[The Zoning Schedule was adopted by Ord. No. 2005-59 to summarize the bulk requirements of each zone district.]
Editor's Note: Schedule of General Zoning Regulations may be found as an attachment to this chapter.
[Ord. No. 2018-35]
These regulations shall be applicable to the use of all lands in the Township of Lakewood and any structures thereon.
The provisions of this article shall be held to be the minimum requirements (or the maximum, when so specified). Where this article imposes a greater restriction than is imposed and required by other provisions of law or by other rules, regulations or resolutions, the provisions of this article shall control. Where other laws, rules, regulations or resolutions require greater restrictions than are imposed by this article, the provisions of such laws, rules, regulations or resolutions shall control.
The standards established by this article shall be applied uniformly within each zoning district to each class or kind of structure or land. Only uses which are specifically provided for by the regulations of any district shall be permitted in that district unless authorized by the Zoning Board of Adjustment pursuant to this article.
Upon the effective date of this article, no building shall hereafter be used, erected, altered, converted, enlarged, added to, moved or reduced, nor shall any lands be subdivided, developed, or redeveloped in any manner except in conformity with the standards provided herein, as applied to the zoning district in which the building or land is located.
Upon the effective date of this article, all buildings and land, which are not in full conformity with the standards provided herein, as applied to the zoning district in which the building or land is located, shall be deemed to be nonconforming and shall be subject to the provisions of this article.
The following uses shall be permitted in all residential districts:
Family Day Care Homes:
Family day care homes as defined in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.5, and are to be licensed or registered to the extent required by the laws and regulations of the State of New Jersey.
The standards for said homes shall be the same as for single-family dwelling units located in the same District, in accordance with the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law, 40:55D-66.5b, as amended.
Family day care homes are to be considered as home occupations, and as such, shall not be subject to more stringent restrictions than exist or apply to all other home occupations in the particular residential district in which the family day care home is located.
Child Care
Centers for which a license is required from the New Jersey Department of Human Services pursuant to P.L. 1983, c. 492 (C:30:5B-1 et seq.) shall be a permitted use in all zoning districts.
The floor area in any building or structure used for child care purposes shall be excluded in calculating any parking requirement.
The floor area in any building or structure used for child care purposes shall be excluded in calculating the permitted density allowable for that building.
Notwithstanding the above statements, the development of a child care facility in an existing structure or in a stand alone facility, shall require site plan review and will be subject to the standards of the district in which it is located. Parking requirements shall be based on evaluating the following factors: the maximum number of children for which the site is licensed; the number of employees present during the maximum shift; and the operational plan for the drop-off and pick-up of children during the school day.
Child care centers and the provision of child care services which do not require licensure by the State of New Jersey shall be permitted in all zoning districts subject to Subsection F1a and Subsection F1b and are exempt from the requirements of Subsection F1c above.
Cluster development shall be permitted in accordance with § 18-904 of this chapter.
Townhouse (single-family attached) development:
Where townhouse (single-family attached) are outright permitted uses (not conditional permitted uses) the following standards shall apply:
Minimum tract size shall be one-half (0.5) acre in all districts in which townhouses are permitted with the exception of the HD-7 zone in which the minimum tract size shall be one acre.
Tract Boundaries: from a state highway - 100 feet. From all other right-of-way lines - 25 feet. From all other property lines-20 feet.
Maximum Density - eight townhouses or 16 dwelling units per acre.
Minimum tract width - 125 feet.
Minimum tract depth - 100 feet.
The overall townhouse tract may be subdivided to provide fee-simple ownership for the individual townhouse units. The following shall apply to the individual townhouse lots:
Minimum front yard setback - 25 feet from internal streets.
Minimum side yard setback (for end units) - 12 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback - 20 feet.
Maximum height - 35 feet or 2.5 stories, whichever is less.
Minimum distance between buildings - 25 feet.
Maximum units per structure — eight.
Maximum building length - 240 feet.
A structure shall not have more than two connected townhouse units on one facade without providing a variation in setback of at least two feet.
Each unit shall have an area designated for the storage of trash and recycling containers. All trash containers shall be screened from view. Screening should blend with the building exterior.
All residential development shall provide a usable rear yard depth of at least 20 feet, including the rear yard setback. Decks shall be permitted within the usable yard area, but detention/retention facilities, drainage swales, or any easements which would inhibit the use of the rear yard are prohibited. For the purposes of this section a drainage swale with side slopes exceeding 1:10 and a depth exceeding 18 inches shall be established as the limit which inhibits use of this yard and is therefore prohibited.
Architectural drawings of the front, side and rear elevations shall be provided. Architectural drawings should also be provided if the HVAC equipment is to be located on the roof.
All areas put into common ownership for common use by all residents shall be owned by a non-profit homeowners association in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Community Affairs and the following:
Deed restrictions and covenants shall be provided in accordance with the requirements and standards of the Department of Community Affairs.
The homeowners association shall be responsible for the ownership and maintenance of all common space and any streets not accepted by the Township.
This organization shall not be dissolved nor shall it dispose of any common open space, by sale or otherwise, except to another organization conceived and established to own and maintain the common open space and non-dedicated streets.
The homeowners association shall be established prior to any certificates of occupancy being issued. Membership of the association shall be automatic and mandatory for each owner of a dwelling unit and any succeeding owner thereto, being accomplished by the purchase of a dwelling unit in the development.
The association shall guarantee access to all the common areas to all persons legally residing in the development.
The association shall be responsible for liability insurance, taxes certificate of incorporation shall contain provisions so that adequate funds will be available for maintenance.
The documents establishing the association shall provide a plan for the maintenance of all common areas and undedicated streets.
Parking shall be provided within 150 feet of the structure.
All units shall be designed with a unified architectural style.
Variations in setback and building facades shall be provided.
All HVAC equipment shall be located in rear or side yards and shall be buffered from adjoining properties and units, or shall be placed on rooftops.
Maximum building coverage of the tract: 35%.
Any site or development may contain more than one use as long as the uses are permitted in the zoning district in which it is located.
In all Residential Zoning districts, any tract for which a complete application for a Planned Educational Campus has been filed with the Lakewood Planning Board, in compliance with § 18-902H1(g), re-approval for development of that tract shall be conditionally permitted in accordance with the provisions of the R-7.5 (Residential) Land Use District. Such re-approval shall be subject to all of the following conditions:
Submission and approval of a complete development application to the Lakewood Planning Board based on the provisions of the R-7.5 (Residential) Land Use District, § 18-902G.
A complete application for a Planned Educational Campus in accordance with § 18-902H1g must have been submitted prior to the adoption of this ordinance.
[Adopted July 12, 2018 by Ord. No. 2018-35]
No development of any portion of the Planned Educational Campus may have been commenced at or before the time of adoption of this ordinance. If any development of the Planned Educational Campus was commenced at or before the time of adoption of this ordinance, the re-approval provisions of this section shall be prohibited.
[Adopted July 12, 2018 by Ord. No. 2018-35]
The following uses shall be prohibited in all zoning districts in the Township of Lakewood:
[Added 4-22-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-23]
All classes of cannabis establishments or cannabis distributors or cannabis delivery-licensed businesses as said terms are defined in Section 3 of P.L. 2021, c. 16.
In all residential zones, notwithstanding the definition of "lot, corner" found at § 18-200, where a corner lot has a residence fronting on one street with its front entryway oriented toward that street (the dominant street), the street frontage not associated with the front door entryway (the subservient street) shall be permitted to utilize the side yard setback for that zone for accessory structures, including pools, provided adequate screening from the subservient street is incorporated into the application for permits for accessory structures, and any applicable sight triangles remain unimpeded, as determined by the Township's Engineering Department upon application for construction permits.
[Added 5-12-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-25]
In all residential zones, notwithstanding the definition of "lot, corner" found at § 18-200, where a corner lot has a residence fronting on one street with its front entryway oriented toward that street (the dominant street), the street frontage not associated with the front door entryway (the subservient street) shall be permitted to utilize a minimum front yard setback for that subservient side of seventeen feet (17') measured from the property line, for an addition to an existing owner-occupied single family structure, provided adequate screening from the subservient street is incorporated into the application for permits for said residential addition, and any applicable sight triangles remain unimpeded, as determined by the Township's engineering department upon application for construction permits.
[Added 3-16-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-16]
In all residential zones where sheds are permitted as accessory uses, and notwithstanding the definition of "sheds" found at § 18-200 which permits sheds to be placed up to five feet from side and rear property lines, and in certain and limited cases, the Zoning Officer may issue a zoning permit for a shed to be located immediately adjacent to the side or rear property line, provided the proposed shed meets the following criteria and the applicant follows the procedure outlined below:
[Added 5-16-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-009]
The owner(s) of the contiguous property upon which the shed will be placed immediately next to same shall confirm in writing that they have no objection to the location of the proposed shed. This requirement is unnecessary if the requestor also owns the adjacent property.
The shed is located and designed so as to have the least impact on adjacent properties.
In no case shall the shed height exceed 12 feet.
The proposed shed complies with all other Lakewood Township shed requirements.
Application Procedure. An application for a Lakewood Township Shed Permit for the proposed shed is required.
No shed shall be permitted within any drainage easement or conservation easement.
[Ord. No. 2005-96 § 1; Ord. No. 2013-58 § 1; Ord. No. 2013-59 § 1; Ord. No. 2013-60 § 1; Ord. No. 2014-20 § 1; Ord. No. 2014-51 § 1; Ord. No. 2014-52 § 1; Ord. No. 2014-61 § 1; Ord. No. 2015-35 and removed 4-24-17 by Court Order; Ord. No. 2017-24; Ord. No. 2017-51 § 2; Ord. No. 2019-15]
The following zoning districts are hereby created and all land within the Township of Lakewood shall be placed in one of these districts by designation on a zoning map, as described below.
Agricultural (A-1)
Residential (R40)
Residential (R20)
Residential (R15)
Residential (R12)
Residential (R12A)
Residential (R10)
Residential (R7.5)
Multi-Family Residential (R-M)
Multi-Family Limited Residential (R-LM)
Public Housing (PH-1)
Office Transitional (OT)
Neighborhood Business (B-1)
Central Business (B-2)
Highway Business (B-3)
Wholesale Service (B-4)
Highway Development (B-5)
Highway Development (B-5A)
Highway Development (HD-6)
Highway Development (HD-7)
Residential Office Park (ROP)
Open Space and Preservation (OSP)
Airport Hazard Zone (AHZ)
Cedarbridge Redevelopment Area (DA-1)
Industrial (M-1)
Industrial Park Limited Professional Service (LP)
Corporate Campus/Stadium Support Zone (B-6)
Hospital Support (HS)
Single Family Residential (R-10A)
Airport Business Commercial (ABC)
Oak Street Core Neighborhood Overlay Zone-1 (OSCN 1)
Oak Street Core Neighborhood Overlay Zone-2 (OSCN 2)
Cross and Prospect Street Core (CPSC) Overlay
Public Purpose (PP) Overlay
Single Family Residential (R-10B)
Single Family Residential (R-20A)
Residential Cluster (R-15/10 C)
Residential Cluster (R-20/12 C)
Residential Cluster (R-40/20 C)
Planned Development Non-Contiguous Cluster (PDNC) Overlay
Riparian Buffer Conservation Overlay
[Ord. No. 2017-24 § 1; Ord. No. 2019-15 § 2]
Zoning Map and Interpretation.[2]
The boundaries of these zoning districts are established on a map entitled "Zoning Map of the Township of Lakewood — 2017," dated December 7, 2017, which accompanies this chapter and is incorporated herein.
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 3]
Amendments to the Zoning Map:
The following Blocks and Lots are and the same are hereby retuned to the R-40/20C Zone and the Zoning Map and tax records shall be adjusted accordingly to reflect same:
[Added 8-15-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-31]
1 and 2
1 and 2
The following Blocks and Lots currently located in a portion of the ABC Zone are and the same are hereby redesignated and returned to the LP Zone and the Zoning Map and tax records shall be adjusted accordingly to reflect same:
[Added 5-18-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-18]
1, 2 and 3
1 and 9
The map entitled "Amended Zoning Map of the Township of Lakewood - 2017" and dated December 7, 2017 shall be adopted and replace the Zoning Map referred to above upon the completion of roadway improvements so as to minimize traffic congestion as recommended in the 2017 Lakewood Township Master Plan, and more specifically set forth in the introductory "whereas" clauses of Ordinance No. 2017-51.
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 3]
The boundaries between zoning districts are, unless otherwise indicated, either the center lines of streets or railroad rights-of-way, municipal boundary lines, property lines existing at the time of the zoning map adoption or amendment, or lines parallel or perpendicular thereto. Distances not specifically indicated shall be determined by the scale of the map.
[Ord. No. 2019-15]
Where a district boundary line divides a lot existing at the time of adoption of this chapter, the regulations applicable to the least restrictive district shall extend over the portion of the lot in the more restrictive district for a distance of not more than 20 feet.
Editor's Note: The Official Zoning Map can be found as an attachment to this chapter. Prior Ordinance History: Ord. Nos. 2005-95, 2005-96, 2006-29, 2013-30, 2013-40, 2013-58, 2013-59, 2013-60, 2014-13, 2014-20, 2014-47, 2014-51, 2014-52, 2014-61, 2015-35.
Editor's Note: The Zoning Map may be found as an attachment to this chapter.
[Ord. No. 2009-53 §§ 1, 2; Ord. No. 2010-22 § 1; Ord. No. 2010-78; Ord. No. 2013-58 § 2; Ord. No. 2013-79 §§ 1-5; Ord. No. 2014-20 § 3; Ord. No. 2014-51 § 3; Ord. No. 2014-52 §§ 3-5; Ord. No. 2014-61 §§ 3-5; Ord. No. 2015-30; Ord. No. 2016-34; Ord. No. 2017-24 § 2; Ord. No. 2017-51 §§ 7-19]
Agricultural (A-1)
Permitted Uses:
Single family detached dwellings.
Farm house and associated dwellings.
Customary and conventional agricultural uses with the exception of raising hogs and goats. The processing or sale of agricultural products grown or raised on the premises is permitted. This may include the slaughtering of poultry, however, no other type of abattoir shall be permitted.
Places of worship including parish house and classrooms. (See § 18-905 for regulations in addition to Subsection 5 below.)
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Conditional Uses (See Article X):
Public buildings of a governmental or cultural nature but not including warehouses and workshops.
Golf Courses with a minimum of nine holes and a minimum distance from tee to green for a hole of 100 yards. A clubhouse is permitted on the same property.
Public Utility installations which involve no storage yard or commercial office space.
Hospitals and Clinics.
Accessory Uses:
Private residential garages.
Private Swimming Pools.
Home occupations, provided that the sum of all such uses in a dwelling complies with the following standards:
The home occupation may not employ more than two people at any one time who are not a member of the household residing in the dwelling.
The home occupation shall primarily be conducted in a manner that does not bring more than one client at a time to the premises.
The residential character of the exterior of the structure appearance shall not be compromised.
Not more than 25% of the total floor area of the dwelling may be devoted to the home occupation use.
There shall be no outdoor storage or display of materials, products or equipment.
One off-street parking space must be provided in addition to those required for the dwelling if a non-resident person is employed in conjunction with the home occupation use.
Deliveries are permitted by way of UPS, FedEx or other similar agencies.
Design Regulations - For all permitted uses except for Places of Worship:
Minimum Lot Area — 2 acres.
Minimum Lot Width — 200 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 50 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 20 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 15 feet with an aggregate of 40 feet.
Accessory Building:
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 25%.
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
Design Regulations - Places of Worship:
Minimum Lot Area — 2 acres.
Minimum Lot Width — 200 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 50 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 20 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 15 feet with an aggregate of 40 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 20%.
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
Residential (R-40)
[Amended by Ord. No. 2005-77]
Permitted Uses:
Single Family Detached Housing.
Places of worship including parish house and classrooms. (See § 18-905 for regulations in addition to Subsection 5 below.)
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Planned Affordable Residential Development in those areas identified on the Zoning Map for R-40/20 Cluster and in accordance with the bulk standards and requirements of Subsection 18-902B7.
Conditional Uses (See Article X):
Public buildings of a governmental or cultural nature but not including warehouses and workshops.
Congregate or Assisted Living and Nursing Care.
Adult Communities. (See § 18-1001).
Planned Unit Development (See § 18-1021).
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 4]
Accessory Uses:
Private residential garages.
Private Swimming Pools.
Home occupations, provided that the sum of all such uses in a dwelling complies with the following standards:
The home occupation may not employ more than two people at any one time who are not a member of the household residing in the dwelling.
The home occupation shall primarily be conducted in a manner that does not bring more than one client at a time to the premises.
The residential character of the exterior of the structure appearance shall not be compromised.
Not more than 25% of the total floor area of the dwelling may be devoted to the home occupation use.
There shall be no outdoor storage or display of materials, products or equipment.
One off-street parking space must be provided in addition to those required for the dwelling if a non-resident person is employed in conjunction with the home occupation use.
Deliveries are permitted by way of UPS, FedEx or other similar agencies.
Design Regulations:
Minimum Lot Area — 40,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 150 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 50 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 15 feet with an aggregate of 40 feet.
Accessory Building:
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 20%.
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
Design Regulations. Houses of Worship:
Minimum Lot Area — 40,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 150 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 50 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 15 feet with an aggregate of 40 feet.
Accessory Building:
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 25%.
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2005-94; Ord. No. 2015-30]
A cluster development plan for single family detached dwellings shall be permitted in those areas designated on the Zoning Map as R-40/20 Cluster and as provided in § 18-904. The bulk standards for the lots in the cluster development shall be in accordance with the R-20 Design Regulations.
The minimum size of a tract of land proposed for cluster development shall be 15 acres.
[Ord. No. 2015-30]
For cluster developments which comply with Subsection b above that have been approved by the Planning Board either in accordance with Subsection a above for cluster development approved by the granting of lot area variances, which include a remainder open space parcel, the bulk setback standards shall be in accordance with the R-20 requirements per § 18-902C4c through 18-902C4h.
[Ord. No. 2015-30]
Planned Affordable Residential Development.
[Added by Ord. No. 2005-77]
Dwelling Unit Types.
TOWNHOUSE — A building containing attached dwelling units arranged side by side with each unit divided by a common party wall, and having a separate exterior entrance.
DUPLEX — A building containing two dwelling units, arranged either side by side as in the case of a semi-detached dwelling or one over the other, with each unit having a separate exterior entrance.
MULTI-FAMILY — A building containing multiple dwelling units, other than a townhouse, that are attached both vertically and horizontally, with each unit having either a separate exterior entrance or access from a common hallway.
SINGLE FAMILY — A detached building containing one dwelling unit intended for one family and is not attached to any other dwelling by any means and is surrounded by open space or yards.
Minimum Tract Size. A planned affordable residential development may only be developed on one or more contiguous parcels of land having a minimum gross acreage of four acres. Paper streets, existing rights-of-way or easements shall not be deemed to divide acreage. The initial development tract at the time of approval shall contain a minimum of 50% publicly-owned land. Subsequent additions of contiguous acreage may be made in any acreage amount without regard to public ownership requirements provided such acreage is integrated within the overall design of the initially approved planned development.
Permitted Principal Uses. No building or premises shall be used and no building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used except for one or more of the following uses:
With public sewer and water: townhouses, duplex, multi-family, and single family units restricted to low and moderate income households.
