Every person and every employee of every person in either actual or constructive control, maintenance or supervision thereof shall at all times so maintain, control and supervise all steam boilers, furnaces, devices, contrivances, smokestacks and chimneys located in, or which may be a part of, any house, building, place or premises, so that the same does not emit dense smoke in quantities that shall be considered either a nuisance or a hazard to health.
Furthermore, no person shall permit smoke, the shade or appearance of which is darker than No. 2 of the Ringelmann Smoke Chart, to be emitted into the open air from any fuel-burning equipment, internal combustion engine, open fire, stack or chimney.
Each day, or part thereof, that dense smoke is emitted in violation of this article shall be deemed to be a separate violation, unless an extension of time to continue such violation is granted by the Board therefor based upon a factually supported claim that extensive alterations are required for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this article and based further upon the promise that such alterations will be made within such time as the Board may determine to be reasonable. The granting or denial of such extension of time shall, at all times, be discretionary with the Board.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Part II, Plumbing Code, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 10-14-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-1204.