[1971 Code § BH15-1]
It shall be unlawful for any person to slaughter poultry or cattle in the Township without first having obtained from the Sanitary Inspector a permit for such purpose. Such permit shall expire at the end of one year from the date of issuance thereof.
Poultry killing and dressing establishments shall conform to the following regulations.
[1971 Code § BH15-2.1]
Floors of all rooms shall be of such construction as to be easily cleaned, shall be smooth, shall be kept clean and in good repair, and shall be impervious to moisture.
[1971 Code § BH15-2.2]
Walls and ceilings of all rooms shall be kept clean and in good repair. Walls and ceilings of rooms in which food is handled, processed, stored or prepared, or utensils are washed, shall have a smooth washable surface.
[1971 Code § BH15-2.3]
When flies are prevalent, all openings into the outer air shall be effectively screened and doors shall be self-closing, unless other effective means are provided to prevent the entrance of flies.
[1971 Code § BH15-2.4]
All rooms shall be adequately lighted.
[1971 Code § BH15-.2.5]
All rooms shall be adequately ventilated; the ventilation shall not however, cause obnoxious odors outside the buildings.
[1971 Code § BH15-2.6]
Every such establishment shall be provided with adequate toilet facilities, conveniently located and conforming with the regulations of the Board of Health Code. Bathrooms shall be separate and apart from any room in which food is handled, stored, processed or prepared or any room where utensils are washed and stored.
The doors of all bathrooms shall be self-closing. Bathrooms shall be kept in clean condition, in good repair and well lighted and ventilated. Handwashing signs shall be posted in each bathroom used by employees.
[1971 Code § BH15-2.7]
Adequate handwashing facilities, including hot and cold running water under pressure, soap, and individual towels shall be provided adjacent to all bathrooms and in any other location where the nature of the work requires frequent use of such facilities. The use of a common towel is prohibited. No employee shall resume work after using the bathroom or handling any contaminated product without first washing his hands and arms thoroughly with clean water and soap.
[1971 Code § BH15-2.8]
Running water under pressure shall be easily accessible to all rooms in which food is prepared or utensils are washed and shall be adequate and of approved sanitary quality. Running hot and cold water, under pressure, shall be easily accessible to all rooms in which foods are prepared or stored, and utensils are washed. Water for sterilizing tools and utensils shall be maintained at 180 degrees F. The water supply shall be of a potable quality and adequate in quantity. All coolers for drinking water shall be of an approved type and shall be kept from contamination.
[1971 Code § BH15-2.9]
All waste shall be disposed of daily and all inedible products and trash shall be kept in tight, nonabsorbent and easily washable receptacles which are covered with close fitting lids pending removal. Inedible offal resulting from the operation of such establishment shall be handled so as to prevent a nuisance, disagreeable odors or contamination to edible products. All plumbing shall be so arranged, designed, installed and maintained as to prevent contamination of the water supply, food or equipment.
[1971 Code § BH15-2.10]
All utensils and all display cases and show windows, counters, shelves, tables, refrigerators, sinks and other equipment or utensils used in connection with the operation of such establishment shall be so constructed and located as to be easily cleaned, shall be free of crevices and inaccessible places which may harbor vermin and shall be kept in good repair. Utensils which are cadmium plated or in which cadmium or lead is part of the metal are prohibited. Only solder of low lead content may be used for jointing. All equipment used in such establishment shall be constructed of metal or other impervious materials and shall be kept clean and in good repair.
[1971 Code § BH15-2.11]
Adequate facilities for washing and cleaning equipment shall be provided. All equipment shall be kept clean and free from dust, dirt, insects and other contaminating material. All utensils and equipment used in preparation, processing, transportation or cooking of food shall be thoroughly cleaned and subjected to an approved bactericidal process immediately following the day's operation.
[1971 Code § BH15-2-12]
After bactericidal treatment, utensils shall be stored in a clean dry place protected from flies, dust or other contamination, and utensils shall be handled in such a manner as to minimize the opportunities for contamination. Single-service packaging, containers and lining paper shall be manufactured, packaged, stored and transported under sanitary conditions and purchased only in sanitary containers and shall be stored therein in a clean, dry place until used, and shall be handled in a sanitary manner.
[1971 Code § BH15-2.13]
All perishable foods shall be kept at or below 50 degrees F except when being processed. Temperature and procedures which are necessary for cooling and freezing of poultry in accordance with sound commercial practice shall be maintained in the coolers and freezers, and ice chilling temperatures and procedures shall also be in accordance with sound commercial practice.
[1971 Code § BH15-2.14]
All foods shall be clean, wholesome, free from spoilage and so prepared as to be safe for human consumption.
[1971 Code § BH15-2.15]
All food shall be stored, transported, displayed and served, so as to be protected from dust, flies, vermin, depredation and pollution by spoilage, rodents, handling droplet infection, overhead leakage and other contamination. No animals or fowl shall be kept or allowed in any room where utensils are washed or in which food is prepared, stored or served. All means necessary for the elimination of flies, roaches and rodents shall be used.
[1971 Code § BH15-2.16]
All employees shall wear clean outer garments and shall keep their hands and fingernails clean at all times while engaged in handling food, utensils or equipment. Employees shall not expectorate or use tobacco where food is prepared, handled or stored.
[1971 Code § BH15-2.17]
No person who is affected with any disease in a communicable or contagious form or is a carrier of any disease shall work in any food establishment and no food establishment shall employ any such person or any person suspected of being affected with any disease in a communicable or contagious form or of being a carrier of any disease. If the operator suspects that any employee has contracted any disease he shall immediately notify the Sanitary Inspector.
[1971 Code § BH15-2.18]
A building housing a food processing establishment shall be so constructed as to provide ample space and area for the operation of such establishments and so designed as to protect food during processing. The surroundings of such establishments shall be kept clean and free of rubbish.