[HISTORY: Adopted by the City of Norwalk Common Council 6-9-1992. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 7-8-2014; 4-23-2024]
Pursuant to CGS § 7-148v, except as otherwise required by any provision of the General Statutes, sealed bidding shall not be required for contracts or purchases having a value less than or equal to the maximum amount set forth in § 7-148v, as the same may be amended from time to time.
[Added 11-9-1993; amended 4-23-2024]
Pursuant to Charter § 8-4D(2), a Procurement Guide may be adopted by a majority vote of the Common Council, which Guide shall govern the Purchasing Department. The Guide shall be reviewed by the Finance Committee no later than every three years following its adoption.
Editor’s Note: Procurement Guidelines were adopted 2-8-2005 by the Common Council of the City of Norwalk and last amended 7-8-2014. A complete copy of these guidelines and any amendments thereto are on file in the City offices. See also § 19-1, Threshold for bidding, above.
[Added 2-10-2015]
It is the policy of the City of Norwalk to award to the lowest responsible bidders for any contract. Any person or organization is deemed not to be a responsible bidder if such bidder:
Is not an equal opportunity employer.
Has been found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be in violation of the National Labor Relations Act or State of Connecticut Department of Labor regulations concerning wage rates or local preference and relevant derivative regulations and such violation continues to exist as of the date of the contract award.
Is in arrears to the City of Norwalk or any of its related entities upon any debt or contract or is in default of any obligation to the City of Norwalk or any of its related entities, including by way of example any payment for real or personal property taxes, sewer use charges, parking fees or penalties, permit fees or penalties, payment for services (e.g. flagging and traffic control).
The payment of any such obligation or debt owed to the City of Norwalk or any related entity shall be a condition precedent to the award of any contract for the performance of work or furnishing of any services, equipment or materials to the City. The Purchasing Agent may require, prior to an award, written certification in a form acceptable to the City, indicating that any such obligation or debt has been paid in full, including all interest owed thereon and all applicable penalties.
Such payment shall not, however, preclude the City from considering the nature and amount of such debt owed (despite its having been paid) as bearing on a determination of the bidder's responsibility.
Notwithstanding the above, the City may, in its discretion, determine a bidder not to be responsible despite the payment of all debts and obligations if such bidder has a history of nonpayment of debts or a repeated pattern of such at any point within the past five years.
Notwithstanding the above, the City may, in its discretion, determine a bidder not to be responsible if such bidder or a related legal entity has uncured violations of the Norwalk City Code, or has had such a violation(s) within the past 12 months.
Notwithstanding the above, the City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and/or bidders as it may consider to be in its best interests or when it is determined that the public interest would be served by doing so.
Whenever any contract is not awarded to the lowest bidder, the City will provide a statement of the reasons for such rejection.