[HISTORY: Adopted City of Norwalk Common Council 2-28-1961.]
Upon the death of any person who has himself, or whose child or children, have at any time been a beneficiary under the program of aid to such person, or to such person's child, as provided by Section 349, Norwalk City Charter, for which the Norwalk Board of Public Welfare has not been reimbursed, the Board of Public Welfare shall have a claim against such person to the extent that such estate is not needed for the support of the surviving spouse, parent or dependent children of such deceased person. Such claims shall have a priority over all unsecured claims against such estate except as provided in Section 17-105 and Section 17-129. Connecticut General Statutes (Revision of 1958).
For purposes of this ordinance the claim against the estate of any person who himself or whose child has been aided under the program of the Board of Public Welfare shall consist of all amounts paid to or in behalf of such person or child for which the Norwalk Board of Public Welfare has not been reimbursed.