[Adopted by Ord. No. 89-388 (Sec. 20-10 of the 1996 Revised General Ordinances); amended in its entirety 3-11-2024 by Ord. No. 24-08]
Where the Township of Manchester has jurisdiction and has provided for the installation of a sanitary sewage collection and transmission system through any sewer main and/or lateral in any public or private street, roadway, highway or easement ("public sewer system"), all owners of any property, including but not limited to residential, commercial or otherwise, lying on or adjacent to the public or private street, roadway, highway or easement where the main and/or lateral exists, shall disconnect from and cease utilization of any existing on-site Individual sewage disposal system, and shall cause any on-site sewage collection and transmission facilities to be connected to the above-referenced public sewer system. The connection to the public sewer system and disconnection from the on-site sewage disposal system shall be done in a manner that is in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Manchester Township Division of Inspection and the Ocean County Health Department, as well as any and all other federal, state, county or local laws and regulations which may be applicable.
Subdivisions. As to those subdivisions which have not received preliminary approval on the effective date of Ordinance No. 00-032, the Manchester Township Planning Board shall require the developer, as a condition for approval of the subdivision, to pay the pro rata share of the cost of providing only reasonable and necessary street improvements and water, sewerage and drainage facilities, and easements therefor, located off-tract but necessitated or required by construction or improvements within such subdivision or development. This determination shall be made in accordance with the requirements set forth in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-42 and pursuant to the standards set forth in Chapter 245, Article IX, of the Manchester Township Land Use and Development Regulations, which are incorporated herein by reference. In lieu of the developer's payment of the pro rata share of the cost of providing the foregoing off-tract improvements, the Township Planning Board shall have the option of requiring the developer to install such improvements.
The builder or developer of one or more lots in those areas of the Township as to which the Township has not provided for the installation of a public sewer system shall be required to install a capped sanitary sewer system as defined in N.J.A.C. 5:21-1.4 within the road right-of-way to service the approved lots. Alternatively, the Township may require the builder or developer to provide a performance guarantee in lieu of the improvement. The Township Engineer shall determine the amount of the performance guarantee to be provided by the builder or developer. The requirements of this subsection shall only apply to builders and developers of lots in those areas as to which the Municipal Sewer Master Plan, official map or other official document of the Township indicates that a public sanitary sewer system will be provided to the area within a six-year period. Further, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:21-6.1(c), capped sanitary sewers shall be required only in areas indicated for sewer service in the State of New Jersey Statewide Water Quality Management (WQM) Plans and where permitted by the NJDEP through sewer connection approval.
The disconnection of an existing individual on-site sewage disposal system shall be done in the following manner and within six months of the connection to the public sewer system:
All septic tanks, seepage pits and distribution boxes shall have the contents removed or properly disposed of in a manner approved by the Ocean County Health Department.
The Ocean County Health Department, upon notification by the property owner, will provide for an official inspection of the abandonment and filling of the septic tanks, seepage pits and distribution boxes.
All septic tanks, seepage pits and distribution boxes shall be partially filled with soil and compacted to a level approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the total depth. The top slab and side walls are to be collapsed three feet below grade so that no piece hinders the horizontal stacking at the bottom of the tank. At this point, the property owner shall notify the Ocean County Health Department and request an official inspection.
After the official inspection, the filling and compacting shall resume until all voids have been completely filled and a soil density equal to that of the surrounding soil has been achieved and water packed as necessary.
The rules, procedures, and time elements contained within this article are an approved method for public sewer connection; however, they shall not preclude applications for a variance from such standards that are petitioned by the property owner and approved in advance by the Ocean County Health Department. Any such grant of an extension of time by the Ocean County Health Department shall not exceed 60 days.
Under no circumstances shall alternative uses for septic tanks or related appurtenances be permitted. These prohibited uses shall include but not be limited to connection of roof leaders or any source of water runoff, rainwater or wastewater from any and all sources, and shall also include the discharge or storage of any type of chemical or waste materials.
Where any house, building or structure of any type is constructed after the date of the commencement of operations of the public sewer system, any house, building or structure must connect to the public sewer system prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the Township.
Whenever a sewer or water main or lateral is installed in any public or private street, roadway, highway or easement, all owners of any property, including but not limited to residential, commercial or otherwise, lying on or adjacent to the public or private street, roadway, highway or easement, shall pay the required connection fee as provided for in the Township ordinance establishing water and sewer rates for the Water and Sewer Utilities no later than 90 days after the service of notice of availability of sewer or water service. The property shall be connected to the sewer or water main or lateral and the connection shall be in working condition no later than 180 days after the service of notice of availability of sewer or water service.
Should the owner of any property fail or neglect to connect to the public sewer system pursuant to §§ 430-6, 430-7 and 430-8, the owner of the property shall be provided a delinquent notice by the Township of Manchester. Connection to the public sewer system shall thereafter be made within 30 days after service of the delinquent notice. The delinquent notice shall be served upon the owner of the properly personally, by leaving it at his usual place of abode with a member of his family above the age of 18 years, or by mailing such notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the owners' last known post office address as shown on the tax records of the Township of Manchester.
The provisions of the section shall be enforceable by the Township of Manchester through its respective designee(s) which shall include but not be limited to the Business Administrator and the Director of the Manchester Township Division of Utilities.
Any property owner who shall violate this article by falling to comply with any of its provisions within 30 days after service of the delinquent notice pursuant to § 430-10 may be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000, by Imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days or by community service of not more than 90 days, or any combination of fine, imprisonment and community service as determined in the discretion of the Municipal Court Judge. The continuation of such violation for each successive day shall constitute a separate offense, and the person or persons allowing or permitting the continuation of the violation may be punished as provided above for each separate offense.