Community facilities related to the cultural, social and recreational needs of the residents of the development, including public or private parks, religious, ceremonial and ritual facilities, churches and other places of worship.
Public or private schools and day-care facilities related to the needs of the residents of the development.
Public buildings of a governmental or cultural nature.
Neighborhood commercial uses, such as retail sales and services and professional offices, designed and intended primarily to serve the residents of the planned affordable residential development. The lot area of such commercial uses shall not exceed 10% of the tract area of a planned development. Bulk and parking requirements for such commercial uses shall conform to the standards contained in § 18-903A, "B-1 Neighborhood Business Zone".
Permitted Accessory Uses. Any of the following uses may be permitted when used in conjunction with a principal use:
Off street parking and common parking areas.
Maintenance and utility facilities intended to service the residents of the planned development.
Other accessory uses customarily incidental to a permitted principal use.
Tract Development Requirements. The following standards shall apply to any planned affordable residential development tract:
Minimum tract area: four acres.
Maximum gross density: 22 dwelling units per acre.
Residential unit distribution. At a minimum, two of the permitted housing types shall be provided.
Maximum building coverage: 45% of the gross tract area.
Maximum impervious surface coverage: 80% of the gross tract area.
Minimum tract setbacks.
Tract boundary: 10 feet shall be permitted if dwellings front on an existing street and parking for such units is provided from a service alley.
Interior roadway/circulation driveway: 20 feet; except 10 feet shall be permitted if parking for dwelling units is located with access from a service alley.
Interior parking lot paved surface: 10 feet.
Bulk requirements. The following bulk requirements shall apply to the permitted dwelling unit types in a planned affordable residential development project.
Townhouses on fee simple lots.
(a) Minimum lot area
2,000 square feet
(b) Minimum lot frontage/ width:
20 feet
(c) Minimum lot depth:
80 feet
(d) Minimum front yard:
20 feet for units with front entry garages; 10 feet for units without garages or with parking provided in the rear yard with access from a rear service alley
(e) Minimum side yard:
0 feet for a common wall; 10 feet end units
(f) Minimum rear yard:
15 feet to principal building; 12 feet to garage or accessory structures
(g) Maximum building height:
45 feet
Townhouse structures on common property.
Clusters of townhouse dwellings may be arranged on a tract subject to the applicable design standards contained in § 18-902B7.
Duplex dwelling on individual lots.
(a) Minimum lot area:
6,000 square feet
(b) Minimum lot frontage/ width:
50 feet
(c) Minimum lot depth:
80 feet
(d) Minimum front yard:
25 feet; except 10 feet if parking is located in the rear yard with access from a rear service alley
(e) Minimum side yard:
8 feet one side; 15 feet total
(f) Minimum rear yard:
15 feet to principal building; 12 feet to garage or accessory structures
(g) Maximum building height:
45 feet
Single Family on individual lots.
(a) Minimum lot area:
5,000 square feet
(b) Minimum lot frontage/ width
45 feet
(c) Minimum lot depth
80 feet
(d) Minimum front yards
20 feet except 10 feet if parking is located in the rear yard with access from a rear service alley
(e) Minimum side yard
7 feet one side; 15 feet total
(f) Minimum rear yard
15 feet to principal building; 12 feet to garage or accessory structures
Duplex structures on common property.
Clusters of duplex dwellings may be arranged on a tract subject to the applicable design standards contained in this chapter.
Multi-family structures on common property.
Clusters of multi-family dwellings may be arranged on a tract subject to the applicable design standards contained in this chapter.
Minimum average floor area for a dwelling unit shall be 1,100 square feet.
Each unit above the ground floor may have a balcony or terrace, which if provided shall be at least 60 square feet in area.
Maximum building height – 45 feet.
Design requirements.
Minimum distance between buildings that are designed on common property.
(a) End wall (no openings) to end wall:
12 feet
(b) End wall to window wall:
30 feet
(c) Windows wall to window wall
40 feet
Townhouse structures shall not have a length in excess of 240 feet and shall be designed with offsets or other architectural features so as to provide breaks in a linear plane.
Multi-family structures shall provide for variety in roof height and avoid the appearance of one continuous multi-story building through the introduction of offsets or other architectural features.
Minimum off-street parking requirements. The parking requirements as outlined in the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) for residential land uses shall apply to the permitted dwelling units. For townhouse or multi-family units containing four or more bedrooms the parking ratio shall be 2.5 per townhouse unit and 2.2 per multi-family unit.
Recreational facilities. Facilities to serve the recreational needs of the residents of the planned development shall be appropriately sized to the scale and type of the development. A minimum recreational open space area equal to 5% of the tract area of a planned development shall be provided. Common open space areas shall conform to the requirements for such open space, except as modified herein, as contained in § 18-808 of this chapter.
Construction, design, lighting, screening and landscaping of parking areas and streets shall conform to the applicable provisions of this chapter. To the extent that the Township's standards for the construction and design of parking facilities including the size and number of parking spaces as well as the design of internal streets and circulation driveways is inconsistent with the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS), then the RSIS code standards shall govern the parking area and street design.
Planned Development Findings. Prior to the approval of a planned affordable residential development, the Planning Board shall make findings and conclusions as required under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-45:
That departures by the proposed development from zoning regulations otherwise applicable to the subject property conforms to the zoning ordinance standards pursuant to this article;
That the proposals for maintenance and conservation of the common open space are adequate in the amount, location and purpose.
That provision through the physical design of the proposed development for public services, control over vehicular and pedestrian traffic and the amenities of light and air, recreation and visual enjoyment are adequate.
In the case of a proposed development, which contemplates construction over a period of years, that the terms and conditions intended to protect the interests of the public and the residents, occupants and owners of the proposed development in the total completion of the development are adequate.
Single-Family Residential (R-20)
Permitted Uses:
Single Family Detached Housing.
Places of worship including parish house and classrooms. (See § 18-905 for regulations in addition to Subsection 5 below.)
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Conditional Uses (See Article X):
Public buildings of a governmental or cultural nature but not including warehouses and workshops.
Congregate or Assisted Living and Nursing Care.
Agricultural uses. The processing or sale of agricultural products grown or raised on the premises is permitted.
Golf courses with a minimum of nine holes and a minimum distance from tee to green for a hole of 100 yards. A clubhouse is permitted on the same property.
Adult Communities. (See § 18-1001.)
Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 2013-79 was repealed by Court Order on June 2, 2017 deleting commercial uses on properties with frontage County Route No. 526.
Accessory Uses:
Private residential garages.
Private swimming pools.
Home occupations, provided that the sum of all such uses in a dwelling complies with the following standards:
The home occupation may not employ more than two people at any one time who are not a member of the household residing in the dwelling.
The home occupation shall primarily be conducted in a manner that does not bring more than one client at a time to the premises.
The residential character of the exterior of the structure appearance shall not be compromised.
Not more than 25% of the total floor area of the dwelling may be devoted to the home occupation use.
There shall be no outdoor storage or display of materials, products or equipment.
One off-street parking space must be provided in addition to those required for the dwelling if a non-resident person is employed in conjunction with the home occupation use.
Deliveries are permitted by way of UPS, FedEx or other similar agencies.
Design Regulations - For all permitted uses except for Places of Worship:
Minimum Lot Area — 20,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 100 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 20 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet with an aggregate of 25 feet.
Accessory Building:
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 30%.
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
Design Regulations - Places of Worship:
Minimum Lot Area — 20,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 100 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet with an aggregate of 25 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 25%.
Cluster Option: A cluster development plan for single family detached dwellings shall be permitted in those areas designated on the Zoning Map as R-20/12 Cluster and as provided in § 18-904. The bulk standards for the lots in the cluster development shall be in accordance with the R-12 Design Regulations.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2005-94]
Reduction in Lot Area for Recreation Purposes: In any residential subdivision in the R-20 District, the minimum lot area and width requirements may be reduced in accordance with the standards and requirements specified in § 18-908.
Single Family Residential (R-15)
Permitted Uses:
Single-family detached housing.
Places of worship including parish house and classrooms. (See § 18-905 for regulations in addition to Subsection 5 below.)
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Conditional Uses (See Article X):
Public buildings of a governmental or cultural nature but not including warehouses and workshops.
Congregate or Assisted Living and Nursing Care.
Agricultural uses. The processing or sale of agricultural products grown or raised on the premises is permitted.
Golf courses with a minimum of nine holes and a minimum distance from tee to green for a hole of 100 yards. A clubhouse is permitted on the same property.
Adult Communities. (See § 18-1001).
Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 2013-79 was repealed by Court Order on June 2, 2017 deleting commercial uses on properties with frontage County Route No. 526.
Accessory Uses:
Private residential garages.
Private Swimming Pools.
Home occupations, provided that the sum of all such uses in a dwelling complies with the following standards:
The home occupation may not employ more than two people at any one time who are not a member of the household residing in the dwelling.
The home occupation shall primarily be conducted in a manner that does not bring more than one client at a time to the premises.
The residential character of the exterior of the structure appearance shall not be compromised.
Not more than 25% of the total floor area of the dwelling may be devoted to the home occupation use.
There shall be no outdoor storage or display of materials, products or equipment.
One off-street parking space must be provided in addition to those required for the dwelling if a non-resident person is employed in conjunction with the home occupation use.
Deliveries are permitted by way of UPS, FedEx or other similar agencies.
Design Regulations - For all permitted uses except Places of Worship:
Minimum Lot Area — 15,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 100 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 20 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet with an aggregate of 25 feet.
Accessory Building:
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 30%.
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
Design Regulations - Places of Worship:
Minimum Lot Area — 15,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 100 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 20 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet with an aggregate of 25 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 25%.
Reduction in Lot Area for Recreation Purposes: In any residential subdivision in the R-15 District, the minimum lot area and width requirements may be reduced in accordance with the standards and requirements specified in § 18-908.
Cluster Option: A cluster development plan for single-family detached dwellings shall be permitted in those areas designated on the Zoning Map as R-15/10 Cluster and as provided in § 18-904. The bulk standards for the lots in the cluster development shall be in accordance with the R-10 Design Regulations.
[Ord. No. 2005-95 § 2]
Single-Family (R-12 and 12A)
Permitted Uses:
Single Family Detached Housing.
Places of worship including parish house and classrooms. (See § 18-905 for regulations in addition to Subsection 5 below.)
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Conditional Uses (See Article X)
Public buildings of a governmental or cultural nature but not including warehouses and workshops.
Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 2013-79 was repealed by Court Order on June 2, 2017 deleting commercial uses on properties with frontage County Route No. 526.
Accessory Uses:
Private residential garages.
Private Swimming Pools.
Home occupations, provided that the sum of all such uses in a dwelling complies with the following standards:
The home occupation may not employ more than two people at any one time who are not a member of the household residing in the dwelling.
The home occupation shall primarily be conducted in a manner that does not bring more than one client at a time to the premises.
The residential character of the exterior of the structure appearance shall not be compromised.
Not more than 25% of the total floor area of the dwelling may be devoted to the home occupation use.
There shall be no outdoor storage or display of materials, products or equipment.
One off-street parking space must be provided in addition to those required for the dwelling if a non-resident person is employed in conjunction with the home occupation use.
Deliveries are permitted by way of UPS, FedEx or other similar agencies.
Design Regulations for R-12- For all uses except for Places of Worship:
Minimum Lot Area — 12,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 90 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 20 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet with an aggregate of 25 feet.
Accessory Building:
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 30%.
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
Design Regulations for R-12A- For all uses except for Places of Worship:
Minimum Lot Area — 12,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 75 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 20 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet with an aggregate of 25 feet.
Accessory Building:
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 25%.
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
Design Regulations for R-12 - Places of Worship:
Minimum Lot Area — 12,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width —90 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 20 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet with an aggregate of 25 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 25%.
Design Regulations for R-12A - Places of Worship:
Minimum Lot Area — 12,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 75 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 20 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet with an aggregate of 25 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 25%.
Reduction in Lot Area for Recreation Purposes: In any residential subdivision in the R-12 and R-12A Districts, the minimum lot area and width requirements may be reduced in accordance with the standards and requirements specified in § 18-908.
Single-Family Residential (R-10)
Permitted Uses:
Single Family Detached Housing.
Two-Family and Duplexes, provided that existing lots have a minimum lot size of 12,000 square feet and any newly created lot have a minimum lot size of 12,000 square feet and have a minimum lot width of 75 feet.
Places of worship including parish house and classrooms. (See § 18-905 for regulations in addition to Subsection 5 below.)
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Conditional Uses (See Article X):
Public buildings of a governmental or cultural nature but not including warehouses and workshops.
Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 2013-79 was repealed by Court Order on June 2, 2017 deleting commercial uses on properties with frontage County Route No. 526.
Accessory Uses:
Private residential garages.
Private Swimming Pools.
Home occupations, provided that the sum of all such uses in a dwelling complies with the following standards:
The home occupation may not employ more than two people at any one time who are not a member of the household residing in the dwelling.
The home occupation shall primarily be conducted in a manner that does not bring more than one client at a time to the premises.
The residential character of the exterior of the structure appearance shall not be compromised.
Not more than 25% of the total floor area of the dwelling may be devoted to the home occupation use.
There shall be no outdoor storage or display of materials, products or equipment.
One off-street parking space must be provided in addition to those required for the dwelling if a non-resident person is employed in conjunction with the home occupation use.
Deliveries are permitted by way of UPS, FedEx or other similar agencies.
Design Regulations - For all uses except for Places of Worship:
Minimum Lot Area — 10,000 square feet; two family/duplex structures, 12,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 75 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 20 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet with an aggregate of 25 feet.
Accessory Building:
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 30%.
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
Design Regulations - Places of Worship:
Minimum Lot Area — 10,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 75 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 20 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet with an aggregate of 25 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 25%.
Reduction in Lot Area for Recreation Purposes: In any residential subdivision in the R-10 District, the minimum lot area and width requirements may be reduced in accordance with the standards and requirements specified in § 18-908.
Single-Family Residential (R-7.5)
Permitted Uses:
Single Family Detached Housing.
Two-Family Housing and Duplexes, provided that existing lots have a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet and newly created lots have a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet and have a minimum lot width of 60 feet.
Places of worship including parish house and classrooms. (See § 18-905 for regulations in addition to Subsection 5 below.)
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Conditional Uses (See Article X):
Public buildings of a governmental or cultural nature but not including warehouses and workshops.
Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 2013-79 was repealed by Court Order on June 2, 2017 deleting commercial uses on properties with frontage County Route No. 526.
Accessory Uses:
Private residential garages.
Private Swimming Pools.
Home occupations, provided that the sum of all such uses in a dwelling complies with the following standards:
The home occupation may not employ more than two people at any one time who are not a member of the household residing in the dwelling.
The home occupation shall primarily be conducted in a manner that does not bring more than one client at a time to the premises.
The residential character of the exterior of the structure appearance shall not be compromised.
Not more than 25% of the total floor area of the dwelling may be devoted to the home occupation use.
There shall be no outdoor storage or display of materials, products or equipment.
One off-street parking space must be provided in addition to those required for the dwelling if a non-resident person is employed in conjunction with the home occupation use.
Deliveries are permitted by way of UPS, FedEx or other similar agencies.
Design Regulations - For all uses except for Places of Worship:
Minimum Lot Area — 7,500 square feet; two family/duplex structures - 10,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 50 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 25 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 15 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 7 feet with an aggregate of 15 feet.
Accessory Building:
Side Yard Setback — 7 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 7 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 35%.
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
Design Regulations - Places of Worship:
Minimum Lot Area — 7,500 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 50 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 25 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 15 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 7 feet with an aggregate of 15 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 30%.
Reduction in Lot Area for Recreation Purposes: In any residential subdivision in the R-7.5 District, the minimum lot area and width requirements may be reduced in accordance with the standards and requirements specified in § 18-908.
Multi-Family Residential (R-M)
Permitted Uses:
Single Family Detached Housing.
Two Family and Duplex Housing.
Multi-Family Housing.
Townhouses (Notwithstanding the definition of townhouse in this chapter, for the purposes of this section, any townhouse with a basement should be considered two units.)
Places of worship including parish house and classrooms. (See § 18-905 for regulations in addition to Subsection H4 below.)
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Planned Educational Campus in those areas identified on the Zoning Map for RM (except for the DA-1 (Cedar Bridge Redevelopment Area), M-1 (Industrial), LP (Industrial Park Limited Professional), AHZ (Airport Hazard Zone), Open Space and Preservation (OSP), A-1 (Agricultural-Rural), and PH-1 (Public Housing), B-6 (Stadium Support Zone) where a Planned Educational Campus will not be permitted) and in accordance with the bulk standards and requirements of § 18-902H6.
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 7]
Conditional Uses (See Article X):
Public buildings of a governmental or cultural nature but not including warehouses and workshops.
Mixed Use Development—Cross Street Core in accordance with the standards set forth in § 18-1022.
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 8]
Accessory uses permitted on single-family lot:
Private residential garages.
Private Swimming Pools.
Home occupations, provided that the sum of all such uses in a dwelling complies with the following standards:
The home occupation may not employ more than two people at any one time who are not a member of the household residing in the dwelling.
The home occupation shall primarily be conducted in a manner that does not bring more than one client at a time to the premises.
The residential character of the exterior of the structure appearance shall not be compromised.
Not more than 25% of the total floor area of the dwelling may be devoted to the home occupation use.
There shall be no outdoor storage or display of materials, products or equipment.
One off-street parking space must be provided in addition to those required for the dwelling if a non-resident person is employed in conjunction with the home occupation use.
Deliveries are permitted by way of UPS, FedEx or other similar agencies.
Design Regulations:
Single-Family and Two Family Standards:
Minimum Lot Area — 7,500 square feet for single family and 10,000 square feet for two family structures.
Minimum Lot Width — 50 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 25 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 15 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 7 feet with an aggregate of 15 feet.
Accessory Building:
Side Yard Setback — 7 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 7 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 35%.
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
Multi-Family Standards:
Minimum Lot Area: 12,500 square feet.
Maximum Gross Density - 15 dwelling units per acre.
Minimum Lot Width — 100 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 25 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 25 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 25 feet with an aggregate of 50 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 40%.
Maximum Building Height — 65 feet.
Places of Worship and Schools:
Minimum Lot Area — 10,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 75 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 25 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 15 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 12 feet with an aggregate of 25 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 35%.
Duplex Regulations:
Minimum Lot Area: 10,000 square feet
Minimum Lot Width: Existing lots — 50 feet
Newly created lots — 60 feet
Minimum Front Yard Setback: 25 feet
Minimum Rear Yard Setback: 15 feet
Side Yard Setback: 7 feet with an aggregate of 15 feet
Off-Street Parking shall be provided in accordance with NJ RSIS.
Planned Educational Campus.
Dwelling Unit Types. All dwelling units are to be occupied only by students, faculty or staff of the educational institution, by persons directly associated with the educational institution, and or by their immediate families.
Townhouse. A building containing attached dwelling units arranged side by side with each unit divided by a common party wall, and having a separate exterior entrance.
Duplex. A building containing two dwelling units, arranged either side by side as in the case of a semi-detached dwelling or one over the other, with each unit having a separate exterior entrance.
Multi-Family. A building containing multiple dwelling units, other than a townhouse, that are attached both vertically and horizontally, with each unit having either a separate exterior entrance or access from a common hallway.
Single Family. A detached building containing one dwelling unit intended for one family and is not attached to any other dwelling by any means and is surrounded by open space or yards.
