[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Honeoye Falls 12-18-2000. This agreement superseded former Ch. 46, adopted 8-28-1963, as amended. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Mendon-Honeoye Falls Recreation Commission shall be established by the Town Board of the Town of Mendon[1] and by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Honeoye Falls pursuant to the authority contained in § 244-d of the New York State General Municipal Law.
Editor's Note: The Town Board of the Town of Mendon approved this agreement on 1-2-2001.
The Commission shall consist of eight persons, four of whom are representatives of the Town of Mendon and four of whom are representatives of the Village of Honeoye Falls, each to be appointed by their respective Town or Village Board and to serve without pay for four-year terms.
Vacancies on the Commission, otherwise than by expiration of term, shall be for the unexpired term and shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments. Recommendations for new Commissioners shall be received and forwarded to the respective boards by the Commission Chair.
For the purpose of conducting business, a quorum consisting of three representatives from the Town and three representatives from the Village shall be required.
The Commission shall elect from its own number a Chair, Vice-Chair and other necessary officers to serve for one year. This election shall be held annually at the regular January meeting. The Commission shall create such positions as are deemed necessary to the successful conduct of the program. The Commission shall employ such persons as may be needed as authorized and pursuant to law.
General. Members of the Commission shall be responsible for serving the community's interests in the consideration of all matters which are brought before the Commission. The Commission shall be responsible for overseeing recreational activities within the community and also for assisting the Town and Village in the planning and development of parklands within the community. The Commission shall have input in the process of hiring the Recreation Director.
Meetings. Commission members shall attend the regular and special meetings of the Commission. Commission members shall be removed from the Commission for missing three unexcused meetings or six total meetings in any given year.
Commission responsibilities.
Commission members shall be responsible for staying abreast of pertinent information pertaining to all issues being considered by the Commission. To the greatest extent possible, the Recreation Director will supply Commission members with this information.
The Recreation Commission shall be responsible for the review and approval of the annual budget. The budget process shall begin in the Fall of each year and the budget will be presented to both the Town and Village Boards at that time.
The Recreation Commission shall be responsible for the annual review of existing programs and for using appropriate guidelines and benchmarks to consider applications for new programs.
Additional assignments. Commission members may occasionally be asked to assist the Commission by becoming specifically involved with committees and/or programs which are related to Commission affairs. These additional assignments include responsibilities such as assignment of ballfield to community leagues or acting as a liaison to Commission programs such as basketball or volleyball.
Community affairs. Commission members shall be a channel for community input to the Commission regarding any issues or affairs coming under the auspices of the Commission.
Community directory. The Commission shall maintain current information on all community organizations as outlined in the current Recreation Commission Directory of Community Activities. Copies of the Directory should be available upon request at the Town and Village Halls, and also available to groups such as Welcome Wagon.
Annual contact. Once every year, each organization in the directory should be contacted directly in order to insure that the information remains current.
Coordinating activities of the Recreation Commission.
The Recreation Director shall keep the members and chairperson of the Commission abreast of all news regarding ongoing programs and activities. Prior to Commission meetings, the Director shall establish an agenda for the meeting and supply Commissioners with the information needed to responsibly consider all issues on said agenda.
Between meetings, it shall be the Director's responsibility to pursue any business necessary for the successful conduct of Commission affairs and programs. These pursuits include the conduct of all needed correspondence with any individuals or groups involved with the Commission and the research of any issues under Commission consideration.
The activities of the Commission shall be regularly reported to community officials, including the Supervisor of the Town of Mendon and the Mayor of the Village of Honeoye Falls.
Recreation Commission programs.
The Recreation Director shall oversee all programs conducted under the auspices of the Commission. The Director will supervise the Commission's established process for handling these programs, beginning with the application process and continuing through the implementation, execution, and subsequent report back to the Commission.
The Director shall maintain all records for Commission programs, including records on registrations and finances. These records shall be on file and available for Commission review as needed.
Recreation Commission minutes. The Recreation Director shall record the minutes of all Commission meetings and supply these minutes to all Commissioners and public officials on a monthly basis. The Commission's minutes must also be kept on file in the log at the Town Hall.
Budget. With the assistance of the Commission, the Director shall prepare and submit an annual budget, approved by the Commission, to the Town and Village Boards. Following budget approval, the Director shall work with the Town Finance Director to oversee the expenditures of the funds in the budget throughout the course of the year.
Related community affairs. The Recreation Director shall be a liaison for the Commission in related community affairs. The Director will represent the Commission in any community activities with implications affecting the regular business of the Commission.
Vacation break activities. The Recreation Director shall organize and oversee a slate of activities to be held during school vacations including, but not limited to, those lasting a week. The Director's responsibilities shall include planning the schedule, publicity, and staffing for these activities, and providing a subsequent report to the Commission.
Summer recreation program. The Recreation Director shall be responsible for managing and supervising the summer recreation program. Specific responsibilities in this capacity include organization and development of an annual schedule of activities, the publication of a program brochure which details all important aspects of the program to the community, and overseeing all staffing, publicity, registration, financing, and daily activities of the summer recreation program.
In addition to the responsibilities of all members of the Commission, the Chair of the Commission is responsible for assisting the Recreation Commissioners and the Recreation Director in the conduct of their jobs. The Chair is the first contact person for the Director in any situations of concern.
The appointed liaisons from the Town and Village Boards shall assist the Recreation Commissioners and Director in the conduct of their jobs. The liaisons shall attend the meetings of the Commission.
The Recreation Commission's budget shall be funded by a ratio of 55% Town, 45% Village. This arrangement shall be subject to review annually.
Because the Town and the Village operate on different fiscal calendars, it shall hereby be noted that the Village will make its annual payment in June, which will be applied to the Town's budget for that same calendar year.
The Town of Mendon's procurement policy shall govern all purchases made by the Recreation Commission. (See Appendix A.[1])
Editor's Note: Appendix A is on file in the Town of Mendon offices.
The Town of Mendon's and Village of Honeoye Falls' insurance policies shall cover all programs operated under the auspices of the Recreation Commission. The activities of the Recreation Commission shall be added to both policies.
The Town of Mendon's personnel policy shall govern all hiring and personnel decisions made by the Recreation Commission and the Recreation Director. (See Appendix B.GIN FNOTEEditor's Note: Appendix B is on file in the Town of Mendon offices.)