[Adopted 1-20-2016 by Ord. No. 2295]
Editor's Note: Former Art. IV, Municipal Administrator and Deputy, adopted 12-26-1989 by Ord. No. 1390, as amended, was repealed 2-14-2011 by Ord. No. 2160.
The office of Municipal Administrator is hereby created in and for the Borough of Ridgefield, and the employment of a person to fill such position is hereby authorized.
The Municipal Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Borough Council or, when the Mayor shall fail or refuse to make such appointment, the Borough Council may make such appointment. In either instance, such appointment shall require the affirmative vote of at least three members of the Borough Council. The term of the appointment of the Municipal Administrator shall be fixed by the Mayor and Council.
The Municipal Administrator shall receive such compensation as falls within the range established by the Salary Ordinance[1] from time to time, and as fixed by the Mayor and Council by appropriate resolution.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 92, Salaries and Compensation.
The Municipal Administrator shall be chief administrative officer of the Borough, subject to the policies and directives of the governing body.
In addition, the Municipal Administrator shall:
Coordinate the administration of all departments, divisions and offices, together with the members of the governing body assigned as liaisons of said municipal departments.
Serve as the principal administrative officer representing the Mayor and Council.
Serve as assistant to the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer.
Develop and administer, in close cooperation with the Treasurer and Purchasing Agent, a centralized system for the purchase of supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services, including efforts to combine, where possible, the requests and purchase the same in bulk quantities and so as to control the commitment of appropriations for distribution of such purchases.
Assist in the preparation of the budget by receiving from each department, office or board its annual requests for appropriation, transmitting the same with recommendations and comments, together with all pertinent inventories and explanatory data, to the Mayor and Council and also assisting the Mayor and Council in preparing the municipal budget.
Represent the Borough in its relation to the federal government, state, county and other municipalities and assert the Borough's interest in contracts, franchises and other business transactions.
Process detailed and routine matters within the framework of the policies established and announced by the Mayor and Council and delegated to the Administrator, the department heads and other appropriate officials and employees of the Borough.
Attend all meetings of the Borough Council, as required.
Act as liaison between the Borough Council and all boards and departments of Borough government and, in this capacity, expedite and follow to completion all matters referred to such boards and departments by the Mayor and Council.
Advise the Mayor and Council on all background material as an aid to the establishment of policy.
Receive and reply to inquiries concerning Borough business and provide information and assistance in respect thereto.
Devise and administer a system of referral and follow up by operating departments of requests for information regarding municipal services from members of the public.
Review proposed contracts for the Borough and make recommendations regarding the same to the Mayor and Council.
Establish and maintain sound working, personnel and administrative rules, regulations and practices; vacation, holiday and sick leave and similar schedules; and appropriate records and reports, subject to such general policies as may be established from time to time by the Borough Council.
Serve as the Borough's Affordable Housing Administrator.
Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the governing body.
Nothing herein contained shall diminish the powers and duties of the elective, appointive or other officials of the Borough of Ridgefield or of the boards and commissions thereof established pursuant to law.
In establishing this position, it is the intention of the Mayor and Council that it be a professional position and that the individual appointed to this position be an experienced governmental executive having at least five years' experience as a Borough Administrator or department head.