[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Belle Terre 10-18-1977 as L.L. No. 1-1977. Amendments noted where applicable.]
For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
In addition to its ordinary meaning, includes any structure, vehicle or watercraft used for overnight lodging of persons or used by persons for carrying on business therein of the Village of Belle Terre or an enclosed motortruck or an enclosed motortruck trailer. Where a "building" consists of two or more units separately secured or occupied, each unit shall be deemed both a separate "building" in itself and a part of the main "building."
A person "enters or remains unlawfully" in or upon premises when he or she is not licensed or privileged to do so. A person who, regardless of his or her intent, enters or remains in or upon premises which are at the time open to the public does so with license and privilege unless he defies a lawful order not to enter or remain, personally communicated to him or her by the Mayor of the Village of Belle Terre or any Trustee, Constable or other village official or authorized agent of the Village of Belle Terre; provided, however, that for purposes of this chapter:
All buildings owned by or under the control of the Village of Belle Terre shall be considered closed to the public at all times except the Village Hall and Community Center when opened to the general public for the transaction of official village business or when open to such portions of the general public to whom use of and access to such facility shall be authorized and restricted by resolution of the Board of Trustees in connection with functions and meeting of residents and Belle Terre community organizations and their guests. Nothing in the foregoing paragraph, however, shall be deemed to restrict access to any public buildings in the village by officials of the village in connection with the performance of their official duties. A license or privilege to enter or remain in a building which is only partly open to the public is not a license or privilege to enter or remain in that part of the building which is not open to the public.
All beaches owned by or under the control of the Village of Belle Terre shall be considered closed to all nonresidents of the village at all times except when a guest and in the company of one or more residents of the village; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be deemed to authorize the use of any village parking lot adjacent to any beach by any motor vehicle that does not have affixed to it such beach permit or other parking sticker or stickers as shall be issued to village residents in accordance with Chapter 42, Article III, Beach Regulations, of the Code of the Village of Belle Terre.
All other unimproved land owned by or under the control of the Village of Belle Terre shall be considered closed to all nonresidents of the village at all times, except when a guest and in the company of one or more residents of the village, so long as the same shall be fenced or otherwise enclosed in a manner designed to exclude intruders or if notice against trespass is personally communicated to a person excluded therefrom by this chapter by the Mayor or any Trustee, Constable or other village official or authorized agent of the Village of Belle Terre or unless such notice is given by posting of an appropriate sign in a conspicuous manner.
Includes the term "building," as defined herein, and any real property.
No person shall knowingly enter or remain unlawfully in or upon premises owned by or under the control of the Village of Belle Terre.
The violation of any provision of this chapter shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $250 or by imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or both.
In addition, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Belle Terre may, in its discretion, enforce obedience to this chapter by injunction.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.