[Amended 3-28-2000 by Ord. No. 1794; 6-11-2001 by Ord. No. 1822; 12-9-2002 by Ord. No. 1858; 8-10-2009 by Ord. No. 1983; 7-11-2016 by Ord. No. 2066]
As used in this article, the following words shall have the meanings herein specified in this section unless the context clearly otherwise requires:
A City of Greensburg-approved computerized application referenced in this chapter as "app" which may be downloaded onto computers and mobile devices to accommodate electronic payments for parking meter use and parking fines.
A portion of the street along the curb and a portion of the off-street parking facilities specified and marked off sufficient to accommodate a parked vehicle.
The areas of land in the City of Greensburg designated as parking garages or surface parking lots which are improved, paved, lighted, marked off into individual parking spaces and equipped with parking meters for use in parking vehicles, and all other such facilities which may be later designated, improved, etc.
The standing of a vehicle upon any streets which are marked and metered and in any of the off-street parking facilities provided therefor, whether such vehicle is occupied or not, by an operator or otherwise, for a period in excess of one minute.
A device which shall indicate thereon the length of time during which a vehicle may be parked in a particular individual parking space and which shall have, as a part thereof, a receptacle or chamber for receiving and storing coins representing currency of the United States of America; a slot or place in which said coin may be deposited; an option for payment using the computerized app; a timing device to indicate the passage of an interval of time during which parking is permissible and which shall also display an appropriate signal when the aforesaid interval of time shall have elapsed; also, brief instructions as to the operation of said parking meter and the schedule of parking meter rates and time of operation.
Any device in which any person or property is or may be transported upon a public highway, except such as are motivated or propelled exclusively by human power.
It shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle or to allow the same to remain parked in any parking meter zone or space established in Schedule XIX (§ 249-75A), attached to and made a part of this chapter, except as specifically provided in this article. Individual parking spaces shall be set out and marked off on these portions of the streets and in the off-street parking facilities by the City of Greensburg or its designated agent, and the Mayor or persons designated by him are hereby authorized and directed to keep each vehicle parked entirely within the individual parking space. It shall be unlawful and a violation of the provisions of this article for anyone to park any vehicle across or beyond the line or marking designating an individual parking space or to park said vehicle in any way that the same shall not be wholly within an individual parking space as designated by lines or marking.
There shall be installed in the immediate vicinity of each individual parking space a parking meter which shall comply with the conditions and provisions set forth in the definition of "parking meter" in § 249-38 of this article, and said meters shall be under the management, supervision and control of the City of Greensburg or persons designated by said City.
Whenever a vehicle shall be parked in an individual parking space where a parking meter has been installed, the persons parking such vehicle shall deposit one or more coins of the United States of America currency in said parking meter or make payment utilizing the computerized app as approved by the City of Greensburg, depending on the time that said person desires to occupy said individual parking space.
The rates for parking between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. local time, during every day in the week except Sunday, shall be as provided by the Council. The City Administrator shall have the authority to designate time limits for parking in individual parking spaces in or on off-street parking facilities and on the streets. Said spaces shall be marked and metered.
Parking rates for parking vehicles in the individual spaces in or on the off-street parking facilities at any time for the twenty-four-hour day and every day in the year shall be as established by City Council. No vehicle shall be parked in the same individual parking space on any street or in or on any of the off-street parking facilities for a period in excess of the established time limits. The City Administrator shall have the authority to designate time limits. Parking in excess of said time limits is a violation of this section and subject to penalty.
Parking of Dumpster in Right-of-Way. Persons intending to park a dumpster in City parking lots or in the right-of-way shall first obtain a permit and pay a fee, as set forth in the City Fees Code, Greensburg Code Chapter 151. There shall be two rates: one for spots that are in metered or permit parking spots, and one for parking spots that are not metered or permitted.
[Adopted 12-11-2023 by Ord. No. 2156]
Charges for the use of parking spaces in City parking garages, whether by meter or by ticket issued by machine or otherwise, shall be as established by the Council and set forth in Chapter 151, Fees, of Ordinance No. 1646, the Code of the City of Greensburg.
The rental rate for all restricted or reserved parking areas which are leased by the City of Greensburg to members of the public on a monthly basis shall be as provided by the Council and set forth in Chapter 151, Fees, of Ordinance No. 1646, the Code of the City of Greensburg.
Vehicle height restrictions.
No operator, owner or person in control of any vehicle shall park, operate or allow another to park or operate any vehicle (including any matter loaded thereon) which shall exceed the following height limitations:
Dr. Robert W. Queale Parking Garage. No vehicle in excess of 10 feet in height shall be parked or operated in or on said garage.
J. Edward Hutchinson Hospital Parking Garage. No vehicle in excess of six feet and one inch in height shall be parked or operated in or on said garage.
Robert A. Bell Parking Garage. No vehicle in excess of six feet and one inch in height shall be parked or operated in or on said garage.
The provisions of this article shall not apply to any police, fire, ambulance or other emergency vehicle, nor shall they apply to any vehicle used for the repair or maintenance of said parking garage.
Any vehicle which is parked unattended in violation of any provision of this article and which remains parked in a public parking garage in violation of this article for a period of time in excess of 48 hours may be towed and impounded as provided in Article IV, Removal and Impounding of Certain Vehicles.
In the event that a violation of any of the provisions of this article results in damage to City property, any payment of the fine imposed under this article shall not be considered a waiver of civil liability by the City of Greensburg, and the City of Greensburg hereby reserves the right to initiate any civil action against such vehicle owner or operator to recover damages to City property.
Any vehicle which remains in an individual parking space after the prescribed time for parking has elapsed is hereby determined to be illegally parked, but in no event shall it be considered illegal parking if the meter display signal shows that a proper deposit has been made for such parking. Each additional hour that a vehicle remains in an individual parking space after the prescribed time for parking has elapsed shall be deemed an additional violation.
All parking is prohibited in any parking space where a meter is installed which displays a signal showing that parking is not permitted unless a deposit of one or more coins of the United States of America currency or payment utilizing the app as approved by the City of Greensburg has been made as herein provided. Any vehicle parking in contravention of this provision shall be deemed to be illegally parked under the provisions of this article. The fact that a vehicle is in an individual parking space when the time signal on the parking meter servicing said space shows no parking permitted, unless a deposit of a proper coin or payment utilizing the app has been made as herein provided, shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the unlawful parking of said motor vehicle by its operator and/or owner. The elapse of 1/2 hour from the time reported on the notice to the owner or operator of a motor vehicle or an additional notice or notices to the owner or operator of a motor vehicle shall be deemed prima facie evidence of additional violations of the parking of said motor vehicle by the operator or owner.
It shall be unlawful and a violation of the provisions of this article for any person to cause, allow, permit or suffer any vehicle registered in the name of, in possession of or operated by such person to be parked overtime or beyond the period of legal parking time established for any individual parking space subject to this article. It shall likewise be unlawful and a violation of the provisions of this article for any person to permit a vehicle owned, possessed or operated by him to remain in any parking space adjacent to any parking meter while said parking meter is displaying a signal indicating that the vehicle occupying such parking space has already been parked beyond the period of time prescribed for such parking space.
It shall be unlawful and a violation of the provisions of this article for any person to deface, injure, tamper with, open or willfully break, destroy or impair the usefulness of any parking meter or parking meter stand or coin depository installed under the provisions of this article.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this article or aiding, abetting or assisting in the violation thereof shall, upon conviction of such violation before the District Justice, be punishable as provided in § 249-27 of this chapter.
The purpose of this article is to aid and assist the flow and control of traffic in the congested area of the business district of the City of Greensburg, and it shall be so construed.