Editor's Note — Ord. no. 1594 §2, adopted July 2, 1996 repealed this article and replaced it with the provisions set out herein. Former article III derived from ord. no. 833 art. III §§1 — 8, 4-21-1981.
[Ord. No. 1594 §2, 7-2-1996]
Grinder pump/force main sanitary sewage systems are allowed only if approved by the Board of Aldermen. Engineering plans for the system shall be submitted and approved by the Department of Natural Resources. Grinder pump/force main systems may be considered for approval only if it is determined that a proposed development cannot utilize a gravity sewer system due to topographic, geographic or geological factors.
[Ord. No. 1594 §2, 7-2-1996]
When a subdivision or development is approved to utilize a grinder pump/force main system, each building permit within that subdivision or development shall include a grinder pump permit. The permit shall include information regarding the type of pump, the depth of the pump and appurtenances, and location of the service lines and grinder pump.
[Ord. No. 1594 §2, 7-2-1996; Ord. No. 2318 §§1 — 8, 2-6-2007]
Effective February 19, 2007, the ownership of the individual grinder pump and related infrastructure, to include the sewage lines from the individual homeowner's property line to the grinder pump and to the house, is transferred from the City to the individual homeowner within the Riss Lake Subdivision.
The City shall continue maintenance and ownership of the sewer lines, curbstops and related infrastructure from the individual's property line in the Riss Lake Subdivision into the right-of-way and forward throughout the sewage collection system toward the sewage treatment plant, which shall be deemed to be part of the overall sewer system of the City of Parkville. Fees for use and maintenance of the overall City sewer system are separate from the grinder pump fees discussed in this Section.
The City shall enter into an agreement with the Riss Lake Homes Association for the continued oversight of the grinder pump system, to include all grinder pumps and related infrastructure including sewer service lines from the homeowner's property line to the house. Upon signing of said agreement, the grinder pump fees for the Riss Lake Subdivision shall continue to be collected by Missouri American Water Company or any other designated collection agency and shall be forwarded to the Riss Lake Homes Association effective at the end of the following month of the effective date of this Section for the Riss Lake Homes Association's use on an ongoing basis.
Pursuant to the agreement outlined in Subsection (C) above, the Riss Lake Homes Association shall provide twenty-four (24) hour, seven (7) day a week grinder pump system service.
The Riss Lake Homes Association shall set up, coordinate costs and payments thereof directly with the homeowner separate of the City and oversee the ordering, pricing, installation and ongoing operation of the private property grinder pump system operation as described herein. The Riss Lake Homes Association shall have no liability for any expenditures made by the City pursuant to Section 700.070 for operation, maintenance and oversight costs expended prior to the effective date of this Section.
The monthly fee for grinder pump maintenance within the Riss Lake Subdivision, effective the date of passage of this Section through December 31, 2007, shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) per month, which is the agreed upon amount that the Riss Lake Homes Association has stated will be sufficient to operate the system using a contracted and qualified vendor(s) of their choice. Subsequent to December 31, 2007, the Riss Lake Homes Association shall establish monthly cost based on actual operation cost.
Per the terms of the agreement, the Riss Lake Homes Association will be responsible for any amounts owed by the homeowners whether successfully collected or not by Missouri American Water Company or any other future agent selected mutually by the City and the Riss Lake Homes Association.
Effective with the passage of this Section and recognizing the fact that the ownership and maintenance for grinder pumps and related infrastructure will be changing from the City to individual homeowners per Subsections (AG) above within the Riss Lake Subdivision, further defined as:
Any home within the Riss Lake Subdivision which may be served by the grinder pump system including every individual plat of the Riss Lake Subdivision, Plats 1 — 11, West Shore Estates, The Reserve at Riss Lake and the Riss Lake Meadows 1 and 2.
Each homeowner shall also assume responsibility for any landscaping or basement repairs required due to said repair and operation of pumps, sewer service lines or related infrastructure on his/her property, to include providing/maintaining appropriate homeowner's insurance at his/her election to cover said damages should they occur. Specifically, from the effective date of this Section forward, any damages to basements or yard landscaping shall not be the responsibility of the City of Parkville, the Riss Lake Homes Association or Julian Development Company.
Editor's Note — Ord. no. 2318, adopted February 6, 2007, repealed section 700.080 "communicating with property owners" in its entirety. The information is now contained in section 700.070. Former section 700.080 derived from ord. no. 1594 §2, 7-2-1996.