Student Dormitory. A building or portion thereof, owned and operated by a nonprofit school, nonprofit college or other entity operating in association with an educational institution, containing rooms and facilities which are provided as residences or for overnight sleeping for individuals or groups not living as a housekeeping unit.
Minimum Tract Size. A Planned Educational Campus may only be developed on one or more contiguous parcels of land having a minimum gross acreage of three acres. Paper streets, existing rights-of-way or easements shall not be deemed to divide acreage.
Permitted Principal Uses. No building or premises shall be used and no building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used except for one or more of the following uses:
With public sewer and water: townhouses, duplex, multifamily units and student dormitories.
Community facilities related to the cultural, social and recreational needs of the residents of the development, including public or private parks, religious ceremonial and ritual facilities, churches and other places of worship.
Public or private schools, and day-care facilities related to the needs of the residents of the development.
Public buildings of a governmental or cultural nature.
Student housing, married student housing or faculty housing on a campus like setting.
Permitted Accessory Uses. Any of the following uses may be permitted when used in conjunction with a principal use:
Off-street parking and common parking areas.
Maintenance and utility facilities intended to service the residents of the Planned Educational Campus. This covers storm water as well.
Recreation amenities such as patios and play areas.
Other accessory uses customarily incidental to a permitted principal use.
Student services such as food service, cafeteria, student run inn, or other vocational services to benefit academic programs.
Planned Educational Campus Requirements. The following standards shall apply to any Planned Educational Campus:
Minimum Tract Area: three acres.
Maximum Gross Residential Density: 28 dwelling units per acre.
Maximum Building Coverage: 45% of the gross tract area.
Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage: 85% of the gross tract area.
Minimum Tract Setbacks.
Tract boundary: 4 feet shall be permitted if dwellings front on an existing street and parking for such units is provided from a service alley.
Interior parking lot paved surface: 0.
More than one principal building shall be permitted on a tract as long as compatible to educational campus setting.
It shall be a requirement that the land and all buildings, dwellings and structures shall be owned by the educational institution.
Planned Educational Campuses must provide adequate buffer areas whenever it adjoins residential areas. Buffer requirements shall be in accordance with the requirements of § 18-803 of this chapter.
Bulk Requirements. The following bulk requirements shall apply to the permitted dwelling unit types in a Planned Educational Campus project.
Townhouses on fee simple or condominium lots.
(a) Minimum Lot Area:
2000 square feet
(b) Minimum Lot Frontage/ Width:
20 feet
(c) Minimum Lot Depth:
80 feet
(d) Minimum Front Yard:
20 feet for units with front entry garages; 10 feet for units without garages or with parking provided in the rear yard with access from a rear service alley
(e) Minimum Side Yard:
0 feet for a common wall; 10 feet end units
(f) Minimum Rear Yard:
15 feet to principal building; 12 feet to garage or accessory structures
(g) Maximum Building Height:
35 feet from the average grade to the mean height of the roof
Townhouse Structures on Common Property.
Clusters of townhouse dwellings may be arranged on a tract subject to the applicable design standards contained in § 18, Article VIII, where applicable.
Duplex Dwelling on Individual Lots.
(a) Minimum Lot Area:
5000 square feet
(b) Minimum Lot Frontage/ Width:
50 feet
(c) Minimum Lot Depth:
80 feet
(d) Minimum Front Yard:
20 feet; except 10 feet if parking is located in the rear yard with access from a rear service alley
(e) Minimum Side Yard:
5 feet one side; 10 feet total
(f) Minimum Rear Yard:
15 feet to principal building; 12 feet to garage or accessory structures
(g) Maximum Building Height:
35 feet
Single Family on Individual Lots.
(a) Minimum Lot Area:
5000 square feet
(b) Minimum Lot Frontage/ Width:
45 feet
(c) Minimum Lot Depth:
80 feet
(d) Minimum Front Yards:
20 feet; except 10 feet if parking is located in the rear yard with access from a rear service alley
(e) Minimum Side Yard:
7 feet one side; 15 feet total
(f) Minimum Rear Yard:
15 feet to principal building; 12 feet to garage or accessory structures
Duplex Structures on Common Property.
Clusters of duplex dwellings may be arranged on a tract subject to the applicable design standards contained in this chapter.
Multi-Family Structures on Common Property.
Clusters of multi-family dwellings may be arranged on a tract subject to the applicable design standards contained in this chapter.
Minimum average floor area for a dwelling unit shall be 900 square feet.
Each unit above the ground floor may have a balcony or terrace, which if provided shall be at least 36 square feet in area (6x6).
Maximum building height, 65 feet from average grade to mean height of roof.
Student Dormitory Structures on Common Property:
Clusters of dormitory dwellings may be arranged on a tract subject to the applicable design standards contained in this chapter.
Each dwelling unit together with its proportionate share of the common areas shall be no less than 240 square feet.
Maximum building height, as defined by median height; 65 feet.
Design Requirements.
Minimum Distance Between Buildings That Are Designed on Common Property.
End wall (no openings) to end wall: 12 feet
End wall to window wall: 15 feet
Window wall to window wall: 15 feet
Townhouse structures shall not have a length in excess of 240 feet and shall be designed with offsets or other architectural features so as to provide breaks in a linear plane.
Multi-family or student dormitory structures shall not have a length in excess of 290 feet and shall provide for variety in roof height and avoid the appearance of one continuous multi-story building through the introduction of offsets or other architectural features.
Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements. All parking must be on site parking. The parking requirements as outlined in the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) for residential land uses shall not apply to the permitted dwelling units. This is because this is an educational campus and therefore cannot be covered or governed by the RSIS. For townhouse or multi-family units containing four or more bedrooms the parking ratio shall be one per townhouse unit and one per multi-family unit. For rental apartments, which are multi-family for married students, it shall be one per dwelling unit. For student dormitories, which are defined as shared student quarters where there are typically multiple students in a common unit, shall be .25 per dwelling unit.
Recreational facilities. Facilities to serve the recreational needs of the residents of the Planned Educational Campus, when provided by the educational institution, shall be appropriately sized to the scale and type of the educational facility. A minimum recreational open space area equal to 5% of the tract area of a planned development shall be provided. Common open space areas shall conform to the requirements for such open space, except as modified herein, as contained in § 808 of this chapter.
Planned Development and other findings. Prior to the approval of a Planned Educational Campus the Planning Board shall make findings and conclusions as required under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-45:
That departures by the proposed development from zoning regulations otherwise applicable to the subject property conforms to the zoning ordinance standards pursuant to this article;
That the proposals for maintenance and conservation of the common open space are adequate in the amount, location, and purpose;
That provision through the physical design of the proposed development for public services, control over vehicular and pedestrian traffic and the amenities of light and air, recreation and visual enjoyment are adequate;
In the case of a proposed Planned Educational Campus, which contemplates construction over a period of years, that the terms and conditions intended to protect the interests of the public and the residents, occupants and owner of the proposed Planned Educational Campus in the total completion of the development are adequate;
That the Planned Educational Campus will be developed in accordance the provisions and requirements of terms of the Township's plan endorsement approval that may be in effect at the time of the application;
All structures must meet life and safety requirements of the New Jersey Building Code; and
Adequate fenced areas to be provided for the bulk garbage collection/compacting.
Residential Limited Multi-Family (R-LM)
Permitted Uses:
All uses permitted in R-M Zone.
Area Requirements and Off-Street Parking. Area requirements shall be the same as the R-M Zone and off-street parking shall be in accordance with RSIS.
Public Housing — PH-1
Within this zone shall be located only those buildings or structures as shall be erected by the housing authority of the Township of Lakewood in the County of Ocean, pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Public Housing Administration, the State of New Jersey and the Township of Lakewood governing public housing for senior citizens or low income housing.
Permitted Use — Senior Citizen.
The permitted use for the tract of lands described in the zoning map as PH-1 — Public Housing shall be for only senior citizen housing projects undertaken by the Housing Authority of the Township of Lakewood pursuant to annual contributions contract between the housing authority of the Township and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
All senior citizen projects shall be constructed pursuant to the requirements set forth in this chapter, except that the following shall apply to the PH-1 — Public Housing Zone only:
Minimum area: 1.7 acres; minimum dwelling units: ten.
Minimum floor area for an "efficiency" type dwelling unit with zero bedrooms shall be 350 square feet.
Minimum floor area for a one-bedroom unit shall be 540 square feet of living space.
Minimum floor area for two-bedroom units shall be 720 square feet of living space.
Off-street parking shall be required. At least two off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each five living units. This provision shall be in addition to any required access roads, sidewalks, or service areas and the location of the spaces must be shown on the approved preliminary and final plan.
No more than two persons shall be permitted to occupy an "efficiency" unit.
Permitted Uses — Low-Income Housing.
The lands described in the zoning map as PH-1 — Public Housing are hereby limited to use as low-income housing pursuant to the annual contributions contract between the housing authority of the Township and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the following shall apply.
Those uses permitted in Residential R-7.5 Zone.
Those uses permitted in Multi-Family R-M Zone.
Minimum floor area for an "efficiency" type dwelling unit with zero bedrooms shall be 350 square feet.
Minimum floor area for a one-bedroom unit shall be 540 square feet of living space.
Minimum floor area for a two-bedroom unit shall be 720 square feet of living space.
Off-street parking spaces shall be provided. Not less than one space per living unit shall be provided and this shall not include service or access roads, walks or service areas.
Conflicting Provisions.
Any provisions of this section conflicting with other provisions of this chapter shall supersede such other provisions. In all other respects, any applicable provisions of this chapter shall continue to apply to public housing.
Office Transitional Use (OT)
Permitted Uses:
Single family residences as existing at the time of passage of this subsection.
Professional offices including:
Attorneys and counselors-at-law.
Accountants and certified public accountants.
Chiropodists and chiropractors.
Medical Doctors.
Real Estate brokers.
Engineers and land surveyors.
Insurance brokers.
Optometrists, oculists, and osteopaths.
Marriage counselors licensed by the State of New Jersey.
Other similar professional offices.
Executive offices, where no product will be displayed for sale.
Design Standards. All permitted uses except houses of worship, parish houses and Sunday schools.
a. Area Requirements
Minimum lot area
10,000 square feet
Minimum lot width
75 feet
Front Yard Setback
25 feet
Side Yard Setback (one)
12 feet
Side Yard Setback (both)
25 feet
Rear Yard Setback
15 feet
Accessory Building
Rear Yard Setback
7 feet
Side Yard Setback
7 feet
Maximum Building Coverage
Maximum Building Height
35 feet.
Churches and houses of worship, parish houses, and Sunday schools
a. Area requirements
Minimum lot size
10,000 square feet
Minimum lot width
75 feet
Front setback
25 feet
Side yard (one)
12 feet
Side yard (both)
25 feet
Rear yard
15 feet
Accessory Building
7 feet
7 feet
Percent Maximum lot coverage
25 percent
Maximum height
35 feet
Parking Requirements
One parking space for every 200 square feet of office space.
Churches and houses of worship, parish houses and Sunday schools, see § 18-905.
Signs. One non-flashing sign to identify a permitted professional office which does not exceed 20 square feet on any one side. This sign may be freestanding or may be attached to the building and may be indirectly illuminated.
Other Requirements.
All parking areas shall have a five foot solid buffer area if the adjacent property is residential.
Site plan approval shall be required as set forth in Article VI.
Additional regulations pertaining to churches and houses of worship see § 18-905.
Single Family Residential (R-10A)
Permitted Uses:
Single-family detached housing.
Two-family and duplex housing.
Places of worship including parish houses and classrooms (See § 18-905 for regulations in addition to Subsection 5 below.)
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Conditional Uses: (See Article X)
Public buildings of a governmental or cultural nature but not including warehouse and workshops.
Mixed Use Development—Oak Street Core in accordance with the standards set forth in § 18-1023.
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 9]
Accessory Uses:
Private residential garages.
Private swimming pools.
Home occupations, provided that the sum of all such uses in a dwelling complies with the following standards:
The home occupation may not employ more than two people at any one time who are not a member of the household residing in the dwelling.
The home occupation shall primarily be conducted in a manner that does not bring more than one client at a time to the premises.
The residential character of the exterior of the structure appearance shall not be compromised.
Not more than 25% of the total floor area of the dwelling may be devoted to the home occupation use.
There shall be no outdoor storage or display of materials, products or equipment.
One off-street parking space must be provided in addition to those required for the dwelling if a nonresident person is employed in conjunction with the home occupation use.
Deliveries are permitted by way of UPS, FedEx or other similar agencies.
Design Regulations — For all uses except for places of worship.
Minimum Lot Area — 10,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot width — 75 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 20 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet with an aggregate of 25 feet.
Accessory Building.
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage - 35%.
[Ord. No. 2016-34]
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
Design Regulations — Places of Worship:
Minimum Lot Area — 10,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 75 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 20 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet with an aggregate of 25 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 25%.
Reduction in Lot Area for Recreation Purposes: In any residential subdivision in the R-10A District, the minimum lot area and width requirements may be reduced in accordance with the standards and requirements specified in § 18-908.
Oak Street Core Neighborhood Overlay Zone-1.
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 13]
Purpose: The Oak Street Core Neighborhood Overlay Zone-1 is intended to provide an optional development technique for residential and school development consistent with the surrounding area, offer a sufficient buffer to existing neighborhoods and provide a new north-south pedestrian-oriented linkage from Pine Street to Oak Street.
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 10]
Location: The underlying zones for the Oak Street Core Neighborhood Overlay Zone are the R-20 and R-40/20 C Residential Zones. The Overlay Zone consists of the following blocks: 824, 824.01, 825, 828, 829, 830, and 853 and is generally located south of Pine Street and west of Albert Avenue. The area contains a number of paper streets some of which will be vacated.
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 11]
Unified Development: To achieve the goals of the Oak Street Core Neighborhood Overlay Zone-1, it is critical that development of the permitted uses in the zone occurs in a unified or overall manner. Piecemeal development is discouraged.
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 12]
Street Development: The Overlay Zone shall be developed with a north-south street with a service road to serve the permitted uses in accordance with the street location plan and street cross-section prepared by T&M Associates, entitled "Street Plan, Oak Street Core Neighborhood" one sheet, dated 2014. The single-family detached and townhouse sub-district will also be served by internal streets based on the design of the property owner.
Maximum Residential Density: The maximum gross density in the area of the tract devoted to residential development shall not exceed six units per acre. For the purpose of calculating the gross residential density, the tract area devoted to residential development shall include both the area of the R-12 and Single Family/Townhouse sub-districts, excluding public rights-of-way, after subtracting the area of the school sub-district.
Use and Bulk Regulations: In addition to the applicable requirements of the underlying zone districts, the following uses are permitted in accordance with the design regulations provided herein:
R-12 Sub-District:
Permitted Uses: Single Family Detached Housing.
Accessory Uses: Private residential garages, sheds, greenhouses, and private swimming pools; home occupations in accordance with the standards established by 18-902E.
Design Regulations:
Minimum Lot Area: 12,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width: 75 feet.
Minimum Front Yard Setback: 30 feet.
Minimum Rear yard Setback: 20 feet.
Minimum Side Yard Setback: 10 feet with an aggregate of 25 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage: 25%.
Maximum Building Height: 35 feet.
Accessory Buildings Setbacks:
Minimum Side Yard: 10 feet.
Minimum Rear Yard: 10 feet.
Buffer to Albert Avenue neighborhood: A twenty-five foot wide undisturbed buffer, after the vacation of Charity Tull Avenue, bordering the west side of the Albert Avenue neighborhood shall be provided on the east side of the tract.
Single-Family Detached and Townhouse Sub-District:
Permitted Uses: Single-family detached and townhouse (single-family attached) development.
Accessory Uses: uses customarily incidental and accessory to single-family detached and townhome dwellings.
Townhouse Design Regulations:
Minimum sub-district size shall be one-half (0.5) acre.
Sub-district boundaries: From all other property lines - 20 feet.
Minimum sub-district width - 125 feet.
Minimum sub-district depth - 100 feet.
The overall single family-detached and townhouse sub-district may be subdivided to provide fee-simple ownership for the individual townhouse units. The following shall apply to the individual townhouse lots:
Minimum front yard setback - 5 feet from internal streets.
Minimum side yard setback (for end units) - 5 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback - 20 feet.
Maximum height - 35 feet or 2.5 stories, whichever is less.
Single-family detached dwellings design regulations:
Minimum front yard setback - 5 feet.
Minimum side yard setback - 5 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback - 20 feet.
Maximum height - 35 feet.
Minimum lot area— 3,600 square feet.
Minimum distance between townhouse buildings - 10 feet.
Maximum units per townhouse structure — eight.
Maximum townhouse building length - 240 feet.
Design: Separate rows of townhouses shall incorporate different design elements to distinguish the buildings from each other. Such elements may include varied facade colors or materials; building ornamentation; window treatments; window placements; porches or stoops; roof-lines; or any other architectural element that accomplishes the intent of varied design.
Each unit shall have an area designated for the storage of trash and recycling containers. All trash containers shall be screened from view. Screening should blend with the building exterior.
All residential development shall provide a usable rear yard depth of at least 15 feet, including the rear yard setback. Decks shall be permitted within the usable yard area, but detention/retention facilities, drainage swales, or any easements which would inhibit the use of the rear yard are prohibited. For the purposes of this section a drainage swale with side slopes exceeding 1:10 and a depth exceeding 18 inches shall be established as the limit which inhibits use of this yard and is therefore prohibited.
Architectural drawings of the front, side and rear elevations of townhouse structures shall be provided. Architectural drawings should also be provided if the HVAC equipment is to be located on the roof.
All areas put into common ownership for common use by all residents shall be owned by a nonprofit homeowners association in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Community Affairs and the following:
Deed restrictions and covenants shall be provided in accordance with the requirements and standards of the Department of Community Affairs.
The homeowners association shall be responsible for the ownership and maintenance of all common space and any streets not accepted by the Township.
This organization shall not be dissolved nor shall it dispose of any common open space, by sale or otherwise, except to another organization conceived and established to own and maintain the common open space and non-dedicated streets.
The homeowners association shall be established prior to any certificates of occupancy being issued. Membership of the association shall be automatic and mandatory for each owner of dwelling unit and any succeeding owner thereto, being accomplished by the purchase of a dwelling unit in the development.
The association shall guarantee access to all the common areas to all persons legally residing in the development.
The association shall be responsible for liability insurance and taxes.
A certificate of incorporation shall contain provisions so that adequate funds will be available for maintenance.
The documents establishing the association shall provide a plan for the maintenance of all common areas and undedicated streets.
Parking shall be provided within 150 feet of the structure.
All units shall be designed with a unified architectural style.
Variations in setback and building facades shall be provided.
All HVAC equipment shall be located in rear or side yards and shall be buffered from adjoining properties and units, or shall be placed on rooftops.
Maximum building coverage of the townhouse sub-district: 35%.
Buffer to Block 830.04: A twenty-five foot wide undisturbed buffer or dense landscaping shall be provided adjacent to the existing dwellings on Block 830.04. This buffer requirement shall not apply to the stormwater basin on Lot 47.
School Sub-District:
Permitted Uses—Public and private schools. With the exception of dormitories as defined in this sub-section, no residential use shall be permitted in the school sub-district.
