[Adopted 7-11-1983 by L.L. No. 3-1983[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law was originally adopted as Ch. 43A.
Pursuant to the requirements of Article 17 of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, and § 714 thereof, the following described property is and shall be annexed into the Village of Rouses Point as of the effective date of this article hereinafter set forth and henceforth shall be part of the Village of Rouses Point:
All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Champlain, Clinton County, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly boundary of Route 11 at the intersection of said southerly boundary with the westerly boundary of the Village of Rouses Point; thence south nine degrees twenty-six minutes (9º 26') west along said westerly boundary of said Village two hundred six and thirty-two hundredths (206.32) feet to an iron pipe [this said bearing of south nine degrees twenty-six minutes (9º 26') west being a magnetic bearing as of 1982, and said bearing also being shown as south six degrees twenty minutes (06º 20') west on a certain survey map prepared of the Village boundaries and attached to the annexation petition, dated October 24, 1980, for premises owned by the estate of Alexander Laundrie located to the north of Route 11, which said map was prepared by Hoffman Engineers and Surveyors, dated October 22, 1980]; thence north seventy-six degrees fifty-seven minutes (76º 57') west three hundred forty and ninety hundredths (340.90) feet to a point being easterly two (2) inches from an iron pipe found; thence south fourteen degrees twelve minutes (14º 12') west, two hundred fifty (250) feet to an iron pipe set; thence north seventy-four degrees twelve minutes (74º 12') west, one thousand one hundred twenty-five and ninety-four hundredths (1,125.94) feet to an iron pipe set on the easterly boundary of the D & H Railroad; thence north thirty-nine degrees ten minutes (39º 10') east along said railroad boundary four hundred thirty-five (435.00) feet to an iron pipe set [this said bearing of north thirty-nine degrees ten minutes (39º 10') east being a magnetic bearing as of 1982 and also being shown as south thirty-nine degrees thirty-one minutes (39º 31') west on the aforesaid map of October 22, 1980, prepared by Hoffman Engineers and Surveyors]; thence continuing north thirty-nine degrees ten minutes (39º 10') east along said railroad boundary twenty-three (23) feet more or less to the southerly boundary of Route 11; thence easterly along said highway boundary, one thousand two hundred sixty (1,260) feet more or less to the point of beginning.
The annexation herein authorized shall become effective on September 1, 1983, pursuant to the provisions of § 27 of the Municipal Home Rule Law and § 714 of the General Municipal Law.