[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Sterling 2-3-1930, approved 3-26-1930; amended 2-13-1950 ATM by Art. 40; 10-10-1972 STM by Art. 17, approved 1-31-1973; 4-24-1978 STM by Art. 33, approved 7-25-1978; 9-13-1982 STM by Art. 9, approved 1-3-1983; 5-17-1997 by Art. 42, approved 9-18-1997; readopted 5-14-2012 ATM by Art. 19, approved 10-11-2012. Amendments noted where applicable.]
There shall be a Finance Committee consisting of seven registered voters of the Town. Members shall serve without compensation and none of the seven members appointed hereunder shall be an elected or appointed officer, a member of another board or committee (other than Capital Budget Committee, Building Needs Committee, or Personnel Board), or a municipal employee. The appointed members of the Committee shall serve for terms of three years and be eligible to succeed themselves.
Members of the Committee shall be appointed in the following manner: within the month of June following the next Annual Town Meeting, the Select Board, the presently constituted Finance Committee and the Town Moderator shall meet and appoint by majority vote (the Select Board as a whole and the Finance Committee as a whole each having one vote for this purpose) one member to serve for one year, two members to serve for two years and two members to serve for three years. Members of the present Finance Committee whose terms shall not expire in 1973 will be deemed to be appointed to the new Finance Committee for the balance of their terms. Thereafter within the month of June following each subsequent Annual Town Meeting, positions on the Committee vacant by reason of the expiration of a member's term shall be filled by appointments for a term of three years in the same manner specified above with the exception that only members of the Committee whose terms did not expire at said Annual Town Meeting will be eligible to vote on such appointments.
Thereafter, the provisions of this bylaw relating to reappointment shall apply.
Any member of said Committee who shall become a municipal employee or who ceases to be a resident of the Town or who shall be appointed or elected to Town office or a committee or board other than the Personnel Board, Building Needs Committee, or Capital Budget Committee shall cease to be a member of the Finance Committee.
Members absent from 1/3 of the regular meetings in any calendar year may be removed by a two-thirds-vote of the other members present and voting. If a vacancy occurs in the membership of the Committee due to a member's death, resignation, removal or inability to act for any reason, a new member shall be appointed to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term thereof in the same manner specified above. Such vacancy shall be filled as soon as possible but in any event no later than 30 days from its occurrence.
Within one month of the Annual Town Meeting, the Committee shall meet for the purpose of electing a Chair and Secretary and such other officers and subcommittees (from its own members) as the Committee deems necessary and desirable to carry out its work for the ensuing year. The Committee shall normally meet at least monthly (except during the months of July and August) at the Town Hall and may hold special meetings upon at least 24 hours' notice to each member. The time of the regular meeting of the Committee will be established at its organizational meeting and may subsequently be changed by majority vote of its members.
The Finance Committee shall consider all matters of business included within the articles of any warrant for a Town Meeting for the purpose of making reports and recommendations thereon to the Town. The recommendations shall be those of a majority of the entire Committee, but this shall not be construed to prevent recommendations by a minority as such. The report for the Annual Town Meeting shall state the total amount of the appropriations recommended by the Committee on the entire warrant and the approximate tax rate based on such recommendations. The report shall contain a statement of the doings of the Committee during the year, with such recommendations or suggestions as it may deem advisable on any matters pertaining to the welfare of the Town. It may issue recommendations on referenda and other matters on any ballot other than the choices of individuals for office.
The Finance Committee shall have authority at any time to investigate the books, accounts, and management of any department of the Town, and to employ such expert and other assistants as it may deem advisable for that purpose, and the books and accounts of all departments and officers of the Town shall be open to the inspection of the Committee and any person employed by it for that purpose.
The various Town boards, officers, and committees charged with the expenditure of the Town money shall, not later than the 15th day of January of each year, prepare detailed estimates of the amounts deemed by them necessary for the administration of their respective offices or departments for the ensuing fiscal year with explanatory statements of the reasons for any changes from the amounts appropriated for the same purpose in the preceding year. They shall also prepare estimates of all probable items of income which may be received by them during the ensuing year in connection with the administration of their departments or offices, and a statement of the amount of appropriation requested by them for the ensuing fiscal year. They shall also submit on or before January 10 in each year a breakdown of all expenses of their office or department for the preceding year. Such estimates and statements shall be filed with the Town Accountant who shall at once transmit same to the Finance Committee.
The Committee shall duly consider the estimates and statements filed by the Town boards, officers, and committees, and may confer with said boards, officers and committees, and hold hearings, if they deem it advisable. The Finance and Advisory Committee shall thereupon recommend to the Town such sums and in such division of items as it considers necessary and practicable for each officer, department and board.
The Committee shall consider and act upon all emergency requests requiring transfer of funds from the Reserve Fund.