Accessory Uses: Uses customarily incidental and accessory to the school use including but not limited to dormitories, off-street parking, basketball court or gymnasium, swimming pools, playgrounds and play equipment and recreation facilities/athletic fields. For the purpose of this subsection, the term "dormitory" shall mean a building used as group quarters for a student body or religious order as an accessory use to a college, university, boarding school, convent, monastery or similar institutional use.
Design Regulations:
Maximum Lot Area: 5 acres.
Minimum Lot Area: 3 acres.
Minimum Lot Width: 75 feet.
Minimum Front Yard Setback: 30 feet.
Minimum Rear yard Setback: 20 feet.
Minimum Side Yard Setback: 10 feet with an aggregate of 25 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage: 25%.
Maximum Building Height: 35 feet.
Accessory Buildings Setbacks:
Minimum Side Yard: 10 feet.
Minimum Rear Yard: 10 feet.
Buffer Requirements:
From the overlay zone boundary - 10 feet.
A required buffer shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs, and other suitable plantings for beautification and screening. Natural vegetation should be retained to the maximum degree possible. On those sites where no existing vegetation is present or existing vegetation is inadequate to provide screening, the applicant shall suitably grade and plant the required buffer area, such that this planting shall provide an adequate screen of at least six feet in height so as to continually restrict the view. A minimum on-center distance between plantings shall be such that upon maturity the buffer will create a solid screen. The buffer may be supplemented with a fence of solid material where necessary.
Parking is not permitted in any required buffer.
One parking space shall be provided for each of the following:
Tutor room.
Meeting room.
If a recreation area or areas are designated then details shall be provided for such recreational areas. All play equipment shall meet all required safety standards.
Bus loading and unloading areas shall be situated in a manner so that children do not cross any traffic lane or parking areas whatsoever, unless it is in area that is curbed and physically separated from traffic circulation and specifically designated solely for bus loading and unloading.
Oak Street Core Neighborhood Overlay Zone-2
[Ord. No. 2014-51 § 3]
Purpose. The Oak Street Core Neighborhood Overlay Zone-2 is intended to provide an optional development technique for residential development consistent with the surrounding area, offer a sufficient buffer to existing neighborhoods, and provide a new north-south pedestrian-oriented linkage from Pine Street to Oak Street.
Location. The underlying zone for the Oak Street Core Neighborhood Overlay Zone-2 is the R-40/20 C Residential Zone. The Overlay Zone consists of the following blocks: 795, 800, 802, 803, 804, 805, 806.01, 821, 822, 823, and 830 and is generally located south of Pine Street and west of Albert Avenue. The area contains a number of paper streets, some of which will be vacated.
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 14]
Street Development. The Overlay Zone shall be developed with a north-south street. The single-family detached and townhouse sub-district will also be served by internal streets based on the design of the property owner.
Use and Bulk Regulations. In addition to the applicable requirements of the underlying zone districts, the following uses are permitted in accordance with the design regulations provided herein:
R-12 Subdistrict:
Permitted Uses: Single Family Detached Housing.
Accessory Uses: Private residential garages, sheds, greenhouses, and private swimming pools; home occupations in accordance with the standards established by § 18-902E.
Design Regulations:
Minimum Lot Area: 12,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width: 75 feet.
Minimum Front Yard Setback: 30 feet.
Minimum Rear Yard Setback: 20 feet.
Minimum Side Yard Setback: 10 feet with an aggregate of 25 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage: 25%.
Maximum Building Height: 35 feet.
Accessory Building Setbacks:
Minimum Side Yard: 10 feet.
Minimum Rear Yard: 10 feet.
Buffer to Albert Avenue neighborhood: A 25-foot wide undisturbed buffer, after the vacation of Charity Tull Avenue, bordering the west side of the Albert Avenue neighborhood (including Blocks 798, 799, and 801), shall be provided on the east side of the tract.
Townhouse Subdistrict:
Permitted Uses: Townhouse (single-family attached) development.
Accessory Uses: Uses customarily incidental and accessory to townhome dwellings.
Townhouse Design Regulations:
Minimum Lot Area: 2,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width: 20 feet.
Minimum Lot Depth: 80 feet.
Minimum Front Yard Setback with Garage: 20 feet.
Minimum Front Yard Setback without Garage: 10 feet.
Minimum Side Yard Setback: 0 feet for a common wall; 10 feet for end units.
Minimum Rear Yard Setback: 15 feet.
Maximum Building Height: 35 feet.
Minimum distance between townhouse buildings- 12 feet.
Maximum units per townhouse structure- eight.
Maximum townhouse building length- 240 feet.
Maximum building coverage: 40%.
Maximum impervious coverage: 80%.
Townhouse Development Standards:
Minimum tract size shall be one acre.
Maximum Density: 16 dwelling units per acre.
Minimum Tract Width: 125 feet.
Minimum Tract Depth: 100 feet.
Design. Separate rows of townhouses shall incorporate different design elements to distinguish the buildings from each other. Such elements may include varied facade colors or materials; building ornamentation; window treatments; window placements; porches or stoops; roof-lines; or any other architectural element that accomplishes the intent of varied design.
Each unit shall have an area designated for the storage of trash and recycling containers. All trash containers shall be screened from view. Screening should blend with the building interior.
All residential development shall provide a usable rear yard depth of at least 15 feet, including the rear yard setback. Decks shall be permitted within the usable yard area, but detention/retention facilities, drainage swales, or any easements which would inhibit the use of the rear yard are prohibited. For the purposes of this section a drainage swale with side slopes exceeding 1:10 and a depth exceeding 18 inches shall be established as the limit which inhibits use of this yard and is therefore prohibited.
Architectural drawings of the front, side, and rear elevations of townhouse structures shall be provided. Architectural drawings should also be provided if the HVAC equipment is to be located on the roof.
All areas put into common ownership for common use by all residents shall be owned by a nonprofit homeowner's association in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Community Affairs and the following:
Deed restrictions and covenants shall be provided in accordance with the requirements and standards of the Department of Community Affairs.
The homeowner's association shall be responsible for the ownership and maintenance of all common space and any streets not accepted by the Township.
This organization shall not be dissolved nor shall it dispose of any common open space, by sale or otherwise, except to another organization conceived and established to own and maintain the common open space and non-dedicated streets.
The homeowner's association shall be established prior to any certificates of occupancy being issued. Membership of the association shall be automatic and mandatory for each owner of the dwelling unit and any succeeding owner thereto, being accomplished by the purchase of a dwelling unit in the development.
The association shall guarantee access to all the common areas to all persons legally residing in the development.
The association shall be responsible for the liability insurance and taxes.
A certificate of incorporation shall contain provisions so that adequate funds will be available for maintenance.
The documents establishing the association shall provide a plan for the maintenance of all common areas and undedicated streets.
Parking shall be provided within 150 feet of the structure.
All units shall be designed with a unified architectural style.
Variations in setback and building facades shall be provided.
All HVAC equipment shall be located in rear or side yards and shall be buffered from adjoining properties and units, or shall be placed on rooftops.
[Ord. No. 2014-52; repealed by Ord. No. 2017-51 § 15]
[Ord. No. 2014-52 § 4; repealed by Ord. No. 2017-51 § 16]
[Ord. No. 2014-52 § 5; repealed by Ord. No. 2017-51 § 17]
[Ord. No. 2014-61 § 3; repealed by Ord. No. 2017-51 § 18]
[Ord. No. 2014-61 § 4; repealed by Ord. No. 2017-51 § 19]
[Ord. No. 2014-61 § 5; repealed by Ord. No. 2019-15 § 5]
[Ord. No. 2015-35 § 3; Ord. No. 2015-35 repealed by Court Order on April 24, 2017 to delete the R-40B Zone]
Riparian Buffer Conservation Overlay Zone
[Ord. No. 2017-24 § 2]
Intent and Purpose.
The Governing Body of the Township of Lakewood finds that riparian lands adjacent to streams, lakes, or other surface water bodies that are adequately vegetated provide an important environmental protection and water resource management benefit. It is necessary to protect and maintain the beneficial character of riparian areas by implementing specifications for the establishment, protection, and maintenance of vegetation along the surface water bodies within the jurisdiction of Township of Lakewood, consistent with the interest of landowners in making reasonable economic use of parcels of land that include such designated areas. The purpose of this Subsection 18-902V is to designate riparian zones, and to provide for land use regulation therein for those riparian zones in order to protect the streams, lakes, and other surface water bodies of the Township of Lakewood; to protect the water quality of watercourses, reservoirs, lakes, and other significant water resources within the Township of Lakewood; to protect the riparian and aquatic ecosystems of the Township of Lakewood; to provide for the environmentally sound use of the land resources of the Township of Lakewood, and to complement existing state, regional, county, and municipal stream corridor protection and management regulations and initiatives.
The specific purposes and intent of this Subsection 18-902V are to:
Restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the water resources of the Township of Lakewood;
Prevent excessive nutrients, sediment, and organic matter, as well as biocides and other pollutants, from reaching surface waters by optimizing opportunities for filtration, deposition, absorption, adsorption, plant uptake, biodegradation, and de-nitrification, which occur when stormwater runoff is conveyed through vegetated buffers as stable, distributed flow prior to reaching receiving waters;
Provide for shading of the aquatic environment so as to moderate temperatures, retain more dissolved oxygen, and support a healthy assemblage of aquatic flora and fauna;
Provide for the availability of natural organic matter (leaves and twigs) and large woody debris (trees and limbs) that provide food and habitat for aquatic organisms (insects, amphibians, crustaceans, and small fish), which are essential to maintain the food chain;
Increase stream bank stability and maintain natural fluvial geomorphology of the stream system, thereby reducing stream bank erosion and sedimentation and protecting habitat for aquatic organisms;
Maintain base flows in streams and moisture in wetlands;
Control downstream flooding; and
Conserve the natural features important to land and water resources, e.g., headwater areas, ground water recharge zones, floodways, floodplains, springs, streams, wetlands, woodlands, and prime wildlife habitats.
Statutory Authority.
The municipality of the Township of Lakewood is empowered to regulate land uses under the provisions of the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq., which authorizes each municipality to plan and regulate land use to protect public health, safety and welfare by protecting and maintaining native vegetation in riparian areas. The Township of Lakewood is also empowered to adopt and implement this Subsection 18-902V under provisions provided by the following legislative authorities of the State of New Jersey:
Water Pollution Control Act, N.J.S.A. 58:10A-1 et seq.
Water Quality Planning Act, N.J.S.A. 58:11A-1 et seq.
Spill Compensation and Control Act, N.J.S.A. 58:10-23 et seq.
Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Act, N.J.S.A. 4:24-39 et seq.
Flood Hazard Area Control Act, N.J.S.A. 58:16A-50 et seq.
Soils that contain geologic deposits of iron sulfide minerals (pyrite and marcasite) which, when exposed to oxygen from the air or from surface waters, oxidize to produce sulfuric acid. Acid producing soils, upon excavation, generally have a pH of 4.0 or lower. After exposure to oxygen, these soils generally have a pH of 3.0 or lower. Information regarding the location of acid producing soils in New Jersey can be obtained from local Soil Conservation District offices.
The Planning Board or Board of Adjustment or Construction Office with all of the powers delegated, assigned, or assumed by them according to statute or ordinance.
A person, corporation, Government Body or other legal entity applying to the Planning Board, Board of Adjustment or the Construction Office proposing to engage in an activity that is regulated by the provisions of this Subsection 18-902V, and that would be located in whole or in part within a regulated Riparian Zone.
Shall have the meaning ascribed to this term by the Surface Water Quality Standards, N.J.A.C. 7:9B, for purposes of implementing the anti-degradation policies set forth in those standards, for protection from measurable changes in water quality characteristics because of their clarity, color, scenic setting, and other characteristics of aesthetic value, exceptional ecological significance, exceptional recreational significance, exceptional water supply significance, or exceptional fisheries resources.
Those waters not designated as Outstanding Natural Resource waters or Category One waters in the Surface Water Quality Standards, N.J.A.C. 7:9B, for purposes of implementing the anti- degradation policies set forth in those standards.
Shall have the meaning ascribed to this term by the Flood Hazard Area Control Act, N.J.S.A. 58:16A-50 et seq., and regulations promulgated there under published at N.J.A.C. 7:13 et seq., and any supplementary or successor legislation and regulations from time to time enacted or promulgated.
A surface water body with definite bed and banks in which there is not a permanent flow of water and shown on the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Geographic Information System (GIS) hydrography coverages.
Any surface water body shown on the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Geographic Information System (GIS) hydrography coverages or, in the case of C1 waters as shown on the USGS quadrangle map or in the County Soil Surveys; that is an impoundment, whether naturally occurring or created in whole or in part by the building of structures for the retention of surface water. This excludes sedimentation control and stormwater retention/detention basins and ponds designed for treatment of wastewater.
A surface water body that flows continuously throughout the year in most years and shown on the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Geographic Information System (GIS) hydrography coverages or, in the case of C1 waters as shown on the USGS quadrangle map or in the County Soil Surveys.
The land and vegetation within and directly adjacent to all surface water bodies including, but not limited to lakes, ponds, reservoirs, perennial and intermittent streams, up to and including their point of origin, such as seeps and springs, as shown on the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's GIS hydrography coverages or, in the case of C1 waters as shown on the USGS quadrangle map or in the County Soil Surveys.
A plan approved by the Engineer of the Township of Lakewood. The plan shall be prepared by a landscape architect, professional engineer or other qualified professional, and shall evaluate the effects of any proposed activity/uses on any riparian zone. The plan shall identify existing conditions, all proposed activities, and all proposed management techniques, including any measures necessary to offset disturbances to any affected riparian zone.
Any perennial stream, intermittent stream, lake, pond, or reservoir, as defined herein. In addition, any regulated water under the Flood Hazard Area Control Act rules at N.J.A.C. 7:13-2.2, or State open waters identified in a Letter of Interpretation issued under the Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act Rules at N.J.A.C. 7:7A-3 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Land Use Regulation shall also be considered surface water bodies.
A species identified pursuant to the Endangered and Nongame Species Conservation Act, N.J.S.A. 23:2A-1 et seq., the Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16 U.S.C. §§ 1531 et seq. or the Endangered Plant Species List, N.J.A.C. 7:5C-5.1, and any subsequent amendments thereto.
A section of water designated as trout maintenance in the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's Surface Water Quality Standards at N.J.A.C. 7:9B.
A section of water identified as trout production in the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's Surface Water Quality Standards at N.J.A.C. 7:9B.
Establishment of Riparian Zones.
Riparian zones adjacent to all surface water bodies shall be protected from avoidable disturbance and shall be delineated as follows:
The riparian zone shall be 300 feet wide along both sides of any Category One water (C1 water), and all upstream tributaries situated within the same HUC 14 watershed.
The riparian zone shall be 150 feet wide along both sides of the following waters not designated as C1 waters:
Any trout production water and all upstream waters (including tributaries);
Any trout maintenance water and all upstream waters (including tributaries) within one linear mile as measured along the length of the surface water body; and
Any segment of a water flowing through an area that contains a threatened or endangered species, and/or present or documented habitat for those species, which is critically dependent on the regulated water for survival, and all upstream waters (including tributaries) within one mile of such habitat (measured along the length of the regulated water)..
For all other regulated waters, a riparian zone of 50 feet wide shall be maintained along both sides of the water.
The portion of the riparian zone that lies outside of a surface water body is measured landward from the top of bank. If a discernible bank is not present along a regulated water, the portion of the riparian zone outside the regulated water is measured landward as follows:
Along a linear fluvial or tidal water, such as a stream or swale, the riparian zone is measured landward of the feature's center line;
Along a non-linear fluvial water, such as a lake or pond, the riparian zone is measured landward of the normal water surface limit;
Along a non-linear tidal water, such as a bay or inlet, the riparian zone is measured landward of the mean high water line; and
Along an amorphously-shaped feature such as a wetland complex, through which water flows but which lacks a definable channel, the riparian zone is measured landward of the feature's center line. Where slopes (in excess of 15 percent) are located within the designated widths, the riparian zone shall be extended to include the entire distance of this sloped area to a maximum of 300 feet.
For areas adjacent to surface water bodies for which the floodway has been delineated per the Flood Hazard Area Control Act rules at N.J.A.C. 7:13-3 or the State's adopted floodway delineations, the riparian zone shall cover the entire floodway area, or the area described in Subsection V4 above, whichever area has the greatest extent. Requests for alterations to the adopted delineations can be provided to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for consideration if site specific information is available.
A riparian zone is an overlay to the existing zoning districts. The provisions of the underlying district shall remain in full force except where the provisions of the riparian zone differ from the provisions of the underlying district, in which case the provision that is more restrictive shall apply. These provisions apply to land disturbances resulting from or related to any activity or use requiring application for any of the following permits or approvals:
Building permit
Zoning variance
Conditional use
Subdivision/site plan/land development approval
A map of the riparian zones of the entire municipality of Lakewood Township that the Town may be aware of, including all land and water areas within its boundaries, which designates surface water bodies, is included as part of this Subsection 18-902V, and is appended as Figure 1.0. Maps of the municipality on which these designations have been overlain shall be on file and maintained by the offices of the Clerk of the Township of Lakewood.
The applicant or designated representative shall be responsible for the initial determination of the presence of a riparian zone on a site, and for identifying the area on any plan submitted to the Township of Lakewood in conjunction with an application for a construction permit, subdivision, land development, or other improvement that requires plan submissions or permits. This initial determination shall be subject to review and approval by the Municipal Engineer and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
The municipal Master Plan provides the legal basis for zoning and land use regulation at the local level. The technical foundation for local riparian zones in this municipality should be incorporated into the Master Plan. A technical report on the need for riparian zones in the Township of Lakewood may be adopted as part of the Master Plan, N.J.S.A 40:55D-28b(11). The technical report should include the following information: a statement setting forth the rationale and need to protect riparian zones; and reference to the methods used to designate and delineate riparian zones.
Exemptions. Instead of the riparian zone protection requirements above, the applicant must demonstrate compliance with one of the following:
The proposed disturbance in a riparian zone is for a linear development with no feasible alternative route. If the riparian zone is associated with Category One waters, the linear development must also meet the requirements for disturbance of a riparian zone under the Flood Hazard Area Control Act Rules N.J.A.C. 7:13;
The proposed disturbance in a riparian zone is in accordance with a stream corridor restoration or stream bank stabilization plan or project approved by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection;
The proposed disturbance of a riparian zone is necessary to provide for public pedestrian access or water dependent recreation that meets the requirements of the Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act rules, N.J.A.C. 7:7A, the Flood Hazard Area Control Act rules, N.J.A.C. 7:13, or the Coastal Zone Management rules, N.J.A.C. 7:7;
The proposed disturbance of a riparian zone is required for the remediation of hazardous substances performed with New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection or Federal oversight pursuant to the Spill Compensation and Control Act, N.J.S.A. 58:10- 23.11a et seq. or the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, 42 U.S.C. §§ 9601 et seq.;
The proposed disturbance is for redevelopment that does not exceed the limits of existing impervious surfaces;
The proposed disturbance would prevent extraordinary hardship on the property owner peculiar to the property; or prevent extraordinary hardship, provided the hardship was not created by the property owner, that would not permit a minimum economically viable use of the property based upon reasonable investment; and/or
Demonstrate through site plans depicting proposed development and topography that new disturbance is not located in areas with a 20 percent or greater slope, except as allowed under Subsection g(6) above.
Uses Permitted in Riparian Zones.
