The legislative determination by the Board of Trustees to establish
a PUDD shall be based upon the following standards:
A. Location. A PUDD may be established at any location within the Village.
B. PUDD size. The proposed site for a PUDD shall include a minimum of
three contiguous acres of land within the Village, provided that the
proposed site for a PUDD for any PUDD application submitted to the
Village prior to the effective date of this chapter shall include
a minimum of three acres.
C. Property control. The proposed site for a PUDD must be owned, leased
or otherwise legally controlled by the applicant or applicants for
the PUDD.
D. Stormwater control. The amount of area covered by building or impervious
area shall comply with the standards of the district in place on the
date that the PUDD application is received by the Director.
E. Building design. The building design shall take into consideration
factors including, but not limited to:
(1) The layout and design of buildings to provide for convenient access
to and from adjacent uses and neighborhoods;
(2) Individual buildings shall generally be related to each other in
design, masses, elevations, materials, elevation, placement and connections,
to provide a visually and physically integrated development;
(3) The design of buildings and the parking facilities to take advantage
of the topography of the site, where appropriate, to provide separate
levels of access;
(4) The orientation of buildings, where possible, to ensure adequate
solar orientation for maximization of passive and active solar energy
options, light and air exposure to the rooms within and to adjacent
(5) The arrangement of buildings so as to avoid undue exposure to concentrated
loading or parking facilities wherever possible and shall be so oriented
as to preserve visual and audible privacy between adjacent buildings;
(6) All buildings shall be arranged so as to be accessible to emergency
F. Open space. There shall be open space provided in the PUDD that is
appropriate for the location and unique characteristics of the proposed
(1) The location, shape, size and character of the open space must be
suitable and appropriate to the scale and character of the PUDD, considering
its size, density, expected population, topography, and the number
and types of buildings and uses to be provided;
(2) Open space shall be reserved for one or more of the following uses:
Areas providing wildlife habitat;
Linkages in the community open space system.
(3) Open space shall be suitable for its intended use.
(4) Open space shall be exclusive of any land area used primarily for
vehicular modes of transportation, including parking areas, garages,
carports, docks and other features.
(5) The ownership of such open space may be either public or private
but shall be secured in perpetuity by appropriate legal mechanisms
that also ensure its maintenance.
G. Circulation system design:
(1) There shall be an adequate, safe and convenient arrangement of pedestrian
circulation facilities, roadways, driveways and off-street parking
and loading spaces;
(2) Roads, pedestrian walks and open spaces shall be designed as an integral
part of an overall site design and shall be properly related to existing
and proposed buildings and appropriately landscaped; and
(3) The design shall consider and to the extent practicable incorporate
pedestrian, bicycle and trail improvements as described in the Village
2012 Bicycle, Pedetrian and Trail Master Plan. The application for
PUDD shall include an analyisis of pertinent sections of the referenced
Master Plan and how the proposed PUDD design incorporates any applicable
site-specific bicycle, pedestrian or trail improvements and overall
accommodations as specified in the Master Plan.
H. Impacts. The PUDD will improve the appearance and function of the
proposed site while satisfactorily mitigating adverse impacts associated
with the PUDD.
I. Community benefits. The PUDD has the potential to provide substantial
economic, social, environmental, open space and other benefits to
the Village.
J. Community goals. The PUDD will advance established community planning
K. Community interest. The PUDD is in the overall best interests of
the Village, including the neighborhoods immediately surrounding the