Land uses designated by an "X" on the Permitted Use Chart (§ 120-10) are allowed uses within the district.
Land uses designated by an "S" on the Permitted Use Chart are uses allowed by special use permit. The Planning Board must review and approve all uses allowed by special use permit before a land use permit may be issued.
A use shall be deemed prohibited within a land use district unless it is listed as a permitted use or as use allowed by special use permit within that district.
The Permitted Use Chart is included at the end of this chapter.
The Dimensional Requirements Chart is included at the end of this chapter.
When establishing measurements to meet required setbacks, measurements shall be taken from the street right-of-way or lot line to the furthermost protruding part of the use or structure. This shall include such projecting facilities as porches, carports and attached garages.
"In line with neighboring structures" shall mean that a building is located at the average setback of buildings on any adjoining lots on either side. Lots located across a street shall not be considered to be adjoining lots for purpose of this determination.
The height limitations of § 120-11 shall apply to all structures except church steeples, chimneys, noncommercial antennas, flagpoles and transmission poles and cables.
The development or use of land within industrial land use districts (I-1, I-2 and I-3 Districts) shall provide for a minimum green space buffer of 75 feet between adjoining property located in a residential or mixed-use district (R7, R9, R12A, R12B, M1, M2 and M3 Districts).
Any commercial use located within a commercial district (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 and C7 Districts) shall provide for a minimum green space buffer of 30 feet between adjoining property located in a residential district.
The green space buffer must be maintained as a vegetated area. No driveways, parking lots or storage of materials or vehicles is permitted nor shall the buffer be used as a work area.
The manufacture of hazardous chemicals is prohibited in all land use districts except for the manufacture of hazardous chemicals used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, which is permitted as a special use in Industrial 2(I-2) and Industrial 3(I-3) land use districts.