In addition to the site plan approval requirements contained in this Part 11, no building or structure shall hereafter be erected, enlarged, expanded, externally altered or modified nor any paving, fill excavation or improvement be permitted within any floodplain area unless a site plan shall have been submitted to the Township Planning Board for its review and approval.
Said site plan shall be drawn to a scale of not less than one inch equals 50 feet and shall show, in addition to the information required elsewhere, the following information:
Existing and proposed building and structures.
Proposed finished grade elevations at the corners of any structure or structures.
Existing topography and proposed grading at contour intervals of at least two feet.
The lowest elevation within any proposed structure after its completion.
The location, type and size of all existing and proposed storm drainage facilities and other utilities servicing or proposed to service the premises in question.
The location, size and nature of all existing and proposed drainage rights-of-way or easements and the location, size and description of any lands to be dedicated to the municipality, county or state.
The layout and size of existing and proposed public or private streets.
The elevation of any existing or proposed pumping facilities.
The nature and extent of any construction alterations or repairs.
The location, size and nature of the entire lot or lots in question and any contiguous lots owned by the applicant or in which the applicant has a direct or indirect interest.
Proof of stream encroachment lines obtained from the Department of Environmental Protection.
The extent of any previous or proposed filling of the land, if any.
The location, type and size of all existing and proposed erosion and siltation control measures, such as slope protection, soil stabilization, sedimentation basins, sediment traps, headwalls, aprons and the like.
Any and all other information and data necessary to meet any of the requirements of this Part 11.
In addition, where required by the Planning Board, the developer shall furnish information relating to subsurface conditions, based on percolation tests and soil borings or probes. Test borings or probes shall be performed by a licensed professional engineer with proven competency in the field of soils engineering and shall be in accordance with acceptable engineering standards and practices. Written notification of intention to conduct such tests shall be forwarded to and received by the Township Engineer at least 48 hours prior to testing. Tests shall be conducted in accordance with a plan approved by the Township Engineer. A detailed report of the test shall be submitted to the Planning Board and Township Engineer for review.
The Planning Board shall act upon any site plan provided for in this Part 11 within 60 days of the date of filing thereof or the date of approval, when required, by the State Department of Environmental Protection, whichever is later, or other extension of time limit or limits shall be deemed a denial of any site plan submitted under this Part 11. Planning Board disapproval shall include written findings upon any site plan element found contrary to the provisions or intent of this Part 11.
No person or persons shall engage in development within a delineated floodplain until a stream encroachment permit has been issued by the Department of Environmental Protection, where appropriate, and all necessary approvals have been obtained from the Township.
The Planning Board may impose such conditions on permitted uses as it deems appropriate to promote the public safety, health and welfare; to protect public and private property, wildlife and fisheries; and to preserve, protect and enhance the natural environment of the floodplain. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued unless all conditions of approval have been complied with.