As used in this article, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context, the following words shall have the following meanings:
Any house, building or other structure, temporary or permanent, designed for either residential or industrial use, or any other source of sewage and industrial wastes, whether privately or publicly owned.
Any line, main, conduit, pipe or other sewage disposal facility forming a part of the comprehensive sewerage system now or hereafter owned, constructed or acquired by the Beach Haven Sewerage Utility.
The owner of any building located where a sewer is available or shall hereafter be made available shall connect such building with such sewer.
The size and materials for construction of service laterals and building sewers shall be as the Borough may from time-to-time determine, within the limits of state regulations. No such installation shall be made except in accordance with Borough regulations and the New Jersey Plumbing Code, and all such installation shall be installed by the owner of the property at the owner's sole cost and expense. The installation shall be inspected and approved by the Borough while the trench containing the same is open. Any trench backfilled prior to inspection and approval shall, upon the request of the Borough, be reopened and made available for inspection at the owner's sole cost and expense.
All new construction shall install a service lateral extending from the property to be served to the main at the owner's sole cost and expense. Upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the service lateral from the main to the curb cleanout shall become the responsibility of the Beach Haven Sewer Utility, while the lateral from the curb cleanout to the property being serviced shall be the responsibility of the property owner.
Every connection required by this article shall extend from inside the building foundation to the sewer main and shall, in all respects, comply with the rules and regulations of the Long Beach Island Board of Health and the Beach Haven Sewerage Utility. The Borough of Beach Haven Sewerage Utility shall maintain, repair, or replace, if necessary, service laterals from the main to the curb cleanout.
Upon receipt by the Council of the Borough of Beach Haven of notification from the Beach Haven Sewerage Utility that the sewer or sewers in any street or public ways in the Borough are ready to receive sewage or industrial wastes, the Council shall order all property owners along the lines of said sewer or sewers to connect their buildings therewith in accordance with the terms of this article. The Council shall designate one of its proper officers to give notice of the order to the owner or owners of said property.
Said notice shall be addressed to the owner of said property as the name of said owner appears in the last tax duplicate of the Borough, shall describe the property by lot and block designation as the same appears on the Tax Map of the Borough and by the street address and shall state that by order of the Council of the Borough of Beach Haven the owner is required to connect the building on said property with the sewer, and said notice shall inform the owner of the penalty to be imposed for failure to comply with said notice and order in accordance with the terms of this article.
Said notice may be served on the owner personally or by leaving it at his usual place of abode with a member of his family above the age of 18 years if the owner has a place of abode within the Borough of Beach Haven. Said notice may also be served within or without the limits of the Borough by mailing the same by regular mail to the last known post office address of said owner as the same appears on the last tax duplicate of the Borough.
The provisions of this article shall not be deemed to be exclusive, and the provisions hereof and the sewer connections herein directed may be compelled and enforced in any manner provided by law.
No building or structure may be connected to the sewer utility's main without the owner or representative first securing a permit from the sewer utility office, the cost of which shall be $250. The connection must be made by a licensed plumber with a utility employee present to inspect the work.
No building or structure connected to the utility's lines may be moved, demolished, or altered in any manner which might permit debris to enter the system prior to securing a permit for such from the Beach Haven Plumbing Subcode Official. In addition, a permit must be obtained from the Sewer Utility Office for the disconnection at a charge of $125.
Opening of any street, alley, or public ground for the introduction of any sewer service pipe or connection shall require a permit from the Sewer Utility Department. Both the owner and the plumber so opening said street, alley, or public ground shall be held responsible therefor, and all due precautions, such as barricades, red lights and other necessary means to prevent accidents.
Street opening permit required. No person, firm or corporation shall cut, break into or open any public street, road or highway in the Borough of Beach Haven unless he, they or it has theretofor obtained a written permit for that purpose from the Borough Clerk under the provisions of Chapter 176.
All permits shall be granted upon the express condition that the Borough shall not be held liable for any damages which shall arise from improper installation by a contractor and the consequence thereof.
Deterioration. Where, in the opinion of the Water and Sewer Departments, an existing building sewer, from the curb cleanout to the structure, is excessively deteriorated to a point that allows soil, foreign objects, or excessive infiltration/inflow into the system, that lateral shall be replaced or repaired by the property owner to the satisfaction of the Water and Sewer Department.
Renewal. Where the renewal of the building sewer on the property is found to be necessary, the property owner shall renew the building sewer in the location as previously used unless otherwise approved.
