[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Bristol 10-19-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-14[1]. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This ordinance superseded former Ch. A210, Cable Television Franchise, adopted 11-19-1991 by Ord. No. 91-26.
In consideration of and with the foregoing recitals deemed essential and material parts of this agreement and incorporated by reference hereby of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties do mutually agree as follows:
Purpose. Franchise shall ensure quality cable service in compliance with FCC standards and requirements.
Enactment. Franchisee is hereby granted a nonexclusive franchise to operate a cable system within the Township in accordance with the ordinance of this title, which establishes standards, regulations and procedures for the granting of a cable communications system franchise, this franchise and the ordinances, rules and regulations adopted by the Township and all applicable rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission and the commonwealth.
Effective date. This franchise shall not become finally effective until signed by both parties. Immediately upon the taking effect of this franchise agreement, the prior franchise granted to AT&T shall be superseded and of no further force and effect; provided, however, vested rights relating to billings and the Township's right to accrued franchise fees or other fees shall not be affected thereby.
Use of public ways. For the purpose of operating and maintaining a cable system in the Township, franchisee may erect in, over, under, or upon, across, and along the public streets, alleys, and ways within the Township such wires, cables, fiber optics, conductions, ducts, conduits, vaults, manholes, amplifiers, appliances, pedestals, attachments, and other property and equipment as are necessary and appurtenant to the operation of the cable system in the Township and in accordance with this franchise and the ordinance.
Franchisee acknowledges and accepts the legal right of the Township to issue this franchise.
Unless terminated sooner in accordance with other provisions of this agreement, the franchise granted pursuant to this agreement shall commence on the effective date of the franchise and shall automatically expire at midnight, December 1, 2011. Notwithstanding the term expressed in the foregoing sentence, this agreement shall automatically expire at midnight, December 1, 2013, but only in the event:
Franchisee has not failed to comply with the state-of-the-art order (see § A210-9F) which may have been issued by the Township; and
Franchisee is not then in material breach of this agreement.
This franchise agreement shall be adopted as an ordinance of the Township (the "ordinance").
Service area. The service area of Comcast shall be the entire corporate boundaries of Bristol Township and include any areas annexed to the Township in the future.
New residential construction. Franchisee shall extend service to all new residences in all unwired developments within 30 days of a request by a subscriber, weather permitting and subject to receipt of all required access by the developer and/or landowner. Franchisee shall use its best efforts to provide such service as soon as possible and shall request all easements and access in a timely manner. Franchisee shall use its best efforts to coordinate joint trenching with any public utilities which will be constructed in and along the same public rights-of-way in new developments. The Township will provide notice of any new subdivisions to Comcast and will endeavor to amend its subdivision ordinance[1] to ensure that Comcast is able to obtain reasonable access to new developments as they are being constructed.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 177, Subdivision and Land Development.
Residential and nonresidential service. Franchisee shall, upon request, make service available to all residences, commercial/industrial establishments and public institutions which are located within 125 feet of the system at franchisee's standard installation rate expense. For extensions beyond 125 feet, franchisee shall, upon request, make service available on the basis of an incremental capital contribution in aid of construction, including cost of material, labor, and easements.
House moving. Franchisee shall, upon the request of the Township made no less than 15 days in advance, move and replace its facilities to accommodate house moves conducted on behalf of the Township, free of charge to the Township. Wherever feasible, the Township shall endeavor to ensure that house moves follow the same or similar path. Franchisee may charge for and require advance payment for house moves by parties other than the Township.
No later than December 31, 2001, franchisee shall have rebuilt its cable system to the following minimum capacities (the "rebuild"):
Franchisee's cable system shall use at least 750 MHz equipment of high quality and reliability capable of delivering a minimum of 80 downstream channels, and shall also be capable of two-way interactive services.
The interconnections from the head end to the hubs and from the hubs to the nodes will be fiber optics.
Franchisee shall use equipment and components generally used in high quality, reliable, modern systems of similar design and which are capable of passing through signals received at the head end with a minimum of alteration or deterioration.
Franchisee's system shall be capable of cablecasting digital technology by utilizing digitally compressed signal technology.
