[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III)]
The following shall be permitted uses in Industrial Districts: All uses not otherwise prohibited by law (except any residential use).
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III)]
The following uses shall be prohibited in Industrial Districts: All uses of land, buildings, structures or industrial processes that may be noxious or injurious by reason of the production of emission of dust, smoke, refuse matter odor, gas, fumes, noise, vibration or similar substances or conditions; provided, however, that any uses may be permitted if approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals subject to the securing of a permit therefor and to such conditions, restrictions, and safeguards as may be deemed necessary by said board for the purpose of protecting the health, safety, morals or the general welfare of the community.
Each lot shall have a front yard of not less than 25 feet in depth.
There shall be side yards along the side of every lot of not less than 50 feet in width; provided, however, that any lot bordering a residential district shall have a side yard of 500 feet on such side.
There shall be a rear yard of not less than 25 feet in depth (500 feet if bordering a residential district on the rear).