[Adopted 3-20-1979 as Ord. No. 53[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance further provided that it shall take effect 7-1-1979.
If by September 1 of any taxable year the State Department of Assessments and Taxation has not notified the County Commissioners of Dorchester County of the assessment of any property which is subject to assessment under the provisions of Article 81, § 13(b), of the Annotated Code of Maryland, the tax imposed by Article 81, § 8(2), of the Annotated Code of Maryland for tangible personal property shall be billed to the taxpayer and paid by the taxpayer in any amount equal to an amount determined by applying the current rate to the assessment for the last preceding year for which such assessment is available.
Estimated tax bills rendered on the basis of the assessment for the last preceding year for which such assessment is available shall be subject to such interest and penalties as have been established pursuant to Article 81, § 48(a) and (b), of the Annotated Code of Maryland.
If the amount so paid is less than the tax as finally determined, the taxpayer shall be billed for the difference, and if the amount so paid is greater than the tax as finally determined, the taxpayer shall be refunded the difference with simple interest at the rate of 6% per annum.
Any bill rendered for an additional amount, as finally determined under the provisions of this Article, if not paid within 30 days thereof, shall be subject to interest at the rate of two-thirds of one percent (2/3 of 1%) per month until paid.