[Ord. No. 194,
passed 12-6-1949]
All plans for proposed subdivisions, lot plans, streets or roads
when laid out shall conform to the following sections of the laws
relating to First Class Townships, see Act of 1931 P. L. 1206, as
Section 2020 Plans of Dedicated Roads and Streets.
Section 2022 No Responsibility on Township for Plans Not Approved.
[Ord. No. 194,
passed 12-6-1949; Ord. No. 231, passed 9-4-1956]
In addition to compliance by the owner with the requirements of §
720.01, the owner shall be required to construct street paving on all streets offered for acceptance as follows:
A. Roads shall be divided into three classes — Class 1, Class
2 and Class 3.
1. A Class 1 road shall be a road which is or which may eventually become
a so-called through street, or one which will carry heavy traffic
such as heavily loaded trucks or buses.
2. A Class 2 road shall be a road serving a plan of lots of six or more
lots and extending throughout the subdivision with no dead ends. Traffic
on this road shall be the ordinary passenger car, service trucks and
light delivery trucks.
3. A Class 3 road shall be a road serving less than six lots and shall
be used only as a service road and will not connect with any other
B. Grading and drainage.
1. Street or road to be graded to an established grade acceptable and
in a manner acceptable to the Township Engineer.
2. Cross drains of a minimum 12 inches reinforced concrete pipe shall
be placed wherever necessary to transfer the water across the road
in the natural watercourse, and at road intersections whenever needed.
3. When laying out plans of lots to be submitted for approval by the
Board, suitable easements should be provided for drainage rights-of-way
in the natural watercourses or be provided for stormwater drains where
C. Construction.
1. Class 1 roads.
Paving shall be at least 20 feet in width having either a curb
or five foot shoulders on either side.
A base course shall be constructed at least eight inches in
thickness (rolled measurement) of native stone, limestone, or crushed
slag properly graded and meeting the requirements of the current Specifications
of the Pennsylvania Department of Highways Form 408. The type of bituminous
surface shall be approved by the Board or the Township Engineer before
A two inch surface of hot plant-mixed asphaltic cement shall
be placed on the prepared base. Such surface material shall be Type
ID-2 as required by the Specifications of the Pennsylvania Department
of Highways Form 408 in effect at the time of such construction, or
other type of equal quality approved by the Township Engineer, and
shall be applied in the manner required by said Specifications Form
408 or as directed by the Township Engineer.
2. Class 2 Roads.
Paving shall be at least 18 feet in width with five foot shoulders
on either side.
A base course shall be constructed at least six inches in thickness
(rolled measurement) of native stone, limestone or crushed slag properly
graded and meeting the requirements of the current Specifications
of the Department of Highways Form 408 and subject to their complete
A one-inch surface of hot plant-mixed asphaltic cement shall
be placed on the prepared base. Such surface material shall be Type
ID-2 as required by the Specifications of the Pennsylvania Department
of Highways Form 408 in effect at the time of such construction, or
other type of equal quality approved by the Township Engineer, and
shall be applied in the manner required by said Specifications Form
408, or as directed by the Township Engineer.
3. Class 3 roads.
Roadway shall be at least 16 feet in width with six foot shoulders
on either side.
Roadway shall have a minimum of four inches of gravel, red dog,
cinders or slag firmly compacted by rolling and placed to an established
At least one application of E-2 road oil shall be applied at
the rate of 0.2 gallons to 0.3 gallons per square yard.
4. All construction work including grading, drainage, base course and
surfacing to be performed by the owner or their representatives under
the direct supervision of the Board or their authorized representatives,
and all costs for said supervision to be paid by the owner prior to
the final acceptance by the Board.
5. The owner shall furnish record plans of all streets as actually constructed
for the files of the Board; the cost of this to be paid by the owner.
[Ord. No. 194,
passed 12-6-1949]
Where situations of an unusual nature present themselves relative
to any plan of lots, street or streets, grade or grades, drainage
or paving conditions, the Board will exercise its discretion and may
vary requirements of this chapter by motion duly passed by the Board.
[Ord. No. 231,
passed 9-4-1956]
Before any street or road constructed in accordance with the
provisions of this chapter, as amended, shall be accepted by the Board
pursuant hereto, the owner shall file with the Board his bond in an
amount to be fixed by motion adopted by said Board, with corporate
surety approved by said Board, conditioned for the proper maintenance
of such street or road and all drainage facilities constructed in
connection therewith for a period of 12 months next succeeding said
date of acceptance.