[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Huntington as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 3-13-1979 by L.L. No. 10-1979]
The chapters and Articles of the Code of the Town of Huntington, adopted June 3, 1969 (hereinafter the "1969 Code"), as amended and supplemented, are hereby renumbered and reorganized as set forth in § 1-2 of this local law, and such recodification, together with certain additional ordinances and local laws, as indicated in § 1-2, is hereby designated as the "Code of the Town of Huntington, 1978" (hereinafter the "1978 Code").
The chapters and Articles of the Code of the Town of Huntington, adopted June 3, 1969, as amended and supplemented, are renumbered and reorganized in the 1978 Code as follows:
Distribution Table
Chapter/Article in 1969 Code
Chapter/Article in 1978 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions (Sections 1-1 through 1-9)
Replaced by new Ch. 1, General Provisions (this local law)
Ch. 1, General Provisions, Section 1-10, Denial Within 90 Days of Public Hearing (L.L. No. 4-1974)
Ch. 54, Public Hearings: Time Limits for Action
Ch. 2, Appearance Tickets (L.L. No. 2-1976)
Ch. 4, Appearance Tickets
Ch. 3, Abandoned Vehicles
Ch. 4, Automobile Body Repair Establishments (Ord. No. 70-CE-1)
Ch. 82, Automobile Body Repair Establishments
Ch. 5, Abandonment of Ice Boxes, Refrigerators, Wells, Cesspools and Cisterns
Ch. 156, Property Maintenance; Nuisances, Art. I, Hazardous Containers, Structures and Excavations
Ch. 6, Construction Hazards and Nuisances (Ord. No. 69-CE-21)
Ch. 156, Property Maintenance; Nuisances, Art. II, Construction Hazards and Nuisances
Ch. 7, Automobile Junk Yards
Ch. 130, Junkyards
Ch. 8, Beautification Council (Ord. No. 69-CE-1)
Ch. 8, Beautification Council
Ch. 9, Bingo Licensing
Ch. 115, Games of Chance, Art. I, Bingo
Ch. 9A, Games of Chance (Ord. No. 76-CE-36)
Ch. 115, Games of Chance, Art. II, Other Games of Chance
Ch. 10, Building Construction
Ch. 87, Building Construction
Ch. 11, Carnivals and Fairs
Ch. 91, Carnivals, Circuses and Fairs
Ch. 12, Capital Program and Budget Law (L.L. No. 2-1971; amended in its entirety by L.L. No. 3-1976)
Ch. 12, Capital Program
Ch. 13, Circulars and Advertising
Ch. 73, Advertising; Distribution of Circulars, Art. I, Circulars and Handbills
Ch 14, Community Antenna Television Franchise (Ord.. No. 69-CE-3)
Ch. 94, Community Antenna Television
Ch. 15, Comptroller, Powers and Duties
Ch. 16, Comptroller
Ch. 16, Department of Engineering (L.L. No. 1-1965)
Ch. 25, Engineering, Department of
Ch. 17, Dogs
Ch. 78, Animals, Art. I, Dogs
Ch. 18, Discharge of Firearms (L.L. No. 2-1967)
Ch. 109, Firearms
Ch. 19, Excavation and Construction of Streets, Sidewalks and Curbs, Sections 19-1 through 19-8
Ch. 173, Streets and Sidewalks, Art. I, Excavation and Construction of Streets, Sidewalks and Curbs
Ch. 19, Excavation and Construction of Streets, Sidewalks and Curbs, Section 19-10 (L.L. No. 4-1970, amended in its entirety by L.L. Nos. 10-1971 and 1-1978)
Ch. 173, Streets and Sidewalks, Art. II, Curb and Sidewalk Fund
Ch. 20, Electrical
Ch. 104, Electrical Standards and Regulations
Ch. 21, Fire Prevention
Ch. 111, Fire Prevention
Ch. 22, Harbor and Boating Advisory Council (Ord. No. 70-CE-5)
Ch. 35, Harbor and Boating Advisory Council
Ch. 23, Garbage and Refuse Removal
Ch. 117, Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse Disposal
Ch. 24, Housing
Ch. 124, Housing
Ch. 25, Highways, Section 25-1
Ch. 173, Streets and Sidewalks, Art. III, Damage to Highways
Ch. 25, Highways, Section 25-10 (L.L. No. 2-1977)
Ch. 173, Streets and Sidewalks, Art. V, Notification of Defects
Ch. 26, Local Law Procedures for Adoption (L.L. No. 1-1964)
Ch. 41, Local Laws, Adoption of
Ch. 27, Consumer Protection Ordinance (L.L. No. 8-1971)
Ch. 97, Consumer Protection, Art. I, Deceptive or Unconscionable Trade Practices
Ch. 28, Littering
Ch. 133, Littering
Ch. 29, Loitering
Ch. 135, Loitering, Parking and Congregating
Ch. 30, Narcotic Guidance Counsel (L.L. No. 2-1969)
Ch. 48, Narcotics Guidance Council
Ch. 31, Parades and Public Assemblages
Ch. 145, Parades and Public Assemblages
Ch. 32, Peddlers and Solicitors
Ch. 149, Peddlers and Solicitors
Ch. 33, Pesticides
Ch. 34, Plumbing
Ch. 153, Plumbing
Ch. 35, Political Advertising (Ord. No. 69-CE-7)
Ch. 73, Advertising; Distribution of Circulars; Art. II, Political Advertising
Ch. 36, Recreational Facilities
Ch. 159, Recreational Facilities
Ch. 37, Public Officers' and Employees' Regulations (Code of Ethics) (Ord. No. 71-CE-2)
Ch. 29, Ethics, Art. I, Code of Ethics
Ch. 38, Department of Environmental Protection (L.L. No. 1-1972)
Ch. 27, Environmental Protection, Department of
Ch. 39, Regulation of Business Article I, Retail Sale of Petroleum Products
Ch. 151, Petroleum Products, Sale of
Article II, Automobile Storage Article III, Pregnancy Termination Facilities (L.L. No. 3-1970) Article IV, Licensing of Improvement Business (L.L. No. 4-1973)
Ch. 156, Property Maintenance; Nuisances, Art. III, Storage of Damaged Vehicles Ch. 155, Pregnancy Termination Facilities Ch. 127, Improvement Businesses
Ch. 40, Shellfish
Ch. 166, Shellfish
Ch. 41, Marine Conservation Law (L.L. No. 1-1970)
Ch. 137, Marine Conservation
Ch. 42, Streets and Sidewalks
Ch. 173, Streets and Sidewalks, Art. IV, Maintenance of Sidewalk Area
Ch. 43, Sanitary Sewerage System (Ord. No. 70-CE-14)
Ch. 164, Sewers and Sewage Disposal
Ch. 44, Disposal of Dead Animals (Ord. No. 75-CE-12)
Ch. 78, Animals, Art. II, Disposal of Dead Animals
Ch. 45, (Reserved)
Ch. 46, Emergency Medical Services Council (Ord. No. 74-CE-7)
Ch. 22, Emergency Medical Services Council
Ch. 47, Mass Transit Citizens' Advisory Council (Ord. No. 74-CE-26)
Ch. 44, Mass Transit Citizens' Advisory Council
Ch. 48, Community Development Department (L.L. No. 1-1975)
Ch. 14, Community Development Department
Ch. 49, (Reserved)
Ch. 50, Streams, Watercourses and Creeks, Sections 50-1 through 50-3 (L.L. No. 1-1966)
Ch. 171, Streams, Watercourses and Wetlands, Art. I, Filling, Diversion or Draining of Streams and Watercourses
Ch. 50, Streams, Watercourses and Creeks, Sections 50-14 through 50-18 (L.L. No. 4-1976)
Ch. 171, Streams, Watercourses and Wetlands, Art. II, Freshwater Wetlands
Ch. 51, Tax Information Disclosure (L.L. No. 4-1972)
Ch. 97, Consumer Protection, Art. II, Tax Information Disclosure
Ch. 52, Taxicabs (Ord. No. 70-CE-21)
Ch. 180, Taxicabs
Ch. 53, Town Beach Vehicular Traffic
Ch. 54, Tow Trucks (L.L. No. 3-1974)
Ch. 183, Tow Trucks
Ch. 55, Trees (L.L. No. 3-1973)
Ch. 186, Trees
Ch. 56, Trespass
Ch. 188, Trespassing
Ch. 57, Uniforms (L.L. No. 2-1965)
Ch. 58, Unnecessary Noises
Ch. 141, Noise
Ch. 59, (Reserved)
Ch. 60, Waterways, Sections 60-1 through 60-18
Ch. 120, Harbors and Waterways, Art. I, Regulations and Restrictions
Ch. 60, Waterways, Sections 60-30 through 60-37 (L.L.,No. 7-1971)
Ch. 120, Harbors and Waterways, Art. II, Oil Spillage Control
Ch. 61, Youth Board (L.L. No. 4-1968)
Ch. 69, Youth Board
Ch. 62, Zoning
Ch. 198, Zoning
Ch. 63, Full Disclosure - Town Officials (Ord. No. 69-CE-15)
Ch. 29, Ethics, Art. II, Disclosure of Financial Status
Chapters, Articles and sections of the 1978 Code are derived from the 1969 Code, as amended and supplemented, and from certain other ordinances and local laws, as follows:
Derivation Table
New Number in 1978 Code
(chapter number and title, Article, section)
Old Number
(chapter, Article, section source in 1969 Code or otherwise)
Adoption/ Amendment Date
Ch. 3, Alcoholism Advisory Board
§ 3-1
Enacting paragraph
§ 3-2
"Purpose" paragraph
§ 3-3
"Membership" paragraph
§ 3-4
"Operation" paragraph
§ 3-5
"Compensation" paragraph
§ 3-6
"Definition" paragraph
Ch. 4, Appearance Tickets
L.L. No. 2-1976 (Ch. 2)
§ 4-1 Omitted*
Section 2-1 Section 2-2
Ch. 8, Beautification Council
69-CE-1 (Ch. 8)
§§ 8-1 through 8-5
Sections 8-1 through 8-5
Ch. 12, Capital Program
L.L. No. 2-1971 (Ch. 12)
2-23-1971; amended in its entirety 7-6-1976 by L.L. No. 3-1976
§§ 12-1 through 12-7
Sections I through VII
Ch. 14, Community Development Department
