[HISTORY: Adopted City of Norwalk Common Council 5-14-1957; effective 5-25-1957.]
Editor's Note: See also, Ch. 45, Food and Food Establishments.
No person shall engage in the sale or distribution of milk in the city, except in accordance with the general statutes, the provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations which have been or shall hereafter be adopted by the Milk Regulation Board of the State.
All person, desiring to engage in the sale, delivery or distribution of milk in the city shall first make application to the Board of Health for permission so to do. Application blanks shall be provided by the Board of Health for such purpose.
No permit shall be issued under this chapter until all provisions of the general statues and rules and regulations authorized thereunder governing the production and care of milk are complied with by the dairies supplying milk to the applicant; nor shall any permit be granted for the sale or distribution of milk in the city which milk was produced or obtained from any dairy which has not been inspected by the Board of Health, or its agents, or from any dairy the owner of which refuse permission for such sanitary inspection or produces milk under conditions which are in violation of such general statutes or rules and regulations.
Should any dairy or place of business of an applicant for a permit hereunder be located more than 10 miles from the city, he shall either furnish a certificate of qualification of all dairies from which it is proposed that milk be obtained according to the requirements of the general statutes and rules and regulations authorized thereunder, or pay, the cost and (expense of the inspection of such dairies by the Health Department.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 57, Health and Sanitation.
For the purpose of the inspection mentioned in the preceding section there shall be deposited by such applicant with the Clerk of the Board of Health an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost of such inspection, based upon a compensation to the Inspector of $4 per day and the necessary expenses of the Inspector in going to and from the place of inspection and while engaged therein. Any surplus of such deposit not required for such purposes shall be returned to the applicant when the permit is issued.
All persons engaged in the sale, delivery or distribution of milk or milk products in the city shall furnish the Board of Health, upon blanks provided by the Board for such purpose, a list of the names and locations of the dairy farms from which the milk or milk products so distributed is obtained, and shall before making any changes in their supply, notify the Board of Health of such intended changes.
Any person who fails to comply with this chapter or who fails to comply with the sanitary requirements of the general statutes adopted hereunder, or who dispenses milk or milk products from any dairy whose milk has been excluded from the city, shall have his permit revoked.
All wagons or other vehicles and utensils used in the conveyance of milk or milk products for distribution or for sale in the city shall be kept in a cleanly condition and free from offensive odors. Receptacles containing milk or milk products shall at all times during transportation be properly covered. Each wagon or vehicle used for sale, delivery, or distribution of milk or milk products shall have the name of the owner, residence and permit number painted thereon.