Franchisee shall comply with the rules of the FCC concerning the compatibility of its equipment with consumer electronic equipment.
Franchisee's system shall be Internet capable.
Construction oversight. Franchisee will inspect 100% of all fiber and coaxial cable to insure that it meets manufacturers' and governmental technical specifications. Franchisee shall designate an employee to act as a franchisee representative by responding to public service complaints on a daily basis during the rebuild and provide the Township with the person's name and telephone number. Construction shall be overseen by an employee or agent of the franchisee.
Compliance with applicable law. In constructing, operating and maintaining the system, franchisee shall at all times comply with this franchise agreement and all applicable laws and regulations.
Equipment quality. Equipment used for the distribution system, head end and reception facilities shall be of good and durable quality and be serviced and repaired on a regular basis.
Parental control devices. Franchisee shall provide to subscribers, upon request, parental control devices that allow any channel or channels to be locked out. Such devices shall block both the video and the audio portion of such channels to the extent that both are unintelligible.
Performance testing. Franchisee shall perform all system tests and maintenance procedures as required by and in accordance with this franchise agreement, franchisee's standards of good operating practice, FCC regulations, and the National Cable Television Association's test procedure guidelines.
Cost treatment of rebuild requirements. Franchisee has advised the Township that the rebuild requirements described in this franchise constitute franchisee's own rebuild plan that predated the negotiations of' this agreement. Any cost that franchisee incurs to meet the rebuild of its physical plant as set forth in this agreement shall not be offset against any sums due the Township as a tax, franchise fee or otherwise regardless of whether the combination of franchise fees and said costs exceeds 5% of franchisee's gross revenue in any twelve-month period, nor shall said costs be the basis for an increase of regulated basic service tier rates.
Emergency alert. Franchisee shall comply with emergency and disaster notification requirements of the Federal Communications Commission and state, county and local emergency or disaster agencies. Franchisee and franchising authority shall negotiate in good faith to enter into a mutually acceptable license agreement for franchising authority's use of the cable system for emergency communications.
Technical standards. Any FCC technical standards or guidelines related to one cable system and facilities shall be deemed to be regulations under this franchise. At such time as the FCC does not regulate technical standards, franchisee will continue to comply with the FCC standards which were in effect on the effective date of this franchise.
Employee identification. Franchisee shall provide a standard identification document to all employees, including employees of subcontractors, who will be in contact with the public. Such documents shall include a telephone number that can be used to verify identification. In addition, franchisee shall use its best efforts to clearly identify all field personnel, vehicles, and other major equipment that are operating under the authority of franchisee.
Stereo. Upon completion of the rebuild, the cable system will have the capability and shall pass Broadcast Television Systems Committee (BTSC) stereo signals or other stereo signals for those broadcast, satellite, and locally originated services.
The franchisee shall notify franchising authority regarding its need to trim trees or other natural growth upon and overhanging public ways so as to prevent the branches of such trees from coming in contact with the cable system of the franchisee; at the option of the franchising authority, such trimming may be done by the franchising authority at the reasonable expense of the franchisee, or by the franchisee under the franchising authority's supervision and direction. Trimming shall be limited to the area required for clear cable system passage and shall not include major structural branches which materially alter the appearance and natural growth habits of the tree. Except in the event of an emergency, franchisee shall give franchising authority five business days prior written notice of its intent to trim trees or other natural growth pursuant to this section.
Initial residential subscriber services. During the rebuild period, franchisee shall initially provide the same mix, level, and quality of programming as provided on the effective date of this franchise.
Additional services. Franchisee shall make available broad categories of programming to subscribers, which shall, at a minimum, include the following:
News and public affairs.
Local and regional news.
Family programming.
Children's programming.
Satellite delivered special events.
Leased access channels. Franchisee shall offer leased access channels at such terms and conditions and rates as may be negotiated with each lessee subject to the requirements of Section 612 of the Cable Act.
