by the Town of Sterling, or such monies as are received from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and all other monies received as gifts or from any other source shall be administered by the Council in carrying out its work in accordance with the provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws.
The Council may employ additional personnel if needed, but only on a per diem basis and only after an affirmative vote of at least six Council members.
Upon the effective date of this bylaw, the expanded Council on Aging shall have all of the powers and duties formerly vested in the former Council.