Upon presentation of proper credentials, duly authorized representatives of the municipality may enter at reasonable times upon any property within the municipality to inspect the condition of the stormwater structures and facilities in regard to any aspect regulated by this chapter.
Upon presentation of proper credentials, duly authorized representatives of the municipality may enter at reasonable times upon any property within the municipality to inspect the conditions of the stormwater structures and facilities in regard to any aspect regulated by this chapter.
Stormwater control and BMP owners and operators shall allow persons working on behalf of the municipality ready access to all parts of the premises for the purposes of determining compliance with this chapter.
Persons working on behalf of the municipality shall have the right to temporarily locate on any stormwater control or BMP in the municipality such devices as are necessary to conduct monitoring and/or sampling of the discharges from such stormwater control or BMP.
Unreasonable delay in allowing the municipality access to a stormwater control or BMP is a violation of this article.
In the event that a person fails to comply with the requirements of this chapter or fails to conform to the requirements of any permit issued hereunder, the municipality shall provide written notification of the violation. Such notification shall set forth the nature of the violation(s) and establish a time limit for correction of these violation(s). Failure to comply within the time specified shall subject such person to the penalty provisions of this chapter. All such penalties shall be deemed cumulative and shall not prevent the municipality from pursuing any and all remedies. It shall be the responsibility of the owner of the real property on which any regulated activity is proposed to occur, is occurring, or has occurred, to comply with the terms and conditions of this chapter. Such notice may require, without limitation:
The performance of monitoring, analyses, and reporting.
The elimination of prohibited connections or discharges.
Cessation of any violating discharges, practices, or operations.
The abatement or remediation of stormwater pollution or contamination hazards and the restoration of any affected property.
Payment of a fine to cover administrative and remediation costs.
The implementation of stormwater facilities.
Operation and maintenance of stormwater facilities.
The municipality is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all of the provisions of this chapter. All inspections regarding compliance with the drainage plan shall be the responsibility of the Municipal Engineer or other qualified persons designated by the municipality.
A set of design plans approved by the municipality shall be on file at the site throughout the duration of the construction activity. Periodic inspections may be made by the municipality or designee during construction.
Adherence to approved plan. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to undertake any regulated activity under § 173-4 on any property except as provided for in the approved drainage plan and pursuant to the requirements of this chapter. It shall be unlawful to alter or remove any control structure required by the drainage plan pursuant to this chapter or to allow the property to remain in a condition which does not conform to the approved drainage plan.
At the completion of the project, and as a prerequisite for the release of the performance guarantee, applicant shall:
Provide a certification of completion from an engineer, surveyor or other qualified person verifying that all permanent facilities have been constructed according to the plans and specifications and approved revisions thereto.
Provide a set of as-built (record) drawings.
After receipt of the certification by the municipality, a final inspection shall be conducted by the Municipal Engineer or designated representative to certify compliance with this chapter.
Suspension and Revocation of Permits.
Any permit issued under this chapter may be suspended or revoked by the governing body for:
Noncompliance with or failure to implement any provision of the permit.
A violation of any provision of this chapter or any other applicable law, ordinance, rule or regulation relating to the project.
The creation of any condition or the commission of any act during construction or development that constitutes or creates a hazard, nuisance, or pollution or which endangers the life or property of others.
A suspended permit shall be reinstated by the governing body when:
The Municipal Engineer or his designee has inspected and approved the corrections to the stormwater management and erosion and sediment pollution control measure(s), or the elimination of the hazard or nuisance, and/or
The governing body is satisfied that the violation of the ordinance, law, or rule and regulation has been corrected.
A permit that has been revoked by the governing body cannot be reinstated. The applicant may apply for a new permit under the procedures outlined in this chapter.
Prior to revocation or suspension of a permit, the governing body will schedule a hearing to discuss the noncompliance if there is no immediate danger to life, public health, or property.
Occupancy permit. An occupancy permit shall not be issued unless the certification of compliance has been secured. The occupancy permit shall be required for each lot owner and/or applicant for all subdivisions and land development in the municipality.
The violation of any provision of this chapter is hereby deemed a public nuisance.
Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation.
Anyone violating the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 for each violation, recoverable with costs. Each day that the violation continues shall be a separate offense and penalties shall be cumulative.
In addition, the municipality through its solicitor may institute injunctive, mandamus, or any other appropriate action or proceeding at law or in equity for the enforcement of this chapter. Any court of competent jurisdiction shall have the right to issue restraining orders, temporary or permanent injunctions, mandamus, or other appropriate forms of remedy or relief.
Any person aggrieved by any action of Bristol Township or its designee may appeal to the Township governing body or Zoning Hearing Board within 30 days of that action.
Any person aggrieved by any decision of Bristol Township may appeal to the County Court of Common Pleas of Bucks County within 30 days of the municipal decision.