[Added effective 3-11-1983]
Purpose and intent. Waterfront clubs provide large numbers of people with the opportunity to have access to Norwalk's coastal waters and to enjoy recreational activities unique to their waterfront location. Therefore, consistent with the coastal area management water dependency policy, it is the purpose of this regulation to encourage waterfront clubs by Special Permit in specified zones. The provisions of these regulations are intended to ensure that waterfront clubs be compatible with adjacent residential areas and will maintain the character of the neighborhood in which they are located.
Special definition. As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A private club providing significant water-related recreation, such as swimming, boating, marinas, docks, beach and/or pool and which has adopted a membership policy that is open to anyone regardless of race, creed or color.
Regulations. Waterfront clubs shall be permitted by Special Permit in the Island Conservation Zone, AAA, AA, A, C and D Residence Zones, subject to the following requirements:
[Amended effective 3-17-1995; 6-27-1997]
Waterfront clubs shall comply with the height and bulk provisions of the AAA Residence Zone, except that in C Residence Zones, waterfront clubs shall comply with the C Residence provisions, and in D Residence Zones, waterfront clubs shall comply with the D Residence provisions.
Off-street parking and loading facilities shall be located in accordance with the required building setback lines.
Waterfront clubs, including parking and loading facilities, shall be effectively screened from view from adjacent streets and properties.