The Mayor with the approval of a majority of the members of the Board of Aldermen shall appoint a Chief of Police who shall perform all duties required of the Marshal by law and any other Police Officers found by the Board of Aldermen to be necessary for the good government of the City. The Chief of Police shall be twenty-one (21) years of age or older.
[Ord. No. 86, 8-15-1986]
Any police officer of the City of Leadington who has completed the basic police training program as promulgated by Chapter 590, RSMo., shall have the authority to respond to an emergency situation outside the boundaries of the City of Leadington. As used in this section, "emergency situation" means any unforeseen combination of circumstances or events involving danger or imminent danger to human life or property which requires immediate action.
[Ord. No. 421, 6-13-2023]
Definition. For purposes of this Section, "Mineral Area Major Case Squad" shall mean that entity currently organized and operating under that name whose members include law enforcement agencies from Washington, Iron, St. Francois, and Madison Counties, Missouri, as well as the Missouri State Highway Patrol as well as other law enforcement agencies.
Participation. The City of Leadington and its Police Department are hereby authorized to participate in the Mineral Area Major Case Squad with other governmental units located in Washington, Iron, St. Francois, and Madison Counties, Missouri, as well as the Missouri State Highway Patrol.
Organization. The officers of the Leadington Police Department are authorized to participate in and cooperate with any law enforcement officers of jurisdictions who are members of the Mineral Area Major Case Squad as well as the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The officers designated to act in the Mineral Area Major Case Squad operation will be so designated by the Chief of Police and, whenever acting outside the City of Leadington as a member of the Mineral Area Major Case Squad operation, shall be considered to be on active duty the same as if acting within the boundaries of the City of Leadington.
Documentation. The Mayor and Chief of Police, attested if necessary, of the City of Leadington are hereby authorized and empowered to execute and deliver on behalf of the City of Leadington any and all documents necessary in order to participate in the Mineral Area Major Case Squad.
Acceptance Of Existing By-Laws And Manual Of The Mineral Area Major Case Squad. The By-Laws and Manual of the Mineral Area Major Case Squad as it exists as of the date of the enactment of this Section (6-13-2023) is hereby approved by the City of Leadington.
Designation Of Officers. City of Leadington members of the Mineral Area Major Case Squad shall be designated by the Chief of Police with the approval of the Mayor. City of Leadington members of the Mineral Area Major Case Squad may be removed from the case squad by the Chief of Police or the Mayor at any time. At no time shall the Chief of Police allow the operations of the Mineral Area Major Case Squad to leave the City of Leadington with inadequate police protection.
Employee Limitations. No member of the Mineral Area Major Case Squad shall be considered an employee of the City of Leadington unless said member is a member of the City of Leadington's regular Police Department.
[Ord. No. 317, 4-14-2015]
This policy establishes the City of Leadington position on the utility and management of its volunteer program and provides guidance on its management and administration.
[Ord. No. 317, 4-14-2015]
Volunteers can be an important part of this organization and are proven to be a valuable asset to our law enforcement. Volunteers help to increase police responsiveness, and information input, and they provide new program opportunities. In addition, volunteers can bring new skills and expertise to the job and prompt new enthusiasm. It is the policy of this Police Department to use qualified volunteers for specified tasks and duties that can create efficiencies for the Department and improve services to the community. Volunteers are intended to supplement and support, rather than supplant, sworn officers.
[Ord. No. 317, 4-14-2015]
As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Someone who performs service for the Department without promise, expectation, or receipt of compensation for services rendered. This may include unpaid reserve officers, interns, persons providing administrative support and youth involved in a Law Enforcement Explorer Post, among others.
[Ord. No. 317, 4-14-2015]
The Police Chief, or his or her designee, shall be responsible for the following:
Recruiting, selecting, and training qualified volunteers for various positions.
Maintaining a volunteer handbook, which outlines expectations, policies, and responsibilities for volunteers.
Completion and dissemination as appropriate of all necessary paperwork and information.
Administering discipline when warranted.