L.L. No. 1-1975 (Ch. 48)
§§ 14-1 through 14-3
Sections 48-1 through 48-3
Ch. 16, Comptroller
Ch. 15
§§ 16-1 and 16-2
Sections 15-1 and 15-2
Ch. 22, Emergency Medical Services Council
74-CE-7 (Ch. 46)
§§ 22-1 through 22-6
Sections 46-1 through 46-6
Ch. 25, Engineering, Department of
L.L. No. 1-1965 (Ch. 16)
§§ 25-1 through 25-3
Sections 16-1 through 16-3
Ch. 27, Environmental Protection, Department of
L.L. No. 1-1972 (Ch. 38)
§§ 27-1 through 27-6
Sections 38-1 through 38-6
Sections 38-7 and 38-8
Ch. 29, Ethics
Article I, Code of Ethics
71-CE-2, (Ch. 37)
§ 29-1
Section 37-1
§ 29-2
Section 37-2, first paragraph
§ 29-3
Section 37-2, Subs. A
§ 29-4
Section 37-2, Subs. B
§§ 29-5 through 29-12 Omitted*
Sections 37-3 through 37-10 Section 37-11
Article II Disclosure of Financial Status
69-CE-15 (Ch. 63)
§§ 29-13 through 29-16
Sections 63-1 through 63-4
Ch. 35, Harbor and Boating Advisory Council
70-CE-5 (Ch. 22)
§§ 35-1 through 35-4
Sections 1 through 4 (Sections 22-1 through 22-4)
Ch. 41, Local Laws, Adoption of
L.L. No. 1-1964 (Ch. 26)
§§ 41-1 through 41-4
Sections 26-1 through 26-4
Ch. 44, Mass Transit Citizens'Advisory Council
74-CE-26 (Ch. 47)
§ 44-1
Section 47-1
§ 44-2
Section 47-2
Amended 5-20-1975 by 75-CE-8; 8-19-1975 by 75-CE-19
§ 44-3
Section 47-3
Amended 5-20-1975 by 75-CE-8
§§ 44-4 through 44-6
Sections 47-4 through 47-6
Ch. 48, Narcotics Guidance Council
L.L. No. 2-1969 (Ch. 30)
§ 48-1
Section 30-1
§ 48-2
Section 30-2
Amended during recodification**
§§ 48-3 through 48-5
Sections 30-3 through 30-5
Ch. 54, Public Hearings: Time Limits for Action
L.L. No. 4-1974 (Ch. 1, Section 1-10)
§ 54-1 § 54-2
Section 1-10, Subsections a, b and c Section 1-10, Subsection d
Ch. 60, Senior Citizens' Board
§ 60-1
"Purpose" paragraph
§ 60-2
"Appointments" paragraph
§ 60-3
"Operation" paragraph
§ 60-4
"Compensation" paragraph
§ 60-5
"Definition" paragraph
Ch. 65, Transportation and Traffic Safety, Department of
L.L. No. 6-1971 (Article II, Section 2, of the Uniform Code of Traffic Ordinances)
7-6-1971; amended in its entirety 9-9-1974 by L.L. No. 8-1974
§§ 65-1 through 65-5
Sections 1 through 5
§ 65-6
Section 6
Added 6-14-1977 by L.L. No. 3-1977
Ch. 69, Youth Board
L.L. No. 4-1968 (Ch. 61)
§§ 69-1 through 69-9
Sections 61-1 through 61-9
§ 69-10
Section 61-10, Subsections 1 through 9
§ 69-11
Section 61-10, Subsection 10
Ch. 73, Advertising; Distribution of Circulars
Article I, Circulars and Handbills
Ch. 13
§§ 73-1 and 73-2
Sections 13-1 and 13-2
Article II, Political Advertising
69-CE-7 (Ch. 35)
§ 73-3
Section 35-1
§ 73-4
Section 35-2
Amended during recodification**
§ 73-5
Section 35-3
Amended during recodification**
§ 73-6
Section 35-4
Amended during recodification**
§ 73-7
Section 35-5
Ch. 78, Animals
Article I, Dogs
Ch. 17
§ 78-1
Section 17-1
§ 78-2
Section 17-2
Amended 8-26-1969 by 69-CE-6
§ 78-3
Section 17-3
Amended 8-26-1969 by 69-CE-6; 2-26-1974 by 74-CE-5
§ 78-4
Section 17-4
Amended 8-26-1969 by 69-CE-6; 3-10-1970 by 70-CE-3; 2-23-1971 by 71-CE-3; during recodification**
§§ 78-5 through 78-9
Sections 17-5 through 17-9
§ 78-10
Section 17-10
Amended 2-10-1976 by 76-CE-2
§ 78-10.1
Added 8-15-1978 by 78-CE-8
Article II, Disposal of Dead Animals
72-CE-1912 (Ch. 44)
§§ 78-11 through 78-13
Sections 44-1 through 44-3
§ 78-14
Section 44-4
Amended 11-14-1972 by 72-CE-23
§§ 78-15 and 78-16
Sections 44-5 and 44-6
Ch. 82, Automobile Body Repair Establishments
70-CE-1 (Ch. 4)
§§ 82-1 and 82-2
Sections 4-1 and 4-2
§ 82-3
Section 4-3
Amended 7-28-1970 by 70-CE-9; during recodification**
§ 82-4
Section 4-4, Subs. A
§ 82-5
Section 4-5
Amended during recodification**
§§ 82-6 through 82-8
Sections 4-6 through 4-8
§ 82-9 Omitted*
Section 4-4, Subs. B Section 4-9
Ch. 87, Building Construction
Ch. 10
Part 1, Administration and Enforcement
Article I, Department of Building and Housing
§ 87-1
Section 10-1[1]
§ 87-2
Section 10-2[2]
Amended 12-20-1969 by L.L. No. 6-1969
§§ 87-3 through 87-5
Sections 10-3 through 10-5[3]
§§ 87-6 through 87-9
Sections 10-6 through 10-9
Article II, Building Board; Committee on Building and Development
§ 87-10
Section 10-50, by Subs. A
Added 2-3-1970 by 69-CE-23
§ 87-11
Section 10-50, Subs. B
Added 2-3-1970 by 69-CE-23
§ 87-12
Section 10-50, Subs. C
Added 2-3-1970 by 69-CE-23
§ 87-13
Section 10-51
Added 2-3-1910 by 69-CE-23; amended 3-7-1972 by 72-CE-4
Article III, Building Permits
§ 87-14
Section 10-10, Subs. A and Subs. E3 and 4
Amended 2-15-1977 by 77-CE-2
§ 87-15
Section 10-10, Subs. C1, 2 and 3
§ 87-16
Section 10-10, Subs. C4
Amended 2-3-1970 by 69-CE-14
§ 87-17
Section 10-10, Subs. D
§ 87-18
Section 10-10, Subs. E1 and 2
§ 87-19
Section 10-10, Subs. F
§§ 87-20 through 87-22
Sections 10-11 through 10-13
§ 87-23
Section 10-14
Amended 12-29-1970 by 70-CE-24; 10-30-1973 by 73-CE-12
§ 87-24
Section 10-17
Article IV, Certificates of Occupancy
§ 87-25
Section 10-18, Subs. 1
§ 87-26
Section 10-18, Subs. 2
§ 87-27
Section 10-18, Subs. 3
§ 87-28
Section 10-18, Subs. 4
§§ 87-29 through 87-32
Sections 10-19 through 10-22
Article V, Unsafe and Damaged Buildings
§ 87-33
Section 10-23, Subs. 1
§ 87-34
Section 10-23, Subs. 2
§ 87-35
Section 10-23, Subs. 3
Added 6-3-1975 by 75-CE-11
§ 87-36
Section 10-23, Subs. 4
Added 6-3-1975 by 75-CE-11
§ 87-37
Section 10-23, Subs. 5
Added 6-3-1975 by 75-CE-11
§ 87-38
Section 10-23, Subs. 6
Added 6-3-1975 by 75-CE-11
§ 87-39
Section 10-23, Subs. 7
Added 6-3-1975 by 75-CE-11
§ 87-40
Section 10-23, Subs. 8
Added 6-3-1975 by 75-CE-11
§ 87-41
Section 10-23, by Subs. 9
Added 6-3-1975 75-CE-11
§ 87-42
Section 10-24
Article VI, Violations; Penalties
§§ 87-43 and 87-44
Sections 10-15 and 10-16
§ 87-45
Section 10-25
Part 2, Regulations Article VII, Definitions
§ 87-46
Section 10-26
Article VIII, General Restrictions and Requirements
§§ 87-47 and 87-48
Sections 10-27 and 10-29
§ 87-49
Section 10-30, Subs. 1
§ 87-50
Section 10-30, Subs. 2
§ 87-51
Section 10-30, Subs. 3
§ 87-52
Section 10-30, Subs. A
§ 87-53
Section 10-31
§ 87-54
Section 10-32[4]
§ 87-55
Section 10-32[5]
Article IX, Fire Limits
§ 87-56
Section 10-28, Subs. A
Amended 11-12-1975 by 75-CE-25
§ 87-57
Section 10-28, Subs. B
Amended 5-18-1976 by 76-CE-7
§§ 87-58 through 87-61
Section 10-28, Subs. C through F
§ 87-62
Section 10-80
Added 10-30-1973 by 73-CE-11
Article X, Dwellings Unfit for Human Habitation
§§ 87-63 through 87-66
Section 10-33, Subs. 1 through 3
§ 87-67 through 87-70
Sections 10-34 through 10-37
§§ 87-71 through 87-73
Section 10-38, Subs. 1 through 3
§ 87-74
Section 10-39
Article XI, Outdoor Water Pools
§§ 87-75 through 87-78
Sections 10-40 through 10-43
§§ 87-79 through 87-83
Sections 10-45 through 10-49
Article XII, Regrading; Filling of Depressions in Vacant Land
§ 87-84
Section 10-60
Added 7-25-1972 by 72-CE-14
§ 87-85
Section 10-61, by Subs. 1 through 7
Added 7-25-1972 by 72-CE-14
§ 87-86
Section 10-61, Subs. 8
Added 7-25-1972 by 72-CE-14
§ 87-87
Section 10-62, Subs. 1 and 2
Added 7-25-1972 by 72-CE-14
§ 87-88
Section 10-62, Subs. 3
Added 7-25-1972 by 72-CE-14
§ 87-89
Section 10-63
Added 7-25-1972 by 72-CE-14
§ 87-90
Section 10-64
Added 7-25-1972 by 72-CE-14
Ch. 91, Carnivals, Circuses and Fairs
Ch. 11
§ 91-1
Section 11-1
Amended 11-13-1973 by 73-CE-10
§ 91-2
Section 11-2
§ 91-3
Section 11-3
Amended 11-13-1973 by 73-CE-10
§§ 91-4 through 91-7
Sections 11-4 through 11-7
§ 91-8
Section 11-8
Amended 9-12-1972 by 72-CE-18
§§ 91-9 through 91-11
Sections 11-9 through 11-11
Ch. 94, Community Antenna Television Franchise
69-CE-3 (Ch. 14)
Section 14-1
§§ 94-1 through 94-27
Sections 14-2 through 14-28
§ 94-28
Section 14-29, first paragraph
§ 94-29
Section 14-29, second paragraph
§ 94-30 Omitted*
Section 14-30 Section 14-31
§§ 94-31 and 94-32 Omitted*
Sections 14-32 and 14-33 Section 14-34
Ch. 97, Consumer Protection
Article I, Deceptive or Unconscionable Trade Practices
L.L. No. 8-1971 (Ch. 27)
§§ 97-1 and 97-2
Sections 27-1 and 27-2
§ 97-3
Section 27-3
Amended during recodification**
§ 97-4
Section 27-4
§ 97-5
Section 27-5
Amended 2-1-1972 by L.L. No. 2-1972; 12-5-1972 by L.L. No. 5-1972
§ 97-6
Section 27-6
Sections 27-7 and 27-8
