State Law Reference — Authorizing employment of City Administrator, see RSMo., § 77.042 and 77.044. As to appointment does not change powers retained by Mayor or Board of Aldermen, see RSMo., § 77.048.
[Ord. No. 420 § 7, 3-20-1950; Ord. No. 1520 § 13, 1-15-1990]
There is hereby created and established the office of City Administrator. The City Administrator shall be employed by the Board of Aldermen, with the approval of the Mayor. The City Administrator shall be at least twenty-one (21) years of age, a resident of the City while serving as City Administrator, and shall devote his full time to the performance of the duties of his office. He shall be the chief administrative assistant to the Mayor and shall have general superintending control of the administration and management of the government business, officers and employees of the City, subject to the direction and supervision of the Mayor. The City Administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Aldermen and Mayor.
State Law Reference — Authorizing employment of City Administrator in cities of the fourth class, with powers and duties similar to those specified in this section, see RSMo., § 77.042 and 77.044.
Cross Reference — Also see §§ 2-2 through 2-8, 2-25, 2-27, 2-28, 2-29, 2-33, 2-40, 2-42 and 22-18 of this chapter.
[Ord. No. 420 § 51, 3-20-1950; Ord. No. 1520 § 14, 1-15-1990; Ord. No. 3007, 3-18-2019]
The City Administrator shall have full control and responsibility over the light department, and water and sewer department and street department. Such control shall be exercised through the foremen of the respective departments, if any, and if none, then directly, subject to the rules and regulations that may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Aldermen.[2]
The City Administrator shall have full responsibility and control for the coordination, oversight and management of all the activities and work of the Chief of Police, the Police Department, special policemen, City Clerk, Cemetery Sexton, City Engineer, Emergency Management Director, Administrative Assistant to the City Administrator for Public Works, Treasurer, Collector, Code Enforcement Officer, Fire Chief, City Physician, City Attorney and such other officers and employees as may be provided from time to time by the Board of Aldermen. The City Administrator shall be responsible for preparing an employee handbook for all City departments to follow and adhere to, including the Police Department. The employee handbook shall be updated at least annually and shall be presented to the Board of Aldermen for review and approval.
He shall perform the other duties, powers and responsibilities as hereinafter provided, with reference to property, personnel, purchases, contracts, rules, regulations, reports and finances.
He shall have such other duties and responsibilities as may be provided from time to time by this Code or other ordinance or resolution.
State Law Reference — As to administrator’s control over other city employees, see RSMo., §77.046
Cross Reference — As to personnel, see ch. 22. As to financial secretary for light, water and sewer, see §26-5. As to inspector of plumbing and sewers, see §§23-1, 23-7, 23-16 and 23-22 of this code. As to burial of indigent persons in cemetery, see §6-18.1. As to building permits, see §5-1. As to zoning enforcement, see §31-6. As to building code building official, see Ch. 5. As to enforcing flood plain regulations, see ch. 12. As to assigning street numbers, see §30-3.
Cross Reference — As to powers concerning personnel, see § 2-48(b) of this chapter.
[Ord. No. 420 § 53, 3-20-1950; Ord. No. 1156 § 1, 11-12-1979; Ord. No. 1276 § 1, 1-27-1986; Ord. No. 1520 § 15, 1-15-1990; Ord. No. 1667 § 1, 4-20-1992; Ord. No. 1669 § 1, 5-18-1992; Ord. No. 2524 § 1, 4-21-2008]
Property. The City Administrator shall have the power and control of, and the responsibility for, all real estate and personal property of the City. He shall have responsibility for all inventories of such property, and for the upkeep of all such property. Such personal property may be sold by the City Administrator only with the written approval of the respective committee having jurisdiction thereof. Such real estate may be sold only with the approval of the Board of Aldermen by resolution or ordinance.
Personnel. The City Administrator shall have complete control and responsibility over all personnel of the light department, water and sewer department and street department, he shall have the right to hire, direct, suspend and discharge all such personnel unless otherwise restricted by this Code or other ordinance. The City Administrator, together with a joint meeting of the committee of the three (3) said departments of the City, may classify employees and establish, raise and lower wages and salaries, and the joint committee may establish maximum and minimum wages and salaries for classification and may authorize the City Administrator to set wages and salaries within the established limits; however, such classification, establishments and raising and lowering of wages and salaries, shall not be effective until they have been approved by the Board of Aldermen. The City Administrator shall delegate such work to other employees as necessary, but he alone remains responsible. In employing personnel, the City Administrator shall give preference to the citizens of the City.[1]
State Law Reference — For similar provisions, see RSMo. § 77.046.
Cross Reference — As to salaries, see § 2-31. As to additional powers and duties, see § 2-47.
Purchases. The City Administrator shall have the duty and power of purchasing and ordering all items for and in behalf of the City; provided that the City Administrator shall not have the duty and power to purchase for the Park Board of Directors or the Library Board of Trustees, except where such purchases are to be paid out of funds other than those from taxes levied especially for the City parks or for the Municipal Library District. No employee or agent of the City shall purchase or order any item, without either the written approval of the City Administrator or according to a written purchasing policy approved by the City Administrator. The City Administrator, however, shall not have the authority to order or to purchase any time or group of items costing more than one thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($1,250.00) without either the advance approval of a majority of the Board of Aldermen or according to a written purchasing policy approved by the Board of Aldermen. No item shall be ordered or purchased unless there is on hand at the time of ordering or purchasing an unexpended balance to the credit of the City in the fund in the Treasury upon which the warrant will be drawn to pay for the order or purchase and to pay for other unpaid previous orders or purchases and all debts of the City as are not bonded, except with the advance approval of the entire Board of Aldermen.[2]
Cross Reference — City policy number 19 — Resolution R-08-10.