All building sewers and fixtures furnished or owned by the property owner or his or her predecessors in title shall be maintained by him or her in good order. All leaks in the building sewer or any fixture for the premises served must be repaired immediately by the owner or occupant of the premises. The property owner shall be responsible for notifying the Water and Sewer Department and Construction Department of the party engaged by said customer to do any maintenance work on the building sewer prior to work being commenced, and said party shall not backfill any trench until the work has been inspected and approved by the Borough. Any work not acceptable shall be immediately removed and replaced by work which is acceptable, at the cost of the property owner.
The Borough shall in no way be responsible for maintaining any portion of the building sewer or for damage done by sewage escaping therefrom, and the property owner shall at all times comply with applicable regulations with respect thereto and make changes therein required by reason of changes of grade, relocation of mains or otherwise.
Borough repairs. The Borough reserves the right to make necessary repairs where any condition is found detrimental to the system. All costs shall be charged or apportioned to the property owner.
All materials to be used on the proposed project that will become the property of the Borough upon conveyance by the applicant shall be manufactured in the United States, whenever available. The applicant is directed to refer to Chapter 107, Laws 1982, of the State of New Jersey, effective date October 3, 1982.
Sanitary sewer collection system design criteria.
Materials used in the construction of sewers and force mains shall be as follows: Gravity sewers shall be constructed of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or ductile iron pipe or as may be otherwise determined necessary by the Borough or the Engineer.
Sewer service connections and cleanouts shall be constructed of ductile iron (DI) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe.
Inverted siphons and force mains shall be constructed of ductile iron pipe unless otherwise permitted by the Borough. Inverted siphons shall consist of two pipes with provision for flushing. Flow control gates shall be provided within the chambers.
All standard specifications referred to herein, such as American Standards Association (ASA), AWWA, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the like, shall be the latest revision thereof at the time of application for final approval.
Every sewer service laterals shall have a clean out within three feet to five feet of the curb. All sewer laterals made of nonmetallic materials shall be installed with a tracer wire from the main to the curb. In addition, the cleanout at the curb shall have a top section of a metallic, ferrous iron valve box with a lid, with the marking "sewer" clearly visible.
Ductile iron pipe.
Ductile iron gravity sewer pipe shall be minimum thickness Class 52 and shall be centrifugally cast pipe conforming to the American National Standard Specifications for Iron Pipe for Water or Other Liquids, A21.51 (C151). Fittings shall be compact and shall comply with AWWA C153/A21.53.
Ductile iron force main pipe shall be minimum thickness Class 50 and shall be centrifugally cast pipe conforming to the American National Standard Specifications for Iron Pipe for Water or Other Liquids, A21.51 (C151). Fittings shall be compact and shall comply with AWWA C153/A21.53.
Ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be cement lined in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4.
All ductile iron pipe shall be installed with Class C ordinary bedding. Under certain unusual soil conditions, the ductile iron pipe might require a polyplastic wrapping to prevent corrosion (AWWA C-105). The Borough reserves the right to require this type of installation if an investigation of soil conditions indicates it is necessary. Additional expenses incurred will be the obligation of the applicant. All ductile iron pipe shall be installed with a minimum cover of three feet.
Polyvinyl chloride pipe.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sewer pipe shall have bell and spigot ends and Oring rubber gasketed joints. Polyvinyl chloride pipe shall conform to ASTM D3034 with a wall thickness designation of SDR 35 (minimum). Internal surfaces shall be smooth and free of undulations. Maximum allowable length of pipe sections shall be 20 feet. Maximum allowable length of service connections shall be 12 1/2 feet.
The plastic material from which the pipe and fitting are extruded shall be impact types of PVC, unplastized having high mechanical strength and maximum chemical resistance conforming to Type I, Grade 1, of the specification for rigid polyvinyl chloride compounds ASTM D 1784.
Rubber ring gaskets shall be manufactured as per ASTM D 1869 and shall meet physical and chemical test requirements of federal specification ZZ-R-601a. The gasket shall be the sole element dependent upon to make the joint watertight.
The pipe shall be installed as specified in ASTM D-2321. In no case shall less than a Class III material be used for bedding material. Particular attention should be given to the special requirements for installing pipe in unstable soil or excessive groundwater.
No PVC pipe shall be installed with less than four feet of cover without special bedding, and the wall thickness of the pipe shall be increased to the designation of SDR 18. All PVC pipe shall be installed with a minimum cover of three feet.
Ductile iron: rubber gasket equal to Tyton and complying to AWWA C111/A21.11.
PVC pipe: elastromeric gasket joint equivalent to Certain-Teed Fluid-Tite. Johns-Manville Ring-Tite or Precision Plastic Pipe's E-Z seal and complying to ASTM D-3212.