Article II, Tax Information Disclosure
L.L. No. 4-1972 (Ch. 51)
§§ 97-7 through 97-9
Sections 51-1 through 51-3
§ 97-10
Section 51-4
Amended during recodification**
§§ 97-11 and 97-12 Omitted*
Sections 51-5 and 51-6 Section 51-7
Ch. 104, Electrical Standards and Regulations
Ch. 20
Section 20-1
§ 104-1A
Section 20-2
§ 104-1B
Section 20-10, Subs. a
§ 104-2
Section 20-10, Subs. b through d
Amended 1-20-1970 by 69-CE-18
§ 104-3
Section 20-3
§ 104-4A
Section 20-4
§ 104-4B
Section 20-5
Amended during recodification**
§§ 104-5 and 104-6
Sections 20-8 and 20-9
§ 104-7
Section 20-11
Amended 1-27-1973 by 73-CE-1
§ 104-8
Section 20-12
Added 5-10-1977 by 77-CE-5
§§ 104-9 and 104-10
Sections 20-6 and 20-7
Ch. 109, Firearms
L.L. No. 2-1967 (Ch. 18)
§ 109-1
Section 18-1, first three paragraphs
§ 109-2A
Section 18-1, Subs. 2
§ 109-2B
Section 18-2
Amended 12-9-1975 by L.L. No. 2-1975
§ 109-3
Section 18-3
Amended 1-20-1976 by L.L. No. 1-1976
Repealed during recodification**
Section 18-4
§ 109-4
Section 18-5
Ch. 111, Fire Prevention
Ch. 21
Article I, General Provisions
Article 1
§§ 111-1 through 111-3
Sections 21-1 through 21-3
Section 21-4
§ 111-4
Section 21-5
Sections 21-6 and 21-7
§ 111-5
Section 21-8
Amended during recodification**
§ 111-6
Section 21-9
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-7 and 111-8
Sections 21-10 and 21-11
§ 111-9
Section 21-12
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-10 through 111-15
Sections 21-13 through 21-18
§ 111-16
Section 21-19
Amended during recodification**
§ 111-17
Section 21-20
§ 111-18
Section 21-21
Amended during recodification**
§ 111-19
Section 21-22
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-20 and 111-21
Sections 21-23 and 21-24
§ 111-22
Section 21-25
Amended during recodification**
§ 111-23
Section 21-26
Amended during recodification**
§ 111-24
Section 21-27
Amended during recodification**
Article II, Automobile Tire Rebuilding Plants
Article 2
§§ 111-25 through 111-29
Sections 21-28, through 21-32
Article III, Automobile Wrecking Yards, Junkyards and Waste Material Handling Plants
Article 3
§§ 111-30 through 111-34
Sections 21-33 through 21-37
Article IV, Bowling Establishments
Article 4
§§ 111-35 through 111-37
Sections 21-38 through 21-40
§ 111-38
Section 21-41
Amended during recodification**
Article V, Cellulose Nitrate Motion-Picture Film
Article 5
§§ 111-39 through 111-47
Sections 21-42 through 21-50
Article VI, Cellulose Nitrate Plastics (Pyroxylin)
Article 6
§§ 111-48 through 111-51
Sections 21-51 through 21-54
§ 111-52
Section 21-56[6]
§ 111-53
Section 21-56[7]
Article VII, Combustible Fibers
Article 7
§§ 111-54 through 111-58
Sections 21-57 through 21-61
Article VIII, Compressed Gases
Article 8
§§ 111-59 through 111-65
Sections 21-62 through 21-68
Article IX, Dry-Cleaning Plants
Article 9
§§ 111-66 through 111-70
Sections 21-69 through 21-73
§ 111-71
Section 21-74
Amended during recodification**
§ 111-72
Section 21-75
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-73 through 111-83
Sections 21-76 through 21-86
Article X, Prevention of Dust Explosions
Article 10
§§ 111-84 through 111-86
Sections 21-87 through 21-89
Article XI, Exitways
Article 11
§ 111-87
Section 21-90
§ 111-88
Section 21-91
Amended 2-10-1976 by 76-CE-1
§ 111-89
Section 21-92
§ 111-90
Section 21-93
Amended 5-10-1977 by 77-CE-10
Article XII, Explosives, Ammunition and Blasting Agents
Article 12
§§ 111-91 through 111-95
Sections 21-94 through 21-98
§ 111-96
Section 21-99
Amended during recodification**
§ 111-97
Section 21-100
Amended during recodification**
§ 111-98
Section 21-101
§ 111-99
Section 21-102
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-100 through 111-104
Sections 21-103 through 21-107
Article XIII, Fireworks
Article 13
Section 21-108
Section 21-109
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-107 through 111-109
Sections 21-110 through 21-112
§ 111-110
Section 21-113
Amended during recodification**
Article XIV, Fire Protection Equipment
Article 14
§ 111-111
Section 21-114
Section 21-115
Amended 7-22-1975 by 75-CE-16; 5-18-1976 by 76-CE-12; during recodification**
Section 21-115A
Added 5-21-1974 by 74-CE-17
Section 21-115B
Added 5-21-1974 by 74-CE-17
Section 21-115C
Added 5-21-1974 by 74-CE-17
Section 21-116
Amended 1-9-1979 by 79-78-CE-23; during recodification**
§§ 111-117 through 111-119
Sections 21-117 through 21-119
Article XV, Application of Flammable Finishes Division 1
Article 15 Division I
§§ 111-120 through 111-124-
Sections 21-120 through 21-124
Division 2
Division II
Section 21-125
§ 111-126
Section 21-126
Amended during recodification**
§ 111-127
Section 21-127
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-128 through 111-131
Sections 21-128 through 21-131
§ 111-132
Section 21-132
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-133 and 111-134
Sections 21-133 and 21-134
Division 3
Division III
§ 111-135
Section 21-135
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-136through 111-140
Sections 21-136 through 21-140
§ 111-141
Section 21-141
Amended during recodification**
§ 111-142
Section 21-142
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-143 through 111-146
Sections 21-143 through 21-146
Division 4
Division IV
§§ 111-147 through 111-150
Sections 21-147 through 21-150
Division 5
Division V
§ 111-151
Section 21-151
Amended during recodification**
Article XVI, Flammable Liquids
Article 16
Division 1
Division I
§§ 111-152 through 111-156
Sections 21-152 through 21-156
§ 111-157
Section 21-157
Amended during recodification**
Division 2
Division II
§ 111-158
Section 21-158
Amended 5-25-1971 by 71-CE-10; during recodification**
§ 111-159
Section 21-159A
Amended during recodification**
§ 111-160
Section 21-159
Amended 5-25-1971 by 71-CE-10
§ 111-161
Section 21-160
§ 111-162
Section 21-161
Amended during recodification**
Division 3
Division III
§§ 111-163 and 111-164
Sections 21-162 and 21-163
§ 111-165
Section 21-164
Amended during recodification**
§ 111-166
Section 21-165
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-167 and 111-168
Sections 21-165A and 21-166
§ 111-169
Section 21-167
Amended during recodification**
Division 4
Division IV
§§ 111-170 through 111-174
Sections 21-168 through 21-172
Division 5
Division V
§§ 111-175 through 111-18
Sections 21-173 through 21-180
Division 6
Division VI
§§ 111-183 and 111-184
Sections 21-181 and 21-182
§ 111-185
Section 21-183
Amended during recodification**
§ 111-186
Section 21-184
Amended 6-22-1976 by 76-CE-18; during recodification**
§ 111-187
Section 21-185
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-188 through 111-192
Sections 21-186 through 21-190
Division 7
Division VII
§§ 111-193 and 111-194
Sections 21-191 and 21-192
§ 111-195
Section 21-193
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-196 through 111-200
Sections 21-194 through 21-198
Division 8
Division VIII
§ 111-201
Section 21-199
§ 111-202
Section 21-200
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-203 through 111-207
Sections 21-201 through 21-205
Division 9
Division IX
§§ 111-208 through 111-212
Sections 21-206 through 21-210
Division 10
Division X
§§ 111-213 through 111-227
Sections 21-211 through 21-225
§ 111-228
Section 21-226
Amended during recodification**
Article XVII, Fruit Ripening Process
Article 17
§§ 111-229 and 111-230
Sections 21-227 and 21-228
§ 111-231
Section 21-229
Amended during recodification**
§ 111-232
Section 21-229A
§§ 111-233 through 111-235
Sections 21-230 through 21-232
Article XVIII, Fumigation and Thermal Insecticidal Fogging
Article 18
§§ 111-236 through 111-230
Sections 21-233 through 21-236
§ 111-240
Section 21-237
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-241 through 111-243
Sections 21-238 through 21-240
Article XIX, Garages
Article 19
§§ 111-244 through 111-247
Sections 21-241 through 21-244
Article XX, Hazardous Chemicals
Article 20
§§ 111-248 through 111-250
Sections 21-245 through 21-247
§ 111-251
Section 21-248
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-252 through 111-257
Sections 21-249 through 21-254
