[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Honeoye Falls 7-13-1992. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Honeoye Falls Fire Department Emergency Rescue and First Aid Squad is hereby discontinued and terminated as a squad in the Village of Honeoye Falls Fire Department effective August 6, 1992.
Hereafter, the Village of Honeoye Falls Fire Department will not provide any emergency rescue and first aid relief pursuant to § 209-b of the General Municipal Law.
There hereby is established and created the Village of Honeoye Falls Ambulance Department, which shall be a department of the Village of Honeoye Falls, with the same powers, authority and responsibility as other departments of the Village of Honeoye Falls, effective August 6, 1992.
The Village of Honeoye Falls Ambulance Department, pursuant to § 122-b of the General Municipal Law, shall provide emergency medical service and general ambulance services to all residents of the Village of Honeoye Falls, Town of Mendon and portions of the Towns of West Bloomfield and Lima presently under contract with the Village of Honeoye Falls for emergency rescue and first aid services.
All of the equipment and supplies owned by the Village of Honeoye Falls and presently used by the Honeoye Falls Fire Department Emergency Rescue Squad, including ambulance vehicles, shall hereby be transferred from the Honeoye Falls Fire Department Emergency Rescue Squad to the Village of Honeoye Falls Ambulance Department for use in providing emergency medical service and general ambulance service.
The Village of Honeoye Falls Ambulance Department shall provide emergency medical service and general ambulance service for the purpose of providing prehospital emergency medical treatment or transporting sick or injured persons to a hospital, clinic, sanatorium or other place for treatment of such illness or injury, pursuant to § 122-b of the General Municipal Law.
The Mayor of the Village of Honeoye Falls shall be authorized to enter into an agreement with the Honeoye Falls Ambulance Department for the operation, maintenance and repair of ambulance vehicles and for the furnishing of prehospital emergency treatment and to staff and operate such ambulance vehicles for the furnishing of prehospital emergency treatment and general ambulance service pursuant to § 122-b of the General Municipal Law.
Pursuant to said agreement, the Village of Honeoye Falls shall be responsible for payment of the acquisition, maintenance, repair and replacement of said ambulance vehicles and for supplying and equipping said ambulance vehicles with materials and facilities necessary for prehospital emergency treatment.
The Honeoye Falls Ambulance Department shall be responsible for supplying sufficiently trained and experienced personnel for the operation of the Ambulance Department in order to provide prehospital emergency treatment and for the transportation of sick or injured persons pursuant to § 122-b of the General Municipal Law.
It shall be the responsibility of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance Department to supervise the supplying, equipping, repairing and maintaining of said vehicles, and it shall be the responsibility of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance Department to recommend and advise the Village of Honeoye Falls when such emergency vehicles and the equipment therein shall be supplied, repaired, equipped, maintained and replaced in order to provide the services described herein.
The Village of Honeoye Falls shall provide and pay for liability insurance for the vehicles and equipment used herein and for the members of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance while acting in the scope of their duty as members of the Village of Honeoye Falls Ambulance Department providing emergency medical services or general ambulance services pursuant to § 122-b of the General Municipal Law.
It shall be the responsibility of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance Department to obtain the necessary approvals and permits from the State of New York and County of Monroe to operate a general ambulance service pursuant to § 122-b of the General Municipal Law.
It shall be the responsibility of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance to operate and maintain the ambulance vehicles and the equipment therein in such a manner so as to continue certification by the approving authorities for the Village of Honeoye Falls to operate ambulance service pursuant to § 122-b of the General Municipal Law.
The Honeoye Falls Ambulance Department shall be composed of those members in good standing who are presently members of the Honeoye Falls Fire Department Emergency Rescue Squad who so choose to become a member of Honeoye Falls Ambulance Department.
Additional members may be elected to the Honeoye Falls Ambulance Department by existing members of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance Department, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Honeoye Falls.
The manner of election of additional members shall be prescribed by the bylaws of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance. The bylaws of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance are subject to approval by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Honeoye Falls.
The members of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance Department identified herein shall meet and proceed to organize. The organizational meeting of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance shall be held at a place within the Village of Honeoye Falls and will be held at a time and place to be designated by a majority of the members of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance. At least ten (10) days written notice of the meeting shall be mailed to each member of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance at their respective post office addresses. At the first meeting, the members of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance shall proceed to organize and shall be elected and qualified. All the officers shall be elected at that time and shall have the powers and duties as prescribed in the bylaws of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance adopted at the organization meeting or as amended at any subsequent meetings.
The officers of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance shall consist of Chief of Operations; Deputy Chief of Operations/Training; Deputy Chief of Operations/Maintenance; Captain, Public Relations; Captain, Finances; and any other officer as the members of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance shall determine proper and advisable. All officers shall be elected by the members of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance and shall hold office for a term of one (1) year or until their respective successors shall be elected and qualified.
The Honeoye Falls Ambulance shall render all necessary assistance and service to persons and property in case of public calamities or other serious accidents or emergencies in the Village of Honeoye Falls, Town of Mendon, portions of the Towns of West Bloomfield and Lima and any other municipalities under contract with the Village of Honeoye Falls for fire and ambulance services or any other municipalities that the Village enters into contract with. The Honeoye Falls Ambulance shall have such further powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Honeoye Falls or as may be prescribed by the bylaws of the Honeoye Falls Ambulance.