Cable drops and monthly service. Franchisee shall provide one free cable drop and free basic and tier services, but excluding premium services and pay-per-view, to all public and parochial schools and libraries that are within 150 feet from the cable system. Franchisee shall provide one free cable drop and free basic and tier services, but excluding premium services and pay-per-view, to all staffed Township buildings, fire stations and rescue squads, the Bob Hope Veteran's Memorial Service Center, and the James J. A. Gallagher Community and Senior Center in the Township that are within 150 feet from the cable system. The Township may pay the incremental cost to have any drops installed in excess of 150 feet. All nonpremium programming and closed-circuit training programming shall be transmitted to all of these locations on the cable system, free of charge.
Closed-captioning. Franchisee shall pass through all closed-circuit signals received by the system for the hearing impaired.
State of the art. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Township unilaterally may amend the franchise so as to require the franchisee to incorporate the state of the Art (the "state-of-the-art option").
In order to initiate the state-of-the-art option, the Township shall first commence a review of the cable system to determine whether it is state of the art. Commencement of such review shall occur no earlier than 36 months after the effective date and shall be completed no later than 48 months after the effective date.
The review described in this Subsection F(1) shall, at a minimum, take into account the following:
Characteristics of the existing franchisee's cable system;
The state of the art;
The additional benefits provided to customers by the state of the art;
The marketplace demand for state of the art taking into account any associated rate increases; and
Any additional factors deemed relevant by mutual agreement of the Township and franchisee.
If, after conducting such a review, the Township determines that the exercise of the state-of-the-art option may be warranted, the Township shall hold at least two public hearings to enable the general public and franchisee to comment and present additional evidence.
If, following such hearings, Township determines that the exercise of the state-of-the-art option is warranted, it may order the state of the art be implemented (the "order"). The order shall be in writing and shall set forth the basis for the Township's decision, including a reasonable period of time for franchisee to implement the state of the art, which implementation shall not be required prior to the ninth anniversary of the effective date. Upon agreement, the parties may amend this agreement accordingly. If, however, franchisee is not willing to comply with such order, the franchisee may, within 60 days after the Township's order:
Appeal the Township's order to any court of competent jurisdiction in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; or
Notify the Township pursuant to Section 626 of the Communications Act that it wishes to commence proceedings to renew its franchise. Such notice shall be deemed to shorten the term of the franchise such that this agreement will expire 36 months from the date of the franchisee's notice. Franchisee shall not be deemed to be in violation of the order or of this agreement if such renewal proceedings are commenced or have already been commenced pursuant to the Act.
If the court finds that franchisee has demonstrated Township's order is not supported by a preponderance of the evidence based upon the record of the proceeding from Subsection F(1) above, the court shall grant appropriate relief.
"State of the art" shall mean equipment and/or facilities that:
Are readily available with reasonable delivery schedules from two or more sources of supply;
Have the capability to perform the intended functions demonstrated within cable systems with similar characteristics (including but not necessarily limited to population, density, subscriber penetration, etc.) under actual operation conditions for purposes other than test or experimentation; and
Can be implemented by franchisee in an economically feasible manner taking into account economic waste (i.e., early retirement of assets).
Township may not initiate the state-of-the-art option, or issue any order, at a time when franchisee is subject to effective competition as defined from time to time by federal law.
The term "state of the art" does not include equipment and/or facilities for public, educational or governmental access.
In order to develop and promote public, educational, and government access programming, franchisee hereby agrees to provide the following:
At franchisee's sole cost and expense, franchisee shall provide a return line as set forth in this section from each of the following locations: Township Municipal Building; Harry S. Truman Senior High School; the Bob Hope Veteran's Memorial Service Center; and the James J. A. Gallagher Community and Senior Center. "Return line" in this section means that the franchisee shall provide, from and including the modulator, all necessary equipment, except radio equipment, to feed audio and video signals directly over the cable system in the service area, except studio equipment, from each of the aforesaid locations. The return lines will be activated within 120 days of written request from the Township.
Upon the effective data, franchisee shall provide a channel reserved for educational use to be shared and programmed for educational purpose and use in a manner set forth by rules and regulations adopted by the franchising authority.
In the event that franchisee changes its cable format, size or technical requirements, or transmits digital signals, at the election of the franchising authority, franchisee shall make any necessary adjustments to facilities and equipment provided by franchisee at no cost or expense to the franchising authority so that franchisee shall be able to transmit clearly on the channels reserved for public access, educational and governmental use.
