[Adopted 2-8-1956 by Ord. No. 397 (Ch. 109, Art. I, of the 1966 Code)]
All streets or parts of streets in the Borough of Montvale shall be graded, constructed and reconstructed, paved and repaved, curbed and recurbed, and all sidewalks of the streets or parts of streets and highways shall be constructed, repaired and improved as a local or general improvement as the governing body of the Borough of Montvale shall, from time to time, by special ordinance direct in conformity with the provisions of the law.
The grades, roadway widths and sidewalk widths of all streets or parts of streets in the Borough of Montvale shall be established or changed as directed by ordinance, and a profile and plan thereof with the new grades and widths or alteration distinctly marked thereon shall be filed in the office of the Borough Clerk.
When the grade of the streets or highways or part thereof shall have been previously legally established, the proposed improvement shall conform as nearly as practicable with the established grade.
If any street or part of street, roadway or public highway so to be improved be under the control of any county board or commission, the approval of said body of the plans of improvement shall be obtained before the improvement is begun.
Unless otherwise established or changed by ordinance, every public street in the Borough of Montvale shall have a crowned roadway in the center thereof whose width shall be 3/5 of the width of the street and shall have on each side of such street a sidewalk whose width shall be 1/5 the width of said street; provided, however, the distance between the curbline on every public street and the property line shall be a minimum of 10 feet in width.
Notice of the hearing to be held on any ordinance for the grading of streets or parts of streets, roadways and highways and for the construction and reconstruction, paving and repaving, curbing and recurbing, repairing and improving of the sidewalks of the streets or parts of streets, roadways and highways of the Borough of Montvale shall be given in the manner prescribed by law.
The Borough Clerk shall be authorized and directed by resolution of the governing body to publicly advertise for sealed proposals for the furnishing of labor and materials necessary for the grading, construction and reconstruction, paving and repaving, curbing and recurbing, repairing and improving of sidewalks and curbs of streets or parts of streets and highways in the Borough of Montvale according to law.
Sealed proposals, in writing, shall be received at the office of the Borough Clerk at the time specified in the advertisement calling for such proposals and shall there be publicly opened and read by the Borough Clerk or his authorized representative.
The governing body shall, by resolution, award the contract for the grading, construction and reconstruction, paving and repaving, curbing and recurbing, repairing and improving of sidewalks and curbs of any street or parts of streets and highways to the lowest responsible bidder in response to the public advertisement for sealed proposals when it is deemed to be in the best interest of the Borough to do so.
No compensation shall be made under any contract for the grading, construction and reconstruction, paving and repaving, curbing and recurbing, repairing and improving of sidewalks and curbs of streets or parts of streets and highways for any labor or materials furnished for any work done until all the conditions precedent required by law and the terms of the contract are complied with.
Any person, firm or corporation owning, leasing or occupying any house or other building, or vacant lot, fronting on any street or highway in the Borough of Montvale shall, at his or their charge and expense, well and sufficiently pave and maintain in good repair, according to the provisions of this article, the sidewalk, including the authorized installations thereon and therein, and the curb and gutter of the street in front of such house, building or lot.
Upon failure of any owner to construct or maintain the sidewalk, curb and gutter as provided for in the preceding section, the Borough Clerk or his authorized representative shall serve, according to law, a notice upon such owner, lessee or occupant, describing the property affected and the improvement for repairs required and stating the intention of the Borough of Montvale to cause such improvement or repairs to be made within 30 days after service of notice in the event that such owner, lessee or occupant shall fail to do so.
If, after service of any notice as provided for in the preceding section, the owner of any lands affected thereby shall neglect to make improvement directed by such notice, the Mayor and Council shall cause such improvement to be made, and the cost of the same shall be assessed against the abutting property owner as provided for by law.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 109-14 of the 1966 Code, Permits, as amended 11-12-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-1185, which immediately followed this section, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
All sidewalks and curbs hereafter constructed or repaired shall be provided with a one-fourth-inch open-expansion joint at least every five feet unless otherwise provided for by ordinance.