For riparian zones in Category One waters (C1 waters), permitted uses are governed the Flood Hazard Area Control Act rules, N.J.A.C. 7:13, unless otherwise exempt.
Any other riparian zone area shall remain in a natural condition or, if in a disturbed condition, including agricultural activities, at the time of adoption of this ordinance may be restored to a natural condition. There shall be no clearing or cutting of trees and brush, except for removal of dead vegetation and pruning for reasons of public safety or for the replacement of invasive species with indigenous species. There shall be no altering of watercourses, dumping of trash, soil, dirt, fill, vegetative or other debris, regrading or construction. The following uses are permitted either by right or after review and approval by the municipality in riparian zones. No new construction, development, use, activity, encroachment, or structure shall take place in a riparian zone, except as specifically authorized in this Subsection 18-902V. The following uses shall be permitted within a riparian zone:
Open space uses that are primarily passive in character shall be permitted by right to extend into a riparian zone, provided near stream vegetation is preserved. These uses do not require approval by the Zoning Enforcement Officer or compliance with an approved Riparian Zone Management Plan. Such uses include wildlife sanctuaries, nature preserves, forest preserves, fishing areas, game farms, fish hatcheries and fishing reserves, operated for the protection and propagation of wildlife, but excluding structures. Such uses also include passive recreation areas of public and private parklands, including unpaved hiking, bicycle and bridle trails, provided that said trail have been stabilized with pervious materials.
Fences, for which a permit has been issued by the Construction Code Office, to the extent required by applicable law, rule or regulation.
Crossings by farm vehicles and livestock, recreational trails, roads, railroads, storm water lines, sanitary sewer lines, water lines and public utility transmission lines, provided that the land disturbance is the minimum required to accomplish the permitted use, subject to approval by the Zoning Enforcement Officer, provided that any applicable State permits are acquired, and provided that any disturbance is offset by buffer improvements in compliance with an approved Riparian Zone Management Plan and that the area of the crossing is stabilized against significant erosion due to its use as a crossing.
Stream bank stabilization or riparian reforestation, which conform to the guidelines of an approved Riparian Zone Management Plan, or wetlands mitigation projects that have been approved by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, subject to approval by the Zoning Enforcement Officer and subject to compliance with an approved Riparian Zone Management Plan.
Performance Standards for Riparian Zones.
All encroachments proposed into riparian zones in C1 waters shall comply with the requirements of the Stormwater Management rule at N.J.A.C. 7:8- 5.5(h) and the Flood Hazard Area Control Act rules, N.J.A.C. 7:13, and shall be subject to review and approval by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, unless exempt.
For all other riparian zones, the following conditions shall apply:
All new major and minor subdivisions and site plans shall be designed to provide sufficient areas outside of the riparian zone to accommodate primary structures, any normal accessory uses appurtenant thereto, as well as all planned lawn areas.
Portions of lots within the riparian zone must be permanently restricted by deed or conservation easement held by the Township of Lakewood, its agent, or another public or private land conservation organization which has the ability to provide adequate protection to prevent adverse impacts within the riparian zone. A complete copy of the recorded conservation restriction that clearly identifies the deed book and pages where it has been recorded in the office of the clerk of the applicable county or the registrar of deeds and mortgages of the applicable county must be submitted to the municipality. The applicant shall not commence with the project or activity prior to making this submittal and receiving actual approval of the plan modification and receipt of any applicable permits from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. The recorded conservation restriction shall be in the form approved by the municipality and shall run with the land and be binding upon the property owner and the successors in interest in the property or in any part thereof. The conservation restriction may include language reserving the right to make de minimus changes to accommodate necessary regulatory approvals upon the written consent of the municipality, provided such changes are otherwise consistent with the purpose and intent of the conservation restriction. The recorded conservation restriction shall, at a minimum, include:
A written narrative of the authorized regulated activity, date of issuance, and date of expiration, and the conservation restriction that, in addition, includes all of the prohibitions set forth at N.J.S.A. 13:8B-2b (1) through (7);
Survey plans for the property as a whole and, where applicable, for any additional properties subject to the conservation restrictions. Such survey plans shall be submitted on the surveyor's letterhead, signed and sealed by the surveyor, and shall include metes and bounds descriptions of the property, the site, and the areas subject to the conservation restriction in New Jersey State Plane Coordinates, North American Datum 1983, and shall depict the boundaries of the site and all areas subject to the conservation restriction as marked with flags or stakes on site. All such survey plans shall be submitted on paper and in digital CAD or GIS file on a media and format defined by the municipality. The flags or stakes shall be numbered and identified on the survey plan; and
A copy or copies of deeds for the property as a whole that indicate the deed book and pages where it has been recorded in the office of the clerk of the applicable county or the registrar of deeds and mortgages of the applicable county.
Any lands proposed for development which include all or a portion of a riparian zone shall as a condition of any major subdivision or major site plan approval, provide for the vegetation or re-vegetation of any portions of the riparian zone which are not vegetated at the time of the application or which were disturbed by prior land uses, including for agricultural use. Said vegetation plan shall utilize native and non- invasive tree and plant species to the maximum extent practicable in accordance with an approved Riparian Zone Management Plan.
For building lots which exist as of the date of adoption of this Subsection 18-902V, adopted on 12-7-17 by Ord. No. 2017-24, but for which a building permit or a preliminary site plan approval has not been obtained or is no longer valid, the required minimum front, side, and rear setbacks may extend into the riparian zone, provided that a deed restriction and/or conservation easement is applied which prohibits clearing or construction in the riparian zone.
All stormwater shall be discharged outside of but may flow through a riparian zone and shall comply with the Standard For Off-Site Stability in the "Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in New Jersey," established under the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Act, N.J.S.A. 4:24-39 et seq. (See N.J.A.C. 2:90-1.3.)
If stormwater discharged outside of and flowing through a riparian zone cannot comply with the Standard for Off-Site Stability, then the proposed stabilization measures must meet the requirements of the Flood Hazard Area Control Act rules at N.J.A.C. 7:13-10.2 et seq., and have an approved flood hazard area permit.
Nonconforming Structures and Uses in Riparian Zones.
Nonconforming structures and uses of land within the riparian zone are subject to the following requirements:
Legally existing but nonconforming structures or uses may be continued.
Any proposed enlargement or expansion of the building footprint within the riparian zone of a C1 water shall comply with the standards in the Stormwater Management rules at N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.5(h) and the Flood Hazard Area Control Act rules, N.J.A.C. 7:13.
For all other riparian zones:
Encroachment within the riparian zone shall only be allowed where previous development or disturbance has occurred and shall be in conformance with the Stormwater Management rules, N.J.A.C. 7:8, and the Flood Hazard Area Control Act rules, N.J.A.C. 7:13.
Existing impervious cover shall not be increased within the riparian zone, as a result of encroachments where previous development or disturbances have occurred.
Discontinued nonconforming uses may be resumed any time within one year from such discontinuance but not thereafter when showing clear indications of abandonment. No change or resumption shall be permitted that is more detrimental to the riparian zone, as measured against the intent and purpose of the applicable regulations than the existing or former nonconforming use. This one-year time frame shall not apply to agricultural uses that are following prescribed Best Management Practices for crop rotation. However, resumption of agricultural uses must be strictly confined to the extent of disturbance existing at the time of adoption of this Ordinance No. 2017-24 establishing Subsection 18-902V.
Uses Prohibited in Riparian Zones.
Any use within a riparian zone of a C1 water shall comply with the standards in the Stormwater Management rules at N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.5(h) and the Flood Hazard Area Control Act rules, N.J.A.C. 7:13.
For other riparian zones, any use or activity not specifically authorized in Subsections 18-902V5 or V7 shall be prohibited within the riparian zone. By way of example, the following activities and facilities are prohibited:
Removal or clear-cutting of trees and other vegetation or soil disturbance such as grading, except for selective vegetation removal for the purpose of stream or riparian area stabilization or restoration projects that require vegetation removal or grading prior to implementation.
Storage of any hazardous or noxious materials.
Use of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and/or other chemicals in excess of prescribed industry standards or the recommendations of the Soil Conservation District.
Roads or driveways, except where permitted in compliance with Subsection 18-902V and applicable FHA rules.
Motor or wheeled vehicle traffic in any area, except as permitted by this Subsection 18-902V.
Parking lots.
Any type of permanent structure, except structures needed for a use permitted by Subsection 18-902V5.
New subsurface sewage disposal system areas. The expansion and replacement of existing subsurface sewage disposal system areas for existing uses is permitted.
Residential grounds or lawns, except as otherwise permitted pursuant to this Subsection 18-902V.
A prompt investigation shall be made by the appropriate personnel of the Township of Lakewood, of any person or entity believed to be in violation hereof. If, upon inspection, a condition which is in violation of this Subsection 18-902V is discovered, a civil action in the Special Part of the Superior Court, or in the Superior Court, if the primary relief sought is injunctive or if penalties may exceed the jurisdictional limit of the Special Civil Part, by the filing and serving of appropriate process. Nothing in this Subsection 18-902V shall be construed to preclude the right of the Township of Lakewood, pursuant to N.J.S.A 26:3A2-25, to initiate legal proceedings hereunder in Municipal Court. The violation of any section or subsection of this Subsection 18-902V shall constitute a separate and distinct offense independent of the violation of any other section or subsection, or of any order issued pursuant to this Subsection 18-902V. Each day a violation continues shall be considered a separate offense.
Actions taken in the event of non-compliance shall be governed by the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Lakewood.
[Ord. No. 2005-96 § 3; Ord. No. 2006-3 § 5; Ord. No. 2006-38 §§ 2,3; Ord. No. 2006-39 § 2; Ord. No. 2008-12 § 2; Ord. No. 2009-40 § 2; Ord. No. 2009-45 § 1; Ord. No. 2010-19 § 1; Ord. No. 2018-20 § 1; Ord. No. 2010-29 § 1; Ord. No. 2011-3 § 1; Ord. No. 2011-11 § 1; Ord. No. 2011-17 § 2; Ord. No. 2011-40 § 1; Ord. No. 2012-04 § 2; Ord. No. 2012-52 § 2; Ord. No. 2013-7; Ord. No. 2013-16; Ord. No. 2013-18; Ord. No. 2013-31 § 2; Ord. No. 2013-49; Ord. No. 2013-51 §§ 3-8; Ord. No. 2013-59 § 2; Ord. No. 2013-60 § 2; Ord. No. 2013-74 §§ 1,2; Ord. No. 2014-32 § 3; Ord. No. 2016-11 §§ 4-9; Ord. No. 2017-11; Ord. No. 2017-13; Ord. No. 2017-51 §§ 20-28; Ord. No. 2018-54]
Neighborhood Business Zone (B-1)
Permitted Uses:
All uses permitted in the RM zoning district.
Retail activities of and similar to the following types may be permitted:
Grocery and food stores.
Drug and Pharmaceuticals.
Hardware and Paint Stores.
Periodical and Newspaper Stores.
Service activities of and similar to the following types may be permitted:
Barber and Beauty Shops.
Tailor and dressmakers.
Dry cleaning collection but not processing.
Shoe repair.
Self-service laundry facilities.
Radio and television services.
Theaters - except for open air theaters.
Upholstery shops.
Professional offices.
Offices, restaurants and similar services.
Bus passenger stations, terminal, railroad stations and taxi stands.
Funeral Parlors.
Telephone exchanges, telecommunication, telegraph and express offices.
Car and van rental agencies, including an office and parking areas for rental vehicles; subject to the limitation of one rental vehicle per parking space. Two parking spaces required for the office and one parking space for each rental vehicle. All rental vehicles must be parked in designated parking spaces. Parking lots to conform to the requirements of § 18-807, except for § 18-807B, which shall not apply to a car and van rental agency in any zone. Car and van rental agencies shall be permitted to offer for retail sale vehicles from their inventory fleet as a component of the rental operations.
[Amended 3-4-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-19]
Parking lots.
Combined Business and Residential Uses subject to Subsection 6 below.
Places of worship including parish house and classrooms in accordance with the requirements of § 18-905 and the bulk standards below.
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Conditional Uses (See Article X):
Public buildings of a governmental or cultural nature but not including warehouses and workshops.
Public garages.
Service Stations.
Digital billboards.
[Ord. No. 2016-11 § 4]
Design Regulations (Non-Residential):
Front Yard Setback — 15 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 7 feet with an aggregate of 15 feet. A side yard setback is not required between two business uses.
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
Accessory Uses - Not to be located within a front yard. A 5 foot side and rear yard setback is required.
Design Regulations (Single-Family and Two-Family):
Minimum Lot Area — 7,500 square feet for single family and 10,000 square feet for two family structures.
Minimum Lot Width — 50 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 25 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 15 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 7 feet with an aggregate of 15 feet.
Accessory Building:
Side Yard Setback — 7 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 7 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 30%.
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
Design Regulations (Multi-Family Dwellings):
Minimum Lot Area - 12,500 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width - 100 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage - 40%
Front Yard Setback - 20 feet.
Rear Yard Setback - 20 feet.
Side Yard Setback (Each) - 20 feet.
Maximum Density - 22 dwelling units per gross acre.
Maximum Building Height - 65 feet.
Design Regulations (Combined Business and Residential Uses):
Minimum Lot Area — 7,500 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 50 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 15 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 15 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 7 feet with an aggregate of 15 feet.
Accessory Building:
Side Yard Setback — 7 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 7 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 30%.
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
Central Business Zone (B-2)
Permitted Uses:
All uses permitted in Zone B-1 and R-M zones. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, combined business and residential uses are not to be considered as multi-family dwelling structures for the purposes of this section. Combined business and residential uses are hereby expressly prohibited in all B-2 zones within the Township of Lakewood.
Stores and shops for the conducting of any customary retail or service establishment.
Baking, laundry, printing, upholstering and similar establishments and businesses of a similar and no more objectionable character, subject to the following provisions:
All goods or products, manufactured or processed shall be sold on the premises.
All manufacturing or processing shall be done on the premises.
Banks (except drive-in facilities), theaters (except open air), offices, restaurants and similar services.
Bowling alleys.
Places of worship including parish house and classrooms in accordance with the requirements of § 18-905 and the bulk standards below.
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Conditional Uses (See Article X):
Public buildings of a governmental or cultural nature but not including warehouses and workshops.
Public garages.
Service Stations.
Design Regulations (Non-Residential):
Rear Yard Setback — 10 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 7 feet with an aggregate of 15 feet. A side yard setback is not required between two business uses.
Maximum Building Height — 65 feet.
Accessory Uses - Not to be located within a front yard. A 5 foot side and rear yard setback is required.
Design Regulations (Single-Family and Two Family):
Minimum Lot Area — 7,500 square feet for single family and 10,000 square feet for two family structures.
Minimum Lot Width — 50 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 25 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 15 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 7 feet with an aggregate of 15 feet.
Accessory Building:
Side Yard Setback — 7 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 7 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 30%.
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
Design Regulations (Multi-Family Dwellings):
Minimum Lot Area - 12,500 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width - 100 feet.
Maximum Lot Coverage - 40%.
Front Yard Setback - 20 feet.
Rear Yard Setback - 20 feet.
Side Yard Setback (Each) - 20 feet.
Maximum Density - 22 dwelling units per gross acre.
Maximum Building Height - 65 feet.
Highway Business Zone (B-3)
Permitted Uses:
All principal uses permitted in the B-1 district, except multi-family dwellings.
Places of worship including parish house and classrooms in accordance with the requirements of § 18-905 and the bulk standards below.
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Community-based health care facility, so long as the site has frontage on a state highway or county road.
Conditional Uses (See Article X):
Public buildings of a governmental or cultural nature but not including warehouses and workshops.
Digital billboards.
[Ord. No. 2016-11 § 5]
Design Regulations:
Minimum Lot Area — 20,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 150 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 50 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 30 feet with an aggregate of 60 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 25%.
Maximum Building Height — 45 feet.
Combined Business and Residential uses shall comply with Subsection 3 above.
Wholesale Service Zone (B-4)
[Ord. No. 2017-13]
Permitted Uses:
All principal uses permitted in the B-3 district, excluding multi-family residential.
Lumber, coal, grain and feed storage yards.
Wholesale, storage and warehousing facilities.
Cold storage, ice manufacturing and storage.
New or used car lots.
Baking, laundry, printing upholstering, woodworking and cabinetry shops and similar establishment, and business of a similar and no more objectionable character.
[Ord. No. 2017-13]
Places of worship including parish house and classrooms in accordance with the requirements of § 18-905 and the bulk standards below.
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Conditional Uses (See Article X):
Public buildings of a governmental or cultural nature but not including warehouses and workshops.
Digital billboards.
[Ord. No. 2016-11 § 6]
Design Regulations:
Minimum Lot Area — 20,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 100 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 25 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 10 feet with an aggregate of 20 feet.
Maximum Building Height — 45 feet.
Design Regulations (Single-Family and Two-Family):
Minimum Lot Area — 7,500 square feet for single family and 10,000 square feet for two family structures.
Minimum Lot Width — 50 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 25 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 15 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 7 feet with an aggregate of 15 feet.
Accessory Building:
Side Yard Setback — 7 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 7 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 30%.
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
Highway Development Zone (B-5)
Permitted Uses:
[Ord. No. 2017-11; Ord. No. 2018-54]
Office buildings for professional, executive, engineering or administrative purposes, including accounting and sale functions.
Retail Stores and Shops.
Indoor theaters, assembly halls, bowling alleys and similar public recreational uses.
Restaurants, cafes and similar non-"drive-in" eating establishments.
Motels and hotels.
[Ord. No. 2017-11; Ord. No. 2018-54]
New motor vehicle salesrooms.
Wholesale business and distributors, including business distribution facilities, retail or wholesale.
[Amended 3-4-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-19]
Research and testing laboratories.
Places of worship including parish houses and classrooms in accordance with the requirements of § 18-905 and the bulk standards below.
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Conditional Uses (See Article X):
Shopping Centers.
Congregate or Assisted Living and Nursing Care.
Commercial office parks.
Age-restricted Multifamily Housing, which may include two family and duplex housing.
Mixed-Use Mid-Rise Development.
Mixed-Use Townhouse Development.
Mixed-Use Multifamily Development.
Mixed-Use Development.
Design Regulations:
Minimum Lot Area — 2 acres.
Minimum Lot Width — 200 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 100 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 50 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 50 feet with an aggregate of 100 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 30%.
Maximum Lot Coverage - 90%.
Maximum Building Height — 50 feet.
Highway Development Zone (B-5A)
Permitted Uses:
All uses permitted in the B-5 zone.
Multi-family residential, which may include two family and duplex housing.
Design Regulations:
Multi-family dwellings shall be permitted in accordance with the standards set for multi-family dwellings located in the B-2 zone as to all criteria, except density. Maximum density for multi-family dwellings shall be limited to 17 units per acre.
All other permitted uses shall comply with the standards of the B-5 zone.
Ingress and egress to new multi-family dwelling units located in the area of the B-5A (Highway Development Zone) district that is located between N.J. Highway Route 70 and Chestnut Street shall be only to and from NJ Route 70 and not permitted from Chestnut Street when the B-5A zoning is being used as a basis for development.
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 20]
Highway Development Zone (HD-6)
Permitted Uses:
Hotels and Motels.
Professional Occupations including the office of a physician, surgeon, dentist, minister, architect, engineer, attorney or other member of a recognized profession.