Article XXI, Liquefied Petroleum Gases
Article 21
§§ 111-258 through 111-262
Sections 21-255 through 21-259
§ 111-263
Section 21-260
Amended during recodification**
§ 111-264
Section 21-261
Article XXII, Lumberyards and Woodworking Plants
Article 22
§§ 111-265 through 111-267
Sections 21-262 through 21-264
§ 111-268
Section 21-265
Amended during recodification**
§ 111-269
Section 21-266
Article XXIII, Magnesium
Article 23
§§ 111-270 through 111-280
Sections 21-267 through 21-277
Article XXIV, Matches and Smoking
Article 24
Division 1
Division I
§§ 111-281 through 111-283
Sections 21-278 through 21-280
Division 2
Division II
§ 111-284
Section 21-281
§ 111-285
Section 21-282
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-286 through 111-288
Sections 21-283 through 21-285
Article XXV, Oil-Burning Equipment
Article 25
§§ 111-289 through 111-299
Sections 21-286 through 21-296
§ 111-300
Section 21-296A
Article XXVI, Industrial Baking and Drying Ovens
Article 26
§ 111-301
Section 21-297
§ 111-302
Section 21-298
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-303 through 111-305
Sections 21-299 through 21-301
Article XXVII, Places of Assembly
Article 27
§ 111-306
Section 21-302
Amended 7-22-1975 by 75-CE-14
§§ 111-307 through 111-313
Sections 21-303 through 21-309
§ 111-314
Section 21-310
Amended 7-22-1975 by 75-CE-16
§§ 111-315 and 111-316
Sections 21-311 and 21-312
Article XXVIII, General Precautions Against Fire
Article 28
§§ 111-317 through 111-321
Sections 21-313 through 21-317
§ 111-322
Section 21-318
Amended during recodification**
§§ 111-323 through 111-328
Sections 21-319 through 21-324
Article XXIX, Tents
Article 29
§§ 111-329 through 111-331
Sections 21-325 through 21-327
Article XXX, Welding or Cutting; Calcium Carbide and Acetylene Generators
Article 30
§§ 111-332 through 111-351
Sections 21-328 through 21-347
Article XXXI, Interior Finishes, Trim and Decorative Materials
Article 31
Added 7-8-1975 by 75-CE-15
§ 111-352
Section 21-348
Amended 12-9-1975 by 75-CE-26
§ 111-353
Section 21-349
§ 111-354
Section 21-350
Amended 12-9-1975 by 75-CE-26
§§ 111-355 and 111-356
Sections 21-351 and 21-352
§ 111-357
Section 21-353
Added 12-9-1975 by 75-CE-26
§ 111-358
Section 21-354
Added 12-9-1975 by 75-CE-26
§ 111-359
Section 21-355
Amended and renumbered from Section 21-353, 12-9-1975 by 75-CE-26
Article XXXII, Fire Prevention Advisory Board
Article 32
Added 5-2-1978 by 78-CE-4
§§ 111-360 through 111-364
Sections 21-32-1 through 21-32-5
Ch. 115, Games of Chance
Article I, Bingo
Ch. 9
§ 115-1
Section 9-1
§ 115-2
Section 9-2
Amended 9-26-1972 by 72-CE-19
§ 115-3
Section 9-3, paragraphs 1 through 8
§ 115-4
Section 9-3, paragraph 9
§ 115-5
Section 9-3, paragraph 10
Article II, Other Games of Chance
76-CE-36 (Ch. 9A)
§§ 115-6 and 115-7
Sections 9A-1 and 9A-2
§ 115-8
Section 9A-3, Subs. A
§ 115-9
Section 9A-3, Subs. B
§§ 115-10 through 115-19
Sections 9A-4 through 9A-13
Ch. 117, Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse
Ch. 23
§§ 117-1 and 117-2
Sections 23-1 and 23-2
§ 117-3
Section 23-3, Subs. A
§ 117-4
Section 23-3, Subs. B
§ 117-5
Section 23-3, Subs. C
§ 117-6
Section 23-3, Subs. D
Added 2-26-1974 by 74-CE-4
§ 117-7
Section 23-4
§ 117-8
Section 23-5
Amended during recodification**
§§ 117-9 through 117-17
Sections 23-6 through 23-14
§ 117-18
Section 23-15
Amended during recodification**
§ 117-19
Section 23-16
Amended during recodification**
§ 117-20
Section 23-17
§ 117-21
Section 23-18
Amended during recodification**
§ 117-22
Section 23-19
Amended 2-26-1974 by 74-CE-4
§§ 117-23 through 117-25
Sections 23-20 through 23-22
§ 117-26
Section 23-23
Amended 10-24-1972 by 72-CE-22
§ 117-27
Section 23-24
Amended during recodification**
§ 117-28
Section 23-25
Added 5-18-1976 by 76-CE-10; amended during recodification**
§§ 117-29 through 117-33
Sections 23-26 through 23-30
§ 117-34
Section 23-31
Amended 4-18-1972 by 72-CE-11
§ 117-35
Section 23-32
§ 117-36
Section 23-33
Amended 8-26-1969 by 69-CE-4; 8-8-1972 by 72-CE-15; 1-9-1979 by 79-78-CE-24
§ 117-37
Section 23-34
§ 117-38
Section 23-35
Amended during recodification**
§ 117-39
Section 23-36
§ 117-40
Added 1-9-1979 by 79-78-CE-25
Ch. 120, Harbors and Waterways
Ch. 60
Article I Regulations and Restrictions
§ 120-1
Section 60-1
§ 120-2
Section 60-2
Amended 11-9-1976 by 76-CE-34
§ 120-3
Section 60-3
Amended 11-9-1976 by 76-CE-34; 2-15-1977 by 77-76-CE-50
§§ 120-4 and 120-5
Sections 60-4 and 60-5
§ 120-6
Section 60-6
Amended 5-31-1977 by 77-CE-11
§ 120-7
Section 60-7
§ 120-8
Section 60-8
Amended 8-26-1969 by 69-CE-5
§§ 120-9 through 120-12
Sections 60-9 through 60-12
§ 120-13
Section 60-12.1
Added 10-28-1975 by 75-CE-22
§ 120-14
Section 60-13
Amended during recodification**
§ 120-15
Section 60-14
§ 120-16
Section 60-15
Amended 8-26-1969 by 69-CE-5
§ 120-17
Section 60-16
Amended 8-26-1969 by 69-CE-5
§ 120-18
Section 60-17
Amended 9-3-0-1975 by 75-CE-21
§ 120-19
Section 60-18
Article II, Oil Spillage Control
L.L. No. 7-1971
§ 120-20
Section 60-30, Subs. A
Amended 11-23-1971 by L.L. No. 9-1971; 2-15-1972 by L.L. No. 3-1972
§ 120-21
Section 60-30, Subs. B
Amended 2-16-1972 by L.L. No. 3-1972
§ 120-22
Section 60-31
Amended 11-23-1971 by L.L. No. 9-1971; 2-15-1972 by L.L. No. 3-1972
§ 120-23
Section 60-32, Subs. A through D
Amended 2-15-1972 by L.L. No. 3-1972
§ 120-24
Section 60-32, Subs. E through J
Amended 2-15-1972 by L.L. No. 3-1972; 7-24-1973 by L.L. No. 2-1973; during recodification**
§ 120-25
Section 60-32, Subs. K, L, N
Amended 2-15-1972 by L.L. No. 3-1972; 7-10-1973 by L.L. No. 1-1973
§ 120-26
Section 60-32, Subs. M
Amended 2-15-1972 by L.L. No. 3-1972
§ 120-27
Section 60-33, Subs. A and B
Amended 2-15-1972 by L.L. No. 3-1972
§ 120-28
Section 60-33, Subs. C
Amended 2-15-1972 by L.L. No. 3-1972
§ 120-29
Section 60-34, Subs. A, B, C
Amended 2-15-1972 by L.L. No. 3-1972
§ 120-30 Repealed during recodification**
Section 60-34, Subs. D Section 60-34, Subs. E
Amended 2-15-1972 by L.L. No. 3-1972
§ 120-31
Section 60-35
§ 120-32
Section 60-36
Section 60-37
Ch. 124, Housing Standards
Ch. 24
Article I, General Provisions
§§ 124-1 and 124-2
Sections 24-1 and 24-2
§ 124-3
Section 24-7
Amended during recodification**
§§ 124-4 through 124-7
Sections 24-3 through 24-6
Article II, Standards and Requirements
§§ 124-8 through 124-14
Sections 4-8 through 24-14
Article III, Enforcement
§ 124-15
Section 24-15, Subs. A, B, C
Amended during recodification**
§ 124-16
Section 24-15, Subs. D, E
§ 124-17
Section 24-15, Subs. F, G
Amended 6-8-1976 by 76-CE-16
§ 124-18
Section 24-15, Subs. H, I, J
§ 124-19
Section 24-15, Subs. K
§ 124-20
Section 24-15, Subs. L
Amended during recodification**
§ 124-21
Section 24-16
Amended during recodification**
Article IV, Unfit Dwelling Units
§ 124-22
Section 24-17, Subs. A
§ 124-23
Section 24-17, Subs. B, C
§ 124-24
Section 24-17, Subs. D, E, F
§ 124-25
Section 24-17, Subs. G, H
§ 124-26
Section 24-18
Added 10-8-1974 by 74-CE-27
§ 124-27
Section 24-19
Added 10-8-1974 by 74-CE-27; amended during recodification**
§§ 124-28 through 124-32
Sections 24-28 by through 24-24
Added 10-8-1974 74-CE-27
Article V, Administration; Penalties
Section 24-25
Renumbered from Section 24-18, 10-8-1974 by 74-CE-27
§ 124-33
Subs. A
§ 124-34
Subs. B
§ 124-35
Subs. C
§ 124-36
Subs. D and E
Ch. 127, Improvement Businesses
L.L. No. 4-1973 (Ch. 39, Art. IV)
§ 127-1
Section 39-10
§ 127-2
Section 39-11
Amended 7-26-1977 by L.L. No. 4-1977
§ 127-3
Section 39-12
Amended 5-10-1977 by L.L. No. 1-1977; 8-9-1977 by L.L. No. 5-1977
§ 127-4
Section 39-13
Amended 5-7-1974 by L.L. No. 5-1974; 5-7-1974 by L.L. No. 6-1974
§ 127-5
Section 39-14
Amended 11-26-1974 by L.L. No. 10-1974
§ 127-6
Section 39-15
§ 127-7A, B, C
Section 39-16
Amended 5-7-1974 by L.L. No. 6-1974; during recodification**
§ 127-7D
Section 39-17
§ 127-8
Section 39-18
§ 127-9A, B
Section 39-19
§ 127-9C
Section 39-20
§§ 127-10 through 127-13 Omitted*
Sections 39-21 through 39-24 Sections 39-25 and 39-26
Ch. 180, Junkyards
Ch. 7
§§ 130-1 through 130-11
Sections 7-1 through 7-11
Ch. 133, Littering
Ch. 28
§ 133-1A
Section 28-1
