[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
This Chapter shall be known as the "Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Leadington, Missouri."
[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
The purpose of this Chapter is to set forth rules and regulations for the subdivision of real property so that each subdivision shall be properly coordinated with existing streets, utilities, public facilities, and plans for developing these entities. For the purpose of this Chapter the term "subdivision" shall mean the division of a parcel of land into two (2) or more lots, or other divisions of land; it includes resubdivision and, when appropriate to the context, relates to the process of subdividing or to the land or territory subdivided. In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this Chapter shall be held to be the minimum requirements adopted for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. To protect the public, among other purposes, such provisions are intended to provide for permanently wholesome community environment, adequate municipal services, safe streets, and comprehensive sound development of the municipality, both as to its present and future requirements.
[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
A preliminary plat must be filed with the Commission. The plat shall be drawn to a scale of one hundred (100) feet to one (1) inch; provided, however, the Commission may waive this requirement if the plat can be more readily portrayed at a different scale. The preliminary plat shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
The proposed name of the subdivision (which must not be so similar to that of an existing subdivision as to cause confusion) and names of adjacent subdivisions.
The names of the owner, licensed engineer, or surveyor responsible for the survey and design.
The location of boundary lines and their relation to established section lines and fractional section lines.
The location and width of existing and proposed streets, roads, lots, and alleys, building lines, park and other features, and similar facts regarding property immediately adjacent thereto; also the location and size of existing sewers and water mains. If there are no adjacent subdivisions then a map made on a smaller scale, may be required by the Commission showing the outline and ownership of adjacent properties, the location and distance of the nearest subdivisions, and how the streets, alleys, or highways in the subdivision offered for record may connect with those in the nearest subdivisions.
A survey showing physical features of the property, including locations of water courses, ravines, bridges, culverts, present structures, size of adjacent drainage areas in acres, and other features pertinent to the subdivision. The outline of wooded areas and the location of important individual trees may be required. On extensive or broken tracts, the Commission may require contours at intervals of two (2) or five (5) feet. All grades shown shall be referred to U.S.G.S. date. The approximate acreage of the property is to be indicated.
Approximate grades and gradients of streets, including existing streets within the proposed development, and outside streets tangent or adjacent thereto.
A designation of the proposed uses of land within the subdivision; that is, the type of residential use, location of business or industrial sites, and sites for churches, schools, parks or other special uses.
North point, scale, and date.
As soon as practicable and not later than thirty (30) days after its receipt of the preliminary plat, the Commission shall, after having given due consideration to the said preliminary plat, advise the person filing said plat of its approval or disapproval of the plat; and, if the same be disapproved, shall advise the person filing said plat of the reasons for its disapproval. Upon refusal of the Commission to approve the preliminary plat, the applicant may make such changes as are required for approval and resubmit the plat or he/she may appeal the decision to the Board of Aldermen, who may reverse the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission and approve said preliminary plat. The approval of a preliminary plat shall not constitute acceptance of the subdivision, but merely an authorization to proceed with the preparation of the final plat. No construction work shall be done on the subdivision before the final plat is accepted, except with the written approval of the Commission and the Board of Aldermen.
[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
After the preliminary plat has been approved by the Commission, a final plat in the form of a record plat shall be prepared and submitted to the Commission for approval by that body and the Board of Aldermen. This plat shall be at the same scale as the approved preliminary plat and shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
The name of the subdivision and adjacent subdivisions, the names of streets (to conform wherever possible to existing street names) and numbers of lots and blocks, in accordance with a systematic arrangement. In case of branching streets, the lines of departure shall be indicated.
An accurate boundary survey of the property, with bearings and distances, referenced to section corners, and showing (in dotted lines) the lines of all adjacent lands and the lines of adjacent streets and alleys, with their widths and names.
Locations of lots, streets, public highways, alleys, parks and other features, with accurate dimensions in feet and decimals of feet, with the length of radii and of arcs of all curves, and with all other information necessary to reproduce the plat on the ground. Dimensions shall be shown from all angle points and points of curve in lot lines.
The location of building lines on front and side streets and the location of utility easements.
Profiles of grades for streets, if required by the Board of Aldermen or by the Commission.
Certification of dedication of all streets, public highways, alleys, parks and other land intended for public use, signed by the owner or owners and by all other parties who have a mortgage or lien interest in the property.
An affidavit of ownership, showing fee simple title and encumbrances and liens.
Certification by a registered civil engineer or licensed surveyor to the effect that the plan represents a survey made by him, and that all the necessary survey monuments are correctly shown thereon.
Certificates of approval on the tracing to be filled out by the Commission.
North point, scale, and date.
[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
Unless otherwise approved by the Board of Aldermen, provision must be made for the extension of main thoroughfares as shown on the major street plan of the City Planning and Zoning Commission; and secondary streets must provide free circulation with the subdivision. Off-center street intersections will not be approved except in unusual cases.
[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
The system of streets designated for the subdivision, except in unusual cases where land use will not justify same or in other unusual cases, shall connect with streets already dedicated in adjacent subdivisions; and where no adjacent connections are platted, shall in general be the reasonable projections of streets in nearest subdivided tracts, and shall be continued to the boundaries of the tract subdivided, so that other subdivisions may connect therewith.