The studio of a teacher of music, dancing or art.
The studio of a photographer.
The office of an insurance agent, real estate broker, accountant or other bookkeeper.
Undertaking establishments.
Buildings used for administrative purposes only by the federal, state, county or local government for public purposes.
Public utility structures, but not including storage and maintenance uses and garages.
Offices including banks, savings and loan, finance companies, insurance, brokerage, medical and dental, legal, accounting, architectural, engineering and general.
Clubs, lodges and association buildings, meeting rooms and halls.
Public recreational and community center buildings and grounds.
Public libraries and museums.
Places of worship including parish house and classrooms in accordance with the requirements of § 18-905 and the bulk standards below.
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Parking lots.
Conditional Uses (See Article X). In addition to the conditional use standards provided in Article X any residential use permitted as a conditional use in the HD-6 Zone district shall be subject to the following: For that portion of State Highway Route 9 south of its intersection with Central Avenue, the property line and boundary of any residential yard, lot or tract of a residential use or residential building shall be located 200 feet or more from the right-of-way boundary of Route 9/River Avenue.
Two-family dwellings.
Digital billboards.
[Ord. No. 2016-11 § 7]
Design Regulations:
Minimum Lot Area — 10,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Frontage — 75 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 50 feet except as follows:
Residential development fronting on a State highway shall provide a minimum front yard setback of 100 feet.
Non-residential development fronting on a State highway shall provide a minimum front yard setback of 150 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 15 feet with an aggregate of 35 feet.
Accessory Structures:
Rear Yard Setback - 10 feet.
Side Yard Setback - 7 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 30%.
Maximum Building Height — 40 feet.
Landscaping and Buffering shall be provided for all development in accordance with the requirements of § 18-803 of this chapter.
There shall be no more than one driveway per each 100 feet of street frontage.
Highway Development Zone (HD-7)
Permitted Uses:
All principal uses permitted in the HD-6 district.
Retail business establishments such as but not limited to the following:
Stores selling groceries, meats, poultry, baked goods, and other such items.
Drug and pharmaceutical stores.
Hardware, dry goods, and household supply stores.
Packaged liquor stores.
Flower shops.
Luncheonettes and confectionery stores.
Haberdashery, dress goods and notions.
Personal service establishments such as but not limited to the following:
Barber and beauty shops.
Tailoring and dressmaking shops employing not more than three persons.
Dry cleaning and laundry collection.
Shoe repair shops.
Appliance repair shops.
Restaurants and lunchrooms.
Service organizations, theater, bowling alleys and other forms of commercial recreation, provided that they are carried on entirely within an enclosed building.
Automobile sales rooms.
Places of worship including parish house and classrooms in accordance with the requirements of § 18-905 and the bulk standards below.
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Conditional Uses (See Article X). In addition to the conditional use standards provided in Article X any residential use permitted as a conditional use in the HD-7 Zone district shall be subject to the following: For that portion of State Highway Route 9 south of its intersection with Central Avenue, the property line and boundary of any residential yard, lot or tract of a residential use or residential building shall be located 200 feet or more from the right-of-way boundary of Route 9/River Avenue.
Two-family dwellings as defined in 18-1010.A.3.
Digital billboards.
[Ord. No. 2016-11 § 8]
Design Regulations:
Minimum Lot Area — 1 acre.
Minimum Lot Frontage — 150 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 50 feet except as follows:
Residential development fronting on a State highway shall provide a minimum front yard setback of 75 feet.
Non-residential development fronting on a State highway shall provide a minimum front yard setback of 75 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 50 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 30 feet.
Accessory Structures:
Rear Yard Setback - 30 feet.
Side Yard Setback - 30 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 30%.
Maximum Building Height — 65 feet.
Minimum Floor Area - 2,500 square feet.
Landscaping and Buffering shall be provided for all development in accordance with the requirements of § 18-803 of this chapter.
There shall be no more than one driveway per each 100 feet of street frontage.
Parking shall be permitted in the required front yard setback for both residential and nonresidential development, provided no parking shall be less than 65 feet from the center line of a State highway.
Residential Office Park (ROP)
Permitted Uses:
Professional Offices including:
Accountants and certified public accountants.
Architects, engineers and land surveyors.
Chiropodists and chiropractors.
Medical doctors.
Real Estate and Insurance Brokers.
Optometrists, oculists, and osteopaths.
Marriage counselors licensed by the State of New Jersey.
Executive offices, where no product will be displayed for sale.
Other similar professional offices.
Places of worship including parish house and classrooms in accordance with the requirements of § 18-905 and the bulk standards below.
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Single-family detached dwellings.
Multi-family housing in accordance with the design regulations of the R-M District as specified in § 18-902H4b.
Townhouses (not withstanding the definition of townhouse in this chapter, for the purposes of this section, any townhouse with a basement should be considered two units.)
Banks, including drive-in facilities.
Design Regulations (all uses except Multi-family Residential and Duplexes):
Minimum Lot Area — 10,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width — 75 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 25 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 15 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 12 feet with an aggregate of 25 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 25%.
Maximum Building Height - 35 feet.
Accessory Building:
Rear Yard Setback - 7 feet.
Side Yard Setback - 7 feet.
Design Regulations Duplexes:
Minimum Lot Size — 10,000 square feet.
Minimum lot size for newly created lots shall be 10,000 square feet and have a minimum lot width of 60 feet.
Front Yard Setback — 25 feet, except any development along a State Highway shall provide a minimum front yard setback of 75 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 15 feet.
Side Yard Setback — 7 feet with an aggregate of 15 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage — 30%.
Maximum Building Height — 35 feet.
Conditional Uses:
Automobile sales only on properties that have frontage on US Highway 9 (Madison Avenue).
Open Space and Preservation (OSP)
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 21]
Permitted Uses:
Single-Family Residential Dwellings.
Public Open Space and Parks.
Design Regulations:
Minimum Lot Size - 3 acres.
Lot Width - 200 feet.
Front Yard Setback - 50 feet.
Side Yard Setback - 15 feet with an aggregate of 40 feet.
Rear Yard Setback - 20 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage - 10%.
Maximum Building Height - 30 feet.
Accessory Building:
Side yard - 10 feet.
Rear yard - 10 feet.
Airport Hazard Zone (AHZ)
Establishment of Code. A code establishing minimum standards for the control of airport and aeronautical hazards, and standards for land use adjacent to airports is hereby adopted pursuant to N.J.A.C. 16:62.
Title of Code. The code established and adopted by this chapter is described and commonly known as "The Air Safety and Hazardous Zoning Act of 1983," P.L. 1983, c.260.
Public Record. Three copies of the Air Safety and Hazardous Zoning Act of 1983 (1983) have been placed on file in the offices of the Township Clerk, and the Secretary of the Zoning Board, and will remain on file in said offices for use of and examination by the public.
The enforcing authority for the Air Safety and Hazardous Zoning Act shall be the Township Zoning Officer and other such officials designated by the Township Committee.
Cedarbridge Redevelopment Area (DA-1)
Permitted Uses:
Corporate offices and administrative buildings.
Commercial office parks.
Business Parks.
Professional offices including physicians, attorneys, engineers, accountants, etc.
Medical laboratories.
Pharmaceutical laboratories and research facilities.
High technology industry offices, and research and development facilities.
Engineering offices and laboratories.
Computer service centers.
Hotels and/or conference centers.
Public buildings of a governmental or cultural nature for office or research use.
Public libraries and museums.
Public utility uses.
Public sports facilities.
Parking garages.
Indoor and outdoor recreation facilities.
Banks and other financial lending institutions.
Day care facilities.
Fitness centers.
Training centers, the center is used exclusively for training and is accessory to the principal use of the office park.
Restaurants and/or employee cafeterias.
Satellite dish and television antennae
Communication towers
Maintenance buildings
Retail and personal service activities that are incidental to the principal use.
Permitted Accessory Uses:
Off-street parking.
Fences and walls.
Public Utility uses.
Off-street parking:
Office uses, one space for every 250 square feet of floor area (4/1,000sq.ft.).
Research and laboratory uses, one space for every 400 square feet of floor area (2.5/1,000 sq. ft.).
Parking spaces shall be a minimum of nine feet by 18 feet in accordance with CAFRA regulations governing the land in the RM zone.
Accessible parking shall comply with the New Jersey Barrier Free Subcode (cite N.J.A.C. 5:23-7.1 to 31).
Off-street loading and unloading:
Applicability to existing a new and expanded uses. The applicability of the loading regulations established by this subsection shall apply to all uses within the zone.
Loading spaces shall be located on the same lot as the building or structure to which they are accessory. No loading space shall be located in any front yard.
No required loading space shall be less than 12 feet in width or 35 feet in length or have vertical clearance of less than 10 feet.
Loading spaces shall be provided in sufficient number and of sufficient size so that no loading or unloading operation infringes upon any street, sidewalk or public property. In no event shall the number of loading spaces provided be less than that determined on the following schedule of required off-street loading spaces, except in the case of demonstrated hardship, the Planning Board may grant a variance from loading requirements, provided that an approved plan for delivery truck operations, including but not limited to hours and staging of operation, is attached to such variance.
Schedule of Off-Street Loading Requirements
Gross Floor Area (sq. ft.)
Number of Loading Spaces
10,000 to 99,000
100,000 to 149,999
150,000 to 399,999
400,000 to 649,999
650,000 to 949,999
950,000 to 1,500,000
For each additional 350,000
General provisions
More than one principal building shall be permitted on a lot.
Landscape and buffer areas shall be provided pursuant to § 18-803 of this chapter.
Area, yard and density requirements:
a. Minimum lot area
3 acres
b. Minimum lot frontage
300 feet
c. Maximum building coverage
d. Maximum impervious coverage
80% of the applicable coverage requirements as identified within N.J.A.C.7:7E et seq., whichever is less.
e. Maximum building height
75 feet exclusive of mechanical equipment and penthouses which may be up to an additional 15 feet.
Principal building and yard requirements:
Front yard: 50 feet.
Side yard: 30 feet.
Side yard aggregate: 70 feet.
Rear yard: 30 feet.
Accessory building yard requirements:
Front yard: 50 feet.
Side yard: 10 feet.
Rear yard: 10 feet.
Parking Setbacks:
Front yard: 50 feet.
Side yard: 20 feet.
Rear yard: 20 feet.
Pine Street buffer: 50 feet.
Industrial Zone (M-1)
Permitted Uses:
Research and development.
Lumber yards and other similar establishments for the bulk storage of building materials, plumbing and electrical supplies or electrical or home appliances.
Warehouses and terminal facilities.
Manufacturing, compounding, processing, packaging or treatment of beverages, food, candy, cosmetics, dairy products, drugs, ice, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, plastics, toilet articles and similar products.
Metal works or machine shops, welding shops, excluding drop hammers.
Laundry, cleaning and dyeing works, carpet and rug cleaning.
Public utility uses such as public utility repair and maintenance yards, storage facilities, depots, stations, classification yards, road houses, and plants for the production of energy, other than those which use atomic energy.
Printing, photographic reproduction or the manufacture of equipment or supplies therefore.
Automobile assembly plants.
Metallurgical processes and/or precious metal recycling and manufacturing.
Manufacture or assembly of:
Aluminum or aluminum alloy products or equipment.
Vending machines.
Wood products, furniture, or cabinets.
Cartons, glass containers, wooden or metal containers.
Novelties, toys and paper products of all kinds.
Aviation equipment, accessories or aircraft control equipment.
Electronics equipment, electronics parts, components or electrical machinery and equipment, except wherein atomic or radioactive power or materials is used in the manufacturing process.
Radio, telephone, or other communication equipment or parts thereof.
Pools, playground equipment, athletic equipment, and all types of sporting goods including firearms.
Restaurant or bar equipment or supplies.
Boats, nautical equipment, diving gear, water sports equipment of all types.
Embroidery, lace, clothing or wearing apparel of all kinds including footwear.
Glassware, cement products, china or tile.
Burial supplies, markers, monuments, vaults, urns or ornamental equipment in connection therewith.
Carpets, rugs, drapes, textiles or synthetic tiles.
Cotton or wool products or other manufactured fibrous products.
Cosmetics, ointments, beauty products or creams.
Optical instruments or supplies.
Musical instruments or supplies.
Doors, windows, and sash or trim for building construction.
Elevators or elevator equipment.
Poultry feed or poultry equipment or supplies.
Lamps and electrical fixtures of all kinds.
Clocks and timepieces.
Plumbing, heating or air conditioning supplies or equipment.
Electrical power tools.
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the additional design regulations in § 18-903M8 below.
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 22]
Publishing companies.
Office buildings.
Bottling plants.
Cold storage warehouses.
Hotels and motels.
Enameling or electroplating.
Facilities for on-site provision of health and human services, including spas, gyms, health clubs and like facilities.
The finishing or assembling of articles made from previously prepared or refined materials, such as bone, cellulose, cork, feather, canvas, cloth, fiber, fur, glass, plastics, guns, textiles, leaf products, wax, and wood.
Scientific or research laboratories devoted to research, design, or experimentation and processing and fabricating incidental thereto.
United States governmental postal services, all phases.
Telephone and telegraph companies including ancillary offices.
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products when such manufactured products are manufactured under control so as to assure against poisonous or unstable or hazardous chemicals or components kept or used in such manner as may tend to create a public nuisance or danger or tend to start a conflagration.
Additional Permitted Uses:
Offices and Administrative buildings situated on the site of any industrial use above set forth in connection with the operation of or the administration of the permitted use.
Residential apartments or dwellings for the occupancy of guards, watchmen or other plant or factory personnel that must be in residence on the premises for the maintenance and protection or administration of the principal use. No more than one such apartment or dwelling shall be permitted. Provided, however, that such facilities shall not be utilized by or for general workers, administrative or executive personnel, or for any residential use not related to the maintenance, protection, or administration of the principal permitted use.
Showroom or retail sales departments for the exhibition or retail sale of products manufactured by the principal use on the premises.
Restaurant and kitchen facilities for the use of plant personnel and business invitees with no outside advertising of such facilities to the public.
Advertising signs advertising the principal use subject to the restrictions otherwise set forth in the zoning ordinances of the Township for advertising signs.
Garages and maintenance shops for vehicles used in connection with the operation of the principal use.
Loading platforms, railroad sidings or other depots used in connection with the operation of the principal use.
Radio towers or other electronic transmissions or reception devices necessary in connection with the operation of the principal use subject to the height limitations on structures in the industrial zone.
Executive offices as headquarters for principal use.
Outdoor storage areas as an ancillary use to a principal permitted use provided that adequate provisions are made for screening, lighting and security, where necessary.
Wireless telecommunications towers and antennas, subject to the special requirements detailed in § 18-1012.
Conditional Uses.
In addition to the above described permitted uses there may be permitted in the industrial zone such uses of a general industrial nature or necessary accessories to any one of the above described permitted uses upon obtaining a conditional use permit from the Zoning Board of Adjustment after study and favorable referral to the Zoning Board by the Planning Board subject to the following regulations.
No danger to life, limb or property is created beyond the limits of the lot.
No objectionable noise, smell, smoke, dust, gas, glare or effluent is emitted which may adversely affect or impair the normal use of any property, structure or dwelling located in any residential, rural or business zone.
No untreated liquid, effluent or soluble solid shall be disposed of in such manner that subsurface water supplies shall be rendered unfit for potable or recreational purposes. Such proof may include:
Site plans and architectural drawings showing the type and location of all buildings, structures, parking and loading facilities on the lot.
Engineering drawings and specifications which will adequately describe the operations to be carried on, the means and devices to be used to preserve health and safety.
Descriptions of the products to be manufactured or processed and the control of effluents incidental thereto.
Sworn statements by the owner, developer, designer or other agent to the effect that no danger, hazard or nuisance will be created beyond the boundaries of the lot.
Any change in use of manufacturing process within an approved heavy industrial operation shall require reapplication and study of the use permit.
Automobile Repair Services.
Digital billboards.
[Ord. No. 2016-11 § 9]
Mixed Use Development—Cross Street Core in accordance with the standards set forth in § 18-1022.
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 22]
Requirements. Any permitted industrial use shall:
Dispose of its liquid wastes and effluents into an approved existing sewage treatment plant in accordance with that plant's regulations or shall treat its own liquid wastes and effluents in a treatment plant or process which is in compliance with the State Statutes and with the requirements of the State Department of Health.
Comply with the State Statutes and requirements of the State Department of Labor and Industry with regard to the health of the workers, proper precautions against fire hazards, proper handling and storage of materials and structural design.
Design and plan its buildings, facilities, operations, and processes so that noises and glares generated by the use will not violate the conditions which permit the use.
Submit in triplicate the Township's atmospheric pollution forms when applying for a building permit.
Prohibited Uses:
All uses in the industrial zone are prohibited other than those uses specified as permitted uses or as may be granted by special permit pursuant to the conditions and requirements heretofore set forth concerning permitted uses and special permits in the industrial zone.
Under no circumstances shall the following uses be permitted. The slaughtering of animals, rendering of fats and oils, the commercial disposal of domestic refuse or the dumping of garbage, trash or incinerated material, the dumping of waste materials from cesspools or other sewerage disposal installations, the manufacture or storage of high explosives, refining or storage of gasoline and fuel, oil, except for local retail consumption, the manufacture or processing of fertilizer, manufacture or refining of asphalt, manufacture of or processing of cork, manufacture of rubber, manufacture of linoleum or oil cloth, manufacture of glue or gelatin, tanning and curing of hides or skin, manufacture of paint or varnish, manufacture of oil, the processing, sale, storage or reclamation of junk of all kinds including automobile wrecking and storage, excavation of sand or gravel or other natural mineral deposits, any manufacturing process requiring the use of machinery or power plants operated by or with atomic energy or fissionable materials, the dumping of atomic waste materials, any industry requiring the use of radioactive materials; manufacture of ink, fireworks, manufacture of any product containing extremely poisonous or unstable or hazardous chemicals or components, such as may tend to create a public nuisance or danger or tend to start a conflagration, fish processing, manufacture of lime or cement, manufacture or processing of gypsum or plaster except that cement, lime, gypsum or plaster may be used in their finished form as a material in the manufacture of other items.
No industrial use or manufacturing use in the industrial zone shall be permitted which requires the emission of smoke, dust, fumes, odors or noise in such quantities or in such manner as to interfere with or be dangerous to the health, welfare and safety of the adjoining properties or the general public situated in or using the industrial zone or the facilities situated therein.
Off-Street Parking:
For industrial buildings having less than 20,000 square feet floor area, one parking space shall be provided for each employee on the maximum work shift plus five spaces for executives.
For industrial buildings having 20,000 square feet floor area to 50,000 square feet floor area, one parking space for each employee on the maximum work shift plus 10 for executives.
For industrial buildings having over 50,000 square feet floor area, one parking space shall be provided for each employee on the maximum work shift plus 20 for executives.
Adequate land area for the off-street parking requirements must be provided by any industry in the Township. The land area of a tract on which the industry is located may be used for such parking area, except those portions thereof required for setback and those areas otherwise designated on the site plan of the industrial building as reserved for planting, screening or other specified uses inconsistent with the use as a parking area. In addition to the required parking, the industrial use must provide adequate loading and unloading areas off-street on the industrial lands of the owner to accommodate such loading and unloading of vehicles as shall be necessary for the services to and from the industry situated on the lands.
No on the street parking for unloading, loading or employee parking shall be permitted in the industrial zones.