Contracts. The City Administrator shall have the power to enter into contracts in behalf of the City, subject however to the restrictions heretofore set forth in Subsections (A) and (C) of this Section, and further subject to the restriction that no contract shall be entered into obligating the City for more than six (6) months without the written approval of the respective committees, or for more than one (1) year without the approval of the majority of the Board of Aldermen.
Rules and Regulations. The City Administrator shall have the duty and responsibility, within a reasonable time, to make and enforce rules and regulations governing the relation of the three (3) said departments with the departments' customers or beneficiaries, with the departments' sources of supplies, with the other departments and agencies of the City, and with the general public; and rules and regulations governing the employees of the departments. Such rules and regulations shall not be effective until approved by the respective committees in writing. When effective, such rules shall be written and filed with the City Clerk, and made available to the public. As a part of the rules, for the enforcement thereof, the light, water and sewer departments may refuse to connect a potential customer or may suspend or cut off service rendered by the light, water and sewer departments. The City Administrator shall not have the authority to set rates, fees, or charges for service. The Board of Aldermen shall, from time to time, establish rates, fees or charges for services to be rendered by the light, water and sewer departments.
Reports. The City Administrator shall make to the Board of Aldermen such reports as the Board or the various standing committees shall direct. The reports shall include all recommendations to the Board of Aldermen on which action by the Board of Aldermen is desired.
Budget Officer. The City Administrator shall be designated the Budget Officer for the City. As Budget Officer, the City Administrator shall ensure that the annual City budget is prepared, approved and adopted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 67 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri.
City Traffic Engineer. Pursuant to Section 300.060, RSMo., of the Model Traffic Ordinance, the City Administrator shall be designated the City Traffic Engineer and shall so serve and exercise the duties and powers of that office.[3]
State Law Reference — For similar provisions, see RSMo., § 260.215(5); also see ch. 67, RSMo.; also see Model Traffic Code as to City Traffic Engineer, RSMo. § 300.060; also see RSMo., § 77.046.
Cross Reference — Also see § 9-2. As to bids, see § 9-6. Also see ch. 13, ch. 22 and ch. 26 of this Code. As to City Traffic Engineer, see §§ 18-1 and 18-3. As to salaries, see § 2-31. As to powers of department heads to discipline, see §§ 22-55, 22-56 and 22-65.
[Ord. No. 420 § 52, 3-20-1950]
The City Administrator shall confer with standing committees as to the management and policies of the respective departments. The committees shall examine the reports of the City Administrator pertaining to their jurisdiction and shall join in the report if they are in full agreement. If they, or any one of them, are not in agreement with the City Administrator, they shall render a separate report. The committees, as to their respective departments, shall have the power to authorize the City Administrator to make purchases and enter into contracts as hereinafter set forth in this Article. In the event that there is any matter requiring joint action, or if there is a disagreement as to jurisdiction, or conflict between the jurisdictions, the City Administrator may request a meeting of the Board of Aldermen for the settlement of the conflict.
[Ord. No. 798 § 2, 4-13-1964; Ord. No. 1288 § 3, 2-17-1986]
The salary of the City Administrator shall be fixed by ordinance of the Board of Aldermen as a certain amount per month, payable bi-weekly.
State Law Reference — As to compensation for administrator, see RSMo., § 77.044.
Cross Reference — Also see § 2-31 of this chapter.
[Ord. No. 1195 §§ 1-3, 5-10-1982; Ord. No. 1220 §§ 1-3, 1-16-1984; Ord. No. 1305 § 2, 3-26-1986; Ord. No. 2109 § 1, 4-17-2000; Ord. No. 2113 § 2, 5-15-2000]
There is hereby established the position of Director of Public Works and Public Utilities. The person occupying such position shall be responsible for the specific duties described in this Section and such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the City Administrator. In the absence or vacancy of the City Administrator, the Director of Public Works and Public Utilities shall be Acting City Administrator.
The Director of Public Works and Public Utilities shall exercise oversight and superintending control of the activities of the Water and Sewer Department, the Street and Sanitation Department, and the Electric Department, subject to the Direction of the City Administrator. The Direct of Public Works and Public Utilities shall manage fleet maintenance operations for the above departments and oversee the maintenance of all City infrastructure. The Director of Public Works and Public Utilities shall participate in the formulation, design, and inspection of public works and utilities projects and the administration of contracts relating to the construction of such projects or the provision of public works and utility services.
Upon the establishment of the position of Director of Public Works and Public Utilities and when a vacancy exists in the position, the City Administrator shall appoint a suitable person for the position with the approval of the Mayor and a majority of the members of the Board of Aldermen. The Director of Public Works and Public Utilities may be terminated from his or her position by the City Administrator with the approval of the Mayor and a majority of the members of the Board of Aldermen. The salary of the person occupying said position shall be fixed by ordinance.
State Law Reference — For similar provisions, see §§ 77.046, 79.230, 79.250 and 79.290.
Cross Reference — Also see §§ 2-25, 2-27, 2-28 2-29, 2-31, 2-33, 2-40. As to residency, see § 22-18.