[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Bristol 10-15-1996 by Ord. No. 96-16. Amendments noted where applicable.]
In addition to any other statutorily permitted warrantless arrest, officers of the Bristol Township Police Department shall upon view have the right of arrest without warrant upon probable cause when there is ongoing conduct that imperils the personal security of any person or endangers public or private property for the following offenses:
18 Pa. C.S.A. § 5503, Disorderly conduct.
18 Pa. C.S.A. § 5505, Public drunkenness.
18 Pa. C.S.A. § 5507, Obstructing highways.
18 Pa. C.S.A. § 6308, Underage drinking.
When a defendant has been arrested without a warrant, the defendant shall be either released from custody pursuant to Subsection B or taken before the proper issuing authority under Subsection C.
When a defendant has been arrested without a warrant, the arresting officer may, when the officer deems it appropriate, promptly release the defendant from custody when the following conditions have been met:
The defendant is a resident of the commonwealth;
The defendant poses no threat of immediate physical harm to any other person or to himself or herself;
The arresting officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the defendant will appear as required; and
The defendant does not demand to be taken before an issuing authority. A citation shall be issued to the defendant at the time of release and thereafter the case shall proceed in accordance with Rules 55-59 as if the proceedings had been instituted by issuing a citation to the defendant.
When the defendant has not been released from custody under Subsection B, the defendant shall be taken without unnecessary delay before the issuing authority where a citation shall be filed against the defendant. The defendant shall be given an immediate trial unless:
The commonwealth is not ready to proceed or the defendant requests a postponement, and in either event the defendant shall be given the opportunity to deposit collateral for appearance on the new date and hour fixed for trial; or
The defendant's criminal record must be ascertained before trial as specifically required by statute for purposes of grading the offense charged, in which event the defendant shall be given the opportunity to deposit collateral for appearance on the new date and house fixed for trial, which shall be after the issuing authority's receipt of the required information.
In the case of juvenile defendants:
Timely attempt shall be made to contact a parent, guardian or other responsible adult who shall have an interest in such juvenile.
The juvenile shall be promptly released to a parent, guardian or other responsible adult after completion of processing and the issuance of a citation.
If, after a period of six hours, a parent, guardian or other responsible adult cannot be contacted, or such shall refuse to accept custody, the officer shall contact the Juvenile Probation Department to arrange shelter for such juvenile.