Franchisee shall reserve as part of its cable service no less than one channel for the exclusive use of the Township to be shown over the cable system in the service area (government access channels). Such channel shall be activated only if and when notice to commence operation is received from the franchising authority, in which event activation and programming shall occur within 90 days of franchisee's receipt of the aforementioned notice. Until such time as such channel has been so activated, franchisee may utilize such channel.
Franchisee shall reserve as part of its cable service no less than one channel for public access use to be shown over the cable system in the service area. Such channel shall be activated only if and when notice to commence operation is received from the franchising authority, in which event activation and programming shall occur within 90 days of franchisee's receipt of the aforementioned notice. Until such time as such channel has been so activated, franchisee may utilize such channel.
Franchisee shall reserve as part of its cable service no less than two additional channels for educational use to be shown over the cable system in the service area. Such channels shall be activated only if and when one or more notices to commence operation of a channel are received from the franchising authority, in which event activation of such channel(s) and programming shall occur within 90 days of franchisee's receipt of the aforementioned notice. Until such time as such channel has been so activated, franchisee may utilize such channel.
In the event governmental, educational or public access use channels of other cable systems owned or operated by franchisee within Bucks County, Pennsylvania, shall be interconnected with franchisee's other cable systems within Bucks County, Pennsylvania, franchisee shall provide interconnection of such other cable system(s) with franchisee's cable system in the service area upon six months of written request of the franchising authority. "Interconnected" shall mean the provision of an electronic linkage between cable systems and cable services or any part, designated channel or signal pathway thereof and any other designated cable system and cable services or any part, designated channel or signed pathway thereof, with the result that cable services of high quality may be transmitted between such cable systems. Franchising authority and franchisee mutually shall decide the allocation between them of the cost of interconnection.
Equipment. Franchisee shall provide a grant of $150,000 to the Township for capital equipment. The funds will be provided in the following manner: $25,000 shall be provided within two years of the effective date; $50,000 shall be provided within 48 months of the effective date; $55,000 shall be provided within 72 months from the effective date; and $20,000 shall be provided within 96 months from the effective date. The parties agree that such grant will not be deducted from the franchise fee or itemized on subscriber bills.
Public access to facilities. Residents of the Township will be allowed to use such facilities and equipment at franchisee's public access center within Bucks County.
Franchisee shall continue to program and distribute over its cable system a community information channel, such as Comcast Newsmakers.
Business offices and personnel. Franchisee shall establish and maintain at least one payment office within the Township which shall, at a minimum, be open to receive payments during franchisee's normal business hours. Franchisee shall also provide personnel, telephone service, including a locally listed or toll-free telephone number, and other equipment as needed within the service area, to ensure timely, efficient and effective service to consumers and for the purpose of receiving inquiries, requests and complaints concerning all aspects of the construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of the cable system and for the payment of subscribers' service charges.
Subscriber complaints. Pursuant to the ordinance, franchisee shall promptly respond to and resolve all subscriber complaints. However, nothing herein shall require franchisee to maintain or repair any equipment not owned by it.
Major outages. Franchisee shall maintain records of all major outages defined as a discontinuation of cable service from one or more fiber nodes in Bristol Township. Such records shall indicate the estimated number of subscribers affected, the date and time service was restored, the duration of the outage, the cause of the outage and a description of the corrective action taken. Such records shall be available to the Township during normal business hours upon reasonable prior notice and retained in franchisee's files for not less than one year. Upon written request of the Township, a statistical summary of such records shall be prepared by franchisee and submitted to the Township.
Outages. Franchisee, upon subscriber request, shall credit the subscriber's account for verifiable outages of six hours or more for the levels of service affected by such outages. The franchisee shall provide annual written notice to subscribers of the availability of credits for outages.
Customer handbook. Franchisee shall provide written customer policies or a handbook to all new subscribers and, thereafter, upon request. Franchisee's written customer policies or handbook shall, at a minimum, comply with all notice requirements in the ordinance and those promulgated by the FCC. If franchisee's operating rules are changed, subscribers shall be notified in a timely manner. Rate and consumer complaint information will be distributed annually to subscribers. Franchisee shall file a consumer handbook with the Township whenever it is changed.
