Editor's Note: Original § 95-16 of the 1966 Code, Noise, and § 95-17 of the 1966 Code, Penalty, were repealed at time of adoption of Code by the Board of Health (see Ch. 405, General Provisions, Board of Health, Art. I).
Nuisances defined. The following specific acts or omissions, or the maintenance or allowing of any of the following conditions, are hereby prohibited and are declared to be or to constitute nuisances.
Depositing, littering, maintaining or allowing any papers or any foul or offensive matter in or upon any lot, yard, street, house, building, sidewalk or other premises or public or private place.
Maintaining any excavation, or any cans, barrels or other receptacles where water may stagnate or mosquito larvae may breed, or constitute a menace to life, limb or health.
Throwing or overflowing or permitting the throwing or overflowing of any water slops, stable drainage, liquid filth, septic tank or privy contents upon any public or private property.
Polluting any well, spring, stream or supply of drinking water.
Taking or allowing any dog to enter any store where food is sold.
Maintaining any chimney, smokestack, pipe or flue, or any part thereof, that is out of repair and so defective as to allow coal gas or other noxious fumes to escape into the building where it is situated or into any adjacent building.
Allowing to exist any unclean or unsanitary conditions in any cellar, room or building, any imperfect plumbing or sewer appliances or connection from which any foul or noxious odors or liquids may escape.
Keeping cattle, poultry or small animals in any building used as a human habitation, except as to small animals or fowl commonly used as pets.
Expectorating upon the steps, halls, floors or other parts of any public building, or upon any sidewalk, crosswalk, street, park, playground, public conveyance or other public place.
Maintaining any vehicle used for hire, or for a public conveyance, in a dirty or unsanitary condition.
Permitting the emission of dense smoke, dust, gases or cinders in sufficient quantities to cause injury to health.
Maintaining, permitting or causing the maintenance or existence of any offensive matter, foul or noxious odors, gases or vapors, and all causes of disease which are injurious to the health of the inhabitants of the Borough.
Permitting any dog or other animal to commit any nuisance on any sidewalk or upon any shrubbery, lawns, fences or buildings in the Borough.
Any other unsanitary condition affecting health or any other condition defined as a nuisance by the Sanitary Code or by the State Department of Health, the State Sanitary Code, or state laws.[1]
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 69, Nuisances.
Section 457-16A(5) and (13) shall not apply to a blind person in charge of a guide dog.
[Added at time of adoption of Code by the Board of Health (see Ch. 405, General Provisions, Board of Health, Art. I)]
Reports. Whenever a dog, cat or other animal is infected or is suspected of being infected with rabies, or has been bitten by an animal known or suspected to be infected with rabies, the owner or person in charge of any such animal, or every other person having knowledge thereof, shall forthwith notify the Board. Such notification shall state where the animal or animals so infected may be found. Whenever the Board or any officer thereof has reason to believe or has been notified by the State Department that there is danger that rabies may spread within the jurisdiction of the Board, the Board of Health Officer shall serve a notice, in writing, upon all persons within the jurisdiction of such Board so far as the same may be known to the Board or to such Health Officer, owning, keeping or having charge of any dog, requiring such person to confine such dog. Any and all other animals may be included in the notice whenever, in the opinion of the Board, such animal or animals shall be so included. In lieu of serving the written notice, notice may be published in the official legal newspaper of the Borough.
Release of animals. Any animal confined under order of the Board shall not be released until a certificate of release has been issued by the Board.
Examination of animals. The Board or the duly authorized agent of the Board, within its jurisdiction, shall be permitted by the owner or person in charge of a dog, cat or other animal which has attacked or bitten a person to examine the animal at any time, and daily if desired, within a period of 10 days after the animal has attacked or bitten a person, to determine whether the animal shows symptoms of rabies. No person shall refuse, obstruct or interfere with the Board in making such examination.
Destruction of rabid animals. The owner or other person in charge of any dog, cat or other animal known to be rabid or known to have been bitten by an animal known to have been infected by or with rabies shall, upon notice by the Board to do so, put or cause such animal to be put to death.
No person shall manufacture, sell, offer for sale or deliver any ice in the Borough without first having obtained a license therefor from the Board so to do and covering each premise or place from or on which ice is to be sold, offered for sale, delivered or manufactured. Such license shall be in addition to any other license which may be required by the Borough. License fees shall be paid to the Board. No such license shall be issued unless there be an application therefor, in writing, signed by the applicant, setting forth the source of his ice supply and the source of the water from which the ice is made or intended to be made.
A separate application shall be made for and a separate license shall be required for each wagon, truck, vehicle, ice depot or plant, place or premises used or to be used in the sale, delivery or manufacture of ice.
No ice shall be sold, delivered or manufactured if the source of supply of such ice or the source of the water used in the manufacture thereof shall be changed or shall be different than that set forth in the application for the aforesaid license. The Board, upon notice of such change, may authorize the manufacture, sale and delivery of such ice under the then-existing license.
No person shall manufacture, sell or deliver ice which has been cut from, or made from, any impure or polluted water, or which has been obtained or made from a source not approved by the Board or which has otherwise become unfit for use.
Every licensee shall, at all times, and upon request of any authorized representative of the Board, make available samples of the ice manufactured, sold or delivered and, in the case of manufacturers of ice, of the water from which it is manufactured.
The transportation of ice in wagons, trucks or vehicles used for any purpose other than the transportation of ice is prohibited.
Permit. No person shall establish, construct or maintain any construction camp, labor camp or other temporary living quarters for working men, or any other camp or place intended to be occupied by five or more persons for a period of three or more days without a permit therefor. Applicant for a permit shall notify the Health Officer or the Board, in writing, of his intention so to do and shall set forth, in such writing, the exact location of such camp or temporary living quarters, the approximate number of occupants and the purpose for which such camp or living quarters is intended to be used. There is no fee for such permit.
Sanitation. Every such camp or temporary living quarters shall at all times be kept clean and free from refuse and accumulation and, when vacated, shall be left clean and free from any refuse, accumulation or other condition detrimental to health.
Vacating. At least three days before any such construction camp, labor camp or temporary living quarters for workmen or any other camp shall be vacated, the owner, manager or person in charge thereof shall notify, in writing, the Health Officer of the Board and in such notice shall specify the time such place is intended to be vacated.
Sanitation. The owner, tenant, manager and all the other persons maintaining, operating or in charge or control of any public place shall, at all times, keep and maintain every such public place, and all parts thereof, in a clean and sanitary condition and open to inspection by the Board, its officers or any employees of the Board.
Lavatories. Every public place shall contain the following:
Proper lavatory facilities for the use of persons patronizing the place.
A washroom, comfort station or other place of a like nature.
A sufficient quantity of toilet tissue.
A sanitary waste receptacle for towels customarily discarded after usage.
Separate toilets for male and female patrons.
Provision for the thorough cleansing, boiling and sterilizing of cloth towels, if used.
A mechanical dispenser for liquid or powdered soap of a type approved by the Board.
Soap, cups and towels. In all public places, the use of cake soap in common, the use of any drinking cup in common, and the use of towels in common is prohibited.