Editor's Note: See Charter, § 1-2, for authorization as to seal.
The seal of the city shall be as follows: In a straight line across the center are the words "E Pluribus Unum," at the upper left is a bridge with water flowing thereunder, at the upper right is an old well, and underneath is a monument. Encircling the whole are the letters and figures following:
"Seal of the City of Norwalk, Incorporated 1913." Such seal, represented as aforesaid, and substantially as hereinafter shown, is hereby established to be and shall be the common seal of the city.
ch 7 seal.tif
The City Clerk[1] shall have the custody of the city seal, and the same shall be carefully preserved and kept by him at all times in his office.
Editor's Note: As to duties of City Clerk see Charter and Related Laws, § 5-5.