Subscriber contracts. Franchisee shall file a copy of the form of franchisee's subscriber contract with the Township initially and wherever changed.
TDD. Franchisee shall maintain a TDD machine or equivalent to receive consumer messages from the hearing impaired.
Franchisee agrees that it shall not discriminate in providing service to the public nor against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, religion, sex, disability, national origin, age, or marital status. In the employment of persons, franchisee shall fully comply with applicable local, state and federal law, and shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, disability, national origin, age or marital status.
Mandatory arbitration. Except as may be required by federal, state, or local law, all claims, disputes and other matters in question arising out of, or relating to, this agreement shall be submitted to arbitration: definitions, including company or franchisee, effective date, FCC, franchise, franchise authority, gross revenue, person, public way, service area, state of the art, street, highway, system, subscriber, Township, user; §§  A210-2, Franchise granted; A210-4, Term; A210-6, Service area; A210-7, System and capacity; A210-8, Trimming of trees and natural growth; A210-9, System Services After Rebuild; A210-9F, State-of-the-art option; A210-10, PEG channels; A210-14, Police powers; A210-15, Franchise fees and performance bond; and A210-17, Remedies, notice of violation, franchisee's right to cure or respond, liquidated damages. Arbitration may be initiated by either the franchising authority or the franchisee by filing a written demand for arbitration by certified mail with the other party.
Denial of renewal. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, any final denial of franchisee's proposal for renewal that has been submitted in compliance with the franchise and the Cable Act or has been adversely affected by a failure of the franchising authority to act in accordance with the procedural requirements of the Cable Act shall afford the franchisee the right to appeal such final decision or failure pursuant to the Cable Act (47 U.S.C. § 555).
Procedure. Arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in compliance with the Pennsylvania Uniform Arbitration Act.[1]
Editor's Note: See 42 Pa.C.S.A. § 7302 et seq.
Arbitration panel.
Each arbitration shall be conducted by a panel of three arbitrators. One arbitrator shall be appointed by the franchising authority, one arbitrator shall be appointed by the franchisee, and the third arbitrator shall be the Chairperson of the panel, and shall be appointed by the other two arbitrators. If the other two arbitrators are unable to agree upon at appointment, the third arbitrator shall be appointed by the President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Bucks County. No member of the panel shall be an officer, employee or attorney of the franchising authority or of the franchisee or any affiliate thereof.
The franchising authority and the franchisee shall each appoint its arbitrator and send written notice by certified mail to the other party of its selection not later than 15 calendar days following receipt by the party not initiating the arbitration of the written demand for arbitration. The third arbitrator shall be appointed not later than 30 calendar days following receipt of the demand for arbitration.
Arbitration hearing. The Chairperson of the arbitration panel shall select the site of the hearing, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, retain a stenographic reporter to report the hearing, and, in consultation with the other members of the panel and the parties, schedule the hearing. The hearing shall be scheduled to commence not later than 75 calendar days following receipt by the party not initiating the arbitration of the demand for arbitration. The Chairperson of the panel shall send by certified mail written notice of the time, date and place of the hearing to the other two arbitrators, the franchising authority, the franchisee and legal counsel to the franchising authority and the franchisee.
Arbitration costs.
Unless otherwise provided in this franchise, the compensation and expenses of the arbitrator appointed by the franchising authority shall be borne and paid solely by the franchising authority. The compensation and expenses of the arbitrator appointed by the franchisee shall be borne and paid solely by the franchisee. The franchising authority and the franchisee shall each bear and solely pay their own attorney's fees, expert and other witness fees and other expenses incurred in preparing and prosecuting their respective cases. In proceedings where the record of a public hearing of the franchising authority is to be considered by the arbitration panel, the costs of transcribing, typing and copying the record shall be borne and paid solely by the franchisee.