All requests for volunteers shall be routed through the designated chain of command for review and volunteer selection.
Recruitment. Volunteers shall be recruited on a continuous and ongoing basis consistent with the Police Department's policy on equal opportunity nondiscriminatory employment. A primary qualification for participation in the application process shall be an interest in and an ability to assist the City of Leadington in serving the public.
All prospective volunteers shall complete the volunteer application form.
The volunteer coordinator, or designee, shall conduct a face-to-face interview with an applicant under consideration.
A documented background investigation shall be completed on each volunteer applicant and shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:
Traffic and criminal record.
Selection And Placement.
Upon their selection, applicants shall receive a confirmation call prior to the start of service.
All volunteers shall have available to them a copy of the Police Policy handbook.
All volunteers shall be required to sign a volunteer agreement.
Volunteers shall be placed only in job assignments or programs that are consistent with their knowledge, skills, abilities, and the needs of the City.
Position Description.
Volunteers shall be provided with a comprehensive written position description detailing their duties.
Volunteers shall be used only in accordance with this description. Volunteers shall not work without a written job description or outside the limits of job responsibilities specified in the job description.
Position descriptions shall be reviewed periodically to ensure that they accurately reflect the volunteer's duties and responsibilities.
Volunteers shall be provided with an orientation program to acquaint them with the Department, personnel, policies, and procedures that have a direct impact on their work assignment.
Volunteers shall receive position-specific training to ensure they have adequate knowledge and skills to complete tasks required by the position.
Volunteers shall receive periodic ongoing training as deemed appropriate by their supervisor.
Training shall reinforce to volunteers that they may not intentionally represent themselves as, or by omission infer that they are, sworn officers or other full-time members of the Department. They shall always represent themselves as volunteers.
All volunteers shall comply with the rules of conduct and with all orders and directives, either oral or written, issued by the Department.
Fitness For Duty.
No volunteer shall report to work or be on duty when his or her judgment or physical condition has been impaired by alcohol, medication, other substances, illness, or injury.
Volunteers shall report to their supervisor any changes in status that may affect their ability to fulfill their duties. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Driver's license.
Medical condition.
Criminal investigations.
Dress Code.
Volunteers shall conform to Department-approved dress consistent with their duty assignment.
No volunteer shall wear his or her uniform or identifiable parts of that uniform while off duty.
Volunteers shall be required to return any issued uniform at the termination of service.
With appropriate security clearance, volunteers may have access to confidential information such as criminal histories or investigative files. Unless otherwise directed by a supervisor or departmental policy, all police information shall be considered confidential. Only that information specifically identified and approved by authorized personnel shall be released. Confidential information shall be given only to persons who have a need and a right to know as determined by departmental policy and supervisory personnel.
Disclosure of any confidential information, verbally, in writing, or by any other means, shall be grounds for immediate dismissal and possible criminal prosecution.
Volunteers shall not address public gatherings, appear on radio or television, prepare any article for publication, act as correspondents to a newspaper or other periodical, release or divulge any information concerning the activities of the Department, or maintain that they represent the City in such matters without permission from the proper personnel.
Property And Equipment.
Volunteers shall be issued an identification card that must be worn at all times while on duty.
Any fixed and portable equipment issued by the City shall be for official and authorized use only.
Any property or equipment issued to a volunteer shall remain the property of the City and shall be returned at the termination of service.
Disciplinary Procedures/Termination.
A volunteer may be removed from the volunteer program at the discretion of the Police Chief. Termination of volunteers shall be subject to due process considerations and volunteers shall have no property interests in their continued employment.
An evaluation of the overall volunteer program shall be conducted on an annual basis.
Regular personnel evaluations shall be conducted with volunteers to ensure the best use of human resources available, to ensure personnel problems can be identified and dealt with promptly and fairly, and to ensure optimum job satisfaction on the part of volunteers.
[Ord. No. 317, 4-14-2015]
Any person who violates any provision of this Chapter shall, upon conviction, be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation punishable as set forth in Section 100.220.