Couplings, connectors and adaptors. All couplings, connectors and adaptors shall be as manufactured by Dresser or approved equal. Fernco-type connectors are not permitted for permanent installations but may be used for temporary repair work.
"Class C ordinary bedding" shall be defined as that method of bedding sewers in which the sewer is bedded on approved granular material with ordinary care in an earth foundation shaped in undisturbed earth so as to fit the lower part of the sewer exterior with reasonable closeness for a width of at least 50% of the sewer diameter and in which the remainder of the sewer is surrounded to a height of at least 0.5 feet above its top with approved granular materials, shovel placed and tamped to completely fill all spaces under and adjacent to the sewer, all under the general direction of a competent engineer and with frequent inspection by a competent inspector during the course of construction.
"Class B first class bedding" shall be utilized where applicable as approved by the Engineer. The bedding shall conform to the detail shown herein.
"Concrete cradle bedding" is that method of bedding sewers in which the lower part of the sewer exterior is bedded in Class C concrete, without reinforcement, having a minimum thickness under the pipe of 1/4 its nominal internal diameter (four inches minimum) and extending upward to a height equal to 1/4 of the nominal outside diameter.
"Concrete encased pipe bedding" is that method of bedding sewers in which the entire sewer exterior is encased in Class A or B concrete or better, minimum six inches of concrete all around.
Manhole accessibility. All manholes located in easements or off the paved right-of-way shall be accessible for servicing by the Borough VAC vehicle. The applicant is to submit, in writing, for the approval of the Borough Engineer, his procedure and construction details for stabilizing the accessway.
Should the Superintendent or Borough Manager have reason to believe that there is actual or probable evasion or disregard for the provisions of this chapter, it shall and may be lawful for the Superintendent or other person authorized by the Borough Manager to enter at all reasonable times into such building, lot of ground or premises for the purpose of examining the pipes of conduct or other fixtures and ascertaining whether the same are in proper order and repair and for cutting off all pipes of communication or shutting off the stopcocks or detaching the ferrules where delinquencies occur in the payment of rents and no person shall oppose or obstruct the aforesaid person in making such examinations.
No unauthorized persons shall uncover, make any connection with or opening into, use, alter or disturb any Borough sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining written authorization from the Borough.
No person or persons shall break, injure or do any damage whatever to any engine, pump or machinery or to any engine house or other structure, or to any pipe valve, stopcock, or other fixture or appurtenance appertaining to or connected with the sanitary sewer, or dig or break the earth in any of the streets or ground for the purpose of disturbing, moving or injuring any pipes, valves or other fixtures or appurtenances or of obstructing the passage of sewage through the same.
Prohibited systems. The following disposal shall be unlawful for any person to use, construct, or maintain:
Outside toilets.
Prohibited connections. Under no circumstances will any of the following be connected to the service lateral or building sewer either directly or indirectly:
Any drainage fixture where the overflow elevation is less than 10 feet above mean sea level, except as permitted by federal flood regulations.
Rain conduction or downspout.
Grease pit that does not comply with the applicable state and local regulations.
Air-conditioning equipment without an air gap.
Stormwater inlets or catch basins.
Drains from equipment or manufacturing processes, except when specifically authorized under a separate agreement with the Borough.
Sump pumps.
Untrapped floor drains.
Outside showers.
Pools and hot tubs.
All dumpster washdown stations must comply with the installation requirements designed to stop infiltration, grease, and debris from entering the sanitary sewer system. Design specifications shall be provided by the Borough Engineer. In addition, all current businesses using dumpster wash down stations will be required to update their systems to comply with these new standards.
An annual fee of $200 shall be charged for each station. The fee will cover the discharge of wastewater into the sanitary sewerage system as well as periodic inspections made by the Sewer Utility.
Sewage delivered into the facilities shall not:
Be of such a nature and in such a quantity as to impair the hydraulic capacity of such facilities.
Be of such a nature as to, by either chemical or mechanical action, impair the strength or durability of the sewer structures.
Be of such a nature as to create explosive conditions in such facilities.
Have a flash point lower than 235° F., as determined by the Tagliabue (Tag.) closed-cup method.
Have a pH index of lower than 5.5 or higher than 9.0.
Include any radioactive substance.
Include any garbage other than that received directly into public sewers from residences.
Be discharged by tank trucks into manholes of the sewerage system.
Be of such a nature which contains any matter, material, or substance which, after undergoing normal treatment in the respective sewage treatment plant that the Borough discharges to, would not be removed from the effluent from such plant and would thereby be the cause of polluting any stream or body of water into which such effluent is discharged.