The compensation and expenses of the Chairperson of the arbitration panel, rental, if any, for the place of the hearing, per diem costs of the stenographic reporter, costs of transcribing and typing and transcripts of the arbitration hearing, and any other costs of the arbitration proceeding shall be divided equally between, borne and paid by the franchising authority and the franchisee. The arbitration panel shall not be empowered to order a division of costs, fees or expense, different from that prescribed by this section.
Arbitration award. The arbitration award shall be determined by a majority of the members of the arbitration panel and shall be in writing. If it is necessary for the panel to make determinations of fact, it shall include findings of fact and conclusions with the award if requested by any party to the proceeding. The award shall be issued and sent by certified mail to the parties not later than 90 calendar days following the close of the arbitration hearing.
Limitation of powers. The arbitration panel shall have no authority to add to, delete or alter any provisions of this agreement, but shall limit its interpretation to the express terms of this agreement. Under no circumstances shall an arbitration panel be vested with authority or jurisdiction to determine or award monetary damages (by way of setoff, counterclaim, directly or otherwise) or any other relief against the franchising authority or its officers, agents or employees.
Award final. The award rendered by the arbitrators shall be final, and judgment may be entered upon it in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
The franchisee shall, at all times during the term of this agreement, be subject to the exercise of the police power by the franchising authority and to such other lawful ordinances, rules and regulations as franchising authority shall hereafter adopt. There is hereby reserved to franchising authority every right and power which is required to be herein reserved or provided by any ordinance, rule or regulation of the franchising authority, and the franchisee shall comply with any action or requirements of franchising authority in its exercise of such right or power heretofore or hereafter enacted or established. The franchisee shall comply with all ordinances, codes, statutes, rules and regulations of the franchising authority, County of Bucks, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the United States of America which are now in effect or hereafter enacted.
Unless reduced, waived or increased by the franchising authority, franchisee shall pay to franchising authority a franchise fee equal to 5% of annual gross revenue. Said franchise fee may be increased at the sole and exclusive election of the franchising authority to an amount not to exceed the maximum amount allowed by law in such increments and in such amounts as the franchising authority may elect, upon 180 days prior written notice to the franchisee. Franchising authority reserves the right to change such amount one or more times and the failure to make any such election shall not constitute a waiver hereunder.
"Gross revenue" means all revenue received from all sources attributable to the operation of the cable system by the franchisee and its affiliates within the municipal boundaries of the Township from cable service including, but not limited to, subscription fees, additional set fees, converter fees, remote fees, late fees, installation fees, sales commissions, pay-per-view fees, cable-related publications, sales or other commissions, channel leasing payments, and revenue received from the sale of time or programming on leased channels, the sale of commercial time or programs, and the revenue received from provision of any lawful cable service. But for a decision of the franchisee not to conduct operations directly by the franchisee, all revenues collected by an affiliate, shall be considered gross revenue and subject to the franchise fee if such revenue reasonably could have been derived from operations within the Township directly by the franchisee. Excluded are the following:
The revenue of any affiliate including, without limitation, a supplier of programming to the franchisee, but such exclusion shall apply only to the extent that said revenue is also included in the gross revenue of the franchisee;
The gross revenue of any affiliate of franchisee, which serves as representative or agent for cable operators and which is in the business of aggregating cable operators for the purpose of selling advertising time on cable systems, which gross revenue is not distributed, in cash or in-kind; or in combination of cash and in-kind, to franchisee, which exclusion, in all events, shall not exceed 60% of such affiliate's gross revenue;
Amounts collected by the franchisee from subscribers on behalf of leased access channel programmers, but such exclusion shall apply only to the extent said amounts are passed on by the franchisee to said programmers in toto.
The revenue of the franchisee or any affiliate from the operation of a facility of a common carrier which is subject, in whole or in part, to the provisions of Title II of the Communications Act of 1934.
"Affiliate" means a person or entity:
With a direct or indirect ownership interest in the subject entity of 5% or more or controls such interest, including forms of ownership such as general, limited, or other partnership interests, direct ownership interests, limited liability companies and other forms of business organizations and entities but not including corporations; or
With a stock interest in the subject entity where the subject entity is a corporation and such stockholder or its nominee is an officer or director of the franchisee or who directly or indirectly owns or controls 5% or more of the outstanding stock, whether voting or nonvoting; or
Any entity which controls franchisee, is controlled by, or is under common control with such person or entity.