[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
In case a tract is subdivided into larger parcels than normal building lots, such parcels shall be arranged to permit the opening of future streets and logical resubdivisions.
[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
Except in unusual cases, no dead-end streets will be approved unless such dead-end streets are provided to connect with future streets in adjacent land, but courts or "places" may be permitted where the contour of the land makes it difficult to plat with connecting streets. Such courts or "places" shall provide proper access to all lots and shall generally not exceed four hundred (400) feet in length, and a turnaround shall be provided at the closed end, with an outside curb radius of at least forty (40) feet.
[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
All streets shall be at least fifty (50) feet in width, but a greater width may be required by the Board of Aldermen upon the recommendation of the Commission.
[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
Except in unusual cases alleys or loading courts must be provided in business blocks. Alleys are optional in residential districts, but may be required where alleys of adjoining subdivisions would be closed or shut off from egress by the failure to provide alleys in the new subdivisions. Alleys shall have a minimum width of fourteen (14) feet. In case of intersecting alleys, a cutoff shall be required of at least five (5) feet measured from the point of intersection of the alley lines, the resultant connecting lot line to be at least five (5) feet in length.
[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
In general, intersecting streets determining block lengths shall be provided at such intervals as to serve cross traffic adequately and to meet existing streets or customarily subdivision practice in the neighborhood. Where no existing plats control, the blocks may not exceed one thousand (1,000) feet in length, except that a greater length may be permitted by the Board of Aldermen upon the recommendation of the Commission. In blocks longer than one thousand (1,000) feet, pedestrian ways through the block may be required near the center of the block. Such pedestrian ways shall have a minimum width of ten (10) feet.
[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
All lots shall have the side lines as nearly as practicable at right angles to the street on which the lot faces. Lots with double frontage are undesirable, and should be avoided wherever possible.
[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
Easements of not less than eight (8) feet shall be provided on each side of rear or side lines, where necessary for public utilities. If necessary for the extension of main water or sewer lines, or similar utilities, easements of greater width may be required along lot lines or across lots. Easements where practicable shall connect with established easements in adjoining property. The indication of easements on a plat does not necessarily constitute a dedication of such easements to public use, but the easements as shown shall not thereafter be changed without the consent of the Board of Aldermen. Adequate drainage courses for stormwater shall be provided for by the easement.
[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
Suitable sites for parks, schools, playgrounds, and any other public requirements should be carefully considered and indicated on the preliminary plat so that it can be determined which of such sites should be indicated on the final plat and when and in what manner such areas will be acquired by the City. Attention is called to the advantages on a large tract of dedicating a reasonable percent of the property for such use.
[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
Prior to the granting of final approval by the Board of Aldermen, the subdivider shall provide for the installation of the following improvements:
A minimum of twenty (20) feet of the width of each street shall be reserved for walks and parkways, ten (10) feet on each side, except that in streets of a greater width than fifty (50) feet, the Commission, with the approval of the Board of Aldermen, may require a wider area to be reserved for walks and parkways. Areas reserved for walks and parkways shall be of equal width on each side of the street so that the centerline of the roadway shall in all events be the centerline of the street.
All roadways shall be surfaced as directed by the City Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Aldermen.
A sanitary sewer system shall be planned and installed in accordance with the standards of the Missouri Water Pollution Board and the City of Leadington.
A public water distribution system shall be planned and installed in accordance with the standards of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.
The Board of Aldermen shall not approve the final lot or tract within the subdivision until all improvements required by this Section are actually installed; or a surety performance bond acceptable to the City is posted with the City guaranteeing the installation of said improvements; a cash escrow account in favor to the City is established in an amount sufficient to pay for said improvements is made; or a combination of actual construction, surety bond and escrow account which is acceptable to the City is provided by the subdivider.
[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
The developer may, after receiving approval of the preliminary plat, petition the Commission to proceed with the subdivision by stages. The area may be divided into sections and after approval by the Commission and the Board of Aldermen the installation of the improvements required in Section 410.150 preceding, may be constructed. Ordinarily, the minimum length of street to be improved shall be three hundred (300) feet unless permission is granted by the Commission for a lesser amount.
[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
The Board of Aldermen may refuse to approve a plat unless it is evident that proper water and sewer facilities can be supplied within a reasonable time. Permission shall not be granted for the connection of utilities to the various City utility systems, nor shall the City-owned utility systems be extended to serve a subdivision until the plat for the subdivision has been approved by the Board of Aldermen.
[Ord. No. 70, 2-20-1981]
The Commission shall, within thirty (30) days after receipt of the final plat, determine its recommendation as to whether the plat shall be approved, approved with modifications, or disapproved and shall within said thirty-day period give notice to the subdivider of its determination. If approved, the Commission shall so note on the fact of the plat and shall thereupon forward said plat to the Board of Aldermen, notifying the subdivider of its action. If approved with modification, or if disapproved, the Commission shall attach to the original plat a statement of the reasons for such action and shall forthwith return the original of said plat to the subdivider, retaining one (1) copy thereof for its records.