A developer of an industrial plant consisting of more than one industry situated on a tract of land under one ownership shall provide the same total off-street parking for the total of the industry situated thereon as would otherwise be required were all of the industrial buildings under single management. The industrial park owner must therefore make completely adequate provisions for off-street parking of the tenants in his industrial park according to the number of employees and each leasehold area on which a plant is situated in the industrial park shall provide the necessary number of off-street parking spaces to accommodate the total maximum work shift plus the necessary executives requirements as though the plant were under individual ownership, as well as necessary loading and unloading areas.
For all uses listed in Subsection 18-903M1 and M2, one parking space for every 400 square feet of floor space or one for each employee whichever is greater.
[Ord. No. 2017-28 § 2; Ord. No. 2017-51 § 22]
Design Regulations:
Minimum Lot Area: 3 acres
Minimum Lot Width: 300 feet
Front Yard Setback: 50/100 feet
Rear Yard Setback: 30 feet
Side Yard Setback: 30 feet with an aggregate of 70 feet
Maximum Building Coverage: 40%
Maximum Building Height: 65 feet
Accessory Building
Rear Yard Setback: 10 feet
Side Yard Setback: 10 feet
Additional Design Regulations for Public and Private Schools.
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 22]
Minimum On-site Parking Requirements: three spaces per classroom. A classroom shall be defined as any space with an area of 625 square feet or larger, not including any multi-purpose or dining room. Additional parking standards for office spaces in a school shall be calculated separately and added to the total minimum on-site parking requirement.
A circulation plan is required, which shall detail bus and traffic movements.
All loading, unloading, and bus stacking shall be designed to occur on site, and shall be in compliance with the requirements of § 18-906.
All recreation and play areas shall be fully fenced.
No parking area shall be used as a recreation and play area.
Buffer requirements pursuant to § 18-906 (Public and Private Schools) shall be addressed. Any variance relief of the landscaping standards of the buffer requirements due to unique or extenuating circumstances shall provide as a minimum condition a six or eight foot high solid (100% closed) fence while maintaining the required buffer dimensions.
All schools shall be in compliance with the noise requirements of Township Code Chapter 3, § 3-22, Noise.
[Repealed by Ord. No. 2017-51 § 23]
[Repealed by Ord. No. 2017-51 § 24]
Industrial Park Limited Professional Service Zone (LP)
[Amended Ord. No. 2017-51; 5-18-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-18]
Permitted Uses:
Professional offices and office buildings.
Banks and other financial lending institutions.
Doctors, dentists, and other recognized medical practitioners.
Medical laboratories.
Assisted living facilities.
Nursing homes.
Corporate headquarters and executive offices.
Hotels and conference centers.
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 25; repealed 5-18-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-18]
Recreational facilities including ice skating rinks, bowling alleys, and other indoor recreational activities.
Facilities for the provision of health and human services including spas, gyms, health clubs and like facilities.
Scientific or research laboratories devoted to the research design or experimentation and processing and fabricating incidental thereto.
Retail centers, department stores and supermarkets.
Warehouses, outdoor storage, and terminal facilities.
Manufacturing, compounding, processing, packaging.
Monument signs.
Parking garage structures and automated parking systems as accessory uses to permitted principal uses.
Area, Yard, and Lot Requirements. Design Regulations:
Minimum Lot Area: 3 acres.
Minimum Lot Width: 50 feet.
Front Yard Setback: 50 feet.
Rear Yard Setback: 30 feet.
Side Yard Setback: 30 feet with an aggregate of 70 feet.
Maximum Building Coverage: 65%.
Maximum Building Height: 75 feet.
Accessory Building.
Rear yard setback: 30 feet.
Side yard setback: 30 feet.
Maximum building height for accessory structures: 35 feet.
Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking requirements shall be in accordance with § 18-807 entitled, "Off-street Parking Requirements," and § 18-903 M for the permitted uses set forth at § 18-903 P 1, subsections (o), (p), (q) and (r), above.
[Repealed 5-18-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-18]
[Repealed by Ord. No. 2017-51 § 26]
Corporate Campus/Stadium Support Zone (B-6)
Permitted Uses:
Restaurants, cafes, pubs, sandwich shops, coffee shops and similar eating establishments, with the exception of drive-in/drive-through eating establishments.
Retail stores and shops.
Personal Services Establishments. Limited specifically to barber and beauty shops, tailors, dry cleaning collections, except processing and shoe repair.
Office buildings for professional, executive, engineering or administrative purposes, including accounting and sale functions, provided such uses are located above ground floor.
Fire Department facilities.
Facilities for the collection, recycling and processing of organic waste into energy.
Facilities for the warehouse, packaging and distribution of food products including administrative offices.
Residential uses and design standards permitted in the B-1 zoning district, except that no residential building of any type shall be permitted to front on Cedarbridge Avenue or that portion of New Hampshire Avenue that is within 350 feet from the intersection of New Hampshire Avenue and Cedarbridge Avenue.
Conditional Uses (See Article X):
Shopping Centers.
Service stations with convenience stores.
Design Regulations:
Minimum Lot Area — 2 acres
Minimum Lot Width — 200 feet
Front Yard Setback — 100 feet
Rear Yard Setback — 50 feet
Side Yard Setback — 50 feet with an aggregate of 100 feet
Maximum Building Coverage — 30%
Maximum Lot Coverage — 80%
Maximum Building Height — 50 feet
Hospital Support Zone (HS)
Permitted Principal Uses:
Hospitals and medical centers.
Physicians and other medical offices.
Clinics and other therapeutic and rehabilitation facilities.
Medical diagnostic offices and laboratories.
Emergency medical service facilities.
Pharmacies and other retail establishments for the sale of medical surgical supplies, equipment and clothes or goods and prescription eyeglasses.
Nursing homes, assisted living, and extended care facilities.
Child care centers.
Adult day care centers.
Professional, administrative and business offices.
Offices including banks, savings and loan, finance companies, insurance, and brokerage companies/firms.
Clubs, lodges, and association buildings, meeting rooms and halls.
Public recreational and community center buildings and grounds.
Buildings used for administrative purposes for Federal, State, County or municipal government for public purposes.
Places of worship, including parish house and classrooms in accordance with the requirements of § 18-905 and the bulk standards below.
Public and private schools in accordance with the requirements of § 18-906 and the bulk standards below.
Essential services.
Permitted Accessory Uses:
Retail trade and services in conjunction with a principal use and provided the floor area of the retail use does not exceed 15% of the ground floor area.
Off-street parking.
Permitted Conditional Uses: Fueling station and convenience mart.
Design Regulations:
Minimum Lot Area — one acre
Minimum Lot Frontage — 150 feet
Front Yard Setback — 50 feet except that development fronting on State Highway Route 9 (River Avenue) shall provide a minimum front yard setback of 75 feet.
Rear Yard Setback — 50 feet
Side Yard Setback — 30 feet
Accessory Structures:
Rear Yard Setback — 40 feet
Side yard Setback — 20 feet
Maximum Height — 16 feet
Maximum Building Coverage — 30%
Maximum Building Height — 65 feet.
Airport Business Commercial Zone
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 27]
Permitted Uses:
Corporate headquarters and related offices and administrative buildings;
Commercial office parks;
Business parks and office buildings;
Professional offices for physicians or dentists, so long as such offices are not patient of a healthcare institution providing medical, surgical, psychological care in a facility that operates as a charitable or not-for-profit institution;
Professional offices for attorneys, engineers, accountants, pharmacists and chemists;
Medical laboratories;
Pharmaceutical laboratories and research facilities;
High technology industry offices, and research and development facilities;
Engineering offices and laboratories;
Computer service centers and related management offices;
Publishing companies;
Retail banking facility provided same in ancillary to a corporate office of a financial lending institution;
Conference centers;
Printing, photographic reproduction, or the manufacture of equipment or supplies related to publishing and communication;
Manufacture, assembly compounding, processing, packaging or treatment of:
Novelties, toys and paper products of all kinds;
Aviation equipment, accessories, or aircraft control equipment;
Electronics equipment, electronic parts, components, or electrical machinery and equipment except wherein atomic or radioactive materials are used in the manufacturing process;
Radio, telephone or other communication equipment or parts therefore;
Restaurant or bar equipment;
Embroidery, lace, clothing or wearing apparel of all kinds including footwear;
Glassware, cement products, china, tile;
Carpets, rugs, drapes, textiles, synthetic tiles;
Cotton or wood products or other manufactured fibrous products;
Cosmetics, ointments, beauty products, or creams;
Optical instruments or supplies;
Musical instruments or supplies;
Doors, windows and sash and trim for building construction;
Elevators and elevator equipment;
Lamps and electrical fixtures of all kinds;
Clocks and timepieces;
Plumbing, heating, or air-conditioning supplies or equipment;
Electrical power tools.
Warehouse and retail outlets and retail stores; as well as showroom or retail sales departments for the exhibition or retail sale of products manufactured by the principal use on the premises;
Bottling plants;
Enameling and electroplating;
Facilities for the on-site provision of services such as spas and health clubs, provided same are ancillary to a primary permitted use;
The finishing or assembling of articles made from previously prepared and refined materials, such as bone, cellulose, cork, feathers, canvas, cloth, fiber, fur, glass, plastics, guns, textiles, leaf products, wax and wood;
Communication companies and ancillary offices; and
Restaurant or kitchen facilities for the use of plant personnel and business invitees with no outside advertising of such facilities to the public.
Permitted Accessory Uses:
Off-street parking and loading for the principal use.
Use customarily incidental and accessory to a principal permitted use.
Design Regulations:
Minimum Lot Area - three acres
Minimum Lot Width - 300 feet
Front Yard Setback - 50/100 feet
Rear Yard Setback - 30 feet
Side Yard Setback - 30 feet with an aggregate of 70 feet
Accessory Structures:
Rear Yard Setback - 10 feet
Side yard Setback - 10 feet
Maximum Height - 35 feet
Maximum Building Coverage - 40%
Maximum Building Height - 65 feet
Prohibited Uses:
Schools, houses of worship, and institutions of higher education. However, if an institution of higher education chooses to sponsor a medical laboratory, high technology industry office, research and development facility, or engineering offices and laboratories, such a use shall be permitted.
Public Purpose Overlay Zone (PP)
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 28]
Purpose. The Public Purpose overlay zone is intended to provide for optional development of public parks and emergent facilities in the underlying zones to meet the needs of the community.
Location. The boundaries of the public purpose overlay zones are delineated on the Lakewood Township Zoning Map. The underlying zones for the Public Purpose overlay are the R-40 and R-M residential zones in the southwest area of the municipality.
Use and Bulk Regulations to supplement the requirements of the underlying zones.
R-40 sub-district.
Permitted uses:
Public Emergency service facilities such as first aid, fire department, police substation or similar facility or service.
Bulk Regulations: None.
R-M sub-district.
The R-M sub-district overlay area is intended to serve as a consolidation of adjoining municipally-owned properties to be used as a centrally-located public open space and park to benefit surrounding development.
Permitted uses:
Public open space and parks consisting of active and/or passive recreation facilities.
Bulk Regulations: None.
General Concept. A cluster single-family residential development is a form of development that permits a reduction in lot area and bulk requirements, provided there is no increase in the number of lots permitted under a conventional subdivision or increase in the overall density of development, and the remaining land area is devoted to open space, active recreation, preservation of environmentally sensitive areas, or agriculture.
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide a method of developing single-family detached dwellings, which will preserve desirable open spaces, conservation areas, floodplains, recreation and park areas, and lands for other public purposes by permitting the reduction of lot sizes and certain other regulations hereinafter stated without increasing the number of lots in the total area to be developed.
General Requirements:
The minimum size of a tract of land proposed for development under the cluster development provisions of this section shall be 15 acres.
The cluster option shall only be permitted in those Residential Zone Districts where cluster single-family residential development is a permitted development option.
The density and maximum number of residential building lots under the cluster provision shall be such that the resulting net lot density of the area to be subdivided shall be not greater than the net lot density of the subdivision area without regard to the provisions of this subsection and shall be computed in accordance with the applicable area, yard, and bulk requirements. Applicants shall be required to submit a lot yield plan showing the development of the tract using the conventional zone district requirements and strictly applying all limiting factors. Applicants shall demonstrate that all lots are developable and usable in accordance with any ordinance provision which may result in the reduction of the lot yield. The number of building lots shown on the lot yield plan shall be the maximum number of lots permitted.
Land left as open space may be offered to the Township.
The lands offered to the Township shall meet the following requirements:
Where possible, open space parcels should be large enough to accommodate active recreation facilities. Lands offered for recreational purposes shall be improved by the developer in a manner consistent with the recreational purpose intended for that particular area of the development in order to qualify the lands for acceptance by the Township. In order to provide continuous jogging and bicycle paths, parcels of open space should be interconnected using the regular sidewalks and/or separate path systems.
Any land offered to the Township shall be optimally related to the overall plan and design of the development and improved to best suit the purpose(s) for which it is intended. Open space shall be so planned within the development that a close visual and physical relationship between the open space and as many dwelling units as is reasonably possible is created. Open space areas should weave between dwelling units generally respecting a minimum width of 50 feet and periodically widening out into significant and usable recreation areas.
The lands proposed as open spaces shall be subject to review by the Planning Board, which in its review and evaluation of the suitability of such land, shall be guided by the Master Plan of the Township, by the ability to assemble and relate such lands to an overall plan, and by the accessibility and potential utility of such lands. The Planning Board may request an opinion from other public agencies or individuals as to the advisability of the Township's accepting any lands to be offered to the Township.
The parcels of land, whether to be offered to and accepted by the Township or other organization, shall be conveyed by deed on a pro-rata basis, as actual development commences, in accordance with the following schedule:
A conveyance by deed of a parcel equal to 25% of the acreage proposed for dedication or conservation and other purposes shall be conveyed to the Township prior to the issuance of certificates of occupancy in a number equal to 25% of the total number of dwelling units proposed for the entire tract.
Not less than an additional 25% shall be conveyed to the Township upon the issuance of certificates of occupancy equal to 50% of the total number of dwelling units proposed for the entire tract.
[Ord. No. 2017-52 § 1; amended 9-2-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-50]
Editor's Note: Attachments 1 through 4 can be found as attachments to this chapter. Attachment 1 shows PDNC without Schedule A and Schedule B. Attachment 2 shows PDNC with Schedule A and Schedule B.
Planned Development Noncontiguous Cluster (PDNC) Overlay Zone.
Purpose: The purpose of the Planned Development Noncontiguous Cluster (PDNC) Overlay Zone is to facilitate smart growth by promoting development with a compact footprint while simultaneously facilitating the permanent preservation of the most ecologically important areas and valuable forested areas of the municipality.
Location: The specific area of the Planned Development Noncontiguous Cluster (PDNC) Overlay Zone is depicted in Attachment 1. (As revised August 2021)
[Amended 9-2-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-50]
Use and Bulk Requirements: The use and bulk requirements of the underlying zone districts shall apply.
Tree Save Requirements:
The requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:7-13.4, N.J.A.C. 7:7-13.14, and N.J.A.C. 7:7-13.18, as applicable, shall apply.
These requirements may be met through the noncontiguous cluster provisions of § 18-904.1A5 below.
Noncontiguous Cluster Provisions:
Applicability: These provisions shall become an applicable option when both of the following conditions are met:
The development triggers the tree save requirements that have been cited in § 18-904.1A4 above; and
The development qualifies as a planned development, subdivision, or site plan as defined in § 18-200.
Development and Preservation Areas: Areas for development and preservation are depicted in Attachment 2. Areas for development are the "Schedule B" areas that are depicted in Attachment 2 and listed in Attachment 3. Areas for preservation are the "Schedule A" areas that are depicted in Attachment 2 and listed in Attachment 4. (As revised August 2021)
[Amended 9-2-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-50]
No Increased Density: Use of these provisions shall not result in density bonuses or similar bonuses. The minimum lot size requirements of the underlying zone district in which the "Schedule B" portions of the development tract are located shall apply, and the maximum development yield shall be based solely on the "Schedule B" portions of the development tract. However, the area that is required to meet tree save requirements does not reduce the development capacity of the "Schedule B" portions of the development tract, because said area is provided in the "Schedule A" portions of the development tract.
Development Requirements: All development shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the standards of the underlying zone districts.
Development Location: All development shall be located in the area designated as "Schedule B" in Attachment 2 and listed in Attachment 3.(As revised August 2021)
[Amended 9-2-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-50]
Preservation Area Size: The size of the preservation area shall be determined by the requirements provided at N.J.A.C. 7:7-13.4, N.J.A.C. 7:7-13.14, and N.J.A.C. 7:7-13.18, as applicable.
Preservation Area Location: The preservation area shall be located in an area designated as "Schedule A" in Attachment 2 and listed in Attachment 4. (As revised August 2021)
[Amended 9-2-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-50]
Preservation Required:
Upon approval of the noncontiguous development, the preservation area shall be permanently preserved by conservation restriction.
The form of conservation restriction shall conform with current practice and standards of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Additional Application Requirements: In addition to the application submission requirements that are outlined in other applicable sections of Chapter 18 of the Unified Development Ordinance, the following additional application submission requirements shall apply:
Boundary survey of all parcels for preservation.
Proof of agreement between the owners of all properties in the noncontiguous cluster development, if applicable.
Draft or previously established conservation restriction.
Deed of all parcels for preservation.
Demonstration of full compliance with N.J.A.C. 7:7-13.4, N.J.A.C. 7:7-13.14, and N.J.A.C. 7:7-13.18, as applicable.
Standards for Approval by Planning Board:
The Planning Board shall find that:
One or more parcels are designated for preservation.
Parcels for preservation are located in an area that is designated as "Schedule A" in Attachment 2 and listed in Attachment 4. (As revised August 2021)
[Amended 9-2-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-50]
The parcels for preservation are available for use by the applicant for use in a noncontiguous cluster development application.
One or more parcels are designated for development.
Parcels for development are located in an area designated as "Schedule B" in Attachment 2 and listed in Attachment 3. (As revised August 2021)
[Amended 9-2-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-50]
The goals and objectives of the 2017 Lakewood Township Master Plan are promoted.
The parcels for preservation are suitable for meeting the tree save requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:7-13.4, N.J.A.C. 7:7-13.14, and N.J.A.C. 7:7-13.18, as applicable.
[Ord. No. 2009-17 § 1]
Residences situated on one lot or site that also has a religious or educational use on the site shall be automatically determined as one of them being an accessory use.
Parking Regulations:
If the place of worship contains less than 800 square feet of main sanctuary space there shall be no requirements for parking, if more than 800 square feet, then the following shall be required for main sanctuary space (main sanctuary area shall not include secondary sanctuary space, mikvah, hallways, bathrooms, kitchen, and other ancillary and/or support rooms):
800 to 1999 square feet
1.0 spaces for every 100 sq. ft.
2000 to 2999 square feet
1.25 spaces for every 100 sq. ft.
3000+ square feet
1.50 spaces for every 100 sq. ft.
If a catering facility is also on site, the following shall apply (in addition to required parking for place of worship):
800 SF to 1999 SF
0.75 parking spaces for every 100 sq. ft.
2000+ SF
1.0 parking spaces for every 100 sq. ft.
No parking area shall be located closer than five feet to any side or rear property line that are adjacent to residential zoned properties. A decorative, solid, six foot fence plus shrubs will be required to hide all parking adjacent to residential properties, unless there is a buffer of greater than 20 feet in which case it shall not require screening.
