[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Souderton 7-5-2005 by Ord. No. 657. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Planning Commission — See Ch. 113.
Subdivision and land development — See Ch. 554.
Zoning — See Ch. 600.
Whereas, the municipalities of Souderton Borough, Telford Borough, Franconia Township, Lower Salford Township, Salford Township and Upper Salford Township, collectively known as the "Indian Valley," have joined together for the purpose of mutual cooperation through regional planning; and
Whereas, having recognized that current growth and anticipated growth, if not properly managed, will inevitably lead to a lessening in the region's rural quality of life, the municipalities of the Indian Valley directed that a regional comprehensive plan be prepared; and
Whereas, having completed adoption of said plan, the municipalities of the Indian Valley intend to implement the plan's stated goals, objectives and recommendations through a document hence forth known as the "Indian Valley Intergovernmental Cooperative Implementation Agreement" (ILIA); and
Whereas, the ICIA was written by the Indian Valley Regional Planning Commission to conform to the standards specified for such documents as found in Chapter M of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, Act 247; and
Whereas, having completed its appointed task on May 3, 2005, the members of the Indian Valley Regional Planning Commission, unanimously endorsed the Indian Valley Intergovernmental Cooperative Implementation Agreement and strongly recommended its adoption by municipalities of the Indian Valley; and
Whereas, the governing bodies of the Indian Valley municipalities having reviewed said document have found it to constitute a suitable and rational approach for implementation of the Indian Valley Comprehensive Plan; and
Whereas, said document was the subject of a public hearing held on January 3, 2005, in a joint meeting of Souderton Borough Council and the Souderton Planning Commission.
The municipalities of the Indian Valley area do hereby agree that on matters pertaining to land use planning, zoning, and the operation of the Indian Valley Regional Planning Commission, that they shall adhere to, and be guided by, the standards set forth in the ICIA.
The undersigned do hereby adopt the Indian Valley Intergovernmental Cooperative Implementation Agreement.