There is hereby established a Municipal Housing
Commission consisting of seven members appointed by the Borough Council
to serve without compensation. This Commission shall not serve as
a municipal housing authority as defined by statute.
The Commission shall consist of the Mayor, one
member of the Borough Council, one member of the Planning Board who
is not a member of the Borough Council, the Borough Clerk/Administrator,
and three citizens of the municipality.
The Municipal Housing Commission is an advisory
board organized with the purpose of advising and making recommendations
to the Borough Council, Planning Board, and other boards and agencies.
The specific duties of the Municipal Housing
Commission shall be:
A. To review and comment upon any applications for development
of lower- and moderate-income housing referred to the Commission by
any other municipal agency or department.
B. To monitor the implementation of lower- and moderate-income
housing development within the municipality and to recommend municipal
action if lower- and moderate-income developments are not constructed
or operated under the terms of approval.
C. To evaluate the housing needs of the municipality
and the region and specifically to evaluate the existing lower- and
moderate-income housing programs in the municipality and to make periodic
reports to the Borough Council and Planning Board regarding these
evaluations at least annually.
D. To act as liaison between the municipality and any
other governmental or private agencies seeking to provide housing
in the municipality.
E. To provide public relations and outreach services
for housing opportunities within the municipality.
F. To recommend changes to the Planning Board and Borough
Council regarding modifications of the Municipal Housing Plan, Master
Plan, or land use regulations so as to meet the Municipal Housing
Plan goals.
The governing body may employ or assign at the
request of the Housing Commission such personnel or experts and other
staff as the governing body deems necessary, provided such obligations
do not exceed the municipal budgetary allocation available to the
Housing Commission for such use.