For all religious bathing facilities (mikvah) with less than five changing rooms no parking shall be required. For facilities with five or more changing rooms, there shall be one parking space per changing room.
Buffer Requirements:
Perimeter Buffer: for properties adjacent to residential properties, if the site leaves a 20 foot undisturbed area then there are no requirements for buffering, if the 20 foot buffer is invaded or disturbed then requirements indicated in Number 3 below shall be put in place along the invaded area.
From a nonresidential use or district - 10 feet.
From a residential use or district - 20 feet.
No parking area shall be located closer than five feet to any side or rear property line that are adjacent to residential zoned properties. Board-on-board fence six feet plus shrubs with a four foot arbor vitae every four feet will be required to hide all parking adjacent to residential properties, unless there is a buffer of greater than 20 feet in which case it shall not require screening
A required buffer shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs, and other suitable plantings for beautification and screening. Natural vegetation should be retained to the maximum degree possible. On those sites where no existing vegetation is present or existing vegetation is inadequate to provide screening, the applicant shall suitably grade and plant the required buffer area, such that this planting shall provide an adequate screen of at least six feet in height so as to continually restrict the view. A minimum on-center distance between plantings shall be such that upon maturity the buffer will create a solid screen. The buffer may be supplemented with a fence of solid material where necessary.
Other Site Standards: The front yard, exclusive of walkways, pavilion areas, or driveways, shall be landscaped with grass, trees, shrubs, groundcover, flowers, existing vegetation, or any suitable combination thereof. Plantings shall conform, however, to restrictions on corner lot placement, in order to protect visibility.
Curb Cuts shall be provided in a manner that is consistent with safe traffic flow, avoiding excessive proximity to intersections and other hazardous situations. Curb cuts shall be minimal in number, with enough provided to ensure reasonable ingress/egress to and from the site. Those deemed by local, County and/or State traffic engineering authorities to be unnecessary for providing said traffic service shall be subject to deletion from plans.
Temporary Facilities for Places of Worship. The Township Zoning Official may approve the installation of temporary portable facilities for a place of worship at the site of a religious facility or proposed religious facility for a period of one year. The approval may be renewed once for one additional one year period and each approval is subject to the following standards and requirements:
An application for permanent construction to replace the temporary portable facilities has been filed and is deemed complete by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment or has been approved by the Board and is currently under construction or awaiting permitting or State or County agency approvals.
The use of the trailer, modular unit or portable facility must be limited to religious services only. The facility may not be used for weddings, fund-raising or other events. The religious group obtains the necessary Uniform Construction Code permits for the facility. All installations are subject to applicable municipal, County and State specifications, inspections and fees. The facility must at all times comply with the Township's Uniform Fire Safety Code.
A site plan or plot plan showing setbacks, parking and buffer requirements of this chapter is required for the temporary facility.
An ADA approved walkway shall be provided from existing buildings or existing paved surfaces to the temporary portable facilities.
Buffer Requirements.
From a nonresidential use or district - 10 feet.
From a residential use or district - 20 feet.
A required buffer shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs, and other suitable plantings for beautification and screening. Natural vegetation should be retained to the maximum degree possible. On those sites where no existing vegetation is present or existing vegetation is inadequate to provide screening, the applicant shall suitably grade and plant the required buffer area, such that this planting shall provide an adequate screen of at least six feet in height so as to continually restrict the view. A minimum on-center distance between plantings shall be such that upon maturity the buffer will create a solid screen. The buffer may be supplemented with a fence of solid material where necessary.
Parking is not permitted in any required buffer.
One parking space shall be provided for each of the following:
Tutor room.
Meeting room.
If a recreation area or areas are designated then details shall be provided for such recreational areas. All play equipment shall meet all required safety standards.
Bus Loading and Unloading Zones.
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 29]
An on-site bus loading and unloading zone shall be required at all schools where bus transportation is provided.
Bus loading and unloading areas shall be situated in a manner so that children do not cross any traffic lane or parking areas whatsoever, unless it is in area that is curbed and physically separated from traffic circulation and specifically designated solely for bus loading and unloading.
A public or private school shall not be located on a site in an Industrial Park or Industrial Zone where the mix of uses presents a health or safety hazard to the occupants of the school.
Temporary Classrooms for Schools. The Township Zoning Officer may approve the installation of temporary portable facilities at the site of a school for a period not to exceed two school years, subject to the following standards and requirements:
The trailer, modular unit or portable classroom facility must be limited to educational purposes, including support offices, libraries, or other such uses typically accessory or ancillary uses to the educational use, and be of a type that is certified for this use by applicable Federal, State, County and local agencies.
The school obtains the necessary Uniform Construction Code permits for the facility. All installations are subject to applicable municipal, County and State specifications, inspections and fees.
A site plan or plot plan showing setbacks, parking and buffer requirements of this chapter is required for the temporary facility.
An ADA approved walkway shall be provided from existing buildings or existing paved surfaces to the temporary portable facilities.
The Township Zoning Officer may authorize two one year extensions of the original two year time frame, set forth above, subject to the following requirement:
An application for construction to replace the temporary portable facilities has been filed and is deemed complete by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment or has been approved by the Board and is currently under construction or awaiting permitting or State or County agency approvals.
[Ord. No. 2009-17 § 2]
Front Yard Setback Requirements.
[Ord. No. 2017-51 § 29; Ord. No. 2019-15]
In all residential zones, namely the R-40, R-20, R-15, R-12, R-12A, R-10, R-7.5, R-M, R-LM, R-10A, R-10B and R-20A zones, as well as the A-1 zone, the minimum front yard setback requirement shall be increased by 20 feet.
For all other zone districts that permit schools, except for the Central Business (B-2) zone, increase minimum front yard setback requirement by 40%. The increased front yard setback requirement shall not apply to the B-2 zone.
Public and Private Schools.
[Added 12-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-46]
In all non- residential zones where schools are permitted uses ( Section 18-903) and the Oak Street Core Neighborhood Overlay Zone -I (Section 18-902M). catering facilities and banquet halls shall continue to be allowed as accessory uses in the school buildings, provided the following parking requirements are met:
For the section of the school utilized for catering and banquet functions (to be known as the Banquet Hall space, but not including bathrooms, food prep rooms, and facilities not associated with the Banquet Hall function such as guest preparation rooms etc) 1.0 parking space shall be required for every 50 square feet thereof.
[Ord. No. 2006-31 § 2]
All uses not expressly permitted in this chapter are prohibited. The following uses are specifically prohibited in every district:
No single recreational vehicle or boat may be used for living or housekeeping purposes within the Township, except as provided for by § 909 herein.
Outdoor storage, in a shed or a trailer, of any type shall not be permitted unless such storage is a part of the normal operation of a use conducted on the premises subject to design and performance standards for the prevailing district and provided further that the following requirements are conformed with:
All outdoor storage facilities shall be enclosed by a solid fence adequate to conceal the facilities from any adjacent properties.
No materials or wastes shall be deposited upon a lot in such form or manner that may be transferred off the lot by natural causes or forces.
All material or wastes which might cause fumes or dust or which constitute a fire hazard or which may be edible or otherwise be attractive to rodents or insects shall be stored outdoors only in closed containers.
Flammable or explosive liquids, solids, or gases shall be permitted to be stored in above ground storage tanks only if the proposed use and structure meet the requirements of the Uniform Construction Code (5:23 et seq.) and the Fire Code (5:18 et seq.), as used by Lakewood Township officials. In addition, above ground storage tanks are not permitted in any front yard and shall be sufficiently buffered from any adjoining use.
Private sanitary landfills.
Commercial resource extraction operations.
Mobile home parks.
Junk Yards.
A reduction in the minimum lot area and width requirements in any residential subdivision in the R-20, R-15, R-12, R-12A, R-10, and R-7.5 zone districts may be allowed provided the gross residential density established for the zone in question, as listed in Subsection 18-908B8 is not exceeded and that the regulation and standards as established in this section are complied with.
Regulations and Standards.
Required minimum lot area may be reduced up to 15%.
Required minimum lot widths may be reduced up to 10% except that no lot width shall be reduced to less than 50 feet. All other regulations of this chapter shall be complied with.
The land resulting from the reduction in lot size shall be set aside for park, playground, or other recreational purposes.
This land shall be dedicated and deeded to the Township for recreational purposes.
The soil, drainage, slope and location of the proposed recreation area shall be deemed suitable by the Board for recreational purposes. In its review of an application for lot reduction under this section, the Board shall consider the location of the proposed recreational area with respect to the location of the Township's population, traffic, and the possible addition of more land to the area proposed for dedication.
The land to be dedicated shall have direct access to a public right of way.
The area set aside for the recreational purposes shall not be less than one acre with its least dimension not less 150 feet, unless this area is to be added to another recreational area at this time or sometime in the future.
The maximum gross residential density for the respective residential zones shall be as follows:
1.9 dwelling units per acre
2.5 dwelling units per acre
3.1 dwelling units per acre
3.7 dwelling units per acre
4.8 dwelling units per acre
[Ord. No. 2006-31 § 3]
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to authorize temporary housing for residents of a single-family home whose primary dwelling place is destroyed by a natural disaster or catastrophic accident.
Applicability. This section will authorize the placement of a temporary residential trailer on a lot where the principal dwelling has been destroyed by a natural disaster or catastrophic accident and is being repaired or replaced.
Permit. A person or representative of persons whose primary dwelling place has been destroyed by a natural disaster or catastrophic accident shall, within 30 days of the event that caused the destruction, make application to the Zoning Officer for a permit to a place a temporary residential trailer on the building lot of the dwelling place. The trailer must conform to the requirements of a manufactured home as defined in the Uniform Construction Code, N.J.S.A. 52:27D-121.
Notification. At the time of the application to the Zoning Officer for the permit, the applicant shall notify all contiguous property owners by certified mail of the application. The notice shall indicate the nature of the application and the fact that the contiguous property may voice any objection or comment regarding the application to the Zoning Officer within 10 days of the receipt of the certified notice.
Setback. Any trailer so placed must be placed at a minimum setback of 20 feet from the front of the building lot property line, five feet from each side of the building lot property line and 15 feet from the rear of the building lot property line.
Duration. The temporary trailer so authorized shall be for the sole purpose of temporary residence for the person or persons whose primary dwelling place has been destroyed by a natural disaster or catastrophic accident. The authorization shall not exceed six months, except that additional authorization may be granted in the discretion of the Zoning Officer on a month-to-month basis if the repair or replacement of the dwelling house is not complete, however, in any event, the authorization shall not exceed 12 months.
Approval. The temporary residential trailer may not be occupied unless approval for such occupancy is granted after inspection by the Township Construction Code Official. The Construction Code Official shall inspect the temporary trailer for approval within three days of the application for occupancy to the Zoning Officer.
Revocation. The Construction Code Official is authorized to make periodic inspections of the temporary residential trailer at the request of the Zoning Officer. After such inspections, the Construction Code Official may recommend continued occupancy in accordance with the provisions of this section or the Construction Code Official may recommend that the permit for temporary occupancy be vacated if an unsafe or unhealthy condition exists at the temporary residential trailer.
[Ord. No. 2008-39 §§ 1—9; Ord. No. 2014-19]
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to regulate basement apartments as defined herein within the Township of Lakewood to ensure the apartment's compliance with safety rules and regulations.
A basement apartment must meet all requirements of a basement as defined by State codes and statutes.
Definitions. A basement apartment must have an address designation and mailbox recognized by the USPS, along with a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living area that is solely contained beneath the ground floor and separate from the residence above the ground floor.
Permitted Use. Basement apartments are permitted uses in all residential zones or those that have been grandfathered because they have been established prior to any zone change except as set forth in Subsection I of this section.
There shall be only one basement apartment per single-family residence to include townhouses and condominiums. The said basement apartment shall be a rental unit for lease.
The basement apartment must have its own independent means of entry and exit as well as a secondary egress window or door in accordance with all requirements of the State codes and statutes.
The basement apartment and upstairs unit must have access to all utility meters and shutoffs.
The basement apartment and the area above ground level must be separated by a fire separation system, have smoke and carbon dioxide detectors pursuant to both State and local codes. It must totally comply with all the requirements of the Uniform Construction Code.
Prohibitions. Basement apartments are prohibited in the A-1 Agricultural Zone and age restricted communities.
[Ord. No. 2009-38 § 1]
Purpose. The zero lot line residential development provisions of this section are designed to provide a more affordable ownership housing opportunity for a wide range of income groups while assuring compatibility with, and maintaining the stability and quality of, existing neighborhoods; to provide the opportunity for lower development costs and lower per-unit land costs that subsequently lower the cost of housing for the consumer; to provide an economical and logical response to high-cost infill properties; to promote a more efficient utilization of land; and to promote energy conservation.
Applicability. The provisions of this article are intended to serve as conditions required for approval of zero lot line residential dwelling, as they may be permitted within the R-10, R-7.5, R-M, B-1, and B-2 zoning districts. It is not intended that this article apply to townhouse developments involving no side yard setbacks on either side, or condominium developments.
Buildings and Activities Allowed. Within the R-10, R-7.5, R-M, B-1, and B-2 zones established by this section, the following duplex uses are permitted, subject to other applicable provisions of this section.
A newly constructed or proposed duplex, where the duplex is constructed to the development standards provided in this article and intended to be divided into two separately owned structures and lots, thereby creating two zero lot line dwellings.
Conversion of an existing duplex to a zero lot line dwelling, provided that the other provisions of this article are met.
Property Development Standards.
Unless otherwise modified by other provisions of this article, a minimum of 50% of the required lot area for duplex structures in the respective zone shall be provided.
In the case of an existing irregular shaped lot that meets the minimum lot of the zone, a zero lot line duplex may be permitted where the two lots may not each be 50% in area of the requirement of the zone, provided that other development standards of this article are met.
In the case of an existing approved duplex on an undersized lot, a zero lot line dwelling may be permitted where the two lots are each 50% in area, provided that other development standards of this article are met.
Front yard — per the zone requirements.
Side yard - Except for the zero lot line setback on the line per the zone requirements.
Rear yard — per the zone requirements.
Height: per the zone
Coverage: per the zone
Parking: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with as if each unit were a single-family dwelling.
Street Frontage: It is the legislative intent of this provision of the Ordinance to provide zero lot line residential development with clear, unencumbered public street frontage and vehicular access to each unit. The minimum public street frontage requirements for each zero lot line parcel shall be 50% of the frontage requirements of the zone.
Procedures for Review.
The application shall include such information and documentation as required by the Planning Board and shall meet all the requirements of minor subdivision plats set forth in § 18-608.
The application shall be accompanied by such application and escrow fees established by the Planning Board.
Applications for development or conversion of zero lot line dwellings shall be processed, reviewed, and approved by the Planning Board or Subdivision Committee of the Planning Board appointed by the Chairman administratively in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-47 without the requirement of public notice and public hearing.
Criteria for Approval of Development. In review of a proposed zero lot line residential development, the following criteria shall be met.
The proposed development complies with all other applicable provisions of this section.
A written agreement signed by the owner of the property, "Owners Agreement," shall be filed with application for approval, and shall include provisions as determined to be appropriate by the Planning Board, for resolving the following items associated with the use, maintenance and repair of common areas and facilities:
Assurance that the building and surrounding property will be used for residential purposes only;
Provisions for mutual consent prior to making structural, paint, or decorative changes to the building exterior;
Provisions granting access or easement to each owner for the purpose of maintaining or repairing the structure and related facilities;
Assurance that the owner(s) will obtain insurance coverage in an amount not less than the full replacement value of the structure;
Provisions for liability and equitable treatment in the event of damage or destruction of the building due to fire or other casualty;
Provision for emergency action by one party in the absence of the other where an immediate threat exists to the property of the former; and
Provision that in the event all or part of the structure is destroyed, the only structure that may be constructed on the property is an attached zero lot line structure that is exactly the same dimensions in the same location on the lot as the original structure.
Such Owners Agreement shall be filed with the County Clerk upon approval of the proposed development and shall become perpetual deed restrictions to the property.
[Ord. No. 2016-40]
Purpose. The Oak Street Core Residential Development provisions of this section are designed to provide a more affordable ownership housing opportunity for a wide range of income groups while assuring compatibility with, and maintaining the stability and quality of, existing neighborhoods; to provide the opportunity for lower development costs and lower per-unit land costs that subsequently lower response to high-cost infill properties; to promote a more efficient utilization of land, and to promote energy conservation.
Applicability. The provisions of this section are intended to serve as conditions required for approval of minor subdivisions for residential development in the Oak Street Core, as they may be permitted within the R-IOA, B-3 and HD-7 zoning districts. It is not intended that this section apply to places of worship or schools.
Oak Street Core Area Allowed.
Within the R-10A, B-3 and HD-7 zones within the Oak Street Core, the following blocks shall be permitted to submit for minor subdivision approval in accordance with the provisions of this section:
Blocks 1016 thru 1025, 1026 thru 1029, 1032 thru 1050 as shown on sheets 137 and 140 of the Lakewood Township Tax Maps, also known as lots 4166 thru 4187, 4210 thru 4238, 4263 thru 4341 on Map F River Avenue Section of Lakewood Filed as Map F-174 in the Ocean County Courthouse on 12/16/1921; lots 7660 thru 7762, 7807 thru 7959, 7966 thru 8068, 8112 thru 8215, 8272 thru 8374, 8414 thru 8499, 8556 thru 8585 on Fifth Map of Lakewood Pines filed as Map C-158 in the Ocean County Courthouse on 11/09/1920; and lots 7051 thru 7153, 7216 thru 7366, 7425 thru 7484 on Fourth Map of Lakewood Pines, filed as Map B-158 in the Ocean County Courthouse on 04/20/1920; and lots 1 thru 66, 87 thru 152, 173 thru 239, 286 thru 372 on River Avenue Section N, Map-A, filed as Map A-174 in the Ocean County Courthouse on 08/13/1919.
Property Development Standards.
All bulk requirements shall comply with the requirements of the R-10A zone, § 18-902, L. 4.
The property must be included in the CAFRA Permit #1514-14-0005.1 CAF14001 approved by the NJDEP dated March 27, 2015, as shown on plans prepared by FWH Associates entitled "Oak Street Corridor Improvement Plan" dated August 4, 2014 and revised through November 20th, 2015.
Lot and road configuration shall be compatible with filed maps referenced in 18-912C.
Procedure for Review.
The application shall include such information and documentation as required by the Planning Board and shall meet all the requirements of Minor Subdivision Plats set forth in § 18-608.
The application shall be accompanied by such application and escrow fees established by the Planning Board.
Application for minor subdivision approval in accordance with this section shall be processed, reviewed, and approved by the Planning Board or subdivision committee of the Planning Board appointed by the Chairman administratively in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-47 without the requirement of public notice and public hearing.
Criteria for Approval Development. In review of a proposed residential development, the following criteria shall be met:
The proposed development complies with all other applicable provisions of this section.
All improvements required per the aforementioned CAFRA Permit #1514-14-0005.1 CAF 140001 which relates to the proposed property must be installed or there is a Developer's Agreement in place with a Developer and the Township of Lakewood which includes provisions requiring the installation of the improvements.
Any residential development of the property will be required to comply with the Storm Water Management Provision of § 18-815.
Zero lot line residential development must also comply with § 18-911.