The special uses for which conformance to additional standards is required shall be deemed to be permitted uses in their respective districts, subject to the satisfaction of the requirements and standards set forth herein, in addition to all other requirements of this chapter. All such uses are hereby declared to possess characteristics of such unique and special forms that each specific use shall be considered as an individual case.
A plan for the proposed development of a site for a permitted special use shall be submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals with an application for a special permit, and such plan shall show the location of all buildings, parking areas, traffic access and circulation drives, open spaces, landscaping, and any other pertinent information that may be necessary to determine if the proposed special use meets the requirements of this chapter.
A special permit shall be deemed to authorize only one particular special use and shall expire if the special use shall cease for more than six months for any reason.
The location and size of the use, the nature and intensity of the operations involved, the size of the site in relation to it, and the location of the site with respect to the existing or future streets giving access to it, shall be such that it will be in harmony with the orderly development of the district, and the location, nature and height of buildings, walls and fences will not discourage the appropriate development and use of adjacent land and buildings or impair the value thereof.
Operations in connection with any special use shall not be more objectionable to nearby properties by reason of noise, fumes, vibration or lights than would be the operation of any permitted use.
Commercial vehicles or unoccupied camping trailers are permitted only if:
There are no garage facilities available for a commercial vehicle or commercial trailer or unoccupied camping unit on the property in question.
The commercial vehicle or commercial trailer or unoccupied camping unit is essential in the normal or ordinary course of the applicant's business or employment or for recreational purposes.
The maximum combined gross vehicle weight of the commercial vehicle or commercial trailer or unoccupied camping unit is less than 8,000 pounds.
The permit shall be issued for a five-year period which shall be renewable, and shall terminate at the end of the fiscal year. Each application for renewal shall be accompanied by the fee therefor as set forth on the Village of Dryden Fee Schedule, which Fee Schedule may be established by resolution and thereafter amended from time to time by resolution of the Village Board of Trustees. A sticker or card shall be issued and posted on the unit in a visible place.
[Amended 2-16-2012 by L.L. No. 2-2012]
[Amended by L.L. No. 7-1996]
Restaurants or other places for serving food shall be subject to the following:
See § 350-62.
A need shall exist, and the general welfare of the community shall be served.
Garbage shall be removed from the premises three times per week.
Public garages and gasoline stations shall be subject to the following:
No part of any public garage shall be used for residential or sleeping purposes except by a watchman.
No part of any building used as a public garage or gasoline service station and no filling pump, lift or other service appliance shall be erected within 300 feet of any residential district.
No gasoline or oil pump, no oiling or greasing mechanism and no other service appliance installed in conjunction with any gasoline sales station or public garage shall be within 15 feet from any curbline.
A need shall exist, and the general welfare of the community shall be served.
Lot and yard size. Mobile home parks shall be divided into lots with the following minimum requirements.
Lot area per mobile home: 8,000 square feet with 60 feet frontage.
Front yard depth: 30 feet from lot line.
Side yard width: 10 feet from lot line.
Rear yard depth: 20 feet from lot line.
The mobile home lot line heretofore referred to shall be the boundary line as established on the engineering plans.
Skirts. Each mobile home owner shall be required to enclose the bottom portion of the mobile home with either a metal or wood skirt or other durable material, properly ventilated, within 60 days after arrival in park.
Landscaping. The landscaping requirements for each mobile home shall be determined by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Streets and parking. Surfaced roadways shall be of adequate width to accommodate anticipated traffic including emergency vehicles, and in any case shall meet the following minimum requirements:
Where parking is permitted on both sides, a minimum width pavement of 28 feet will be required.
A minimum road pavement width of 22 feet will be required where parking is limited to one side.
A minimum road pavement width of 18 feet will be required where off-street parking is provided. Each off-street parking space shall have an area of at least nine feet wide and 20 feet long, not including maneuvering to access areas.
The paved portions of such streets shall be finished with a smooth, hard and dust-free surface which shall be durable and well-drained under normal use and weather conditions.
All streets shall be constructed, graded and leveled as to permit the safe passage of emergency vehicles at a speed reasonable and prudent.
Cul-de-sac shall be provided in lieu of dead-end streets, a turnaround having an outside roadway diameter of at least 90 feet, or an equivalent T-turnaround shall be provided.
Two parking spaces must be provided for each mobile home lot.
The appropriate lighting, including, but not limited to spacing and kind of lighting units, as will provide illumination for the safety of pedestrians and vehicles.
Water. An adequate approved system shall be provided for serving all mobile homes, service buildings and other accessory buildings. Said system shall be connected to the Village water system by means of a single meter.
Sanitary requirements.
An adequate and approved sewage system shall be provided for servicing all mobile homes, service buildings and other accessory buildings. Said system shall be connected to the Village sewage system.
Storm drainage pipes, ditches, etc., may be required by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Garbage and refuse.
Each mobile home park shall provide sanitary equipment to prevent littering of the grounds and premises with rubbish, garbage and refuse and all containers shall have tightly fitting covers. The owner shall provide regular weekly disposal of trash and garbage and dispose of it in a manner acceptable to the County Health Department. All areas shall be kept free of abandoned or inoperable vehicles, trash and junk.
General requirements.
All power and telephone wires and cables shall be underground.
All fuel tanks shall be underground.
Recreational areas and open spaces. Every mobile home park shall have a recreational area for the use of persons living in the park, the minimum size of such area shall be 5,000 square feet plus 200 square feet per mobile home lot in the mobile home park.
[Amended by L.L. No. 1-1987]
No mobile homes shall be permitted to be placed on any lot in any district within the Village of Dryden except in mobile home parks as established and permitted pursuant to § 350-70 of this chapter.