Contain any materials which may tend to cause stoppages, blockages, or interference with the normal flow of effluent either in laterals or mains; prohibited materials shall include, but not be limited to, grease, animal fats, vegetable fats and the like.
Where, in the sole opinion of the Water and Sewer Department, the installation of special devices by the customer is required to restrict and prevent sewer discharge into the facilities in violation of Subsection A(1) through (10) above, the Water and Sewer Department shall issue written instructions to the customer and served by way of certified mail, return receipt requested, detailing the type of facility to be installed and the customer shall, within 30 days after the receipt of such written notice, install such device in accordance with the instructions and specifications of the Water and Sewer Department. In causing the specifications to be created by its engineer, the engineer shall apply accepted current hydraulic and sanitary engineering standards approved by and recognized by the engineering standards approved by and recognized by the engineering profession, taking into account the most cost-effective type of interceptor device, cost effected to the customer, which shall provide the requested treatment for the customer's effluent prior to its discharge into the facilities.
The Borough of Beach Haven has created and maintains a very significant infrastructure to provide sewer service for all property owners of the Borough who may have occasion to require sewer service. In order to provide funds to defray maintenance expense on infrastructure, and as well as to defray operational expenses, certain charges will be levied. Charges will be levied based on water meter readings, and a standby or service charge will be levied in addition to and over and above any metered charges billed for actual water use and consumption.
Sewer charges.
Sewer connection fee: $250 per unit.
Sewer disconnection fee: $125 per unit.
Residential and commercial standby or service charge: pursuant to § 204-24, Water rates, of the Code.
The standby or service charge shall be due and payable on the first day of the third month of each quarter of every calendar year, that is to say, on March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1.
Charges for metered consumption: pursuant to § 204-24, Water rates, of the Code.
All bills for metered service shall be rendered quarterly for consumption due during the prior quarter and shall be due and payable on or before the first day of the third month of the quarter following the quarter for which the water was used. The standby or service charge shall be included on the same bill as sent for metered charges.
Usage charges shall be due and payable on the first day of the second month of each quarter of every calendar year: March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1. For failure to pay when due, delinquent bills shall be treated as delinquent taxes with interest to occur and liens to be sold in the manner of tax liens.
Secondary water meters for outdoor water use. Any outdoor water line which does not directly or indirectly discharge into the sanitary sewer system may be eligible for a secondary meter.
Any water meter account holder may install a secondary water meter at the account holder's expense.
Three-fourth-inch water meters: $138.
One inch water meters: $204.
Transmitter: $154.
Touch pad: $22.
Wire: $00.18 per foot.
One-inch meter couplings: $27.50.
Three-fourth-inch meter couplings: $18.50.
All meters, remote readouts and wiring must be purchased from the Beach Haven Sewer Department.
No other meters will be accepted.
Installation of the meter must be performed by a licensed master plumber.
Prior to installation, an installation form must be filled out and stamped by the licensed master plumber performing the work.
After the installation is complete the licensed master plumber must call the Sewer Dept. Office to perform a final inspection of the installation.
After final installation is complete, the maintenance and upkeep of the water meter is the sole responsibility of the water meter account holder.
All secondary meters will read quarterly and charges calculated using the same formula as used for a primary water meter.
The secondary water meter usage will be deducted from the primary water meter usage and applied each quarter.
The initial start meter reading will be taken at the final inspection of the secondary water meter by the Sewer Dept.
Sewer service shall not be considered a service subject to shutoff at the request of the property owner. Requests for discontinuance of sewer service shall be permitted only in cases of demolition, construction, fire, flooding, or by a valid governmental order for vacating a building serviced for health reasons. The property owner shall be responsible for the payment of the sewer rental charge at the minimum charges as established by the Borough during the time the property or structure is vacant.
The property owner shall not change the type of service from any of the types of service set forth in this chapter without the prior written approval of the Borough issued after proper application for such type of change.
The Council reserves the right to change the rules and regulations and the rates for sewer usage from time to time, to make special rates or contract in all proper cases.
The Borough Treasurer shall have charge of all the books of the Sewer Department that pertain to revenues and shall have charge of all moneys that may come into his/her hands by virtue of said office.
The Borough Tax Collector shall act as Sewer Register. He/she shall make all collections for sewer rents. He/she shall collect for and receipt all permits and shall account for the same upon the proper books of the Borough.
For any violation of this chapter, the owner or owners of the violating unit or units shall be subject to punishment as provided for in § 1-16 of the Code of the Borough of Beach Haven. Each day beyond the 120-day limit set forth in this section shall constitute a separate violation for which a separate summons shall be issued.