§ 133-1B
Section 28-1-A
Added 9-9-1969 by 69-CE-8; amended during recodification**
§ 133-1C
Section 28-2
§ 133-1D
Section 28-3
Amended 10-19-1971 by 71-CE-18
§ 133-2
Section 28-4
Amended 11-23-1971 by 71-CE-21
Ch. 135, Loitering, Parking and Congregating
Ch. 29
§ 135-1 § 135-2
Section 29-1 Section 29-2
Amended 7-15-1969 by 69-CE-2; 9-9-1969 by 69-CE-11; 10-13-1970 by 70-CE-16; 6-3-1975 by 75-CE-12; 6-17-1975 by 75-CE-13; 9-28-1976 by 76-CE-31; during recodification**
Ch. 137, Marine Conservation
L.L. No. 1-1970 (Ch. 41)
Omitted* § 137-1
Section 1 Section 2 (41-1)
Amended during recodification**
§§ 137-2 through 137-4
Sections 3 through 5 (41-2 through 41-4)
§ 137-5
Section 6 (41-5)
Amended during recodification**
§§ 137-6 and 7
Sections 7 and 8 (41-6 and 41-7)
§ 137-8
Sections 8.1 and 8.2 (41-7.1 and 41-7.2)
Amended during recodification**
§§ 137-9 through 137-11
Sections 9 through 11 (41-8 through 41-10)
§ 137-12
Section 12 (41-11)
Amended during recodification**
§§ 137-13 through 137-17
Sections 13 through 17 (41-12 through 41-16)
§ 137-18
Section 18 (41-17)
Amended during recodification**
§§ 137-19 and 137-20 Omitted*
Sections 19 and 20 (41-18 and 41-19) Section 21
Ch. 141, Noise
Ch. 58
§§ 141-1 and 141-2
Sections 58-1 and 58-2
§ 141-3
Section 58-3
Amended 9-14-1971 by 71-CE-16, during recodification**
§ 141-4
Section 58-4
Added 11-23-1971 by 71-CE-20; amended 9-23-1974 by 74-CE-28
§ 141-5
Section 58-5
Renumbered from Section 58-4, 11-23-1971 by 71-CE-20
Ch. 145, Parades and Public Assemblages
Ch. 31
§§ 145-1 through 145-4
Sections 31-1 through 31-4
Ch. 149, Peddlers and Solicitors
Ch. 32
§ 149-1
Section 32-1
Amended 1-26-1971 by 70-CE-23
§ 149-2
Section 32-2
Amended 1-26-1971 by 70-CE-23
§ 149-3
Section 32-3
§ 149-4
Section 32-4
Amended 1-26-1971 by 70-CE-23
§ 149-5
Section 32-5
Amended 1-26-1971 by 70-CE-23
§§ 149-6 and 149-7
Sections 32-6 and 32-7
§ 149-8
Section 32-8
Amended 1-26-1971 by 70-CE-23
§ 149-9
Section 32-9
Amended 10-13-1970 by 70-CE-17; 1-26-1971 by 70-CE-23; 10-26-1976 by 76-CE-35; 8-29-1978 by 78-CE-9
§ 149-10
Section 32-10
Amended 1-26-1971 by 70-CE-23
§ 149-11
Section 32-11
Amended 1-26-1971 by 70-CE-23; during recodification**
§§ 149-12 through 149-14
Sections 32-12 through 32-14
Ch. 151, Petroleum Products, Sale of
Ch. 39, Art. I
§§ 151-1 and 151-2
Sections 39-1 and 39-2
Ch. 153, Plumbing
Ch. 34
Article I, Administration
Article I
§ 153-1
Section 34-1
Amended 7-6-1976 by 76-CE-13; during recodification**
§ 153-2
Section 34-2
Amended during recodification**
§§ 153-3 and 153-4
Sections 34-3 and 34-4
§ 153-5
Section 34-5
Amended 7-6-1976 by 76-CE-13; during recodification**
§ 153-6
Section 34-6, Subs. A
§ 153-7
Section 34-6, Subs. B
§ 153-8
Section 34-6, Subs. C
§ 153-9
Section 34-6, Subs. D
§§ 153-10 through 153-12
Sections 34-7 through 34-9
§ 153-13
Section 34-10
Amended 3-26-1974 by 74-CE-8; during recodification**
§ 153-14
Section 34-11
§ 153-15
Section 34-12
Amended during recodification**
§ 153-16
Section 34-13, Subs. A
§ 153-17
Section 34-13, Subs. B
§§ 153-18 through 153-20 Article II, Materials
Sections 34-14 through 34-16 Article II
§ 153-21
Section 34-20
Amended during recodification**
§§ 153-22 through 153-24
Sections 34-21 through 34-23
§ 153-25
Section 34-24, first paragraph
§ 153-26
Section 34-24, second paragraph
§§ 153-27 and 153-28
Sections 34-25 and 34-26
Ch. 155, Pregnancy Termination Facilities
L.L. No. 3-1970 (Ch. 39, Art. III)
§ 155-1
Section 39-5
§ 155-2
Section 39-6
§ 155-3
Section 39-7
Ch. 156, Property Maintenance; Nuisances
Article I, Hazardous Containers, Structures and Excavations
Ch. 5
§ 156-1
Section 5-1
§ 156-2
Section 5-2
Amended during recodification**
§ 156-3
Section 5-3
§ 156-4
Section 5-4
Amended during recodification**
§§ 156-5 and 156-6
Sections 5-5 and 5-6
Added 6-22-1976 by 76-CE-20
§ 156-7
Section 5-7
Renumbered from Section 5-5, 6-22-1976 by 76-CE-20
Article II, Construction Hazards and Nuisances
69-CE-1921 (Ch. 6)
§ 156-8
Section 6-1
§§ 156-9 and 156-10
Sections 6-2 and 6-3
Amended during recodification**
§ 156-11
Section 6-3A
§§ 156-12 through 156-14
Sections 6-4 through 6-6
Amended during recodification**
§ 156-15
Section 6-7
Article III, Storage of Damaged Vehicles
Ch. 39, Art. II
§ 156-16
Section 39-3
§ 156-17
Section 39-4
Amended 7-9-1974 by 74-CE-21
Ch. 159, Recreational Facilities
Ch. 36
Article I, Use Regulations and Restrictions
Article I
Amended 5-10-1971 by 71-CE-9; 6-22-71 by 71-CE-13
§ 159-1
Section 36-1
Amended 9-14-1976 by 76-CE-24
§ 159-2
Section 36-1.A by and 36-1.B
Added 9-14-1976 76-CE-24
§ 159-3
Section 36-1.C
Added 9-14-1976 by 76-CE-24
§ 159-4
Section 36-1.D
Added 9-14-1976 by 76-CE-24
§ 159-5
Section 36-2, Subs. A, B, C
§ 159-6
Section 36-2, Subs. D
§ 159-7
Section 36-2, Subs. E
§ 159-8
Section 36-2, Subs. F
§ 159-9
Section 36-2, Subs. G
§ 159-10
Section 36-3
§ 159-11A, B
Section 36-4, Subs. A, B
§ 159-11C, D
Section 36-5, Subs. 1, 2
§ 159-12
Section 36-6, Subs. A, B
Amended 4-10-1973 by 73-CE-4; during recodification**
§ 159-13
Section 36-6, Subs. C
§§ 159-14 through 159-19
Sections 36-7 through 36-12
§ 159-20
Section 36-13, Subs. 1, 2
Amended during recodification**
§ 159-21
Section 36-13, Subs. 3, 4, 5
§ 159-22
Section 36-13, Subs. 6
§ 159-23
Section 36-14
Section 36-15
Article II, Fees and Permits
Article II
Added 5-10-1971 by 71-CE-9; amended during recodification**
§§ 159-24 and 159-25
Sections 36-16 and 36-17
Ch. 164, Sewers and Sewage Disposal
70-CE-1914 (Ch. 43)
§ 164-1
Art. I (Section 43-1)
§ 164-2
Art. II, Sections 1, 2, 3 (Section 43-2, Subs. 1, 2, 3)
§ 164-3
Art. II, Section 4 (Section 43-2, Subs. 4)
§ 164-4
Art. III (Section 43-3)
§§ 164-5 through 164-10
Art. IV, Sec. 1 through 6 (Section 43-4, Subs. 1 through 6)
§ 164-11
Art. IV, See. 7, 8, 9 (Section 43-4, Subs. 7, 8, 9)
§§ 164-12 through 164-18
Art. IV, Sec. 10 through 16 (Section 43-4, Subs. 10 through 16)
§ 164-19
Art. V, Sec. 1, 2 (Section 43-5, Subs. 1, 2)
§§ 164-20 and 164-21
Art. V, Sec. 3 and 4 (Section 43-5, Subs. 3 and 4)
§ 164-22
Art. V, Sec. 5 [Section 43-5, Subs. 5(a), (b) and (c)]
Repealed during recodification**
Art. V, Sec. 5 [Section 43-5, Subs. 5(d)]
§§ 164-23 through 164-27
Art. V, Sec. 6 through 10 (Section 43-5, Subs. 6 through 10)
§ 164-28
Art. VI (Section 43-6)
§ 164-29
Art. VII (Section 43-7)
§ 164-30
Art. VIII (Section 43-8)
Art. IX, Sec. 1 and 2 (Section 43-9, Subs. 1 and 2)
§ 164-31
Art. IX, Sec. 3 (Section 43-9, Subs. 3)
Ch. 166, Shellfish
Ch. 40
Section 40-1
§§ 166-1 and 166-2
Sections 40-2 and 40-3
§ 166-3
Section 40-4, Subs. 1, 2
Amended 4-10-1973 by 73-CE-6
§ 166-4
Section 40-4, Subs. 3(a), b)
§ 166-5
Section 40-4, Subs. 3(c), (d)
§ 166-6
Section 40-4, Subs. 4
§ 166-7
Section 40-5
§ 166-8
Section 40-6, Subs. 1, 2, 3, 4
§ 166-9
Section 40-6, Subs. 5
§ 166-10
Section 40-6, Subs. 6
§§ 166-11 through 166-13
Sections 40-7 through 40-9
§ 166-14
Section 40-10
Amended-3-26-1974 by 74-73-CE-14
§ 166-15
Section 40-11
Ch. 171, Streams, Watercourses and Wetlands
Article I, Filling, Diversion or Draining of Streams and Watercourses
L.L. No. 1-1966 (Ch. 50)
§ 171-1
Section 50-1
Amended during recodification**
§§ 171-2 and 171-3
Sections 50-2 and 50-3
Article II, Freshwater Wetlands
L.L. No. 4-1976 (Ch. 50)
Section 50-14
§§ 171-4 and 171-5
Sections 50-15 and 50-16
Section 50-17
§ 171-6
Section 50-18
Ch. 173, Streets and Sidewalks
Article I, Excavation and Construction of Streets, Sidewalks and Curbs
Ch. 19
§ 173-1
Section 19-1
§ 173-2
Section 19-2
Amended 8-24-1976 by 76-CE-29
§ 173-3
Section 19-3
Amended during recodification**
§§ 173-4 through 173-8
Sections 19-4 through 19-8
§ 173-9
Section 19-9
Added 8-24-1976 by 76-CE-29
Article II, Curb and Sidewalk Fund
L.L. No. 4-1970 (Ch. 19, Section 19-10)
12-29-1970; amended in its entirety 12-21-1971 by L.L. No. 10-71 and 5-23-1978 by L.L. No. 1-1978
Section 19-10, Subs. a
§ 173-10
Section 19-10, Subs. b, c
§ 173-11
Section 19-10, Subs. d
Article III, Damage to Highways
Ch. 25
§§ 173-12 and 173-13
Section 25-1
Article IV, Maintenance of Sidewalk Area
Ch. 42
§§ 173-14 through 173-17
Sections 42-1 through 42-4
