[Amended 11-18-1991 by Ord. No. 91-33; 5-16-2005 by Ord. No.
A. All site plans. The site plan shall be
prepared by a professional engineer, land surveyor, architect, landscape
architect or professional planner at a scale not to exceed one inch
equals 100 feet. The site plan shall be based on the latest Tax Map
information and the size of the map shall be either 24 inches by 36
inches or 30 inches by 48 inches. The site plan shall contain the
following information:
(1) A key map of the site with reference to
surrounding areas, zoning district(s) and existing street locations
within 200 feet of the property.
(2) The North arrow, scale, block, lot, and
name and address of the owner and site plan applicant, together with
the names of the owners of all contiguous land and of property directly
across the street and downstream 200 feet of the property, as shown
by the most recent tax records of all municipalities in which such
properties shall lie.
(3) Lot line dimensions, bearings and distances.
(4) Location of all buildings and structures,
streets, easements, driveways, entrances and exits on the site and
within 500 feet thereof and the right-of-way width of existing roads
from the center line as well as pavement width measurements. Structures
to be removed should be indicated by dashed lines.
(5) Location and dimensions of proposed buildings
and structures, roads, driveways, parking areas, etc., with the dimensions
of each.
(6) Building bulk information.
A zoning chart with existing and
proposed building setback, sideline and rear yard distance as well
as height, lot area, improved lot coverage and all information included
in the schedule of land and area requirements. A graphic depiction
is required.
Proposed building height setbacks,
front, side and rear yard distances and required setbacks. Buildings
must identify the square footage on each building for each floor.
(7) All existing physical features on the site
and within 200 feet thereof, including streams, watercourses, existing
woodlands, existing trees eight inches in caliper or dogwoods, four
inches in caliper, and significant soil and hydrological conditions,
such as swamp, rock and water flows.
(8) Topography showing existing and proposed contours at two-foot intervals for slopes averaging 5% or greater and at two-foot intervals for lands of lesser slope as well as contours for land extending 200 feet offsite. A reference benchmark shall be clearly designated. If development is proposed on lands with slopes of 10% or greater, the requirements of the Hillside Development section (Chapter
126, Article
XXXIV) of this chapter shall govern.
(9) Parking loading and unloading areas shall
be indicated with dimensions for traffic patterns, access aisles,
curb rails, bays, stalls, curb radii, traffic islands and channelization.
The following information must also be indicated: direction of traffic
flow and site easements, number of employees (total and maximum in
one shift), and proposed and required parking spaces. There shall
be no driveway within 10 feet of the property lines.
Building elevations; improvements.
Architectural building elevations,
including facade signs and entrances, materials, dimensions and height.
Improvements such as roads, curbs,
bumpers and sidewalks shall be indicated with cross sections, design
details and dimensions.
Location and design of existing and
proposed stormwater systems, sanitary waste disposal systems and potable
water supply, hydrants and methods of solid waste storage and disposal
within screened areas.
Landscaping and conservation.
Landscaping and buffering plan exhibit
identifying existing and proposed trees, shrubs, bushes, groundcover
and natural features such as boulders and root outcroppings; indicate
botanical and common names of plants and trees, dimensions at the
time of planting and maintenance plans.
Street trees planted at fifty-foot
intervals along public rights-of-way; the quantity of landscaping
by type proposed to be planted on site.
At least 5% of the parking area shall be landscaped in accordance with §
126-191 of the Land Use Chapter of the Municipal Code.
Existing and proposed fences and their heights and type pursuant to §
126-194 of the Land Use Chapter of the Municipal Code shall be indicated on the landscape plan.
A conservation plan exhibit is to be submitted showing the proposed methods of protecting trees and growth before and after construction. The techniques shall include fences, berms, tree wells, etc. pursuant to §§
126-191 and
126-197 of the Land Use Chapter of the Municipal Code.
A proposed exterior lighting plan exhibit showing the location of all lights, type of light, manufacturer specification sheets, with intensity in footcandles on a point-to-point plan; also, methods proposed to reduce offsite glare on adjacent property and roads, type and height of light standards and poles in accordance with §
126-190 of the Land Use Chapter of the Municipal Code.
A survey of the property signed and
sealed by a licensed surveyor.
A proposed sign plan exhibit for
all freestanding and facade signs showing the specific design, letter
style, color, construction and materials, location, size, height above
grade or below roofline, type of standard and illumination in accordance
with § 123-195 of the Land Use Chapter of the Municipal
Drainage calculations and details as required by Article
XXXVII of the Land Use Chapter of the Municipal Code.
A legend on the site plan for endorsement
by the Board Engineer, Board Chairman and Board Secretary. The following
legends shall also be on the site plan map:
Site plan of _____________.
Lot _____, Block ______, Zone ______
I consent to the filing of this site
plan with the Planning Board of
I hereby certify that I have prepared
this site plan and that all dimensions and information are correct.
