The Township participates in the following state-administered retirement systems: Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), Police and Fire Retirement System (PFRS), and the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan (DCRP). The Township's participation, and ability to offer an employee continued enrollment, is contingent upon annual state certification of funding of the retirement system. Matters such as an employee's eligibility, enrollment, benefit plan, required contribution, status, loan application, service credit time, transfers, withdrawal and type of retirement are all regulated by the New Jersey Department of Pensions and Benefits (NJDPB). No exceptions can be made by the Township as the employer.
Employees enrolled in a pension plan will be issued a Pension Member ID by the NJDPB, which will be maintained on file in the Municipal Finance Department. An employee can access their pension account online by registering through the State Member Benefits Online System (MBOS). Signing up for the MBOS will require the Pension Member ID and the employee's social security number. https://www.state.nj.us/treasury/pensions/documents/pdf/mbos-flier.pdf
The Member Benefits Online System (MBOS) gives registered users internet access to their pension and health benefit account information and online applications. Some options include:
Retrieving personal benefits statements.
Designating a beneficiary.
Getting a pension loan.
Applying for withdrawal.
Applying for retirement.
Retrieving letters and statements.
As the employer, the Township is responsible to make both the required employer and employee monthly contributions for active employees receiving compensation via a payroll transaction issued by the Township.
Leave of absence without pay.
Employees that are members of the PERS and PFRS are eligible to purchase service credit for each official leave of absence without pay which service time was suspended.
The amount of service credit eligible for purchase shall depend on the type of leave that is taken.
Conditions that pertain to the purchase of service credit for eligible leaves of absence shall be in accordance with rules promulgated by the NJDPB (outlined on Fact Sheet #20 as of February 2019).
For the time an employee fails to make a contribution, the Township shall not make an employer contribution, and no service credit time will be accrued on the employee's account.
Employees that are members of the DCRP are not eligible to purchase any portion of service credit for an official leave of absence without pay.
Pension loan.
Employees that are members of the PERS and PFRS are eligible to borrow funds against their pension account.
Eligibility and loan terms shall be in accordance with the rules promulgated by the NJDPB (outlined on Fact Sheet #81 as of February 2019).
When the employee has a pension loan, the Township shall make the employee's monthly repayments, based on the certified amount provided by the NJDPB, for active employees receiving compensation via a payroll transaction issued by the Township.
If on an approved unpaid leave of absence, the employee must make regular periodic payments to repay the outstanding loan. If there is a failure to make required loan repayments for three consecutive months, when taking a leave of absence without pay, the NJDBP will issue a letter providing options to pay the outstanding balance and the process followed for failure to pay. The Township has no authority to intervene and shall not be liable for any consequences when an employee on leave fails to make a payment.
Account management. When enrolled in a pension plan, it is an employee's sole responsibility (active, separated or retired) to manage their account. This includes making application for pension loans, verifying status and account accuracy, purchase of service credit, designating or changing beneficiary information, making application for a withdrawal or transfer, and making application for retirement. Information and guidance with pension matters can be found online at https://www.state.nj.us/treasury/pensions/.