[HISTORY: Adopted City of Norwalk Common Council 5-14-1957.]
Editor's Note: See also Electrical Code see Ch. 36; Ch. 86, Public Lighting.
No person shall excavate for, erect or maintain any lampposts, telegraph, telephone or electric light poles, or conduits, wires and fixtures, until a permit shall first have been obtained, as hereinafter provided in this chapter.
Any person desiring to excavate for, erect or maintain any lampposts, telegraph, telephone or electric light poles, or conduits, wires or fixtures, shall make application in writing to the Committee of the Council on Street Lighting for a permit to excavate for, erect and maintain the same, which application shall contain a statement as to the character of the work sought to be done and the location thereof.
The Committee on Street Lighting, upon receipt of an application, shall examine the character of the proposed work, the materials proposed to be used and the proposed location of such lampposts, poles, wires, conduits or fixtures, and if such Committee shall approve of the same, it shall issue in writing, a permit covering the work desired to be done, but if the Committee shall not approve of the proposed work, materials or location of such lampposts, poles, wires, conduits or fixtures, it shall deny the application.