The franchise fee shall be assessed on a calendar quarterly basis and shall be payable to the franchising authority no later than 45 days after the expiration of the calendar quarter for which payment is due. Franchisee shall file a complete and accurate verified statement, under notarial seal, at the end of each calendar year quarter, certified as true and correct by a representative of franchisee duly authorized to make such certification, explaining how the payment was calculated. Said statement, in the form as may be required by the Township, shall include information as of the last day of such calendar quarter regarding the number of subscribers for each service tier or other cable service, the rate charged for each, the amount of revenue collected for each during the applicable calendar quarter and a breakdown by category of revenue from all other sources. Said statement shall accompany each payment. Upon request by the franchising authority, franchisee shall provide such additional information as may be reasonably required. In connection with the franchise fee payment due on February 14, the franchisee shall also submit to the franchising authority, on that date or no later than six months thereafter, a detailed statement by an officer of the franchisee verifying the accuracy of the gross revenue and franchise fee payments for the previous fiscal year, with a detailed breakdown for each month.
Upon 10 days prior written notice, franchising authority shall have the right to inspect and copy at franchisee's offices the financial records of franchisee for the purpose of verifying or identifying revenue owed to the franchising authority. Where in the opinion of the franchising authority the records are reasonably necessary to verify or supplement franchisee's records, the franchisee shall cooperate with franchising authority to request financial records of affiliate(s) to be made available to the franchising authority which are related to the provision of cable service to subscribers in the Township or which are related in any way to the gross revenue attributable to the operation of the cable system in the Township. Franchising authority shall have the right to audit and to recompute any amounts determined to be payable under this or any other section; provided, however, that such audit shall take place within 36 months following the close of each of franchisee's fiscal years. Any additional amount due to franchising authority as a result of the audit shall be paid within 30 days following written notice to franchisee by the franchising authority, which notice shall include a copy of the audit report. In the event such audit reflects an underpayment in any such year to be 3% or more, the cost of said audit, at the election of the franchising authority, shall be borne by the franchisee.
In the event that any franchise or other payment is not made or the requisite documentation and certification is not provided on or before the applicable dates heretofore specified, interest shall be compounded daily and set at the one-year United States treasury bill rate existent on the date payment was due, plus three percentage points. Any amount recomputed to reflect correct payment due shall bear interest as described from the date such payment was originally due.
Bonds. Franchisee shall furnish a construction bond to the Township during the construction of the rebuild in the amount of $150,000. Franchisee shall initially furnish a performance bond in the amount of 1/2 the value of the franchise fee for the year prior to the effective date of the franchise. The construction and performance bonds shall be replenished within 10 days of use by the Township. To offset the effects of inflation, the amounts of the performance bond provided for herein shall be increased at the end of every three years to equal one half of the franchise fee paid for the last year of such three-year period. Franchisee shall provide such performance bond to the Township within 30 days of the effective date of this franchise. The construction bond shall be provided to the Township 30 days prior to rebuilding construction. The Township shall certify that the rebuild is completed within 45 days after requested by the franchisee. Upon receipt of such certification, the franchisee may cancel the construction bond. The performance bond shall be maintained during the life of the franchise, to guarantee the faithful performance of its obligations.
The Township shall exercise appropriate regulatory authority in the enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance and this franchise.
Schedule of liquidated damages. Because franchisee's failure to comply with certain material provisions of this agreement will result in injury to the Township or to subscribers, and because it will be difficult to estimate the extent of such injury, the Township and franchisee hereby agree that, unless otherwise addressed in this agreement by other enforcement, the liquidated damages stated in this agreement represent both parties' best estimate of the damages resulting from the specified injury.
