Full-time regular employees who receive orders to report for military duty should immediately advise their immediate supervisors. The employee will be accorded all privileges required by law.
A full-time regular employee who voluntarily joins an organized military reserve and who is required to perform annual field duty will be granted up to two weeks per year of reserve service leave in addition to vacation leave.
During the period of reserve leave, the City will pay the employee the difference between military pay and the employee's regular pay, the total of which can equal no more than the regular compensation.
Full-time regular employees belonging to an organized military reserve unit who are required to perform training duty on weekends and who are scheduled to work on that weekend will be excused from their work schedule but will not be recompensed for the scheduled workdays not worked. In City departments providing emergency services, and during times of manpower shortages, weekend leave for military personnel may not be granted. The military reserve personnel are permitted to make up drills missed because of employment responsibilities. With prior approval of the department head, an employee required to perform training duty on a scheduled workday may arrange a change in workdays with another employee.
Any full-time regular employee belonging to an organized military reserve unit must submit a written request for leave of absence for the anticipated required training and field duty service as soon as the training dates are known, but not less than 30 days prior to the beginning of annual training. Sufficient notification of the actual duty schedule must be given to the department head in order to allow for proper scheduling of personnel.
Regular employees called to extended active duty ("activated") from their reserve components are guaranteed all rights and privileges, such as reemployment rights, accorded by the Soldier's and Sailor's Relief Act and other applicable laws. The City will pay health insurance premiums for up to two months following the employees' call to active duty until employees and their families are fully covered by the military medical system or CHAMPUS.
Full-time employees will receive their regular City salary while serving on jury duty. Upon receipt of a summons, employees must notify their immediate supervisors immediately.
Employees must agree to endorse the jury fee over to the City of Franklin. If the allowed jury fee exceeds the employee's regular daily salary, only that portion equal to the employee's regular daily salary must be endorsed over to the City.