[Ord. No. 3030, 10-21-2019]
When an owner or owners of a property proposed for development applies to subdivide or resubdivide all or a portion of a proposed development and when the proposed development intends to allow for one-family dwellings which are attached at a side lot-line to another one-family dwelling or at both side lots to other one-family dwellings, the proposed development shall be considered under both the terms of this Article and the procedure set forth in Chapter 30.1 of the Centralia City Code. Approval of the final plat for the subdivision shall simultaneously designate the portions of the property zoned District "R-2-PD" or District "R-3-PD."
[Ord. No. 3030, 10-21-2019]
The proposed development shall be considered under the same process as that established in Section 30.1-4 of the Centralia City Code. For the portions to be considered for designation as planned dwelling districts, all advertising for public hearings and all resolutions or ordinances of approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Aldermen of the City of Centralia, shall clearly reference that such consideration and approval are for both the subdivision of land and the zoning which shall simultaneously apply to the proposal.
[Ord. No. 3030, 10-21-2019]
As used in this Section, the term “zero (0) lot line lot” is a lot created with no side yard setback on one (1) or more sides of the lot. The common wall shall be the dividing line between two (2) or more separate attached one-family dwelling units. Although each unit is located on a separate lot, this development shall be classified as a planned dwelling development and is subject to all the standards of this Section.
Planned Dwelling District Layout And Design.
Zero (0) lot lines shall apply only to side setbacks that serve as common walls between units. Front, rear and other side yard setbacks shall comply with existing requirements of this Chapter.
Zero (0) lot line lots may be less than the minimum acreage for the zoning district as long as the development does not exceed the maximum density for the zoning district.
With approval from the Planned and Zoning Commission, zero (0) lot line lots may be allowed for attached units only according to the following regulations.
Any proposal for a Planned Dwelling District shall be treated as a new subdivision or resubdivision of land.
Each plat prepared pursuant to these zero (0) lot line standards shall contain the following notation on the face of the plat:
This plat has been approved pursuant to Article XVIII of Chapter 31 relating to zero (0) lot line construction. No building permit may be issued for any construction upon the lands encompassed within this plat except in strict conformance with the restriction contained in the Centralia City Code.
Detached one-family dwellings shall not be allowed on lots with zero (0) setbacks.
Common walls shall be attached for a minimum sixty percent (60%) of the length of the entire building wall.
A preliminary plat for a zero (0) lot line development shall show approximate physical or written description for the development.
Covenants and restrictions shall be submitted prior to final approval and shall include a maintenance agreement for the owners of all zero (0) lot line parcels to ensure equal and reasonable maintenance and repair schedules are conducted for all one-family attached dwellings.
An eight (8) foot maintenance easement, four (4) feet on each side of any zero (0) line side property line to allow for normal maintenance of each one- and two-family attached dwelling, shall be shown or noted in writing on the final plat and shall be clearly stated and included in any deed.
All attached one-family dwellings on property designated "R-2-PD" shall comply with the fire separation required for duplexes in the approved City Building Code in effect at the time a building permit is issued. All attached one-family dwellings on property designated "R-3-PD" shall comply with the fire separation required for townhouses in the approved City Building Code in effect at the time a building permit is issued.
No common wall between attached one-family dwelling shall contain plumbing or mechanical equipment, ducts, or vents in the cavity of the common wall. Penetration of electrical outlet boxes shall be in accordance with the approved City Building Code.
Each attached one-family dwelling unit shall be furnished with separate utility services and shall have no joint connections between attached dwellings. [Required automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed according to the requirements of Missouri State Statutes and the City Building Code for townhouses. No automatic sprinkler system for an attached one-family dwelling shall be able to be permanently disconnected in a way that disables the automatic sprinkler system for another attached one-family dwelling.]
All attached one-family dwellings within a single building envelope shall be constructed under a single building permit.
In general, the attached one-family dwellings shall be situated on the lot so as to provide an equitable division of the lot.