Article V, Notification of Defects
L.L. No. 2-1977 (Ch. 25, Section 25-10)
§ 173-18
Subs. A
§ 173-19
Subs. B
§ 173-20
Subs. C
Subs. D
Ch. 180, Taxicabs
70-CE-21 (Ch. 52)
§§ 180-1 through 180-11
Sections 52-1 through 52-11
§ 180-12A, B
Section 52-12
§ 180-12C
Section 52-13
§§ 180-13 through 180-19
Sections 51-14 through 52-20
§ 180-20A
Section 52-21
§ 180-20B
Section 52-22
§§ 180-21 through 180-28
Sections 52-23 through 52-30
Repealed during recodification**
Section 52-31
§§ 180-29 through 180-31
Sections 52-32 through 52-34
Ch. 183, Tow Trucks
L.L. No. 3-1974 (Ch. 54)
Section 54-1
§ 183-1
Section 54-2
§ 183-2
Section 54-3
Amended 8-29-1978 by L.L. No. 2-1978
§ 183-3
Section 54-4, Subs. A
Amended 16-12-1976 by L.L. No. 5-1976
§ 183-4
Section 54-4, Subs. B
§ 183-5
Section 54-4, Subs. C
§ 183-6
Section 54-4, Subs. D
§§ 183-7 through 183-10
Sections 54-5 through 54-8
§ 183-11
Section 54-9
Amended 8-29-1978 by L.L. No. 2-1978
§ 183-12
Section 54-10
§§ 183-13 through 183-14
Sections 54-11 through 54-12
Amended 8-29-1978 by L.L. No. 2-1978
§§ 183-15 through 183-16
Sections 54-13 through 54-14
Repealed 8-29-1978 by L.L. No. 2-1978
§ 183-17
Section 54-15, Subs. A
§ 183-18
Section 54-15, Subs. B
§ 183-19
Section 54-15, Subs. C
§ 183-20
Section 54-15, Subs. D, E, F, G
§§ 183-21 and 183-22
Sections 54-16 and 54-17
Section 54-18
Ch. 186, Trees
L.L. No. 3-1973 (Ch. 55)
§ 186-1
Section 55-1
§ 186-2
Section 55-3
§ 186-3
Section 55-2
Amended 11-27-1973 by L.L. No. 5-1973; 1-8-1974 by L.L. No. 1-1974
§ 186-4
Section 55-4
§ 186-5
Section 55-5
Amended 1-8-1974 by L.L. No. 1-1974
§ 186-6
Section 55-6
§ 186-7
Sections 55-7 and 55-8
Amended 11-27-1973 by L.L. No. 5-1973
§ 186-8
Section 55-9
Section 55-10
Ch. 188, Trespassing
Ch. 56
§§ 188-1 through 188-4
Sections 56-1 through 56-4
Ch. 198, Zoning
Ch. 62
Article I, General Provisions
§ 198-1
Article 1, Section 62-1
§ 198-2
Article 2, Section 62-2.1
Amended 12-30-1969 by 69-ZC-2; 3-9-1971 by 71-ZC-11; 9-26-1972 by 72-ZC-38; 11-27-1973 by 73-ZC-49; 8-5-1975 by 75-ZC-57; during recodification**
§§ 198-3 through 198-5
Article 21, Sections 62-21.1 through 62-21.3
Article II, Zoning Districts; Maps; General Regulations
Article 3
§§ 198-6 through 198-11
Sections 62-3.1 through 62-3.6
§ 198-12
Section 62-3.6A
Added 1-8-1974 by L.L. No. 2-1974
Article IIA, Floodplain Management Regulations
Added 10-17-1978 by L.L. No. 3-1978
§§ 198-12.1 through 198-12.10
Article III, Residence Districts
Article 4
Section 62-4.1
Section 62-4.1A
§§ 198-14 through 198-18
Sections 62-4.2 through 62-4.6
§ 198-19A
Section 62-4.7
§ 198-19B
Section 62-4.7A
§ 198-20
Section 62-4.8
Amended 12-30-1969 by 69-ZC-2; 7-10-1973 by 73-ZC-45
§ 198-21
Section 62-4.9
Amended 7-10-1973 by 73-ZC-45; 2-28-1978 by 78-ZC-74
Added 8-29-1978 by 78-ZC-80; amended 10-17-1978 by 78-ZC-85
Article IV, Commercial Districts
Article 5
§ 198-22
Section 62-5.1
§ 198-23
Section 62-5.2
Amended 7-10-1973 by 73-ZC-45
§ 198-24
Section 62-5.3
Amended 5-16-1972 by 72-ZC-35; 8-19-1975 by 75-ZC-58
§ 198-25
Section 62-5.4
Amended 7-10-1973 by 73-ZC-45
§ 198-26
Section 62-5.5
Amended 7-10-1973 by 73-ZC-45; 9-14-1976 by 76-ZC-65
§ 198-27
Section 62-5.6
Amended 3-9-1971 by 71-ZC-11
§§ 198-28 through 198-30
Sections 62-5.7 through 62-5.9
§ 198-31
Section 62-5. 10
Amended 7-10-1973 by 73-ZC-45
§ 198-32
Section 62-5.11
Amended 7-10-1973 by 73-ZC-45
§ 198-33
Section 62-5.12
Amended 7-10-1973 by 73-ZC-45
Article V, Industrial Districts
Article 6
§ 198-34
Section 62-6.1
Amended 12-16-1969 by 69-ZC-1; 5-12-1970 by 70-ZC-5; 7-10-1973 by 73-ZC-45; 8-13-1974 by 74-ZC-50; 2-25-1975 by 75-ZC-52
§ 198-35
Section 62-6.2
Amended 7-10-1973 by 73-ZC-45; 2-25-75 by 75-ZC-52
§ 198-36
Section 62-6.3
Amended 7-10-1973 by 73-ZC-45
§ 198-37
Section 62-6.4
Amended 7-10-1973 by 73-ZC-45
§ 198-38
Section 62-6.5
§ 198-39
Section 62-6.6
Amended 3-7-1972 by 72-ZC-27; 7-10-1973 by 73-ZC-45
Article VI, Historic District, Buildings and Landmarks
Article 7
§ 198-40
Section 62-7.1A
§ 198-41
Section 62-7.1B
Amended 4-7-1970 by 70-ZC-4; 7-27-1971 by 71-ZC-14; 8-10-1971 by 71-ZC-18; 9-14-71 by 71-ZC-20; 10-19-1971 by 71-ZC-22; 2-15-1972 by 72-ZC-24; 3-7-1972 by 72-ZC-28; 4-4-1972 by 72-ZC-29; 9-26-1972 by 72-ZC-39; 9-11-1973 by 73-ZC-46; 11-13-73 by 73-ZC-48; 11-27-1973 by 73-ZC-47; 11-26-1974 by 74-ZC-51; 1-20-1976 by 76-75-ZC-60; 9-14-1976 by 76-ZC-63; 6-20-78 by 78-ZC-78; 9-14-1978 by 78-ZC-84; 12-5-1978 by 78-ZC-86
§ 198-42
Section 62-7.1C
Amended 8-10-1971 by 71-ZC-18; 12-7-76 by 76-ZC-68; during recodification**
Article VII, Off-Street Parking
Article 8
§ 198-43
Section 62-8.1
§ 198-44
Section 62-8.2
Amended 5-10-1971 by 71-ZC-12; 11-14-1972 by 72-ZC-42
§ 198-45
Section 62-8.3
§ 198-46
Section 62-8.4
Amended 5-10-1971 by 71-ZC-12
§ 198-47
Section 62-8.5
Amended 3-10-1970 by 70-ZC-3; 9-26-1972 by 72-ZC-38
§ 198-48
Section 62-8.6
Amended during recodification**
§ 198-49
Section 62-8.7
Amended 11-14-1972 by 72-ZC-1941
Article VIII, Off-Street Loading
Article 9
§§ 198-50 through 198-54
Sections 62-9.1 through 62-9.5
Article IX, Height, Area and Bulk Regulations
§ 198-55
Article 10, Section 62-10.1
§ 198-56
Article 10, Section 62-10.2
§ 198-57
Article 15, Section 62-15.1
§ 198-58
Article 15, Section 62-15.2
Amended 5-26-1970 by 70-ZC-8; 6-14-1977 by 77-ZC-72; during recodification**
§ 198-59
Article 15, Section 62-15.3
Article X, Steep Slopes
Article 10A
Added 12-21-1976 by 76-ZC-66
§§ 198-60 through 198-63
Sections 62-10A.1 through 62-10A.4
§ 198-64
Section 62-10A.5, first paragraph
§ 198-65
Section 62-10A.5, second paragraph
Article XI, Conditional Uses; Supplementary Regulations
Article 11
§§ 198-66 and 198-67
Sections 62-11.1 and 62-11.2
§ 198-68
Section 62-11.3
Amended 9-14-1971 by 71-ZC-19; 11-27-1973 by 73-ZC-49; 7-26-1977 by 77-ZC-70; 5-23-1978 by 78-ZC-77; 8-29-1978 by 78-ZC-80
§ 198-69
Section 62-11.4
§ 198-70
Section 62-11.5
Amended 11-25-1975 by 75-ZC-59
§§ 198-71 through 198-77
Sections 62-11.6 through 62-11.12
Article XII, Excavations; Topsoil Removal
Article 12
§ 198-78
First unnumbered paragraph
§ 198-79
Section 62-12.2
Amended 2-3-1970 by 70-ZC-6; during recodification**
§ 198-80
Section 62-12.3
Amended during recodification**
§ 198-81
Section 62-12.4
§ 198-82
Section 62-12.5
Amended during recodification
§ 198-83
Section 62-12.6
Amended during recodification**
§ 198-84
Amended 5-2-1972 by 72-ZC-31
§ 198-85
Section 62-12.8
Article XIII, Performance Standards
Article 13
§§ 198-86 through 198-88
Sections 62-13.1 through 62-13.3
§ 198-89
Sections 62-13.4 and 62-13.5
§ 198-90
Section 62-13.7
Article XIV, Signs and Advertising Devices; Illumination
Article 14
§ 198-91
First unnumbered paragraph
§ 198-92A
Section 62-14.1
§ 198-92B
Section 62-14.2
§ 198-92C
Section 62-14.3
§ 198-92D
Section 62-14.4
§ 198-92E
Section 62-14.5
§ 198-92F
Section 62-14.6
§ 198-92G
Section 62-14.7
§ 198-93
Section 62-14.8
Amended 7-6-1971 by 71-ZC-13; 9-14-1971 by 71-ZC-17; 8-5-1975 by 75-ZC-57
§ 198-94
Section 62-14.9, Subs. (1)
§ 198-95
Section 62-14.9, Subs. (2)
§ 198-96
Section 62-14. 10
§ 198-97
Section 62-14.11
Amended 10-27-1970 by 70-ZC-10
§ 198-98
Section 62-14.12
§ 198-99A, B, C
Section 62-14.13
Section 62-14.14
§ 198-99E
Section 62-14.16
Added 7-27-1971 by 71-ZC-15
Section 62-14.15
Section 62-14.17
Added 8-5-1975 by 75-ZC-57
Article XV, Nonconforming Uses
Article 16
§§ 198-102 through 198-106
Sections 62-16.1 through 62-16.5
Repealed during recodification**
Section 62-16.6
Amended 4-18-1972 by 72-ZC-30
Section 62-16.7
Article XVI, Board of Appeals
Article 17
Section 62-17.1
Section 62-17.2
Amended 10-10-1972 by 72-ZC-40
§ 198-110A, B
Section 62-17.3
Section 62-17.4
Section 62-17.5
Amended 9-12-1972 by 72-ZC-36
Section 62-17.6
Amended 1-20-1976 by 76-ZC-61; 7-6-76 by 76-ZC-64
Section 62-17.7
Article XVII, Planning Board Approvals
Article 18
Section 62-18.1
Section 62-18.2
Amended during recodification**
Section 62-18.3
Amended 7-10-1973 by 73-ZC-45; during recodification**
Section 62-18.4
Section 62-18.5
Added 12-30-1969 by L.L. No. 4-1969; amended during recodification**
Article XVIII, Administration and Enforcement