(Title & License No.)
I have reviewed this site plan and
certify that it meets all codes and ordinances under my jurisdiction.
(Municipal Engineer)
To be signed before issuance of a
building permit: I hereby certify that all the required improvements
have been installed or a bond posted in compliance with all applicable
codes and ordinances.
(If improvements installed)
(Township Engineer)
(If bond posted)
(Township Clerk)
Building permit issued
Building permit issued
Approved by the Planning Board
(Preliminary _______________) Final
Copies of submissions and fees.
Twenty-four copies of the application
form, checklist, fee schedule with calculations and supporting documentation
and the preliminary plans requested herein shall be submitted. All
documents submitted must be collated into 24 sets.
In the alternative, the applicant
may choose to submit three full sets of documents for completeness
review only. When the documents submitted comply with the submission
requirements, the Township will notify the applicant to submit the
other 21 sets in order to be deemed complete. This option is made
available to applicants in an effort to save resources expended on
numerous plans that may need to be revised and submitted.
If the application involves a request
for a site plan including land development of more than 50 dwelling
units or 50,000 square feet of nonresidential building space or all
major site plans within 500 ft. of a municipal border or critical
natural resources, like primary or secondary streams identified in
the County Open Space Plan that may affect neighboring jurisdictions,
the applicant must submit a copy of the full application packet, including
plans, to Somerville Borough and Raritan Borough and provide proof
of submission/mailing.
All fees (both application and escrow)
must be paid.
Checklist form. All the requirements set forth hereinabove are contained in Form # 3D entitled "Application: Site Plan," which is set forth, in its entirety, in §
126-153.1, entitled "Application/Checklist: Site Plan" (to be adopted simultaneously with this Ordinance) of Article
XXII (Site Plan Details) of Part
8 (Site Plan Review) of Chapter
126 (Land Use) of the Municipal Code of the Township of Bridgewater.
B. Exhibits to accompany the site plan:
(1) Twenty four copies of the environmental impact statement report. A waiver cannot be granted if the slopes on the site exceed 15% or if the property is within a floodplain (See Part
2, Article
XXV, §§
126-128 through
126-272 of the Land Use Chapter of the Municipal Code.
Density computations in accordance with §
Maximum impervious surfaces in accordance with §
Engineering and environmental information in accordance with §
126-264, if development is on slopes of 10% or more.
(3) A storm water runoff control plan exhibit in accordance with Part
2, Article
XXXVII of the Land Use Chapter of the Municipal Code. The plan shall include:
Elevations adjacent to existing and
proposed buildings.
Elevations for the entire site.
Elevations on adjacent property where
there may be a drainage impact.
Location and elevation of sidewalks,
adjacent road centers, dividing islands, curbs, gutters and driveways.
Run-off computations for existing
and proposed conditions.
Size, slope, direction of flow, top
invert elevations of all existing and proposed storm drains, drainage
ditches, watercourses (cross sections, for swales, channels).
Roof leader size and discharge locations.
Location, capacity, outlet details,
typical section through basin calculations for storage capacity, inflow
hydrograph for stormwater detention/retention facilities.
Drainage area map with calculations
showing drainage from contributing area prior to and after development.
(4) A soil erosion and sediment control plan exhibit pursuant to Article
XXXVI of the Land Use Chapter of the Municipal Code; identify the location of all soils on the property.
(5) If the property is in a floodplain area, a floodplain exhibit pursuant to Part
2, Articles
XXXIX, and the Township Flood Insurance Ordinance, identify the location of floodplains in the property.
(6) A written description of the request for
a variance, conditional use or special permit.
(7) A written document or request to waive submission of any required site plan elements or exhibits. (The applicant must document why a waiver of required exhibits is in the public interest, consistent with the Master Plan, the overall intent of the Land Use Ordinance and good development and environmental practice pursuant to §
126-156 of the Land Use Chapter.)
Wireless telecommunications facilities
search area requirements. All applications for conditional use approval
or "use" variance approvals under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d shall supplement
the required site plan and variance submission materials with the
following documents prepared by an expert considered qualified by
the reviewing development board:
[Added 12-17-2012 by Ord. No. 12-21]
A search area study shall include
the following:
Map identification of the search
area and lands peripheral to the search area where wireless telecommunications
coverage is alleged to be deficient. The map shall include but not
be limited to the identification of streets, municipal boundaries
and topographic characteristics.
Criteria utilized in the identification
of the search area and in determining deficient wireless communications
Map identification in the search
area of existing and approved wireless support structures and other
potential existing or approved support buildings and structures including
utility structures such as water tanks and electrical transmission
line towers.
Map identification of all sites in
the search area evaluated by the applicant in the course of selecting
the proposed site.
