This Charter shall become effective on January 2, 1989.
All current office holders will retain their present status with the exception of the City Controller. Inasmuch as this position has been abolished, the City Controller will serve out the current term, but there will be no candidate for this position upon the expiration of the term. Should the position of City Controller become vacant at any time after January 2, 1989, and the scheduled expiration of the term, the vacancy shall not be filled.
Nothing in this Charter, except as otherwise specifically provided, shall affect or impair any right or privilege possessed by or vested in any person who shall be an employee of the city on the effective date of this Charter, and the adoption of this Charter shall in no way diminish or remove any of such rights and privileges.
The city shall continue to own, possess, exercise and control, as the case may be, all rights, property and franchises of every kind of nature which it does on the effective date of this Charter under the same conditions that apply at such time and shall continue to be subject to all debts, obligations and liabilities to which it is subjected on the effective date of this Charter under the same conditions that apply at such time.
In order to establish an orderly procedure for transition to the new form of government and to ensure that all necessary action is taken to make this Charter fully effective on its effective date, the Council shall, within thirty (30) days of the election in which this Charter is adopted, appoint a Transition Committee comprised of such members of the Council, the Government Study Commission, administrative staff of the city and such representatives of civic agencies as the Council deems appropriate. The purpose of this Committee is to propose any ordinances that need to be adopted in advance of the effective date, as well as to draft the Administrative Code for adoption at the first organizational meeting of the Council in January 1989. Any other rule, regulations or other business that needs to be done may be done by the Transition Committee.
The initial Administrative Code must be developed within one hundred eighty (180) days after the Charter goes into effect.