§§ 198-119 through 198-121
Article 19, Sections 62-19.1 through 62-19.3
Article 19, Section 62-19.4
Amended 5-26-1970 by 70-ZC-7
Article 22, Sections 62-22.1 through 62-22.3
Article 22, Section 62-22.4
Article 22, Section 62-22.5
Amended 2-1-1972 by 72-ZC-26
Article XIX, Amendments
Article 20
§§ 198-126 through 198-128
Sections 62-20.1 through 62-20.3
Section 62-20.4
Amended 6-3-1975 by 75-ZC-54; 5-4-1976 by 76-ZC-62
§§ 198-130 and 198-131
Sections 62-20.5 and 62-20.6
Article 23, Section 62-23.1
Article 24
Ch. A203, Trustees, Board of
Res. No. BT-1 of the Trustees 12-7-1971 of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Huntington
§§ A203-1 through A203-7
Paragraphs 1 through 7
*Note: These omitted sections pertain to repeal, severability or when effective provisions, which are covered by provisions of this local law, or are ordinance title sections which are not necessary in a codification having chapter and/or Article titles for the various ordinances and local laws included therein. Certain sections are also omitted as their provisions, by their nature, are no longer effective.
**Note: The legislation effecting this amendment, addition or repeal was adopted separately through normal procedures prior to the enactment of this local law. Consult municipal records for specific date of adoption and ordinance or local law number. (See Art. II of this chapter for a listing of the specific dates of adoption and ordinance or local law numbers.)
Note: These sections were originally adopted 9-19-1964 by L.L. No. 2-1964.
Note: These sections were originally adopted 9-19-1964 by L.L. No. 2-1964.
Note: These sections were originally adopted 9-19-1964 by L.L. No. 2-1964.
Note: The 1969 Code had two (2) sections numbered “10-32.”
Note: The 1969 Code had two (2) sections numbered “10-32.”
Note: There were two (2) sections in the 1969 Code numbered “21-56.”
Note: There were two (2) sections in the 1969 Code numbered “21-56.”
Note: Article 24 of Ch. 62, Zoning, of the 1969 Code of the Town of Huntington contained a partial listing of special exemptions granted with respect to various lots and plots. Such special exemptions are maintained on file in the Town Clerk's office.
The provisions of the 1978 Code, insofar as they are substantively the same as the provisions of the 1969 Code, as amended and supplemented, and the provisions of those other ordinances and local laws included in the 1978 Code, in force immediately prior to the enactment of the 1978 Code by this local law, as said provisions are distributed and renumbered in § 1-2 above, are intended as a continuation of such former provisions and not as new enactments, and the effectiveness of the provisions of this 1978 Code shall date from the enactment of the prior provisions. All such provisions are hereby continued in full force and effect and are hereby reaffirmed as to their enactment by the Town Board of the Town of Huntington, and it is the intention of said Board that each such provision contained within the 1978 Code is hereby reaffirmed as it appears in said Code. Only such provisions of the 1969 Code or of other local laws and ordinances as are omitted from the 1978 Code shall be deemed repealed or abrogated by the provisions of § 1-4 below.
In compiling, renumbering, reorganizing and otherwise preparing the legislation of the Town of Huntington for publication as the 1978 Code, as distributed and designated in § 1-2 hereof, no changes in the meaning or intent of legislation have been made.
All provisions of the 1969 Code, as amended and supplemented, and of other local laws and ordinances of a general and permanent nature heretofore adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Huntington, in force on the date of adoption of this local law and not cited in § 1-2 hereof, are hereby repealed as of the effective date of this local law, except as hereinafter provided in § 1-5 of this local law.
The repeal of legislation provided for in § 1-4 of this local law shall not affect the following local laws, ordinances, resolutions, rights and obligations, or classes thereof, which are hereby expressly saved from repeal:
Any right or liability established, accrued or incurred under any legislative provisions of the Town of Huntington prior to the effective date of this local law or any action or proceeding brought for the enforcement of such right or liability.
Any offense or act committed or done before the effective date of this local law in violation of any legislative provision of the Town of Huntington or any penalty, punishment or forfeiture which may result therefrom.
Any prosecution, indictment, action, suit or other proceeding pending, or any judgment rendered prior to the effective date of this local law brought pursuant to any legislative provision of the Town of Huntington.
Any franchise, license, permit, right, easement or privilege heretofore granted or conferred by the Town of Huntington.
Any local law, ordinance or resolution of the Town of Huntington providing for the laying out, opening, altering, widening, relocating, straightening, establishing grade, changing name, improvement, acceptance or vacation of any right-of-way, easement, street, road, highway, park or other public place within the Town of Huntington, or any portion thereof.
Any local law, ordinance or resolution of the Town of Huntington appropriating money or transferring funds, promising or guaranteeing the payment of money or authorizing the issuance and delivery of any bond of the Town of Huntington, or other instruments or evidence of the town's indebtedness.
Local laws, ordinances or resolutions authorizing the purchase, sale, lease or transfer of property.
Any lawful contract, obligation or agreement.
The levy or imposition of special assessments or charges, or the establishment of any fee or rate for a permit, license, application or service.
Any local law, ordinance or resolution pertaining to any water, sewer, fire, lighting or other special purpose district.
Any rules, regulations, policy, specifications, standards, requirements, schedule of fees, etc., adopted either by the Town Board with respect to the organization and operation of any department, board, council or other agency of town government or by any town department, board, council or other agency with respect to its duties, functions or exercise of authority.
Any local law, ordinance or resolution pertaining to the appointment of town personnel or to the compensation, conditions of employment or benefits of town personnel, or any other type of regulation or policy pertaining to personnel.
Any local law, ordinance or resolution providing for the imposition of or exemption from, in whole or part, any tax.
Any regulations pertaining to the subdivision of land or site improvement, or any specifications or standards relating thereto.
The Zoning Map(s) of the Town of Huntington, or any amendment or change thereto; any covenant or restriction entered into in conjunction with any Zoning Map amendment; any special exception, special permit or variance granted pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance, any site plan approval; or any approval of any application for permission to do construction or alteration work in a Historical District.
Any local law, ordinance or resolution pertaining to the regulation or control of traffic and parking, including, in particular, the Uniform Code of Traffic Ordinances of the Town of Huntington, adopted June 3, 1969, as amended and supplemented, and Chapter 3, Abandoned Vehicles, of the 1969 Code.
Any local law, ordinance or resolution adopted subsequent to June 20, 1978. Local laws, ordinances and resolutions adopted subsequent to June 20, 1978, but prior to the effective date of this local law are hereby specifically continued in effect to the same extent as if referred to in § 1-2 of this local law, and such local laws, ordinances and resolutions of a Code nature shall hereafter be incorporated into the 1978 Code in such manner as is most appropriate.
