[Adopted 10-9-1996 by L.L. No. 3-1996]
[Amended 8-5-2004 by L.L. No. 4-2004]
This article shall be known as the "Town of Greenville Planning and Zoning Fee Law" and shall apply to fees charged by the Town of Greenville for various applications to and actions by the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Greenville. The Town Board may, from time to time, amend the fees in this article by resolution.
The purpose of this article shall be to establish fees to be charged by the Town of Greenville to applicants to the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Greenville for actions of these Boards.§ A212-5.
The following fees are hereby established:
Planning Board.
Application fee: $200.
[Amended 2-2-2006]
For commercial solar facilities: $500.
[Amended 5-7-2020]
Review fees: $50 per lot proposed.
Park/recreation fee: $1,500 capital contribution for each newly created lot (required in lieu of lands).
[Amended 1-8-2004 by L.L. No. 2-2004]
Public hearings.
The fees shall be as follows:
Minor subdivision: $100 per hearing.
[Amended 5-7-2020]
Major subdivision: $300 per hearing.
Commercial solar facilities: $200.
[Added 5-7-2020]
All other public hearing fees: $100.
[Added 5-7-2020]
Fees for public hearings do not include advertisement of hearing and/or lists obtained from Town of Greenville of landownership.
Professional review and consultation fees: at cost invoiced to the Town by Town Engineer and any other professionals retained by Town.
Cluster development.
[Added 4-18-1998 by L.L. No. 1-1998]
Sketch plan: $200, plus $50 per dwelling unit.
Each preliminary section submitted after the first final section is approved: $200.
Inspection fee: 4% of estimated cost of required improvements.
[Added 4-18-1998 by L.L. No. 1-1998]
Site plans.
Site plan review fee: $200.
Professional review and consultation fees: at cost invoiced to the Town by Town Engineer and any other professionals retained by Town.
Special use permits:
Residential: $100.
Commercial: $200.
Zoning Board of Appeals.
Residential: $100.
Commercial or industrial: $200.
Public hearing: $75 per hearing. Fees for public hearings do not include advertisement of hearing and/or lists obtained from Town of Greenville of landownership.
Interpretation of Chapter 205, Zoning: $150 per interpretation.
Certificate of nonconforming use: $150 per certificate.
Zoning fees.
[Added 4-18-1998 by L.L. No. 1-1998]
Excavation permit:
Zero to 5,000 cubic yards, as shown on the excavation plan: $0.10 per cubic yard or portion thereof.
Any amount over 5,000 cubic yards: $0.02 per cubic yard.
Individual mobile home temporary certificate of occupancy: $25 (nonrefundable) for initial issuance or renewal.
Mobile home court: $10 per mobile home lot, with a minimum fee of $100.
Home occupation permit: $10.
Tenant farmer mobile home permit: $25.
Certificate of occupancy:
Single-family dwelling: $30.
Two-family dwelling: $60.
Multiple-family dwelling: $100.
Construction cost under $3,000: $125.
Construction cost equal to or greater than $3,000: $150.
Reinspection of any premises by the Building Inspector: $50.
Boardinghouse, rooming house, lodging house, multifamily dwelling, group dwelling, mobile home court, tourist accommodation or bed-and-breakfast permit: $50 per building, plus $10 per dwelling unit/room. The fee for a renewal shall be the same as for the initial issuance.
Building fees.
[Added 4-8-1998 by L.L. No. 1-1998]
Building permits: $6 per $1,000 of construction costs, but not less than $75. The minimum construction cost for calculating a building permit fee shall be as follows:
[Amended 11-9-2000]
Residential buildings: $80 per square foot.
Commercial buildings: $100 per square foot.
Garages, pole barns, sheds and finished basements: $40 per square foot.
Demolition: $20 per square foot.
Decks: $35 per square foot.
Renewal of building permit: $10 per month for each month of requested renewal, up to six months.
Septic permit.
Single-family dwelling: $50.
Two-family dwelling: $50.
Multiple-family dwelling: $100.
Commercial premises: $100.
Well permit:
Single-family dwelling: $50.
Two-family dwelling: $50.
Multiple-family dwelling: $100.
Commercial premises: $100.
For any permit requiring the Town Engineer to witness a percolation or deep soil test on site, the applicant shall pay a fee as follows:
[Added 2-24-1999 by L.L. No. 2-1999; amended 9-2-2004; 4-20-2023]
Single-family dwelling: $1,000.
Two-family dwelling: $1,000.
Multiple-family dwelling: $1,000.
Commercial premises: $1,000.
Renewal fee for open expired building permits: $150 for one year.
[Added 9-2-2004; amended 3-17-2005]
Close out open building permit: $75.
[Added 3-20-2014]
Upon any application to the Planning Board of the Town of Greenville for a major or minor subdivision or for a site plan review, the applicant shall deposit with the Secretary of the Planning Board an initial fee as set forth below:
[Amended 1-27-2021]
Major subdivisions:
Five or more lots, initial deposit: $10,000.
Four lots, initial deposit: $7,500.
Minor subdivisions:
Three lots, initial deposit: $ 5,000.
Two lots, initial deposit: $ 3,500.
Site plan review:
Simple: $1,000.
Large, deposit: $ 3,500.
Relocation/new driveway: $300.
Special use permits (home occupation/ home solar array): $350
Lot line change: $500.
Guest house review: $600.
Large solar facilities: $5,000.
The escrow moneys shall be placed by the Secretary of the Planning Board in an escrow account maintained by the Town of Greenville. There shall be no requirement for the Town of Greenville to pay interest on any escrow deposit. The Town shall pay out of this escrow account all required review and engineering fees as set forth in this article.
No review shall be undertaken by the Planning Board until such escrow is paid by the applicant.
In the event that the amount of an applicant's funds in such escrow account shall fall below $100, the applicant, upon notice from the Secretary, shall pay into the account a further fee in an amount not greater than $500 to ensure that the Town can continue to make payments with respect to the subject application. The amount of such further fee shall be set by the Chairperson of the Planning Board based upon the Town Engineer's reasonable estimate of the scope of the subject application and the anticipated extent of further review of the application.
[Amended 9-2-2004]
Any portion of the escrow deposit not expended during the application process shall be returned to the applicant upon receipt of all outstanding engineering invoices have been paid and upon final action by the Planning Board.
[Amended 9-2-2004]
If any major subdivision account falls less than $1,000, the applicant will be directed to deposit $2,000 with the Town of Greenville. If a balance of more than $2,000 is needed to pay outstanding engineering bills, a sufficient amount will be deposited by direction of the Chairman of the Planning Board.
[Added 9-2-2004; amended 1-27-2021]
If any minor subdivision account falls less than $500, the applicant will be directed to deposit $1,500 with the Town of Greenville. If a balance of more than $1,500 is needed to pay outstanding engineering bills, a sufficient amount will be deposited by direction of the Chairman of the Planning Board.
[Amended 1-27-2021]
When any site plan account falls below $500, the applicant will be directed to deposit $500 with the Town of Greenville. If a balance of more than $500 is needed to pay outstanding engineering bills, a sufficient amount will be deposited by direction of the Chairman of the Planning Board.
[Added 9-2-2004]
If any large site plan review/solar facility account falls less than $2,000, the applicant will be directed to deposit $1,500 with the Town of Greenville. If a balance of more than $1,500 is needed to pay outstanding engineering bills, a sufficient amount will be deposited by direction of the Chairman of the Planning Board.
[Added 1-27-2021]