Every sidewalk shall, at the curbline, be of the same grade as that established for the top of the curb, except that where any driveway may cross the same it shall be the same grade as the top of the lowered driveway curb. From the property line the paved and unpaved portions shall have a uniform slope of at least 1/4 inch and not more than 1/2 inch per foot toward the established curbline and grade, except that where a driveway crosses the sidewalk the surface may slope from the top of the lowered driveway curb to meet the normal prescribed sidewalk grade at the adjacent edge of the required sidewalk pavement strip. In all cases, the sidewalk must be paved to meet adjoining walks to present a continuous smooth surface free from abrupt rises or depressions.
The permissible unpaved portions of the sidewalk of any public street or highway in the Borough of Montvale shall be properly graded and neatly and sufficiently covered and maintained with gravel, broken stone, screenings, grass or soddings, as ordered by the Borough Engineer.
The materials used, and the work of constructing, placing and replacing, setting and resetting, altering or repairing any sidewalk, curb or gutter of any public street or highway in the Borough of Montvale shall be under the supervision of the Borough Engineer and in accordance with specifications as adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Montvale and placed on file with the Borough Clerk.
Where any driveway crosses the sidewalk, it shall be paved with a smooth pavement to join and be continuous with the abutting sidewalk pavements.
It shall be unlawful for any person to paint, stencil, color, mark or deface the pavement, sidewalk or curb of any public street or highway in the Borough of Montvale; provided, however, this section shall not apply to the painting of curb and sidewalk under the direction of the Chief of Police of the Borough of Montvale in the regulation of the parking of motor vehicles.
No person shall cross over or upon the curb or paved sidewalk of any street in the Borough of Montvale with any horse, cart, wagon, truck or other vehicle, except at driveways, without the permission of the owner or occupant of the building or lot in front of which such curb or sidewalk is situated and the written permission of the Borough Clerk.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 385, Vehicles and Traffic.
[Amended 11-12-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-1185]
No permit required by the preceding section shall be granted until and unless there has been deposited with the Construction Official a fee of $25.
No person, firm or corporation owning, leasing or occupying any house or other building, or vacant lot fronting on any street or highway in the Borough of Montvale shall park or permit to be parked any automobile or other vehicle in or on any sidewalk, driveway or entrance to said house or other building or vacant lot, known as the "sidewalk area" or "space reserved for pedestrians," lying between the curbline of a street or highway and the property line abutting the street or highway.
[Amended 11-12-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-1185]
No person shall break up or displace in any way any of the paved streets, sidewalks, curbs or gutters of the Borough of Montvale, make any excavation or disturb any public property in any of the streets or other public grounds of the Borough of Montvale for the purpose of constructing, laying, repairing or removing any underground conduit, pipe, drain, wire, storage tank, sidewalk, cellar-entrance areaway or other surface and the necessary appurtenances thereto without the written permission of the Construction Official or his duly authorized representative. Whenever any pavement, sidewalk, curb, gutter, street surface or public property is broken up or displaced, it shall be restored to its proper condition as soon thereafter as is practicable by the person having broken up or displaced the same. Such restoration shall be performed under the direction and subject to the approval of the Borough Engineer.
Except as hereinafter provided, no such permission shall be granted until and unless there shall be deposited with the Construction Official of the Borough of Montvale the sum of $50.
Whenever application for such permit is made by any department, bureau or board of the Borough of Montvale, county or state or by any gas, electric, telegraph, railway company or other public utility, the Construction Official may, in his discretion, issue such permit without the payment or deposit required by the provisions of the preceding subsection but shall, after the restoration of the sidewalk, curb, gutter, pavement, street surface or other public property, collect from such department, bureau, board or company the cost to the Borough of Montvale of such restoration and inspection thereof.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 329, Soil Removal.
[Amended 11-12-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-1185; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Violations of this article shall be punished as set forth in Chapter 1, Article I, General Penalty.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this article are hereby repealed, and this article shall take effect immediately upon publication as provided by law.