Violations. The Township shall provide franchisee with a detailed written notice of any franchise violation upon which it proposes to take action, and there shall be a thirty-day period within which franchisee may demonstrate that a violation does not exist or cure an alleged violation or, if the violation cannot be corrected in 30 days, submit a plan satisfactory to the Township to correct the violation. If an alleged violation is proven to exist, and no cure or action on a plan acceptable to the Township has been received by the Township within 30 days, such liquidated damages shall be chargeable to the performance bonds set forth in this agreement, if not tendered by franchisee within 30 days. Franchisee may petition the Township for relief with just cause. The imposition of liquidated damages shall not preclude the Township from exercising the other enforcement provisions of this agreement, including revocation, or other statutory or judicially imposed penalties. Liquidated damages may be imposed as follows:
For failure to complete construction, the rebuild or extend service in accordance with franchise: $250 per day for each day the violation continues;
For failure to comply with requirements for public access educational and government channels: $150 per day for each day the violation continues;
For failure to submit reports, maintain records, provide documents or information: $75 per day for each day the violation continues;
For violation of customer service standards required by this franchise, this agreement, or by FCC regulation: $75 per day per standard violated;
For violation of the books and financial records provisions of this franchise and this agreement: up to $150 per day for each day the violation continues; and
For violation of other material provisions of this franchise: up to $150 per day for each day the violation continues.
In any action by the franchisee and franchising authority or representative thereof mandated or permitted under the terms hereof, such party shall act in a reasonable, expeditious and timely manner, time being of the essence.
The failure of the Township at any time to require performance by franchisee of any provision hereof shall in no way affect the right of the Township thereafter to enforce the same, nor shall the waiver by the Township of any breach of any provision hereof be taken to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of such provision, or as a waiver of the provision itself, or as a waiver of any other provision of this agreement.
The rights and remedies reserved to the Township by this franchise are cumulative and shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any other rights or remedies which the Township may have with respect to the subject matter of this franchise, and a waiver thereof at any time shall have no effect on the enforcement of such rights or remedies at a future time.
Nothing herein shall be deemed to create civil liability by one party for the action, omissions or negligence of the other party, or of a party's agents, employees, officers or assigns. Each party shall be solely liable for claims against it by third parties, whether arising under the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992 or under any other provision of law.
All notices from Comcast to the Township pursuant to this agreement shall be sent to the following addresses for the conduct of matters related to the franchise.
If to the Township:
Mr. Samuel Fenton
Mayor, Bristol Township
2501 Bath Road
Bristol, PA 19007
With a copy to:
Ms. Susan Newsome
Manager, Bristol Township
2501 Bath Road
Bristol, PA 19007
If to Comcast:
Mr. David Breidinger
Comcast Communications
122 West State Street
Trenton, New Jersey 08608
With a copy to:
General Counsel Comcast Communications
1500 Market Street
Centre Square
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Captions to sections throughout this franchise are solely to facilitate the reading and reference to the sections and provisions of this agreement. Such captions shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of the agreement.
Nothing herein shall be deemed to create a joint venture or principal/agent relationship between the parties, and neither party is authorized to, nor shall either party act toward third person; or the public, in any manner which would indicate any such relationship with the other.
If any section, sentence, paragraph, term or provision of this agreement is determined to be illegal, invalid or unconstitutional, by any court of competent jurisdiction or by any state or federal regulatory agency having jurisdiction thereof, such determination shall have no effect on the validity of any other section, sentence, paragraph, term or provision thereof, all of which shall remain in full force and effect for the term of this agreement.
The franchise herein granted is personal to the franchisee. It cannot be transferred, leased, assigned or disposed of as a whole, or in part either by sale of stock, forced sale, merger, consolidation, change in control of franchisee, or otherwise, without prior written consent of the Township expressed by resolution or ordinance and then only under such conditions as may be therein prescribed. Notwithstanding the above, upon written notice to the Township, the franchisee may, without obtaining the prior consent of the Township, make any assignment or transfer to any firm or corporation which franchisee controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with such person or entity.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein, all information specifically marked by the franchisee as proprietary or confidential in nature and furnished to the Township or its designated representatives shall be treated as confidential and its officially designated representatives agree in advance to treat any such information as confidential and only to disclose it to employees, agents or representatives thereof that have a need to know or in order to enforce the provisions hereof, or shall be treated otherwise in conformity with Pennsylvania law. The franchisee shall not be required to provide subscriber information in violation of Section 631 of the Communications Act.