The purpose of the Shopping Center District is as follows:
To provide sufficient space and appropriate locations to meet current and anticipated regional needs for large site commercial development, appropriate to the community.
Encourage commercial development that will benefit the community and the region, economically and aesthetically, by permitted investment in a planned facility that will provide for coexistence of commercial establishments in order to insure efficient integration and consolidation of access to existing and planned roadways and utilities.
Provide Borough Council with a manner in which to review proposals and to permit the development of those facilities which, in addition to demonstrating a contribution to the community in the region, incorporate design innovations in building and landscaping that would mitigate adverse impacts on adjacent residential and institutional districts.
Utilize the benefits that would accrue with the development of a unified tract, designed to integrate various commercial establishments.
A tract of land proposed for the shopping center district shall be in a single entity or ownership responsible for the operation of the individual lot/pad/footprint and evidence shall be presented of a written agreement between the parties and owners involved that said development and management will be in accordance with a single plan with common authority and common responsibility in owner-occupancy, rental, cooperative, or condominium ownership.
A building or buildings may be erected, altered or used, and a lot may be used or occupied on individual lots/pads/footprints for any of the following purposes and no other:
Retail uses.
Retail store for sale of dry goods, variety merchandise, clothing, food, beverages, flowers and plants, drugs, furnishings or other household supplies, and/or similar goods.
Retail stores for the sale or repair of jewelry, clocks, optical goods, cameras, home appliances, electronic equipment, scientific and professional instruments, and/or similar goods.
Personal service shop, including but limited to barber shop, hairdresser, shoe repair, tailor, dry cleaner, self-service laundry, and/or similar uses.
Bank or other financial institution.
Telephone or public utility offices.
Restaurant, bar or tavern.
Municipal, governmental, or community facilities.
Dance, exercise, music or art studio.
Day-care center.
Indoor theater.
Garden supply, nursery.
Building materials and home equipment supplies.
Wholesale sales in conjunction with retail sales.
Automobile service, parts, and supply center with automobile service as an ancillary use, provided that:
No repairs to vehicles shall be performed outside.
Parking spaces shall be designated for vehicles being serviced.
No unregistered or unlicensed vehicles shall be permitted on the premises.
Any bays for service areas shall not be located on street frontage.
No gasoline sales.
No trucks over one-ton payload.
Parking in rear or side shall have designated spaces.
A buffer shall be provided which shall mitigate the visual impact of the bay door.
Three-car maximum per bay.
Three-bay maximum.
Office uses. Professional, business, or administrative office.
Satellite uses. As defined as structures of less than 10,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Satellite use standards.
Up to 50% of building coverage used for freestanding satellite used.
A satellite use must meet the following requirements:
Location at least 200 feet from any building(s).
Only one commercial use is permitted in a satellite building.
Gross floor area of the use may not exceed 10,000 square feet.
Access to satellite uses shall be from interior drives only, with no independent access to exterior streets.
Satellite uses shall be integrated into the overall design and layout of the development, in accordance with the standards of this article.
The maximum height of any building or other structure erected or used in this district shall be 40 feet.
[Amended 7-12-2006 by Ord. No. 519]
Area. A tract area of not less than 10 acres.
Building setback. All buildings, other than office buildings, shall be set back a minimum of 75 feet from the legal right-of-way line of any street. Office buildings shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from the legal right-of-way.
Satellite use setback: 50 feet.
Rear yard setback: 35 feet.
Side yard setback: 40 feet.
From boundary of residential district of greater than three contiguous acres: 80 feet.
From boundary of other districts: 40 feet.
From main entrance of the development where it intersects the street: 50 feet.
Parking, internal road, and service area setbacks: from a residential zoning district, 20 feet. These setbacks shall be reduced to 10 feet on the common boundary where cross-easements are provided if the property owners provide Council with proof that irrevocable cross-easements are offered to adjoining property owners and shown on the plan, providing for an access road and/or driveway of sufficient width for two-way traffic and adequate turn lanes, designed and constructed to Borough specifications, leading from one development to the other, with easements providing access off both properties to public highways.
Building area. Maximum building coverage: 20% of net lot area.
Open space area. Minimum open space area: 30% of net lot area.
Buffer area and fences.
Buffer. A buffer area at least 10 feet in depth shall be provided along any or all property lines with the exception of street frontage. Where any uses permitted in this district abut a residential district, the buffer or berm shall be a minimum of 20 feet in depth. This twenty-foot buffer may be reduced to 10 feet if the property owners provide Council with proof that irrevocable cross-easements are offered to adjoining property owners and shown on the plan, providing for an access road and/or driveway of sufficient width for two-way traffic and adequate turn lanes constructed to Borough specifications, leading from one development to the other with easements providing access off both properties to public highways.
Fence. A fence six feet in height shall be provided within the buffer area along the boundary of a residential district of greater than three contiguous acres. Such fence shall conform with existing fence regulations, and shall be maintained at the sole cost and expense of the property owner. The fence shall be placed at a minimum distance of two feet from the property line.
Lighting facilities. All exterior lighting shall be designed for fixtures that do not exceed 20 feet, unless they are in the setback area, then they must meet the height requirements of § 680-57 of this chapter.
Parking. All uses shall provide the required amount of parking as mandated in Article IX of this chapter.
Access, layout, and circulation controls.
At least 10% of all parking areas shall consist of landscaped areas; the landscaping along the perimeter of the parking area shall be included in the said 10%.
Parking spaces shall be broken by landscaped islands at least equal in size to one parking space, planted with a shade or flowering tree and low shrubs and/or ground cover. No more than 22 parking spaces may be located in an uninterrupted row. Any greater number of parking spaces shall be broken up by landscaped islands.
Any development shall be permitted no more than one access point to the street per street frontage, unless otherwise required by regulatory agencies for emergency use.
Entrance driveways shall not direct traffic to the storefront driveway, but to an outer driveway from which vehicles can filter down parking aisles toward stores, with the least interference with pedestrian traffic.
Pedestrian circulation shall be considered in the development's design. Walkways shall be planned for linkages to an existing or future pedestrian network of trails or sidewalks.
Where public transportation facilities are or will be available, a pickup area shall be designated with shelter and benches.
Design standards.
Any development shall be designed according to a unified architectural scheme, to include building facades, street furniture, signs, and lighting standards.
Abutting walls of individual buildings shall share a common party wall or be separated by a distance of no less than the height of the taller building.
The use of traditional building materials such as local stone and wood is encouraged.
Maximum building footprint of commercial buildings.
For a single use: 50,000 square feet.
For all uses on site: 100,000 square feet.