A copy of the Code of the Town of Huntington, 1978, in looseleaf form, has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Huntington and shall remain there for use and examination by the public until final action is taken on this local law, and upon adoption of this local law, such copy shall be certified to by the Town Clerk of the Town of Huntington, and such certified copy shall remain on file in the office of said Town Clerk to be made available to persons desiring to examine the same during all times while the said Code is in effect.
Any and all additions, deletions, amendments or supplements to any of the legislation and enactments known collectively as the "Code of the Town of Huntington, 1978," or any new local laws, ordinances or resolutions of a general and permanent nature, when enacted or adopted in such form as to indicate the intention of the Town Board to be a part thereof, shall be deemed to be incorporated into such Code so that reference to the Code of the Town of Huntington, 1978 (or the 1978 Code), shall be understood and intended to include such additions, deletions, amendments or supplements. Whenever such additions, deletions, amendments or supplements to the 1978 Code shall be enacted or adopted, they shall thereafter be printed and, as provided hereunder, inserted in the loose-leaf book containing said Code, as amendments and supplements thereto. Nothing contained in this local law shall affect the status of any local law, ordinance or resolution contained herein, and such local laws, ordinances or resolutions may be amended, deleted or changed from time to time in such legal manner as the Town Board deems desirable.
It shall be the duty of the Town Clerk, or someone authorized and directed by the Town Clerk, to keep up-to-date the certified copies of the book containing the 1978 Code required to be filed in the office of the Town Clerk for the use of the public. All changes in said Code and all local laws, ordinances and resolutions adopted by the Town Board subsequent to the enactment of this local law in such form as to indicate the intention of said Town Board to be a part of said Code shall, when finally enacted or adopted, be included therein by temporary attachment of copies of such changes or local laws, ordinances or resolutions until such changes or local laws, ordinances or resolutions are printed as supplements to said Code book, at which time such supplements shall be inserted therein.
Copies of the Code book containing the Code of the Town of Huntington, 1978, may be purchased from the Town Clerk of the Town of Huntington upon the payment of a fee to be set by resolution of the Town Board, which may also arrange by resolution for procedures for the periodic supplementation thereof.
The Town Clerk of the Town of Huntington, pursuant to law, shall cause to be published, in the manner required, a notice of the introduction and enactment of this local law in the official newspaper of the town. A copy of the Code of the Town of Huntington, 1978 shall be maintained in the office of the Town Clerk for inspection by the public at all times during regular office hours. The enactment and publication of this local law, coupled with the availability of a copy of the 1978 Code for inspection by the public, shall be deemed, held and considered to be due and legal publication of all provisions of the 1978 Code for all purposes.
General application of provisions. In interpreting and applying the provisions of the 1978 Code, they shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare. Where the provisions of the 1978 Code impose greater restrictions or requirements than those of any other law, ordinance or regulation, the provisions of the 1978 Code shall control. Where the provisions of any other law, ordinance or regulation impose greater restrictions or requirements, the provisions of such other law, ordinance or regulation shall be controlling.
Conflicting provisions. If the provisions of different chapters of this 1978 Code conflict with or contravene each other, the provisions of each chapter shall prevail as to all matters and questions growing out of the subject matter of such chapter. If conflicting provisions are found in different sections of the same chapter, the provision of the section which is last in numerical order shall prevail unless such a construction be inconsistent with the meaning of such chapter.
Joint authority. All words purporting to give joint authority to three or more town officers or other persons shall be construed as giving such authority to a majority of such offices or other persons unless it shall be otherwise expressly declared in the law giving the authority.
Reasonable time. In all cases where any provision of the 1978 Code shall require any act to be done in a "reasonable time" or shall require "reasonable notice" to be given, such reasonable time or notice shall be deemed to mean such time only as may be necessary for the prompt performance of such duty or for prompt compliance with such notice.
Computation of time. The time within which an act is to be done as provided in any provision of the 1978 Code or in any order issued pursuant thereto, when expressed in days, shall be computed by excluding the first day and including the last, except that if the last day is Sunday, it shall be excluded, and when any such time is expressed in hours, the whole of Sunday, from midnight to midnight, shall be excluded.
Nonapplicability of this section. The rules of construction and interpretation set forth in this section shall not be applied to any section, Article or chapter of the 1978 Code which shall contain express provisions excluding such construction or when the subject matter or context or such section, Article or chapter of the 1978 Code may be repugnant to these rules.
Word usage. The following rules of word usage shall apply to construction and interpretation of the 1978 Code unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
General rule. All words and phrases shall be construed and understood according to the common and approved usage of the language, but technical words and phrases and such others as may have acquired any peculiar and appropriate meaning in the law shall be construed and understood according to such peculiar and appropriate meaning.
Gender; singular and plural; "shall." Every word in any provision of the 1978 Code purporting the masculine gender shall extend to and be applied to females as well as males. Every word purporting the singular number only shall extend and be implied to several persons or things as well as to one person or thing, and every word importing the plural number only shall extend and be implied to one person or thing as well as to several persons or things. The word "shall" is always mandatory.
Tense. The use of any verb in the present tense shall include the future tense when applicable.
"Heretofore" and "hereafter." Whenever the word "heretofore" occurs in any provision of the 1978 Code, it shall be construed to mean any time previous to the day when such provision took effect, and whenever the word "hereafter" occurs it shall be construed to mean the time after the provision containing such words took effect.
As used in this local law and in the 1978 Code adopted herein, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes a person, firm, company or corporation that acts for or on behalf of another, whether or not for compensation, or allows a person, firm, company or corporation to use his or its name for business purposes.
Any trade, occupation, profession, business, vocation or calling of any kind, subject to and by the provisions of any chapter or Article of the 1978 Code.
The Code of the Town of Huntington, 1978, as adopted by this local law, and any local law, ordinance or resolution which, pursuant to § 1-7 of this local law, is deemed a part of such Code, and any rule, regulation, standard, etc., adopted pursuant to any provision of such Code.
Someone engaged in business as an owner, operator or agent of such business.
Includes a purchaser under a reserve title contract, vendor's lien agreement or lease or who is entitled in his own name to proper New York State registration of a vehicle.
Extends and shall be applied to firms, corporations, copartnerships, unincorporated association or voluntary associations, as well as to individuals, unless plainly inapplicable.
Includes all areas within the Town of Huntington, County of Suffolk, State of New York, exclusive of areas wholly within any incorporated villages.
Any person who, without authorization from the Town Clerk, changes or amends, by additions or deletions, any part or portion of the Code of the Town of Huntington, 1978, or who alters or tampers with such Code in any manner whatsoever which will cause the legislation of the Town of Huntington to be misrepresented thereby, or who violates any other provisions of this local law, shall, upon conviction thereof, be guilty of a violation pursuant to the Penal Law of the State of New York, punishable by a fine of not more than $250 or by imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, Article or part of this local law, or of any chapter, Article, local law, ordinance or resolution cited in the table in § 1-2 hereof, or of any local law, ordinance or resolution incorporated into the Code hereafter, shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, section, Article or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered.
The provisions of this local law are hereby made Chapter 1, Article I, of the Code of the Town of Huntington, 1978, to be entitled "Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article I, Adoption of Code," and the sections of this local law shall be numbered 1-1 to 1-16 inclusive.
This local law shall take effect as provided by law upon filing with the Secretary of State of the State of New York.
[During the process of recodification, certain substantive revisions, changes and/or additions to the existing 1969 Code of the Town of Huntington were approved by the Town Board for inclusion in the Code of the Town of Huntington, 1978. Such amendments are noted in the histories of individual chapters as ". . . amended (or added) during recodification; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II." In accordance with recognized codification procedures, the amendments have been adopted separately by the Town Board.
The enumeration appearing below lists each chapter, article or section affected by any such legislation adopted during codification. The complete text of any amendment is on file in the office of the Town Clerk where it may be inspected during office hours.]
Chapter, Article and/or Section
Ordinance or Local Law Number
Adoption Date
§ 48-2
L.L. No. 3-1979
§ § 73-4D, 73-5 and 73-6
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
§ 78-4B and C
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
§§ 82-3A(3) and 82-5A(1)
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
§ 97-3
L.L. No. 2-1979
§ 97-10A and C
L.L. No. 7-1979
§ 104-4B
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
Ch. 109 (original Section 18-4 repealed)
L.L. No. 1-1979
§§ 111-5, 111-6,111-9D, 111-16, 111-18D and G, 111-19, 111-22, 111-23A, 111-24, 111-38B, 111-71, 111-72B and C, 111-96A and C, 111-97K and U, 111-99A and F, 111-106B, 111-110, 111-112, 111-116, 111-126,111-127F, 111-132, 111-135, 111-141B, 111-142A, 111-151A, 111-157, 111-158C (2) (c) and F, 111-159B(3), B(4), G(2) and G(6), 111-162C, 111-165A, 111-166B, 111-169C, 111-185A(4) and B(1), 111-186A(2), 111-187A, 111-195B, 111-202B, 111-228C, 111-231A, 111-240, 111-251B, 111-263A, 111-268,111-285,111-302A and 111-322
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
§§ 117-18, 117-19, 117-21I, 117-27, 117-28 and 117-38A and B
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
§ 120-24F
L.L. No. 8-1979
Ch. 120 (original Section 60-34, Subsection E repealed)
L.L. No. 8-1979
§§ 124-3, 124-15C, 124-20, 124-21A and 124-27B
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
§ 127-7B(8)
L.L. No. 4-1979
§ 133-1B
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
§ 135-1B
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
§§ 137-1,137-5,137-8, 137-12 and 137-18C
L.L. No. 5-1979
§ 141-3J
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
§§ 153-1A, 153-2A, 153-5C, 153-13A(1), 153-15B and C and 153-21
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
§§ 156-2, 156-4,156-9, 156-10, 156-12, 156-13 and 156-14
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
§§ 159-12B and 159-20A and B
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
Ch. 159, Art. II
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
Ch. 164 [original Section 43-5, Subsection 5(d) repealed]
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
§ 171-1B
L.L. No. 6-1979
§ 173-3
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
Ch. 180 (original Section 52-31 repealed)
Ord. No. 79-CE-2
§§ 198-2, 198-42C and H, 198-48D, 198-58K, 198-79C(2), 198-80, 198-82A, 198-83B and C, 198-115B and 198-116
Ord. No. 79-ZC-1991
§ 198-118B, D and E
L.L. No. 9-1979
Ch. 198, (original Section 62-16.6 repealed)
Ord. No. 79-ZC-1991