A coverage map of the search area
and its periphery displaying the radio frequency signal strength in
dBm (power ratio in decibels) prior to operation of the proposed facilities
indicating gaps in coverage and a map of the search area and its periphery
during operation of the proposed facility. Data plots on the maps
shall be either computer generated or based on actual drive tests.
The area considered deficient in coverage shall be based on a demonstration
that the users of the wireless service are unable to connect with
the land-based national telephone network or are unable to maintain
a connection capable of supporting reasonably uninterrupted communication.
The occurrence of de minimis dead spots shall not constitute a basis
for establishing gaps in coverage.
A visual impact study including the
An aerial photograph showing the
location of the proposed wireless telecommunications site and the
surrounding area.
Graphic depictions showing proportionally
accurate renditions of the proposed wireless facility superimposed
on existing conditions photographs. A minimum of five such depictions
from pedestrian eye level are required for viewpoints within one mile
of the proposed site selected based on high visibility of the facility
particularly from viewpoints on or adjacent to residential properties
and from viewpoints on public rights-of-way. In the event that a proposed
wireless telecommunications facility is eligible for future expansion
and is exempt from site plan review in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-46.2,
additional graphic depictions shall be required which show a ten-percent
increase in height and show sample collocated wireless telecommunication
A comprehensive coverage plan for
the Township including the following:
A map showing existing and approved
wireless communication facilities owned or controlled by the applicant
that are either in the Township or within two miles of the Township.
A map showing the location of planned
future sites (or future search areas if specific planned sites are
not determined) that are either in the Township or within two miles
of the Township to effect comprehensive wireless telecommunication
coverage of the Township.
Written documentations concerning
the following:
Documentation by a qualified expert
regarding the dimensional capacity of the proposed or existing support
structure to accommodate additional wireless telecommunications facilities
including expansions that are exempt from site plan approval in accordance
with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-46.2a.
Documentation by a qualified expert
regarding the structural integrity of the support structure to accommodate
collocated wireless telecommunications facilities in accordance with
the current standards of the Electronic Industries Association or
the Telecommunication Industry Association.
A letter of intent by the applicant
indicating the applicant's ability and a willingness to share a support
structure with other providers of wireless telecommunication services.
Such letter of intent shall be in a form that is approved by the attorney
for the reviewing board or by the Township Attorney.
Documentation by a qualified expert
indicating compliance with the standards of the Federal Communications
Commission concerning the maximum permitted exposure limit for the
projected total radiated radio frequency power of the facility including
any additional wireless telecommunication facility that may be exempt
from site plan approval in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-46.2a.
C. Additional items for preliminary site plan:
(1) Proof, in the form of a letter of transmittal,
that a copy of the application was sent to the County Planning Board.
D. Additional items for final site plan:
(1) The engineer's estimate of the cost of
proposed improvements (sanitary sewer, drainage, pavement, landscaping)
and an inspection fee of 6% of those costs.
(2) New Jersey Department of Transportation
approval for access and drainage or other improvements.
(3) New Jersey Department of Environmental
Protection approval for stream encroachment permits.
(4) Proof that all conditions of the Somerset
County Planning Board final approval have been met.
(5) Any special approvals (i.e., utilities,
(6) A brown line sepia of the final site plan
with all revisions and corrections.
(7) A completed compliance report indicating
fulfillment of all requirements of the preliminary approval.
E. Electronic submissions.
[Added 5-3-2021 by Ord. No. 21-10]
Electronic copies of final subdivision
plans, as filed in the Somerset County Clerk's office (with proof
of filing shown on the map). This is to be in a form acceptable to
the Township Engineer.
Electronic copies of the signed subdivision
and/or site plans and any plans that require signature of the Chair,
Secretary and Engineer. This is to be in a form acceptable to the
Township Engineer
Electronic copies of filed deeds.
This is to be in a form acceptable to the Township Engineer.
Electronic copies of the application
documents as presented at the public hearing. This is to be in a form
acceptable to the Township Engineer.
[Added 5-16-2005 by Ord. No. 05-26]
An applicant submitting an application for site plan approval shall complete Form # 3D, in accordance with the requirements of §
126-153, entitled "Preliminary and final site plan." This Form # 3D is entitled "Application: Site Plan" and is set forth, hereinbelow, in its entirety.
[Amended 6-25-1981 by Ord. No. 81-19]
The Planning Board may require other
information and data for specific site plans. This data may include,
but is not limited to, market information, economic data and similar
[Amended 6-25-1981 by Ord. No. 81-19]
Information and documents for other
Township codes and ordinances, such as environmental impact reports,
soil erosion and sedimentation plans and stormwater management plans,
shall be submitted as part of site plan approval and may be used to
comply with site plan submission requirements where applicable.
The Planning Board may waive submission
of any required exhibits in appropriate cases and for specific site
Sketch site plans may be prepared
by the applicant and contain sufficient information for discussion
by the Planning Board and applicant.